Thursday, July 27, 2006

What is the BDB Club and who belongs?

Have you logged onto the site recently?

If not, I encourage you to. We consistently have 10,000 unique visitors to our web site every month now and are growing!
We have tons of information available on the public portion of the site, but in the BDB club Members area, there is even more for you to do and access.

If you are a subscriber to the paper, on line or in print – you are a BDB Club Member automatically.
If you have never logged in to the members area, please do so and create an account and password.
Once you are set up in the system, there are all kinds of tools available to you there.

You can have your own photo album, post free on line classified ads, add event information to our calendar and have your own calendar to keep your appointments and events organized, chat with other riders, find out where the biker parties, ride nights and other motorcycle events are. Here you will also find information on ride groups and when they meet, as you use the site we encourage you to send in your feed back. We want this site to contain the information you want! Submit a story, get your riding club information listed, and tell other riders where the good food and services are!

The web site is evolving and changing daily. With over 2,000 pages of information it is becoming the resource for motorcycle enthusiasts who surf the web looking for information on the Canadian motorcycle scene! But check in often, because coding the intricate information into the pages takes time and we have pages being added daily!

Coming in the future – 2 to 4 months down the road, there will be surveys that you can take from businesses that want to know more about the goods, services and products you want. And, there will be rewards for filling out those surveys!

Another feature that is in the works and will be ready to launch soon: The dealer retailer locator service. This will be a great tool for riders as we will be able to find the goods and services we are looking for in a very easy manner.
The locator service is just one in many steps toward creating our very own Bikers Phone book which we hope to release in
18 – 24 months.

Suzie has been working her little fingers off to create a warm and inviting web site and over the coming months there will be many more services installed into the web site for you, the rider to use. So come and visit
If you have any special requests of our web mistress Suzie of Alig8r Web Design, please don’t hesitate to contact her at Between her and me, we will do our best to seek out the tools you’d like to have available to you on the site.

Share your story, your rant, information about your community, riding club and its events! And remember to use your Bikers Discount Buying Club Card often, it saves you money and proves to our advertisers that you read the Knuckle.
Oh, and don’t forget to visit the Cougar Cave and enter your most original sticker saying – You could win a Caribbean Cruise for 2 on Hogs on the High Seas Rally in 2007 or $3,000 cash!

The Bikers Discount Buying Club - saves you money! Belt Drive Betty & The Busted Knuckle Chronicles, working hard to keep you informed and connected.

Belt Drive Betty
The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
10908-102 S.
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2X3
780-402-8892 – phone/fax