Friday, March 16, 2007

Urgent message from BCCOM

Don’t be fooled into thinking "This doesn’t apply to me!" MLA Lorne Mayencourt has put forth a private members bill to lower thedecibel level from 91 to 85. The bill can be found here: Before you think it only applies to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" advocates please be aware that many bikes including Hondas and Yamahas that are stock are failing the hand held decibel meter test in the City of Vancouver. At present in Canada motorcyclists are left to be subjected to a test that has no standard. 

The Motorcycle Moped Industry Council is presently working on this.While BCCOM does not support illegal pipes, it also must protect the rights of motorcyclists from a bill that will only further escalate the problem with a flawed testing system. The issue here is enforcement of legislation that is already in place, use it! 

The Coalition asks that you take the time to email your MLA to say you do not agree with this bill and to use the legislation already in place. 

Please follow this link to find out who your MLA is: Adele Tompkins,Executive DirectorB.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists 1-877-580-0111"Working for your Freedom to Ride"

Thursday, March 15, 2007

This and that...

This has been a hectic week. I have a good portion of the subscriber and business cards going out in the mail today. I took a bunch of work with me to do at night and it has paid off.

I am happy to finally have my books done - there's still some error clean up to do but we are getting that done too.

I spoke to the Olds Chamber of Commerce yesterday and the feedback about the show was very positive. I just hope the negotiations over enhanced policing go that well.

I am going to be measuring things out at the Ag grounds to start my vendors layout.
We already have about 20 vendors registered and hope to get that layout up on the site in the next couple of weeks.

Looks like Biker TV will be sending an Alberta film crew to cover the show and Sid's Cycle show is also coming! I am hoping to hear from one more TV show....this is fabulous for our community!

Please read the alert about the missing girl, our members from the CAV sent it in. If you see this young girl, please let the authorities know.

Have a great day.