Thursday, June 07, 2007

On the road....again

I have been on the road for the past week, I am still on the road! I love it. My husband was quite surprised when he realized I have over 5500kms on the bike already and by the time I get home I will be close to 6,500 - as I expressed to him - I have 23 years without a bike to make up for - and since I started riding my own again - well I don't want to stop - ever! The new FLHX is treating me really well, it's a beautiful machine!!!

I hope that those watching the news say a few prayers for our BC friends who are being flooded out. My bike came from Smither's H-D and I hope the gang at the shop are doing ok through all of this. My prayers go out to everyone there....Mother nature can be cruel as we all know.

The Ride to Camrose was an ok event with about 4-500 bikes turning up, but most didn't hang around too long as it was scorching hot and there were no tents for shade.

The Redwater Ride for Hunger was a resounding success with over 1,000 bikes showing up and about 500 participating in the Poker Run.

I wished that I could stick around for the Ride for Sight but I need to get home - paperwork calls!

I want to thank everyone who gave me a piece of the floor wherever I went - it's great to have so many good friends and it sure helps the budget.

For those of you who are fed up with gas prices may I make one suggestion? Get on your bike and ride more. High gas prices are just one of many reasons to get on your bike more.

Have a great weekend no matter which event you attend.

Ride hard, ride safe.

BD Betty