Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So, how was your weekend?

Mine was spent in front of a computer, but this coming weekend - well I have the Ride for Addictions put on by the Safe Harbour Society in Red Deer, the Alberta HOG Rally also in Red Deer.

The Alberta Ladies Rally is this weekend in GP - I plan on popping in on my way to Red Deer.

Also here in Grande Prairie Shine FM is holding a 200 Mile Run to assist 2 local charities.
Alberta is a busy Province this weekend.

So, where are you planning on going this coming weekend? What province do you live in?
If your province, your community, your sport or discipline isn't represented on our web site it's only because you haven't gotten on board yet! We'd love to help spread the news about your riding club or race team....

Don't forget to keep notes on the events you attend and if one really makes your heart stop - submit it to the Best Event of the Season contest - click on the contests link on www.beltdrivebetty.com

And while you are travelling keep notes on great customer service -We all hear about the bad service - BUT where is the good service - come on - share with the rest of us.
We deserve good service too ya know!

www.beltdrivebetty.com Come to the forums, enter a contest, read the news articles in our on line news service - there's always a lot of information coming in so why not get on board and share with us! It's free to join!
We'd love to have you and your knowledge!

Have a really safe day and remember to ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty