Saturday, October 04, 2008

Tragic news for those at CMG Online

My heart goes out to all of those over at CMG Online
They lost a regular on their site - Michael Shockett and Michael's wife Cynthia Ruschiensky.

According to an article at Pennsylvania State Police state "the couple died when a 2007 Honda Interceptor driven by Shockett went out of control on Route 660, about 200 yards east of Airport Road in Delmar

On a left curve the motorcycle traveled off the north berm, crossed a driveway and hit a mailbox and post. Shockett and Ruschiensky were ejected from the vehicle and struck a utility pole next to a driveway at 2008 Route 660, suffering fatal injuries.

It's a big loss for the community of CMG Online - My heart is heavy at the loss of a brother and sister of the family wind. I'll be saying a few prayers for all those affected by this tragic loss.

There are still a number of events to come in the next two or three weeks as our season winds down....please Ride safe out there....

Belt Drive Betty

Friday, October 03, 2008

Calling all rider related and rider owned businesses

We are going to be printing our rider friendly directory - if you think marketing to other riders is a good idea, get in touch!

Our phone book won't be complete if your business isn't in there!

I have been busy all day contacting the various businesses in the YT, NWT, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Bee is contacting BC businesses and Arlen is contacting Alberta. We are going to do everything in our power to ensure this phone book has as accurate info as it can when it goes to print.

You can watch our progress as the ad backgrounds turn from green, to sand and then to blue as these businesses become members...your encouragement of any business you know of to become a partner is deeply appreciated and will be by all riders who get a book!

The Little Black Book of Rider Friendly Businesses - a really great addition to your saddlebags or desk!

Ride safe out there!!!!!

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Rock Machine - a Legitimate alternative to the Hells Angels?

OK, call me stupid - am I really supposed to believe that the Rock Machine is a group that wants to sell real estate?

Here is the link to the news article I refer to:

Here is one article from April to go along with what was in the news feeds from yesterday and today about the Rock Machine:

They say they want to go back to their roots - hmmm, read where they come from!

then. For those of you not familiar with the history of the Rock Machine and their relationship with the Hells Angels here is some reading material to bring you up to speed with the bloody history:

The Rock Machine was originally a group of Montreal Mobsters and I quote: "The Rock Machine was a drug dealing organization that evolved into a motorcycle gang primarily based in Quebec, Canada.[1] The group was initially formed as the result of an affiliation (the Alliance) between Montreal crime families such as the Pelletier Clan and other independent dealers who wished to resist the Hells Angels' attempts to establish a monopoly on street-level drug trade in the city.[2][3] A violent turf war ensued with the Hells Angels.[4] It was this turf war that prompted the Rock Machine to become a motorcycle club and align itself with the Bandidos motorcycle club from Texas. Initially most Rock Machine members did not even own motorcycles.[5][6]"

Now to educate you a bit on the Bandidos and who they are:

There are many people who ride bikes that do not understand the difference between Social Riding Clubs, Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and 1% Clubs, here are some articles by which to educate yourself should you choose to:

Here is a quick description from the Motorcycle Club & Riding Club Education Site for you to help you distinguish patches and what they mean:
As motorcycle club patches are recognized today:

• A one-piece patch normally signifies a family club or Social motorcycle club when it's done with respect to the area clubs.

• A two-piece patch can have many different meanings as long as it's done with respect to the area clubs.

• A three-piece patch normally means that the club is a Traditional MC club. With the top rocker being the club name, the middle being their patch and the bottom being the territory they exist in. There are also a few 3pc patch clubs where the bottom rocker has something other than territory, such as a saying. The traditional MC is one that adheres to the protocols and traditions established. There are few exceptions, but, traditional clubs are approved by the local dominant. The traditional 3pc patch club is not necessarily a 1% club or even the dominant club.

The Diamond patch with "1%" or "13" worn with the 3pc back patch signifies the club is a 1% or 1% support club.

While rare, they may not be the dominant club for the area but will be sanctioned by the local dominant. There are also a few areas where the dominant is not a 1% club, but those are few.

When one is just is hanging around, he has no part of the patch. Then when he is sponsored by a full member and approved by the club as a prospect he may wear the lower rocker that only says "Prospect". In some areas, the prospect wears the "Prospect" rocker at the top of the vest. Some clubs even allow the lower rocker saying prospect and the upper rocker with the club name but not the main patch. Different clubs do things differently across the country. Different rocker combinations of what a prospect might wear differs depending on each club.If he is approved after his prospect time has been determined to be over and the vote goes in his favor, he then is allowed to have the full colors and is considered to be a full member, having all three pieces if that club uses the 3 piece patch.

Nomad Rocker…..

Some MCs entitle a Member to wear a "NOMAD" bottom rocker. This is only when that member continues to exhibit a lifestyle within the common definition of the word nomad.


  1. A member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land.
  2. A person with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer.
It is a valued distinction of lifestyle that only a few can truly live up to, and as such, causes unfavorable notice when seen used by those most obviously not living up to the common meaning. By definition a "NOMAD", more often than not, will be traveling alone and needs an ability to represent, maintain & otherwise survive under circumstances unusual from the norm.

Now I am sure many of you are familiar with the Mafia. I doubt articles on who and what they are for educational purposes are needed.

So here you have all the players in this story, The Rock Machine - originally made up of Montreal and Quebec Mobsters, The Bandidos - considered to be one of the most dangerous of the 1% Clubs by many, the Hells Angels - the 1% Club that the others want to unseat as top 1% Club.

Now I, as many riders do - know individuals who wear the patch of the Hells Angels and other 1% Clubs. I personally have never had any bad interactions, the individuals in question have always been polite and respectful - but I believe that comes because I give them respect as people and don't get all het up on the 1% thing - I just treat them as human beings when I have the occasion to be in their presence.

Depending on who you are talking to the police services would have you believe that every member of a 1% Club is a bad guy, if you are talking to a 1% patch wearer, he'll tell you he's a member of a motorcycle brotherhood.

Because the Rock Machine here in Canada started as a bunch of gangsters with the Mob and most didn't ride motorcycles - I really wonder at the statement that they want to go back to their roots.....

It is said that every story has three sides: Yours, Mine and the Facts
In this case you have the Police, the 1% Clubs and somewhere in all that murky water is the truth.

All I know is that as a motorcyclist the stuff that goes on between the 1% Clubs and the Police Services makes it tough on the rest of us who ride with Social Clubs or Motorcycle Clubs because too many people misuse the terminology about our community and don't know the differences -

Have you read Yves Lavigne's Book "Hells Angels at War" In it he says the Police Services just manage what he calls the "1% Gang" issue because for the police it's about budgets and career building - he's the police services expert so I guess he should know.

I don't really care what goes on between the police and the 1% clubs - I just wished that the rest of us didn't get tarred with a brush that is not ours to wear because of all of the misrepresentations by the police services and the mainstream media.

Educate yourself as to who is who and what is what and then draw your own conclusions from a position of knowledge.

I ride with Social Riding Clubs, I don't want to be all caught up in politics but because I ride a motorcycle - sometimes politics find me.

Please ride safe, with respect and courtesy....

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What's it going to take for some people to learn?

I really need to vent today and I will probably alienate some people but so be it.
This is one issue I WILL NOT pussyfoot around.
My goal here is to create some honest dialogue.

I want to discuss CARELESS & RECKLESS "RIDERS".

I hear a lot about careless, inattentive cagers, but yah know what people - there are a number of "riders" who are just as bad if not worse.

At our Toy Run here in GP this year there were 2 people in particular that I would gladly have throttled. And I was not alone. I have spoken with several people who describe the same two bikes being ridden in an aggressive and reckless manner that put other people's lives at risk.

Here is MY story....

I was leaving the park and was in a group that all decided to turn right and go directly to Wembley instead of taking part in the parade. On the way out of town I let the pack go ahead of me and rode by myself.

The wind was really strong and gusty and my Street Glide was traveling a fair bit from side to side in my lane as the wind would gust - it's just the nature of a bike with a fairing.

Anyway, looking in my mirrors, I see a group of 6 bikes coming up in the lane on the left(the road is a four lane divided highway), I check my right mirror and ditch again, scan to the left, check my left mirror and see the riders coming closer.

One rider is riding the center line fairly tight, so I decide to start moving to my right to ensure there is lots of room in the event of another wind gust and as I start to move, I do a shoulder check and see a sportster coming up beside me - passing me on the right!

A suicide pass as she wasn't waiting for me to acknowledge that I saw her - she was passing me on the right and didn't give a shit. Had a wind gust come up and my Glide moved a foot we'd have touched bars and both been wrecked - what gives her the right to play with my life that way?

I told a couple of riders about my experience and they expressed that a female rider on a black sportser did the same thing to them, passing on the right. They did not appreciate their lives being played with in this manner either. They too were highly pissed off - is she nuts, an ego maniac or just uneducated - that's the 64 million dollar question?!

If I would have seen this gal at Wembley I'd have throttled her and probably landed in jail - I was that angry! I'd have done what one gent in the states did this past weekend (Read the article Reckless rider gets a whoopin':

I think rider trainers should discuss ego and stupid riding with all new riders and I think it should be mandatory to take rider training.

I also think rider trainers need to explain to riders what effects high winds have on different styles of bikes and the handling abilities of different styles of bikes and explain to guys like the one riding the lime green Yamaha that when you pass (by splitting lanes) you should allow a bit more than a foot of room. Oh - right - they don't recommend that in rider training - do they!

You may have the skill to pass that way but what about the riders you split lanes on?
You really didn't leave anyone else the room to react now did you?

I'm just grateful - again - that the wind didn't decide to gust about then - and again I ask the question - what gives you the right to play with other people's lives that way?

Was getting to Wembley 2 minutes faster than anyone else really that important that you'd willingly risk another riders life? Again I ask, is it ego, are you nuts or is it lack of education? What the hell drives you people?

I resent riders who put other people's lives at risk because they are too busy riding their bike like a fashion statement or as method of attention seeking.

You may think you are Joe or Jane Rocket - you might be an incredibly skilled rider - but that does not mean the rider you are showing off in front of or beside you is.

When things go wrong on a motorcycle - they do so quickly and decisively and I resent another rider playing God with my life or those of others who ride responsibly.
I get enough of that from cagers on cell phones.

My motorcycle is NOT a fashion statement. I do not ride it with the hopes that others will notice me and think I am wonderful or special because I ride.

I ride my motorcycle because I love wind therapy.
I ride my motorcycle because it helps me to focus and concentrate on what is most important to me - life.

Those of you who ride to get attention - go the race track.
The spectators there will cheer you on and clap for you all you want.

I am sick and freaking tired off show offs and wanna be's - you are not riders - you are selfish, inconsiderate jackasses that need to be taught some manners.

YOU are the reason that non motorcyclists get pissed at the rest of us.
YOU are the biggest pain in the motorcycle community's ass - It's because of You that law enforcement gets all over our community - it's because of You that so many people who don't ride think the rest of us are jerks and are trying to have us banned from their communities.

As with any other community that is inhabited by people - it only takes one bad apple to spoil it for the rest of us.

So.... Go ahead ride your bike like a jerk - wreck it for the rest of us - kill a fellow rider with your stupidity - who cares - it's your right.

There - I feel somewhat better now - at least until the next inconsiderate, selfish, attention seeking "rider" comes into my lane and space.

PLEASE people - ride safe out there - we have enough dangers on the roads.

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hard weekend

I am sorry I haven't posted for 2 days. I was busy like all of the other Grande Prairie Toys for Tots members getting ready for our 29th annual toy run.

415 bikes participated this year, down from last year when 605 bikes were present.
Saturday night during our dance we got news that no one likes to hear, 2 local riders, Mark and Sylvie Day had caught gravel coming around a right hand corner on 116 ave by Costco, hit the curb and slid. (Alcohol was not a factor in the accident.) Mark was banged up but walking around and Sylvie was in serious condition.

Sunday morning we got news NO ONE EVER wants to hear. Sylvie Day, passenger on her husband bike had succumbed to her injuries.

My heart is so heavy - Mark and Sylvie were recently married and two of the happiest people you'd ever see. Always smiling, touching - you could feel the love these two had for each other. My heart goes out to Mark and Sylvie's families. I really do not know what else to say.

I will fill everyone in on funeral arrangements as they become available.

PLEASE ride safe out there - like every rider out there, I have lost enough friends - brothers and sisters of the family wind this year.

Belt Drive Betty