Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for my friends, my family, home, job, my colleagues, my bike and so very much more. I am a lucky and fortunate woman and I wish each person the blessings of having enough.

I wish you enough love to fill your heart, enough food to nourish your body and enough faith to nourish your spirit.

God Bless you....

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Belt Drive Betty

Friday, October 10, 2008

Plugging away at it

We are plugging away at the new web sites. We had wanted to launch them yesterday but as Ali lives on the Island and went 2 days with no power - that didn't happen, so watch for it next week.

In the mean time just working at the phone book.

If you are lucky enough to be riding today - please stay safe...

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, October 09, 2008

An apology....and a Thank you

It can be a tough job doing a weekly newspaper. I need a proof reader!

Anyway, beyond the three type O's I found today when reading the paper I realized that in the article on our Toy Run I missed thanking Windsor RV our Suzuki dealer and I got news last night that the local Harley shop donated about $1,200 in toys.

I never want to miss giving people a plug for helping out. A simple thank you that is heartfelt and sincere is always appreciated - I know that.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart - Janet and the gang at Windsor RV - your unfailing support of this community is appreciated....Shawn and the gang at the Harley shop - again - thank you...because of people like you there's a whole bunch of kids that will have a brighter day on December 25th.

Ride safe out there please people....

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sylvie's Memorial and a bit of other news

Sylvie Day's memorial will be October 18th from 5 pm to 10 pm at the Masonic Lodge.
As I get more information I'll pass it on to you.

In other news:

Our web mistress lives on Vancouver Island and spent yesterday without power.

Until we can speak later today I won't know if that will set the re-launching of our web sites back a bit or not.

Our testers are playing around in there and we have found a few bugs that need to be tweaked.

We have had a good response to the phone book for rider friendly businesses - the Little Black Book - we have three weeks left to get sales finished and then about 10 days to put it together, 2 weeks for printing and shipping!

I am excited to see this first printed directory.

Anyway gang, that slave driver I work for says it's time to get back to work emailing people and making the directory a reality. If you own a business and ride a bike, consider advertising with's advertisers that keep the community informed....we need you!

Please ride safe out there people....

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, October 06, 2008

Another rewarding day

It looks like we may be hosting the UMCI Lethbridge chapter site for them and we have some new business partners!

Our membership is sure growing and I am sooo looking forward to the re launching of our web sites!

It's always exciting to have all sorts of people working together, networking....

It was a pretty quiet weekend news wise and I have been working since 4 this morning so I am headed off to take a nap.

Please, if you are riding today, ride like they are out to get you - because they are!
Stay safe

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Having dreams

"To be a clearinghouse of information" That was the main idea when I started the Busted Knuckle Chronicles newspaper 5 years ago - a place where riders could get the information they need and or want, a place for us to share the stories of the Canadian Riding Community....
That dream had many facets to it. The newspaper was what got it all started.

Today we have one of the best sets of web sites out there - it's really more like a web ring or in our case a web wheel.

By now, most of you know that Ali and I work our community web site like a business, 8 to 10 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week depending on what's going on.

As a result of the hours we spend working, reading and connecting with other riders we get to meet the best people right across this country, like the gent I met this morning from Saint John NB!

A retired broadcaster who has debilitating Degenerative Osteo Arthritis that will end his riding days sooner than later, Sean O'shaughnessy started a video blog to try and inform New Brunswick Riders about what's a shaking in their communities in New Brunswick.

He volunteers in an effort to support his community which he says keeps him from going crazy and helps keep him busy.

Sean has agreed to join the Belt Drive Betty network of reporters and will be our New Brunswick Volunteer Editor and will endeavour to bring us as much news from New Brunswick as he can! Visit his new blog:

With the re launching of our web sites coming in the next five days or so - this is fabulous news!

I have made all sorts of wonderful connections to people from right across the country and around the world because of this job I took on and I have to tell you - it feels great to meet so many of like mind and be able to highlight what they do in and for our communities!

My life altering car accident took away one career but it has put me on this path - the path of helping motorcyclists of Canada to be informed and better connected. Things really do seem to happen for a reason!

Rider Powered News - Canadian riders working together to keep each other up on what's happening in our communities from coast to coast! It's pretty cool to see your dreams coming true...

Ride safe out there....

Belt Drive Betty