Saturday, November 08, 2008

Your thoughts?

Have you read the news about the Edmonton bus driver who was fined $600 for failing to proceed through an intersection safely and killed a 21 year old rider?

"Judge M. Allen refused a crown request to suspend Annie Stenbeck's license for three months, saying she would lose her job and her only livelihood if he did.....Allen noted Stenbeck had no criminal record and has a long history of community service. She is also very active in her church.....Allen noted that had Delano been in a truck or a car rather than riding a motorcycle, the collision would likely have resulted in a fender-bender rather than a fatality."

Read the article:

I have some HUGE issues with this Judge - how about you?

This woman - who DRIVES FOR A LIVING should have been charged with driving with undo care and attention causing death and she should have gone to jail. But because it was someone on a motorcycle that was killed - in the Judges words: " had Delano been in a truck or a car rather than riding a motorcycle, the collision would likely have resulted in a fender-bender rather than a fatality."

Her ability to earn a living, her ability to enjoy her life is being protected - yet she took a life - because - "She didn't see him"

I Googled the area to ensure my memory of the area was accurate and it is....

View Larger Map

So - was it raining? On May 5th, 2008 it was 19 degrees with no rain...
There are no obstructions here...I don't know if the Sun was a factor...

Given what few details we know- how do you feel about this situation?

Talk to me....

And if you are one of the lucky one's to still be riding, keep it your self k...
It's minus 12 here with snow - so don't be rubbing it in...OH and RIDE LIKE THEY CAN'T SEE YOU....stay safe.

Belt Drive Betty

Friday, November 07, 2008

This and that...

We say goodbye to Sean O from New Brunswick.

I am unsure what caused him to close down his blog and pull away from the community entirely but there you have it, that's what's happen. I do know that he was discouraged by the unwillingness of those in his area to promote themselves or to let him help promote them. Perhaps that had something to do with it. I also know his health isn't the best.
So as I said - I am unclear as to the why and he did not elaborate.

I for one will miss him.
He was trying so hard to shine some kind of light on what's going on in his area.

I know how discouraging it can be to get people to work together.
People are fearful, uncertain, skeptical, protectionistic - and in some cases rightfully so.
People are busy, stressed and stretched.

We all need to understand that there are certain common causes and information that we need to share as a community.

I have been around for 5 years going on 6 and in that time my message, my mission has not changed - in order to have our voices heard, in order for our community events to be successful, in order for our business community to be secure and be there for us when we need them (for services and sponsorship) - we have to support each other, we have to communicate with each other.

The fact is there are close to 522,433 registered motorcycles in this country.
(Stats Canada 2007)

If you look at our Riding Clubs Pages - amassed through a whole ton of research and data entry -
Between Web Sites and Forums there are over 350 riding clubs and their chapters on the web.
An Update - 1pm Friday Nov 7th - Over 371 Riding Club Sites/Pages or Forums!

If you look in our events calendars you will see that at the peak of the season - not including sporting events - that there are over 900 events...

Our community is growing by leaps and bounds and there are new clubs and groups springing up everywhere, old clubs and groups closing down and moving...If anyone doubts what I say look at the CAV and how they have grown - they are up to 47 units - last year we only had links to 21 Units!

If you are a busy person - like most people - you don't get to your favorite sites all of the time - when they move they forget often times to tell people.

How does someone new to riding find what they need?

I want to make it simple and easy for people to connect, to find what they need.

That's it - that's all. is here to be a giant repository of information on the Canadian Motorcycle Scene - If you want to know what's going on, if you want to find a club or chapter that suits you - we are trying to provide you a one stop place to find the right one.

I don't want to mow any one's lawn. I want to shine a light on it - I want to help grow what you do. I want your club to get the exposure to grow, I want your community event to get the exposure it needs to be successful.

I am a rider - our web mistress is a rider - every one who works with us either as a volunteer, a club reporter, moderator or sales person...heck even the man who prints the Busted Knuckle Chronicles is a rider.

We all got together through a common desire - to see the community we love, the community we live in - the Canadian Motorcycle Riding Community - be strong, successful and here for a long time to come.

If you are lucky enough to be still riding - you suck (Which means I'm green with envy)

Please ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Some interesting things I've read....

When sifting through the news today I came across an interesting editorial by a man named LJ James.

It was on the topic of the Mongols loosing the right to wear their patch and the potential ramifications to other groups and communities. I do not know much about the history of the man who wrote the article other than he is a member of an MC. 1% or Outlaw - I know not.

No matter his membership and the viewpoint from which he writes, he brings up some concerns and questions that I think have some merit and validity that will be overlooked and discounted by many because of the patch he wears. Here is the link to his editorial...

As I said, one has to look at what he says and understand the perspective he has on this subject, and even though he slightly exaggerates the rate about things like "We hear about Drug dealers, Rapists, Murderers in the National Football League and in Major League Baseball everyday."
He still makes some points that warrant looking at.

Read it for yourself and then tell me what you think. I for one can see some situations that could arise and none of them are very savory. What's your take on what he's saying?

Then there's this piece entitled "Lousy Cop" I came across it when reading A Cops Thoughts Blog.

I found it incredible to read. I know many of you have heard the video or read the poem "Just a Biker" if not you can see it on our web site at

"Lousy Cop" is written in more of a conversational style and it brings home something about human nature that we all must examine in ourselves...escpecially when you look at all three perspectives and see the similar vien and thread in them all - While "Just a Biker" is more about dealing with our safety - the feelings and impressions of being discriminated against are very evident.

How is it, we can know how it feels to be discriminated against and yet - we discriminate.

I know I have. Having been a rape victim, I can tell you quite frankly that I have discriminated - I have in the past tarred all those who wear red or yellow stripes down their leg as potential threats to me and treated them as adversaries. I based my attitude on how one of the 90 or so thousand Canadians who wear those pants treated me.

It took me a long time to be able to deal with that segment of our population in a rational manner. I had to learn to look at the individual rather than the clothing in order to come to a place where I didn't blame or mistrust every one them - especially the males.
Today I am a rape survivor. I no longer look through the glasses of the victim I once was.

Today I have adopted an attitude of always striving to remove preconceived notions out of my head when dealing with people from different communities.

How many times are our assumptions about other people wrong or off? I know that I have harshly judged a person who didn't deserve it. I did it because one person from his community hurt and insulted me. I had to get over it - I still have to remind myself at times to look at the person - not the clothes.

There are other things that I do and sometimes say thoughtlessly...and I have hurt the feelings of others needlessly - I hope that someday I will get to a place where I am always balanced in my approach to dealing with others.

So where does prejudice and discrimination come from?

Fear of the unknown and personal experience.

We tend to ridicule and fear things and people that we don't understand.
We also tend to tar entire communities over the actions of one. And when we see similar actions in others of that same community - well we tend to put the tar on just a bit thicker. 1 bad experience leads to mistrust....two or three makes us get out that old tar bucket and point accusatory fingers at entire communities - 10 or twelve experiences of similar nature get us up in arms....why? Because we internalize everything. We look at it in the microscopic - we don't look at the big picture.

We forget that the guy next to us is JUST as human as we are - he is just as susceptible to making mistakes as you or I....

It is one of the hardest challenges we face as human beings - learning how to open our hearts and our minds before we judge some one - when we learn to judge the individual by using our gut and not preconceived notions - When we do decide a person is a threat to us we need to realize it is the individual who is the threat - not necessarily the whole community.

There are situations where judging someone in an instant is more than acceptable behavior, its called survival. But there is a difference between the two and common sense needs to be used. But again, as part of the human condition we are ruled by our emotions more often than not and therefore we do not approach certain situations from the position of logic.

When you figure that there are 6.7 billion or so people on this planet and you accept that most of us are going to make mistakes or have had bad experiences that will taint our interactions, none of us is perfect or living without some kind of baggage......

How we deal with each other as individuals is what's reflected around us in the world....

Its human nature.

From one extreme to the other and even in the middle - there is fear, anger and contempt towards those who have caused pain. Here I have given you the example from an MC Members point of view, from the every day riders point of view and from the police services point of view- read them all and then tell me something - are we really all so different from each other?

Its minus 12 with 4 Cm's of snow on the ground here so I am NOT riding.
If you are lucky enough to still be riding, please - Ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Holy Cow!

I just completed the BDB Club (Bikers Discount Buying Club) Members Listings for November.

We now have 93 business partners! It's been a great exercise in laying out the phone book of Rider Friendly Businesses!

Have you downloaded and printed off your savings card? Why not?

It's located here:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page!

Our classifieds section has been reinstalled and we have a ton of new items for sale including some great motorcycles!

The link to our classifieds section is:

Every day you will be seeing changes, some will be subtle and some will be in your face but pretty much every day there will be something new to see or do on the site. A Motorcycle Riders Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Department all rolled in to one!

If you aren't a member or you don't log in you will never know how much wonderful information you are missing out on! Join us today - it's free!

Snow here in Grande Prairie will preclude us from riding for a while! 3 cm of the fluffy white crap has landed! UGH.

How do you feel about "President Obama"?

I for one see so much of JFK in him. I think he is going to make a great President and look forward to the changes he plans on bringing not only to the USA but North America and the WORLD! Congratulations President Elect Obama.

If you are lucky enough to still be riding - Please ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, November 03, 2008

Busy like a beaver

Well gang we are getting there! I have about 350 riding clubs,linked to their site and patches - still about 100 or 150 to go between club sites and forums!

Ali has been working on a Java Script error that has been crashing the home page of our community site if you are using Internet Explorer. IE is a painful browser to use as I have discovered. I recently downloaded both Google Chrome and Foxfire and now use all three browsers so I can see the way our web site looks for those on these other browsers. I really enjoy both Foxfire and Chrome. Try downloading them and using them instead of IE - you'll find a whole new world opens up for you.

Layout begins for our very first phone book - Wednesday - so for those stragglers that still want to be included - you'll have another 8 - 10 days - drop me a line!

Anyway - back to work - that slave driver I work for says I need to get links finished...

If you are lucky enough to be riding - Ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Vancouver Island Policing Pilot Project Catching On

Project Traffic Tragedies: From the Nanaimo Daily News

"In 2007 motorcyclist fatalities skyrocketed 300% to a dozen deaths on Vancouver Island. (BDB's comment: Do the math from 4 to 12 deaths)

Using (undisclosed) unconventional surveillance methods and "wave-overs," police targeted problematic areas throughout the Island and stopped hundreds of motorcyclists after Project Traffic Tragedies launched in May.

Charges were laid for everything from defective motorcycle equipment to drunk riders.
The program, run by RCMP Island District Traffic Services in partnership with the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation, also featured an extensive summer-long media campaign, visits to driving schools, dealerships and community groups and offered free rider skill sessions Island-wide. It wrapped in September.
Motorcycle deaths this year were down 58% to five."
So what are these "Unconventional" Methods of surveillance?
The RCMP won't say much except that they can use cameras and binoculars and all sorts of things to target problematic riders. "

I find the use of statistics in this article interesting up 300% down 58% - we are talking 4 deaths in 2006 up to twelve in 2007 and down to 5 in 2008....One is too many in my opinion but lets keep perspective here.

I am all for the preventing of fatalities through education, but it appears again that the police services are using whatever they can for excuses and reasons to stop motorcycles. Its a career and budget building tactic that is used by them often. At least this time they have some education involved and not just a straight targeting of motorcyclists.

The surveillance thing I guess is what bothers me. Again, our community like all others is inhabited by people, and all it takes is a few bad apples - right.

You see inconsiderate and unsafe riders exist every bit as much as inconsiderate and unsafe drivers.... the "Cowboys and girls" of our community have made it so the RCMP have singled us out again for special attention over and above that of larger community of road way users.

Just like the RCMP who are undergoing some pretty intense scrutiny right now because of the conduct of three officers - our community is undergoing intense scrutiny and will continue to by the looks of it as whatever they are doing on Vancouver Island has caught the attention of other detachments and is spreading for 2009.

To all of those who ride like show offs and jerks - thanks! What a wonderful pre-Christmas present that is - now next year when we go riding we all get to have an extra special once over every time an officer is around so he can save us from ourselves.

Policing VS Education

I wonder what the actual cost of education for riders vs the extra police it takes to conduct surveillance on us...

If one hour of an officer with a squad car costs us approximately $85 per hour (That's what I was charged in Olds a year ago) and with out a car costs approximately $50 dollars per hour the cost for two officers in one car the cost would be $135/hour.

Now there is planning time, administration and execution, then more administration and if a town had 6 officers with 3 cars - involved in a 5 hour street project in a weekend and they spent 5 hours on preparation, admin, debriefing - the cost per town per weekend would be 3 teams x $135 dollars per hour for 5 hours and 3 teams at $100 per hour for 5 hous admin time.

That equals $ 3525 for 5 hours of street and 5 hours of office time for 6 officers and 3 cars in one weekend in one community. At an average cost of $250 for rider training that would pay for the training of 14 riders. I'm not talking about "sessions" of one or two hours - I am talking full blown training.

Below is my If List - a dream or wish list:

If rider education was mandatory and affordable then perhaps we'd see a hell of a lot less accidents, injuries and deaths in our community.

If our roadways were in good shape and didn't hold so many dangers like cracks, pot holes, frost heaves and debris coming off the back of vehicles....

If our roadways were clear of gravel and sand...

If our roadways were free of impatient, wreck less and inattentive drivers and riders...

If our roadways were free of show offs or drunks no matter the vehicle they command...

If people showed each other more consideration...'s a nice dream that will Never come true....because people are the wild card.

So what could be done differently to prevent accidents, injury and deaths?

Let's get some ideas on the table....
I am all for training and education and think that is the best way to address the problem, but that's just me. What ideas do you have to offer on this subject? Talk to me - let's get a concrete action plan for accident and injury prevention.

I'm all for finding concrete ways to reduce the number of accidents and deaths in our community.

Maybe if we put together a thoughtful action plan we could make a positive difference....

Now for some personal news. Hubby and I escaped for an hour yesterday and went for a little 30 - 40 km burn out to Sexsmith on the bikes. It was pretty brisk - 5 degrees but oh it felt good. Anyday a rider can ride in Northern Alberta in NOVEMBER - that's a damned fine day!

If you are lucky enough to still be riding - PLEASE, ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty