Friday, November 21, 2008

Have you?

Have you ever wondered about how police officers get disciplined?

Well it appears that at least one region of Ontario has decided to share that information with the rest of us.

Now - once you read what their punishments were compared to their "Crimes" you tell me if you or I would get the same treatment...

Now - CST. Nagy was caught after he hit an SUV and ran a red light - doing a 12o mph and had reportedly been drinking. - he got: $1,000 fine, lost his license for a year and was demoted to second class constable for 9 months and received a pay cut of $7,595 . He still has his job - even though he can't drive, even though he now has a criminal record for dangerous driving and leaving the scene....

The other officer - he was charged for threatening his wife - he got 160 hour of his pay docked (just shy of $7,200) and conditional discharge with 18 months probation - if he completes probation successfully he gets NO criminal record.

OK - so both of these officers pleaded guilty - they were disciplined - but does the discipline match what you or I as Joe Q Citizen would get?

No - I think not...but that's just me.

Your thoughts on the subject.....

Stay warm and safe

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a day and a night!

Well gang - our first phone book of Rider Friendly businesses went to print!
I made the deadline - YEAH!

What a night though - my eyes are square today and now I am off to go deliver the paper to my local customers.

The show n shine already had entries!
Man it didn't take any time now did it!

And we are getting more prizes for it every day!!!!

We'll give you a more complete list in a week or two.

Man - I am beat so before I completely run out of steam I had best get out the door.

Stay safe and warm!

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Drunk Driving and the Canadian Police Services in BC

Well gang - another headline in the news about impaired driving.

This time its a Metro Vancouver officer facing charges.

Why? When you see everyday first hand the destruction that drinking and driving has - why?

I am saddened and sickened - the credibility of the police services takes another big hit - again I ask, how do we teach children respect for these people when this is the headline they see?

I guess - as long as the courts do their job properly and give these officers the same sentence anyone else would get - then we still have some hope. We'll have to wait and see....

Back to work for me - the phone book goes to print tomorrow - so...back to the grind stone.

Stay safe and warm...

Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Internet Explorer - what a pain in the....

For those of you who use Internet explorer and are trying to view - you will most likely be getting an Operation Aborted Error - Internet Explorer can not display the page.

IE has some fundamental bugs in the way it is handling certain things on our site and this is a common problem on many news sites - it's the type of code we run.

Anyway - a simple fix is to download the Fire Fox Browser:

Until we can peg the one small piece of code that is causing this issue - it's the only fix we have.

Your patience while we work this problem out is deeply appreciated....

Have a good one...

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, November 17, 2008

Interesting Tid Bits

While researching a few things that I wanted to include in the phone book I came across the fact that 10 years ago there were 319,183 Registered Motorcycles and Mopeds in Canada.

Fast forward 2007: 522,433

It's amazing how fast a community can grow and I have to tell you there is a ton of information out there but it is so hard to find.

It is my hope that will be able to alleviate some of that problem; by creating a web ring where solid info can be found - We have been contacting as many riding clubs as possible - making sure their links and information is accurate and we are getting all of our news feeds sorted out slowly but surely.

Check the site out often because you just never know which new component or tool we are going to have installed, or what new things there will be to do, read, see or hear.

We are getting there!

Anyway - the old slave driver tells me it's time to quit procrastinating and get some more work done....

Stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, November 16, 2008

People, why such anger?

I was on the Myrtle Beach forum on Topix today, looking to see what's going on with the bike weeks scheduled for May of 09.

The anger, frustration and down right hostility is incredible.
The racism is so palpable it's sickening. The lack of compassion or understanding is frightening.

Why do people think they need to be cruel to each other in order to get their point across?

There is absolutely a polarization of opinion and the hatred is heating up. I am afraid there is going to be a racial war and a rider versus non rider war down there if cooler heads can't prevail.

I have never seen anything like it. I hope that when it comes our turn to have to defend our lifestyle and our rallies that we can do so with some common sense and civility.

I for one think that what is happening down there is deplorable - on pretty much every front.
There are very few people who are even attempting to be civil.

I lived in the US for 5 years in another lifetime - a lot of that time was in the deep south - and I for one couldn't live there again.

Obama has a potentially much bigger problem than the economy to worry about when he takes office.

President elect Obama is going to have a racial war on his hands in the region of South Carolina the way the rhetoric is heating up down there - that is a distinct possibility - and potentially a war between riders and non riders.

He is going to have to walk a fine, fine line. I see in him flashes of Kennedy (JFK) the same kind of charisma, eloquence. Given time, I think this man has the potential to bring common sense and consideration to the table and get folks to calm down. I just pray that this man isn't cut down during his presidency the way JFK was.... America's history shows that it has not always been kind to really good presidents. Can you imagine the civil war that would start. No let's not go there....

I have been working on the phone book and I have to say for a first try I think it's going to be a great resource for all of us. In a few years as more people get on board with adding their favorite rider owned or friendly businesses to the book it is going to be phenomenal.

Anyway, the slave driver I work for tells me it's time to start working on Thursday's edition of the Busted Knuckle I'll sign off wishing all of you lucky SOB's that are living where youcan still ride to have a really safe day and the rest of you - have a great Sunday....go polish some chrome!

Belt Drive Betty