Thursday, December 31, 2009

A much needed bit of time alone...

Hubby and I had a great night out. As part of the President's Choice Awards Night, we won a night out in the Jacuzzi suite at the Stanford Inn here in Grande Prairie. They happen to be one of our business partners in the BDB Business Association.

We had a nice meal, were treated to a monster suite - this thing was bigger than our house!
We had a good breakfast and headed home. You can use your imaginations should you choose to figure out what we did with the time in between! Needless to say it was a much needed bit of alone time for he and I. It was strange being in a hotel in GP, we both felt like we were doing something we shouldn't be, I can't explain it but it hit both of us as funny.

Anyway, I'll be doing a review on the Stanford Inn and how I was treated for one of the upcoming issues of the paper...

I am not combing through news feeds today. If figure that if you want to know what the top ten of anything was in 2009 you'll go find it. I am only interested in two things as this year draws to and end.

My family and you, my extended family.  I wish you all of the best that 2010 can offer. Much of what it offers will be up to you - the Law of Attraction in Action...

I intend for 2010 to be a banner year for everyone in my world, my circle of influence.

Have a fabulous evening - PLEASE - DO NOT DRINK/Partake in any altering substance and drive...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harley-Davidson Flexes it's Muscle...

Oklahoma-based Ridley introduced the fully automatic "Auto-Glide" in 2003 and Harley-Davidson filed a lawsuit that same year.All eight of Ridley’s 2009 models have Auto-Glide in their names. As part of the settlement agreement, Ridley has agreed to discontinue use of the name in any future models. The full terms of the settlement have not been disclosed as part of the agreement.

Some entries to our Customer Service Contest have been a tad harsh, almost leaning towards bashing so we are asking people to temper things and think of the potential of lawsuits before you submit your story...We want you to share your stories, your situation but you still need to exercise some discretion folks. Name calling etc. isn't going to offer anyone anything constructive. Here is the new disclaimer for the contest...

Our Worst/Best Customer Service story contest is not intended to be a mechanism to bash businesses or call people names, rather, it should be treated as an opportunity to educate both business and customer. Submissions may be edited if the editor of this website feels the wording is too harsh, however we will respect the fact that these are your personal experiences.  We also recognize the fact the one bad experience does not make a bad shop/business. The opinions expressed in the contest articles are personal opinions and experiences of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or values of Belt Drive Betty Media, The Busted Knuckle Chronicles, or any of our affiliates or partners.

As I said, we want to encourage you to share but you also have to think about libel etc...

In other news: The Ottawa Motorcycle Show and the Calgary Motorcycle Show are both next weekend. I have a booth at the Calgary show that I could use two more volunteers for and a booth at the Edmonton show where I could use another 6 - 8 volunteers...
It is so hard being a one person operation on the promotional end of things - I would LOVE to go to Ottawa, and all of the other shows, however, I am but one...

In Nova Scotia a Bailey Bridge's poor maintenance has been blamed for putting a motorcyclist in a wheel chair.

OCC stays in the news...Besides the lawsuit against his son, Paul Sr seems to be ensuring he gets press every which way he can...The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation announced today that Paul Teutul Sr. and the crew from Orange County Choppers (OCC) have built a custom wheelchair-accessible motorcycle specifically to raise funds for the Reeve Foundation. A first of its kind, this trike bike allows someone living with paraplegia the opportunity to ride a motorcycle without having to transfer from their wheelchair.

Well folks, I gotta get other work done, I hope you have a fabulous day...Hubby and I are going out for the evening, part of the President's Choice Tourism Award I won was a free night in a Jacuzzi room at the Stanford Inn here in Grande Prairie - I feel a partner review coming on! So, if you don't get your news until noon - so be it - I am taking tomorrow morning off!

If you are blessed and fortunate enough to live where you can ride, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you. If you are like me - well, go to a bike show!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our 3rd Annual "Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show n Shine"

Well gang, we are three days away.
On January 1st you will be able to enter your motorcycle into our on line show n shine - up to 10 photos per bike and YES it really needs to be your own bike - PLEASE - you can enter a bike for a friend who is without a computer/computer access but you must supply us with their contact information!
We have prizes from pretty much coast to coast.
I am waiting to hear from the Pig 'n' Fin on Vancouver Island, Atlanticade in St Andrews NB and the River Rat Rally in Gananoque ON. The only province/territories we don't have prizes from is the NWT, YT, Newfoundland , PEI and Manitoba from what I can see...I am humbled by the response so far!
Anyhow - Ali is working her fingers off ... January 1st is the date!
Voting on the bikes will begin February 1st so make sure you get your bikes in January and then get your friends to come and vote for your bikes! And Please, don't wait until the 29th and crash our server like happened last year - we give you a month to enter so that our server doesn't get over loaded!

There was nothing of real note in the news today so no serious or heavy discussions.
5 months of bank statement reconciliations to complete today and I should finally for the first time in 4 years - actually be caught up on most stuff and working to move things forward instead of always playing catch up. That will make 2010 a banner year for me - not playing catch up - what a CONCEPT! YEE HAW!
As I reflect on the last few years and see how far I have come, the things that I have over come and learned, the things I have lived through and I surprise even me!

2 computer crashes, re doing my books from scratch not once but twice - once because the accountant's copy and mine wouldn't merge and the other because of a computer crash.
The crap in GP over the bike show, the crap in Wembley over the bike show and the crap in Olds over the bike show... My husband being diagnosed with MS, becoming a non smoker after 38 years - a warning to Champix users - while they sure helped me to quit smoking they also caused a bit of a - for the lack of a better term - "mini nervous break down" or "depression" or some such stuff as I had a few experiences that I would not normally have and did do a few things that I would not normally do - whatever it was it was weird and I am glad to be over it!. Almost three months as a non smoker now! The challenges I faced when borrowing a bike and the attacks against me and my business over it. 

Yup, it's been an interesting and character building time.
I guess that is the one most amazing thing about life, nothing is static, it moves, shifts and changes steadily! I feel so much more in control of me, my emotions and my dreams & goals - I did not know it was possible to feel this way. I am grateful for the learning that has taken place and the learning yet to come. Embracing change instead of fearing it - that is sooo liberating!

If you are a fortunate and blessed human being to live in a warm climate where you are riding, please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you. If you are like me and living where it's cold and crappy - stay in and stay warm...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Monday, December 28, 2009

An education of sorts...

In life there are many ways to get an education.

You can go to school, university, college or trechnical/trade school or you can get the education hands on, through mentoring and through books or any combination there of.

I have a few people who have been mentoring me and I want to thank them deeply and publicly. Berge Baronian from GTC in Delta BC, Kim Dembinski from Sagewood Communications in Leduc AB, Kim Webber in Sexsmith AB and a man named Doug Pearsall from Stinson Equipment in Montreal.

From Berge I am learning patience and business analysis, from Kristina, how to get my message out more effectively, from Doug - Time Management and from Kim Webber - Goal setting and priority planning/mapping.

I have been reading and listening to audio books, taking to heart the lessons I am learning and guess what, you really can work smarter not harder! I find myself accomplishing more and more every day, getting all of the little loose ends taken care of. I still have a ways to go to be as organized and efficient as I would like to be and I am learning to do that one day, one hour at a time. I am finding the whole process fascinating and invigorating!

I am learning that at 6 pm, my office door gets closed and I commute to the kitchen or living room. Putting boundaries in place on myself when it comes to my business - that's a whole new concept for me!

Anyway - I guess the whole point of this particular post - you are never to old to learn, learning can come in a variety of ways - embrace it and enjoy it - it's amazing what we can learn when we remove our mental barriers.

In the news today...not much.

A Welland Ontario Rider, 19 year old Flat Track Racer, Mike Labelle, was picked up by a US team - Weirbach Racing of Ottumwa, Iowa.

Two Scandinavian adventurers from the Oslo, Norway region are passing through Ontario.
Their stop is part of a 70,000 Kilometer journey around the world - no charity, no fan fare, no ego, just two friends going on a road trip of a lifetime. 

If you are a lucky dog who lives where you can ride, then please keep that streak of luck going by riding like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you!
For the rest of you, stay warm, go polish or wrench on the old girl - the riding season is only 3 months away give or take!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Too true, too sad...Colors are banned in Virginia Bars

LJ James - writer, radio talk show host and outlaw biker...
He wrote this article: Law Bans Biker Colors In Bars & Restaurants. Is This The Last Straw?

LJ has written a number of articles where in he begs the "mainstream" rider to join forces with the outlaw biker in fighting the establishment...this one is no different. The new law in Virgina is making him reach out yet again...

We as Motorcyclists and Bikers (It does not matter what you call yourself) have to realize fast that we are all connected. It doesn’t matter what you ride, what State you live in or who you Support, we’re all in this together. What effects Me effects you and it doesn’t matter what you happen to think of me.
When the local Bar you and your Brothers love hanging out at is told that you and all other members of Motorcycle Clubs can no longer go there or they will revoke the Bars liquor license, What then?

This is no Joke my Biker Brothers, every month there is another new law that is aimed not only Motorcycle Club Members, but all Americans. It seems that every time the Government wants to take away a freedom, they find a way to craft a new law for our “safety”. What kind of Country is this turning into when you can’t wear what you want and suddenly, your constitutional right to assemble is taken away from you?
Although there are many ignorant people out there that believe Motorcycle Clubs are Gangs, that’s simply not the case. Most Motorcycle Clubs are made up of hard working, honest, law abiding, patriotic, American Citizens who enjoy a common bond, Motorcycles. It’s what is in a persons heart that determines who they are, not the clothes they wear. LJ James

Now then folks... I myself have written similar articles because believe it or not the same shite happens here. I have asked similar questions...and have been targeted by all three groups of players in this "story". The Outlaws think I am against them, The "Good Guys" think I am against them and depending on the mainstream rider they think I am either pro Outlaw or Pro Good Guy when really all I am is PRO Charter of Freedoms and Rights.

I am no outlaw biker - and as my daughter isn't married yet in not on outlaw there either.

I am a bit of a rebel and I really resent it when we have politicians prompted, prodded and poked by law enforcement personnel, who cave in and enact laws or bylaws to deal with the "Criminal" element that are SOOO gray, so loosely worded that someone wearing a company jacket can either be arrested or fined. (Don't laugh and don't scoff here folks - I AM DEAD SERIOUS - educate yourself as to the laws in your region - read the laws, some of them, well they might surprise even you in the way they are worded especially the ones on this topic.)

Every side of the story has it's facts and it's suppositions... the Outlaw Biker - he wants you to believe he's a church going, law abiding citizen who would never consider doing anything "bad", it's just an image he portrays...

Then there's the law enforcement personnel..they would love to catch the "Outlaw Biker" doing something he shouldn't be, but they need help because there are not enough "Good Guys" to go around and the bad guys aren't being dealt with severely enough in the courts once the "Good Guys" catch them.

The politician wants to be re elected and since the "Good Guys' have the media worked into a frenzy about the "Bad Outlaw Biker" and have created a platform or agenda for the politician - the politician gets on board blindly or is drawn in to the fray by the media's feeding frenzy - politicians love the camera and the microphone...

The bar owner needs to keep his liquor license but the "Good Guys' tell the bar owner that if he lets in club patches he will loose it. The "Good Guys" however will not arm the bar owner and staff with the information on what is and is not acceptable so a wide and sweeping ban comes into effect...So the bar owner is now doing the job of the police officer, so is the politician and now we have a police state...and it is all done hiding behind the Petty Trespass Act...The bar owner can't be sued for discrimination because of the Petty Trespass Act,  the police services squeeze our community with impunity in an unconstitutional fashion and the politician wins the vote of the people the media scared the beejeebers out of. See how that is working????
It works this way exactly in many other situations as well.

I know many of you think I am exaggerating but I am not. These scenarios are played out every day.

I have been on the "Wrong" side of the bargaining table and I have experienced this scenario first hand not once but three times, with three different commanding officers in three different communities - I had people so pissed with me when the City of Grande Prairie AB enacted it's bylaw banning colors. They thought it was me that instigated it - it was the "Good Guys", just like it was the "Good Guys" in Manitoba & Saskatchewan where they are trying this same tactic. (And failing in Saskatoon's case, but not before a bunch of mainstream riders were unjustly treated).

The Police services are very good at intimidation and getting the mainstream person to do their bidding. Too often they hit their detractors in our pocket book so we can't continue to fight them or point out their hidden agendas. (Like they did with me in Olds - the police services have the power to do to you whatever they want if they don't agree with your way of thinking. If they want to prove a point to you - they will.)

One question I get asked a lot is: If what you say is true BDB, then why are there still outlaw motorcycle clubs around? You say the police services have the kind of control/power that could squash them so why are they still around?

Well, just like Yves Lavigne, (The man the RCMP tout as their EXPERT on the Canadian Outlaw Biker Scene) I believe it's good for the police services business to keep the OMC's around.

They are highly visible. Unlike the "race based gangs" they are easier to feature on TV (easier to point out without being accused of racism), they are easier to infiltrate, to score some wins on the score board and to be honest - I think it's the police services way of controlling the purse strings...they can go to a politician and say we need more laws, more resources, more funding....OUTLAW BIKERS - they serve a purpose - they build the careers of police services members.

I am not for protecting criminals, however, I am not for a police state either and I am not pro or anti politician. I am for common sense and a more calm and rational approach to things BUT that doesn't seem to be a popular approach at all.

Trying to get everyone else in this equation to play nice in the same sand box...yah, there's a nice pipe will never happen, but there has to be a way for some "common" sense to enter the equation so that those of us who are just motorcycle riders, riding club affiliated or not, can just enjoy our community and friends without being unduly targeted.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject. 

You never know when one person's comment is going to spark that light bulb moment where in we discover the answer we seek...So come shine some wisdom and wit on the subject cause yah just never know what will come out of it!!!

In the news today:

Not much to report. Classy Chassis & Cycle is having their big boxing week blow out and the Motorcycle USA team has put together their list of the top 10 of all things motorcycling for 2009.
And of course there is the story I discuss at the top of this page...

I hope that if you are fortunate enough to live where you can be riding that you ride like everyone out there is blind and can not see you and the rest of you, stay warm - eh!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Friday, December 25, 2009

A wonderful Christmas Day to you all...

Like every year, we have a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner, our home is filled with friends and after they leave, we open presents. Christmas morning is reserved for sleeping in. Hence why it is 4:30am and I am just writing now! (For me that's a great sleep in, I am generally up and at 'em by 3 - 3:30am!)

I woke up this morning feeling inspired! You see hubby and I have a deal, we give each other a list of things we'd like to have but never seem to buy for ourselves. With money being tight for everyone our lists this year were filled with very practical things.

For me I wanted books on small business training -  I have never been to college, don't have the time, the energy or the inclination to go back to school but the desire to learn, to become a real business person not just someone who turned a hobby into a business - that's alive and well.

Hubby got me some great books that I can't wait to dig into. "Work Less and Do More" by Jan Yager , "The Myth of Multitasking" by Dave Crenshaw and "Awaken your Strongest Self" by Neil Fiore were the three he chose from my list.  Obviously my husband knows his wife!
He also got me a locking diary/journal to keep my goals in.

I am thrilled with my Christmas presents - I know that like every book I read they will bring me new tools, new perspectives and new ideas and that excites me!

Hubby also got very practical gifts. A very special organizer for his garage as he is always complaining about the rakes and hoes, brooms etc that fall over and clutter up his world. He also got a new shop vac to replace the old one that cratered a few weeks ago.

I love a hassle free Christmas and this one ranks right up there so far as one of the least stressed out Christmases I have ever spent! Having only a little money was a good thing I think as it forced us to really look at what is important and to do more with less, to be creative and loving - and I gotta say - I think we hit the mark!

I would LOVE to hear what Santa brought you this year...

In the news today...
The Bernice MacNaughton High School Bike Klub got a spanky new web site - it is BEAUTIFUL!

Paul Sr got Paul Jr of the OCC fame the BEST Christmas Present Jr will get from dad for a while - a LAWSUIT!

In Prince George BC, the grieving parents of a young man killed on his motorcycle this summer are celebrating community as opposed to Christmas...

May this day bring you love, laughter, peace, joy, family, friends and turkey!

If you are one of the lucky to live where you can ride, please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to you all...

This is supposed to be a joyous time of year, but for many it will be a lonely and in some cases frightening time of year. There are many who are in seniors homes who have NO ONE to remember them, to spend time with them. Oft times these people have outlived their relatives and/or have never married. For some it will be scary as they sit in a children's hospital or on the ward in some hospital wing awaiting surgery...
Suicide and depression are huge problems at this time of year...

We put a ton of emphasis on the day we celebrate as - Christmas. Mother's exercise guilt 101 and grandparents place a lot of store in having their families together for the holidays. Stores and consumerism go crazy...everyone must have a gift...

Now the debate as to Jesus' real birth date will live on in perpetuity, however we are all pretty sure it did not take place in December. Nearest the "experts" can figure he was either born in September/October OR March/April...

If Jesus doesn't care so much as to which date we celebrate his birth on then why do we put so much store in this holiday?

If we take from his example - then December 25th, well - it really is just another day.
Why do we have to wait for there to be a SPECIAL day before we pay attention to those we love?  I guess like all else to do with we humans - we have to pencil in time for fun, for friends and family because our lives are just too busy...I am so guilty of that!

I don't know the answers as to why we have stressed ourselves out so much over a "holiday" but I do know this...we have made Christmas a special time. Because we as a society have made it such a special time we need to take the time to make it special for everyone we can.  If you have 5 minutes, stop in to the seniors home or drop in to the hospital and visit a shut have NO idea how good that will make you or them feel - but I can guarantee you this - YOU WILL feel good.

In the news today:

Moto Rescue - Canada's first and only 24 hour road side assistance program specifically for motorcycles is here!  We are an affiliate of their program - SOOOO if you sign up on our for their road side assistance program we earn $10.

My Stocking stuffer for all of you???? Well, sign up for your Moto Rescue 24hr Road Side Assistance program - make sure they Know the Belt Drive Betty sent you - and we will give you a free one year membership in the BDB Club.
Use this code: bel737 to get YOUR Free Newspaper & Membership on our web site - which includes a savings card you download that is good for savings and discounts at approximately 140 locations and growing... a weekly newsletter & newspaper to keep you informed along with the best events calendars for Canadian Motorcycling, forums, photo galleries and a whole ton more! 

When you have completed your MotoRescue purchase sign up for free membership on and tell me you bought a membership with MotoRescue in the how did you hear about us box OR if you are already a member of the BDB Club and getting out newspaper, then drop me an email at ( and we can set up the gift as a present for a friend or family member!

243KPH Speeder in Ontario gets a break from spending time in jail but the commissioner, Julian Fantino is none too pleased....

An Ontario driver who claimed to have been "sleep" driving when he struck and killed a motorcyclist in 2008 has been found guilty of criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing bodily harm. (I think we need this judge to try Cpl Robinson)

Speaking of the RCMP in BC...the headline reads: RCMP support in B.C. plunges after Tasering, death: report; Fewer here than anywhere else in Canada say they trust national police force

Apparently here in Alberta the support and belief in them isn't much better.

Well, gang, I am not sure of whether or not I will be in the mood to write tomorrow or not, so just in case I decide to pencil in the people I love for a day of me not working (as my husband says yah, right! - when pigs fly)...

Merry Christmas - I hope you find yourself surrounded by love and warmth.

If you live where you can ride (I'm moving in next week, right after the holidays), please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas travel...

I wonder how all of the people I care about that I can not share the upcoming Christmas day with are feeling, what they will be doing.

I wonder how all those who are trying to travel home are faring. It boggles my mind when I watch the news - how travelers at this time of year can get so angry at the they can or did order the bad weather that always seems to plague us this time of year. Both of my grandmothers died in December, one on the 17th and one on the 18th, ten years apart.

My dad's mom we buried in -37 with the windchill -62

My mom's mom we had to wait until mid January as the ground would not thaw enough even with a fire banked on the plot - the backhoe couldn't get through.
Christmas time - December - why is anyone surprised when the weather is crappy?
You'd think they'd be more surprised when it's not!

Oh well, I pray for everyone who is traveling, I, PERSONALLY think you are crazy, but I hope and pray you arrive safely. I refuse to travel this time of year - I would rather celebrate early or later, just not in December.

There is a whole ton of news today. Please check out the headlines on our What's Hot Page at The latest news, sports and jokes along with the newest forum posts and comments on articles on the site are all there for you!

Only a little more time until our show n shine....have you seen the prize list?
Remember we will still be adding prizes until the end of January....
Beginning January 1/2010 you will have one month to get your pictures loaded on to our web site. You will be allowed up to 8 pictures.

On February 1st we open up the voting. Get your friends lined up, invite them to become members on our site, and if they sign up for membership they will get a free subscription to the Busted Knuckle Chronicles for one year as our way of saying thank you and welcome!

You earn BDB Points when you refer a friend and you can spend those points in the BDB Rewards Centre.

They will get all of the benefits of being a BDB Club Member -same as you - including the savings card that is good for specials, discounts and or special services at 140 locations and growing! It all starts January 1st 2010....

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today, it means you don't live here!
Please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A snowy morning and a warm heart...

It's winter time in Canada so I guess it shouldn't surprise one when they wake up to snow, but this morning I had such a warm heart I thought it would be all melted.

BDB with a warm heart you ask? was given to me as a gift yesterday when I was volunteering at the Salvation Army.

The day had started off a wee bit rough but the decision to go and be of service to others changed my outlook and my day. I was working with an older French gal named Mary who is a regular volunteer at the Sally Ann. What a sweetheart. As she and I emptied boxes from the various food bank efforts and sorted the goods into bins, veggies here, pastas over there, soups in another set of bins...It was heavy work and I marveled at this sweet little old lady who did the work so cheerfully. It felt good to do something that had value to others - my soul needed it that's for sure.

If you ever find yourself feeling blue, out of sorts - go volunteer somewhere for a couple of hours, you'll be amazed at how your whole outlook changes.

In the news:
Harley-Davidson is extending its warranty on it's motorcycles.

Kawasaki has cut all of it's AMA Road Racing Schedule saying they may return when the economy improves.

 Cycle Trader has announced it's new Iphone app. Now you can scroll through over 140K ads on your phone...

Texting and talking on your phone is becoming illegal as of January 1/10 in most Canadian provinces...and should be almost a clean sweep by this fall.

And last but not least - another RCMP officer finds himself drawing desk duty for drinking and driving...

If you live where it warm enough to be riding, think of me and all of my friends who are bound up with PMS...and then please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you....

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Monday, December 21, 2009

Changing plans....

I have a week from hell coming up. I have to finish the last of my invoicing for 2009, finalize as much of the year end books as possible, get the last of my marketing stuff off to be printed for the January bike shows,events calendars to work on and Christmas - YIKES....I have been working since three this morning and I am so far behind I think I am first. It's a Monday morning - go figure!

In learning how to "eat the elephant" called my work load, and in learning to attract more of what I want in my life, I am learning that you have to shift your mind and your energy to that which makes you feel good.  So since I have gotten off on one of those "Monday" morning starts so to speak, I decided to heck with it, I am going to exercise, do dishes and tidy the house, and then I am off to the Salvation Army for a couple of hours to fill hampers. I wasn't going to go because of my work load and then I thought I can't not go...

It feels good to help others, it puts my life back into perspective and helps me to exhibit the deep gratitude I feel for the blessings in my life.

This Christmas, giving back to my family and my community are going to remain high on my priority list. And new for 2010 - I am putting ME on that priority list.

So, how do you shift energies when stuff derails on you?
How do you stay focused and on top of it all? How do you choose to "eat the elephant" called your work load? What tricks can you pass on to the rest of us?

Please share your strategies for handling the lemons of life - I can use all the help I can find and I am sure we will inspire and assist more than one other person today!!

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today, that means you live somewhere where it's warm and I really hope you have an extra bed!  Please, if you are riding, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A thanks to the Hells Angels of Saskatoon might be in order...

I read with much interest today about the ruling in Saskatchewan with regards to the banning of Motorcycle Club Patches (Gang Patches) in bars and on public property. The reason that I have such interest in this case is there was a similar law that was passed in Grande Prairie when I started hosting motorcycle shows here.

Now please - don't go thinking I am somehow supporting or a supporter of the Hells Angels or any other outlaw motorcycle club.  I am not, I am pretty neutral on the whole MC thing, being a female, all of that testosterone and posturing just isn't anything that holds interest for me. I am however a supporter of the freedoms the Charter of this country allows us.
I am also for reducing the absolute power of the RCMP and having better checks and balances in place for that organized group of men an women.

The trial judge who declared the law unconstitutional made the exact observation I made when a similar law was enacted here: The law was created to help police deal with gangs, drug trafficking, prostitution and child exploitation, but Brayford argued its wording is so broad it could persecute striking workers wearing union logos on their clothes.

So, in a way, many of us owe the Hells Angels a thank you for spending the money on lawyers and getting this law deemed as unconstitutional. And we owe a HUGE thank you to Judge Brayford for having the courage to follow the charter. Perhaps now, here in Grande Prairie the by-law will get axed and then I will be allowed into some of the bars here with my CAV patch on. (Mind you if they weren't around - the Red & White that is - we probably wouldn't have had this dumbassed law enacted in the first place.)

One of the fundamental problems of this whole banning the "Gang" colours thing has been the lack of education as to what patch/es is "Gang" related and what patch isn't. How in the heck is some bar maid or some bar owner gonna know which is which? The RCMP and other police services refuse to provide any education to bar owners and staff. So in effect anyone wearing anything other that manufacturer clothes/patches were being barred/banned as owners feared the reprisal of the RCMP. And in Calgary there are bars that even ban motorcycle manufacture clothing - H-D in particular.

It will be interesting to see if Calgary bars that banned the wearing of Harley-Davidson clothing in their establishments will now have to lighten up on their stupidity or not.
I wonder how many other provinces will follow suit? Manitoba also has a colours law.

I find the whole banning clothing thing to be totally stupid, senseless and an absolute waste of money - ban the clothes because of the "Power of the Patch" and its use for intimidation purposes... but the person who wears the clothing is OK to be present...
Another small victory for common sense which as Mr. Delhon my grade 9 social studies teacher used to say "Common sense is not too common"

In other news:
The Prince George Renegades had a member arrested for drugs etc along with three other prince George citizens - the Renegades are reportedly a puppet club of the Red & White.

And in Hamilton two more associates of the Red & White were scooped in as part of Tuesday busts in Hamilton, Waterloo and Nanticoke.

In Regina some Bikers received an honor from the police for their bravery in stopping a machete wielding crazy man and another knife wielding man who were attempting to rob a gas station attendant.

Harley-Davidson may not be named the official motorcycle of Wisconsin...

Bar Hodgson of Toronto Super Show Fame has a documentary airing about his exploits in Bonneville - David Hatch is the producer of this documentary - if you miss it on  TV it will be aired at the Toronto Super Show in January.

For all of my friends with mobility issues who would love to ride again but are in a might be pleased to hear this, there is a wheelchair accessible motorcycle on the market now! The Martin Conquest 

I have a video about the motorcycle linked here - she's pretty sweet looking!

Oh and don't forget to take our Hotel/Motel Customer survey - this is your opportunity to help us as a community impact customer service in the hospitality industry as it relates to motorcyclists and people in general! Click here to take the Survey.

If you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you...

If you are like me and living where there is snow, cold weather and riding feels like a distant dream -then get on the computer and find the BEST pictures of your ride because on January 1st, 2010 we begin the 3rd annual Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine - we have tons of fabulous prizes up for grabs!

And we are not done adding to the prize list!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Friday, December 18, 2009

Customer Service - educating the rider as well as the staff in hotels, motels etc...

One of our readers: Ed "GearJammer" Howe sent in an appropriate and timely article on the conduct of riders and how they can negatively impact their own customer service experiences in hotels, motels etc.

My wife and I have been traveling on our bikes for several years now.  My wife rides a HD Heritage Softtail and I ride an HD Road Glide.  We have ridden extensively in  British Columbia, Alberta and have visited Washington and Idaho.   We have stayed at  many motels, hotels and campsites and eaten at many restaurants over the years. In all that time, we have never had a negative experience that could be traced to our mode of travel.  Usually when we register, the desk clerk suggests that we may park our bikes right in front of the lobby so that the staff can keep an eye on them for us. So, when I read an article that promotes the need for "rider friendly education for establishments"  I am left wondering, why?  Have we been incredibly fortunate in our experiences?  I doubt it.
 Perhaps it is a perceived issue that really is based upon a few incidents that may or may not have been the fault of the establishments.  Let's face it, some riders/bikers seem to think it is necessary to promote the movie version of bikers, exuding an attitude of the "outlaw" biker, wearing leather or denim jackets  and helmets festooned in patches, crests, etc.  They pull up on excessively loud bikes, are verbally abusive, and demanding. Of course that is going to set a negative tone. I have seen this  happen and noticed the way the clerk's attitude changed in moments. Can you blame the clerk? 
Maybe what is really needed is to educate those few that seem to think good manners are for somebody else. Gear Jammer

Well Ed, being a female rider I have unfortunately experienced negative customer service because I rode a bike. I was turned away at a motel in Rocky Mountain House - used to be called the Carriage House - it's been sold and has new owners now but in 2004 when I went to the Alberta Ladies Rally  I was told my kind wasn't wanted at the motel. I rode a Suzuki Volusia that was whisper quiet and I was frozen - cold. No attitude being coped then I can assure you. I have had other, not so good experiences - that one was just the most painful one....

Since then I have heard horrid stories of women being treated like they are lesbians because they ride together and have heard other rotten, nasty comments and stories of terrible treatment. I have heard of awful stories where people were turned away with no where to sleep at night...riding at night is NOT my favorite thing to do.

But what you say has much validity as well Ed; GENERALLY - if you come in with the right attitude, if you are polite and respectful your experience will probably go well.

For the most part, educating the staff on what the needs of riders are and why those needs exist, reminding them that we are like any other customer - these are refresher courses in customer service and refresher courses are something most employees can benefit from. 

For businesses that want to be designated as rider friendly, helping them to identify areas of improvement to their facility, explaining why secured parking and ground floor rooms are so welcome - what makes riders turn in to an establishment, these things are important and if a business wants to attract more riders they need to know how to do that.

You and your wife have been very fortunate. Is it the way you conduct yourself? 
YES, that probably accounts for 90% of your good fortune along with the changing views on riders, however there are many places you could experience or travel to that would shock you as to how bad the treatment can be. 

Reaffirming good customer service techniques and knowledge is never a bad thing and training people on how to be helpful to the growing number of consumers who ride isn't a bad thing. Redundant? Not really - we still have lines of discrimination to deal with and erase, what are commonly referred to as travel and toruism barriers.

Customer service in Canada at least from my experience has been pretty sad no matter where you go,  no matter what industry you discuss. For those business owners who are willing to refresh their staff's minds on what good customer service experiences should look like - I think that's just shrewd business and that they want to work with motorcyclists - well I think that's just awesome for our community.

In the news today:
JD Power has done a Customer Satisfaction survey - their 12th, regarding motorcycle dealers and the sales experience and guess what, in the hungry American market - CUSTOMER Service is IMPROVING...

Anti NOISE - The Wisconsin Legislature has the "Noisy Dozen" award for a resolution declaring Harley as the state's official motorcycle. Noise Free America is upset.
Legislators say they have no remorse about nominating Harley-Davidson as the state's official motorcycle, putting it in the same league as the state song, ballad, dance, beverage, tree, flower, bird, insect and animal.

Harley is one of Wisconsin's largest private employers, and its activities bring thousands of tourists here.

"When I hear loud motorcycle pipes, I think of people having fun and I think of jobs," said State Sen. Jeff Plale (D-South Milwaukee), a resolution sponsor. Noise Free America's complaints are "ridiculous in the extreme," according to Plale. "I am proud to accept their Dirty Dozen award, and I look forward to hanging it on my wall," he said.

Well, that's it for me today, year end books and invoicing to do along with two hard, hard weeks updating the 2010 event calendars is what's on the agenda for me...

If you are one of those lucky people who lives where you can ride that motorcycle of yours...PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Thursday, December 17, 2009

This, that and the other...

Well, I did not expect the reaction I got to my blog yesterday. While all of the little business people chose to IM me or email me directly the feed back was astonishing!

I guess they are right, I do tend to say things that other people think, or so I am being told.

Apparently collections is the LEAST favorite job the average little business person has. Why? because we are invested emotionally in every sale we make.
When someone fails to pay for their goods/services or products, well we tend to take it very personally.

I found out I am far from alone in disliking that chore and it also helped to open the door for some 'mentoring' and 'sharing'.

I would love more interaction and feed back with other small business people - the more we talk and share ideas, trials and challenges, the more innovative our thinking becomes!
I sure appreciate those who took the time to write or call and hope that it continues, the connection to others outside of this office is very welcomed.

I am going to resurrect some surveys that I had created a while back on customer service and see if we can't also get some ideas smoking for this new training course I am being asked to design. I hope you will send me in your feed back on what makes a good customer service experience, motels, campgrounds, restaurants and pubs.

In the news today...
While it's another fairly quiet day on the news front, the Hells Angels have gotten themselves embroiled again... 128 charges were laid in another bust!

In Kitimat BC the Mayor is being thanked for her efforts in trying to get motorcycle size/engine restrictions put in place for young riders in BC.

New BOD elected for the A.I.M.Can Peace Country Chapter in Grande Prairie.
We welcome Dave Campbell as our 2010 President.

If you are a lucky dog who lives where it is warm, dry and you can ride - got a spare room?
Please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A New Year's Resolution

How many of you who read my blog are not only lovers of the motorcycle but small business people? I would venture to say that since most motorcyclists tend to be A type personalities - there are a fair number of small business owners around here...

I would like to know what your LEAST favorite hat to wear as a small business owner is.Personally, I don't mind washing the toilet, making coffee, doing the books (not my favorite task by a long shot), laying out the paper, working on the event calendars and everything else that comes with what I have learned to do here, I quite thrive on it. 

But there is one job, one hat, that no matter how hard I try, no matter how bad things get - I just can't seem to master the art of - and that's being the bill collector. 
I HATE THAT JOB and I really suck at it too.

I hate being lied to by the people I do business with. I take all of that stuff way too personally. I detest how when they can't pay their bill they will tell you something, anything to get off the phone with you. I resent those that you KNOW are dodging you. They insult and demean a person. When I can't meet an obligation, I simply say so. there is no point hiding it. There is no point trying to run away from the facts. Leading someone to think they have money coming in to pay the gas bill when they really don't...not fair or right.
I have made a New Year's resolution.
I am NOT going to be the bill collector anymore.
From now on I make the first couple of calls, after that - Priority Credit or some such collection company can earn the 30% commission they charge for collecting, they can listen to the lies, the abuse, the threats - I don't want to hear it anymore. 

I want to love my job/business again. 
I want to go to bed without worrying, without playing over and over in my head the insults that have been hurled at me. I hate having to take anyone to collections, as a little business person I feel for those who are in the same boat as I am. 

The people who are honest with me, who say, I'll pay what I can when I can, but until others pay me I can't pay you - those people I will work with, bend over backwards to help...they have integrity. The rest, the collections agencies can sort out. I am not a bill collector, nor do I aspire to be; my heart, my nerves and my emotions can't take it.

So, fellow small business person, what is your LEAST favorite hat to wear?

I'd love to hear your tales - I learn a lot when I share challenges, thoughts and ideas with others...working alone; with blinders on and no one to bounce stuff off of is not the ideal situation to be in, so... It's class time - I am ready, willing and able to hear, learn and absorb...I would welcome you sharing your least favorite task with me, how you handle it, over come procrastination over do you deal with your least favorite job in your business?

In the news today: 

7 members of the Hell's Angels were scooped up in an Ontario drug raid dubbed operation Manchester.

David Booth from the Globe and Mail shares his list of the best motorcycles in 2010.

The NHTSA in the US has released it's recall list. Harley-Davidson's big recall on 111K motorcycles tops the list, but there are notices from BMW, Kawasaki and Buell. 
Jagermeister is the first liquor company to ever sponsor a super-cross event.

If you are fortunate enough, smart enough, to live or be going somewhere warm where you can ride - PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a difference a day makes...

Ali has been and will be for the next bit, working on streamlining our web site. She is working at making the information easier to access and making it easier for you to participate. If you notice on our What's Hot page (the home page) you will see we now have the news feeds being displayed in a more meaningful way.  Now it doesn't really matter what section of the site the story is posted to, you can have a quick over view of everything right there on the home page! Sports, News and Jokes are all there with their own feed displays - sure makes my job of writing every day easier! And it is only going to get better. When you have over 20K pages of information figuring out how to deliver it can be challenging!

I want to encourage everyone to give me some feed back on the Rider Friendly definition for Hotels, Motels, Gas Stations, Restaurants and Pubs....Camprgounds are a whole other issues that we need to address as well.

I was quite surprised yesterday as to how quiet the news feeds were, they sure made up for it today!
In the news today - well Royal Enfield and Norton debuted their new machines in Toronto.
DMX did a feature on the Toronto Motorcycle Show.
If you like motorcycles and museums the article on the German Museum is a must read for you.

Victory/Polaris is helping with the aftermath if Ft Hood and Siemens and OCC are asking for your help in choosing which charity should get the Siemens Chopper.

There's a ton of sports news as well, check out the new feed displays on our home page:

Once again I am asking for you to express what makes a good rider friendly customer service experience at hotels, motels, restaurants and pubs...

Your feedback is wanted because Inquiring minds need to know!

If you are one of the smart/fortunate people who live where is is warm and you can ride your motorcycle, PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can