Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Calgary Bike Show

Well - I seem to have some really rotten luck - our rider friendly directory was held up in customs and has not yet arrived in Calgary - the trucking company promises they will have them here for me today.

I pray they arrive today as I have a lot of people I want to show them to.

The guys from the Veterans Canada MC are working with me in the booth and so far so good!

Our booth is not in a good location but we are doing the best we can with what we have.

The weather is at least nice here in Cow Town - so that's a major bonus!

I'll pop in and touch base with you all tomorrow - until then,
Stay safe and warm....
Belt Drive Betty

Friday, January 09, 2009

On our way to Calgary Motorcycle Show

My buddy Barry - our Red Deer area reporter and I are on our way to Calgary and the MMIC Motorcycle Show.

The roads are treacherous and since he is a professional trucker - yah - he's driving so we have a hope of getting there in one piece!

I hope to see a ton of riders out in spite of the weather!

Come see us at the Busted Knuckle Booth! I can't wait to see old friends and make new ones!

Stay safe and warm

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Good to be back

It's good to be back in Alberta but I sure got spoiled with the weather in Toronto.
I hear that it's supposed to be a glorious weekend in Calgary and I am looking forward to that.
The drive from Edmonton to Blackfalds wasn't much fun in the blowing snow.

We have been having some issues with adding our events to the Calendar courtesy of GoDaddy and are hoping that will be resolved by them today. I wished when these big companies were upgrading stuff they'd communicate that with people.

Communication seems to be such an issue - I can't fix what I don't know is broken and get frustrated when people don't tell you they are having proiblems until they are so frustrated that they give up - how can I help you if you don't talk to me?

We have a pretty open door policy round here - if you are experiencing any challenges - talk to me...

Any way - I have to get to work on the calendars and see where we are at with them....

Have a safe and warm day....

Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Computers, friend or foe?

Sometimes when on the road the challenge of working with a computer can be maddening.
Finally I got the paper off to the printer this morning less the runs rallies and events pages because Godaddy was updating some fancy component that I had to have in order to pull the events from the calendars. So, frustrating as that is, the runs, rallies and events won't appear until next week.

I head to the airport tomorrow morning at 5 am and with any luck I will be at my good friend Barry's in Blackfalds and be able to spend some time getting the events pages done and ready for next Monday morning's print.

It has been a wonderful experience being in Toronto, meeting such good people but I am glad to be heading back to Alberta. It means that three more weeks and I get to sleep in my own bed!

Have a great day and I'll try and touch base tomorrow evening...till then, I hope you are all staying safe and warm.!

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, January 04, 2009

What a great day!

Watching the Chrome Divas getting their MAX Award was awesome! Man do those ladies have energy, integrity and spunk!

Glenn Roberts from Motorcycle Mojo won an award for his Custom Publication, Ken Venus won for Biker Radio Magazine, Motorcycle Tour Guide Nova Scotia won an award as did Atilla and Tina from Freakin Leather!

So many good people were recognized for their service to the Motorcycle community - it was a great awards ceremony.

I got to meet the CAV National President and Vice President - I have known both Trapper and Drifter for about 4 years but again, had never met them. What great guys.

I got to have a great chat with Adrian Blake from Ride On on Blog talk radio and had a wonderful chat with Nancy from Tech Sox.

It has been soooo busy but so very wonderful!

One more day at the show, then tomorrow build the paper, have a day off and then on a plane to Edmonton to grab my car and make my way to Calgary....I hear the weather at home in GP has been averaging -37 since I left....glad I've been here in -9 weather!

Heck there are guys like Mike Collins whom I was introduced to who are still riding here!

Anyway gang, I am off to get ready for the last day of the Toronto Super Show - chat with you tomorrow.

Until then, stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty