Saturday, February 21, 2009

What are they doing to us?

Have you noticed how much negativity there is out there right now?

I am stunned by the number of people who have fed in to the main stream media's propaganda about the shape of our economy and world. And how rapidly their professions of gloom and doom have come to pass.

I have been practicing the Law of Attraction and I see it at work on the broad scale - even though it is unconsciously being practiced - by the masses.

What's going on appears to me to have a lot to do with our view, beliefs and teachings. Our mind set.

Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning. Mahatma Gandhi
e have been taught that if a doctor tells you that you have an illness, you should believe him/her. If they give you a prescription it will make you feel better - but as we have all experienced, that isn't always the case. Seldom do people ask for a second opinion, seldom do we stand up for our rights.

We have bought in to believing the main stream media - they would never lie to us...

The main stream media can make a gloom and doom story out of just about anything, take this weeks visit by US President Barack Obama. If you watched any of the coverage, you'd swear that his visit was almost an embarrassment to our country - an after thought.

The busiest man in the world these days has to be Barack Obama, how in the heck can a visit that was scheduled at the end of January when he was sworn in be looked upon as anything but a show of respect and an acknowledgement of our role in the US economy and defending North America?

Yet, if you listened to CBC, they'd have you believe that the 6 hours that this man took out of his busy time to come talk to our Prime Minister was viewed that way. While I generally love Rex Murphy and his quirky way of viewing our world, I felt even he was trying to some how discredit the US President and his visit here.

It would appear that the main stream media likes to turn anything positive into more gloom and doom.

They have done a great job of making people scared, scared of terrorism, scared of economic upheaval, scared of their own governments and shadows.

Through the fear mongering that has gone on, we are seeing their prophecies come true. They constantly love to report to death - ad nauseum how bad things are and are going to get.

The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven - John Milton

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment - Marcus Aurelius

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death - James F. Bymes
I ascribe to the thought that what you experience is what you are thinking about - so if you are thinking of the gloom and doom - go outside, sing a song, watch a comedian - remember how to laugh and through that how to feel joy - the universe will bring you more things to feel joyous about.

Have a wonderful and joyous day...
Stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meetings and more meetings

What a busy time! I had a meeting with Community Futures yesterday, all day today with Travel Alberta...I have been training sales reps via Skype and trying to get everything organized for the Peace Country AIM-Can Chapter's motorcycle awareness event. I am on the board of directors for our chapter and it has been tough slogging to get this much done, but here we are!

Beginning next week we kick off sales for the 2010 Little Black Book and I am looking very forward to seeing that book double in size and encompass the whole country!

Our printed event calendar in this week's paper will have some corrections to it next time we print as we have gotten back about 20 confirmations and cancellations. We'll get them printed for you as soon as we can! In the mean time, remember the on line calendars are live and updated as soon as new information comes in.

You can help us have the best of information by contacting us any time you see a mistake or by posting an event yourself. (Remember, nothing appears on the site until either Ali or I approve it - so please don't submit more than once.) It is my hope that you guys and dolls who read the paper, use the web site and its tools will get more involved in submitting stories, event information and reviewing the businesses in our Little Black Book. I'd love to see your favorite day rides and I'd love to know what businesses treated you well. The more we share this stuff the better all of our riding seasons will be. Anyway, I still have some preparations before today's seminar and meetings with Travel Alberta so I'd best get it in gear....

Stay safe and warm,

Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

16 Pages - whew

Well, this week's Busted Knuckle Chronicles is 16 pages, 8 of them are runs and events!

About 2 hours after the paper went to the printer we had some updates come in but fear not, we will be printing them again! The good news is that the on line event calendars are live and they will keep growing and evolving as the groups and event coordinators continue firming up their schedules.

We could not print Ontario's Calendars or Alberta's this time...we'd need to have enough advertisers to print 24 pages!

Oh well, we'll do what we can every week to get the info out to you.

I'm wiped, been at it since 2 am so I am off for a much needed nap and then back at it.

Talk to you all tomorrow!

Stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Special Day

Today is the official 6th Birthday of the newspaper, The Busted Knuckle Chronicles and it is also my wedding anniversary.

Yesterday my husband and I had our traditional NASCAR day watching the Daytona 500.
A lot of my friends teased me because in a previous life I was a florist and they thought that that must be why we got married on Valentine's Day - WRONG! I chose the 16th of February because of the Daytona 500 - I set my husband up for success, now when they start advertising the first race of the NASCAR season - he thinks...hmmm...there's something I am supposed to remember!

For the paper's birthday Ali and I are putting something special together which will be ready in time for Thursday - the next day the paper comes out. It should prove to be fun and interesting to see what comes out of it!

Just about have the events calendars cleaned up and they will appear in this week's newspaper as well...speaking of which, I still have about 50 to go through so I should get back at all have a great Family Day and I'll chat with you tomorrow.

Stay safe and warm...
Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, February 15, 2009


There have been a few challenges on the web site of late.

Our new to the internet users are having a hard time understanding why the things they post don't show up immediately and are submitting things three and four times. (The warnings and rules on our site are rather small and unobtrusive.)

Just so you know: News, articles, jokes, rider friendly phone book listings, events and classified ads do not appear on our site until either Ali or I approve them. This way we can ensure that everything being submitted is put in the proper category. Your understanding and patience is deeply appreciated.

I know we've had a few challenges when it comes to the new web site, but every day it is getting better and better. Ali is tightening up the navigation issues and has been working away at adding all of our components - the site is truly amazing and is going to continue to get better all the time. The woman is amazing - she has one heck of a work load and gets very little in the way of pay right now. She has been working with me for 3 years and has proven her dedication to this community in a thousand ways.

I would appreciate it if you all showed her how much you appreciate her efforts on behalf of this community by emailing her at - just say hey - thanks for your hard work...
I know she'd appreciate hearing a little bit of praise and lord knows she deserves it.

Have a wonderful day, stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty