Friday, March 20, 2009


How many people belong to a group or association and NEVER get involved?


I have been hearing from a ton of event coordinators that they are not hosting their club or group events anymore due to lack of volunteers.

They are tired of doing all of the work, with no help - only to have their membership show up and whine and complain that this or that could have or should have been done differently.

If you want the right to complain - you need to be involved.

A lot of people have no clue the work and effort it takes to get the job done.

From permits and dealing with government officials and police services to dealing with the local health board, jumping the hoops to have a special event is getting tougher and tougher.

Then there's all of the other details like bands, food, beverages, lodging, prizes and incentives never mind the paper work like registration forms, posters, waivers and how about promotions.

As an event coordinator I have experienced everything from great support and help to none and I am here to tell you folks that a successful event requires a lot of people to do a great job.

So the next time you feel like raining on some one's parade by complaining about some aspect of an event - keep your mouth shut unless of course you are willing to take over that area!

Being of service to your community is about far more than laying a few bucks on the table to support a cause. It is about making a difference in a positive way.

If you aren't a part of the solution - you are the problem...

Yes I am crabby today - I am looking out my window to see more snow. I am sick of the white stuff. I want to ride my bike ...

Stay safe people and if you live in the north, well try and stay warm.

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Motorcycle Awareness or should we call it Cager Awareness?

OK people, motorcycle awareness is not just for cagers...

I am already seeing accident reports in the news which means that Motorcyclists are not being aware of the dangers of the cagers.

Motorcycle Awareness is a two way street people. In order for you to be safe out there you have to ride like you are invisible - like no one can see you. You have to anticipate that every cager is an idiot - blind and hates bikes. To do otherwise opens you up for HUGE risks.

If you approach every intersection with that mind set you will have a better chance at arriving to your destination.

I want you, my brothers and sisters of the wind to be safe, I want you around to argue with, to laugh with and to share the open road with....please ride like they are out to get you - because - THEY ARE!

Stay safe and warm,
Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Riding Schedules...

So, have you been checking out the events calendars? Lots of great events in there and still more to edit, add and update. Because our calendars are live 365...they are like a living breathing creature, always changing!

So far my riding season is shaping up to be a busy one. I plan to be at Cyclemania in Saskatoon in April - probably a car ride as opposed to getting to ride my bike, but one can hope right!

Then I will be at Slack Alice's, planning on attending the Cpl. Michael Starker Poker Run and Motorcycle Awareness Ride in Calgary, Ride for Dad, Ride for Hunger, St Victor Boogie, then out to Ontario then over to the Island and I do mean for the Pig 'n' Fin.

So, all in all, looking pretty promising! The weather here in Grande Prairie SUCKS ICE CUBES!

Yesterday I cleaned about 4 inched of snow off the car, another half inch spring ever going to arrive?

I invite you all to enter our newest contest.

Tell me in 100 - 500 words what it is about riding your motorcycle that moves your soul!

You could win a ticket on the 2009 Fatboy being drawn for at Slack Alice's!

The new blog on the Moose Jaw Times Herald Website is already attracting a good number of hits! Look for it in the Blogs Section.

I hope that where ever you live - if you can ride ....that you are riding like everyone around you is blind AND out to get you...

Stay safe and warm,

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, March 16, 2009

A challenging job...

Our events calendars have another 70 or so events to go in! The biggest part of that challenge is the quality of information that is given to us!

Many groups are run by volunteers and they don't always understand that people from other provinces will attend their events if they know about them. So they think every rider should know which Timmy's or hotel they speak of or they neglect to put contact information, start times that sort of thing in.

We spend a lot of time cleaning up the information that is given to us, searching for postal codes so that the event calendar can pull a Google map for the location etc.

This whole next week is dedicated to getting those calendars fine tuned and making sure everything we have is as accurate as possible as we will begin printing 6 pages of events every week for the next few starting March 26th.

Your patience as we comb through the events to ensure the info is accurate is deeply appreciated!

Have a safe and warm day - if you live in the Peace Region - you are out of luck on warm.
If you are lucky enough to live where it is warm enough to ride - Ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty