Saturday, March 28, 2009


Got home from Jasper safe and sound. It was an exciting and informative meeting and I am looking forward to seeing what all comes out of it.

I am working on this week's up coming paper, it's going to be another 12 pager packed with all kinds of information.

I am pooped so I am keeping this short and sweet...
Stay safe,

Belt Drive Betty

Friday, March 27, 2009

Motorcycle Tourism is Growing

The meeting that I am preparing for today is another indicator that more regions want to promote to motorcyclists.

Yes two and three wheel travel is going to become more "mainstream".
The Chamber of Commerce here in Jasper is planning a Poker Run and Show 'n' Shine and I got a sneak preview of some of the off the beaten track roads that they plan to run this 200 km poker run on....there isn't a rider alive that won't love it!

I am very gratified to see that more hotels, motels etc are starting to truly take our community seriously when it comes to accommodation needs and being Rider Friendly!

I have a lot to do to get ready for the meeting this morning so I will sign off for now.
Please if you live where you can ride already - ride safely - ride like no one can see you!

For the rest of us, try and stay warm...
Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, March 26, 2009

On my way to Jasper

Today I am on my way to Jasper. The Chamber of Commerce, the Hotel Association and Jasper Motorcycle Tours are hosting a Poker Rally of incredible proportions and they have asked me to assist them.

So hubby is a bit worried because of the weather yesterday and asks me to check the weather channel. I really wished I hadn't! While the forecast for today and tomorrow looks good, snow and more snow is forecast until April 9th - this is turning in to the winter from HE Double Hockey Sticks! WHEN is is going to end already!

I had to laugh at Berge Baronian's comment on yesterday's blog post. I laughed so hard my daughter thought I was having a breakdown!

The submissions we are getting for the Slack Alice's Show 'n' Shine 2009 Fatboy Ticket Contest are amazing! We got one from WyzWmn that really tugs the old heart strings I'll tell yah. If you have a minute pop over to the Contest Page over on all of the entries deserve a read!

While I am not talented enough to put it on the contest page - we have to wait for Ali to be ready to come back to work - we got a great entry for the McCool's Street Bar & Grill Contest!
Ray Sproull sent in this entry - being Scot's myself I am pretty partial to this one!
The boss over at McCool's is going to have a hard time choosing his new log me thinks!!!!

Any way, I have to get some book keeping done before I head out to Jasper, not to mention packing, getting fuel etc so off I go.

If you are lucky enough to live where you can ride - PLEASE ride like they are blind and can't see you. Having you around to share with, laugh, disagree and love is important to me.
You are important to our community - remember that!

For the rest of you who are in my boat...stay safe and warm and DON'T put that shovel away just yet!

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow...

Where I live, Grande Prairie AB, it's going to be a while before I can take my motorcycle for a spin. We woke up this morning to about another 3 inches of the fluffy white crap!

I have PMS so bad it's killing me! And for those not familiar with that term as it applies to motorcycles I do mean Parked Motorcycle Syndrome.

My scoot sits about 6 feet away from me in my office. I swear she talks to me. I have lots of windows and doors in the office and the other day I fired the old girl up for about 5 minutes. The sound, the feel, the smell...ah - it was good for a moment but it actually made the PMS harder to deal with.

Another thing making the PMS hard to deal with is all of my "Friends" and colleagues who live in warmer climates telling me all about how they are going for a ride. Can you say GREEN with envy?

Right now we have a contest running on where you could win a ticket on a 2009 Fatboy that is being drawn for at Slack Alice's Show 'n' Shine in Penticton in May.

"What is is about riding your motorcycle that Moves your Soul"

We'd love to hear from you, the submissions so far have all resonated with my soul really well!

Check out our contests page, we have three running and they all have great prizes up for grabs!

Have a great day, if you live in the north Peace regions of Alberta and BC, try to stay warm, for the rest of you who are riding, PLEASE - ride like they can't see you, because they can't!

Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A sigh of relief...

Our web mistress, Ali, had surgery yesterday and everything went well, she's on the mend and should be home on Thursday! Her hubby Gator is relieved as are the rest of us who care about her!

Our newest section on our web site: is our support our troops section and it is rather timely given the Fox piece...and the fact that 4 more of our soldiers came home in pine boxes.

The sacrifices these soldiers made, the sacrifices of their families do not deserve to be demeaned the way Fox demeaned them.

Unfortunately Fox is getting great ratings out of our outrage. The apology that needs to come will never be enough to assuage the hurt and discomfort the piece of "Comedy" has caused. The history of Canadian soldiers and their commitment to peace and safety is a strong and vital one - shame on Fox and shame on the American people who agree with the sentiments expressed by Fox.

Making fun of any war - making fun of your allies when they are bringing men and women home in pine boxes - is not just wrong - it's stupid, senseless and thoughtless. When you spit in the wind it will land back on you.

I for one hope it lands right in your eye Greg Gutfeld - you and your cohorts are disgusting pieces of work - however you may have done something for Canadians that no other American has ever done.

You may have just convinced our Prime Minister to bring our boys and girls home - early and you may have helped our politicians to understand that an arrogant bully deserves no support.
"Mr." Gutfeld's email address is: I think he deserves to hear what we Canadians really think. I've sent mine in....

If you are lucky enough to live where you can ride - please ride like they are out to get you.
You lucky dogs are too busy riding to watch disgusting people like those on the FOX Red Eye.

If you live in a region like I do, where we still have a ton of snow and riding is still a ways off - stay safe and warm and don't watch FOX.

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to lose friends and alienate countries

This is a disgusting and ill advised "Comedy" routine.

It's Monday and I feel good....

For me, Mondays are normally a drag your butt day. I usually work all night building the paper but this weekend I was actually able to have the paper done on Sunday morning and have an afternoon with hubby and daughter, watched a couple of movies and I got a great sleep in.

It feels rather odd saying that I feel good on a Monday morning, but here I am, feeling like I can handle whatever gets thrown my way.

The books go to the accountant this morning, I am caught up on most stuff and ready to promote, and do sales.

What a great feeling.

There's not a ton of stuff in the news yet today.
Congratulations to the winners in the Prince George Firefighters Bike Draw...

This week's paper is 12 pages, and it will remain at 12 pages for the foreseeable future until we get the runs, rallies and events printed for right across Canada.

The events calendars still need a wee bit of tweaking but nothing major - thanks to Lori's help and Bryan & Bee's they are shaping up really nicely.

Now, if this white stuff would go away - I'd have the world by the arse!

Anyway - wherever you live - ride safe, ride like they are out to get you because I want you around for a long time to come.

For those here in the great white north...stay safe and warm, we will get to ride sometime this year!

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy , busy

Well our Ali has been a busy, busy girl.
She goes in for surgery tomorrow and wanted to clear as many projects off her plate as she could.

Our Travel &Tourism section is almost completed now with most of the information transferred over to the new site now and our Support Our Troops section has been completed and is now live.

I guess I should really say that nothing we ever do is complete - it grows, evolves and changes darn near daily!

I hope you will enter one of the three contests we have on the go...

#1 - For those of you who artistically inclined there is the McCool's Street Bar & Grill Contest - design the winning logo and you could win a $500 gift certificate to the dealership or shop of your choice anywhere in Canada!

#2 - Tell us how riding your motorcycle moves your soul in 1-500 words and you could win a ticket on the 2009 Fatboy at Slack Alice's Show 'n' Shine

#3 - And last but not least, share your favorite day ride for a chance to win up to $300 in cold hard cash.

Come visit our contests page for all of the details.

We'd love to see our friends win something!

Membership on is required to enter, but it is also free and comes with a savings card that is good at 125 locations!

Till next time - stay safe and warm and if you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride...Please - ride like they are out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty