Friday, April 03, 2009

Home again!

I am home from a fabulous three day road trip!

It has been very rewarding but I am also grateful to be home.

There are many things I love in life, my husband and daughter, my home, my bike, my friends and colleagues and my job.

I wish for everyone to feel so good about their lives!

Anyway, I am off to spend some much needed time with my husband, so until tomorrow, stay safe - Ride like no one can see you!

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Educating businesses and riders....

Even though we have been around for 6 years, educating my fellow riders that our newspaper is for everyone regardless of the brand of motorcycle they ride is an on going process.

I sometimes find it hard to understand how riders who have known me for years would think that our newspaper is a Harley only type of paper. I don't care if you ride a scooter, a dirt bike or a cruiser, I could care less if you ride an Aprilia or a Suzuki. As long as your knees are in the breeze, we want to report on who you or your group/club are and what you do.

Educating businesses on what it takes to be truly rider friendly is an interesting proposition.
Here in Peace River we have a few businesses that are really rider friendly providing secure motorcycle parking etc.

It is amazing how many businesses really would like more riders to stop in and give them the chance to earn their business. Gratifying really!

I am excited and please with the progress I am making on this road trip.
Today I head to Slave Lake AB and am looking forward to that as I have good friends that live there and beyond good commerce I am looking forward to some great hugs!

For those of you heading to the Toronto International Supershow's Spring edition this week - I am green with envy as it's still not quite riding season here in Alberta. Please ride safe, stop in to the Chrome Diva's Booth and say hi to all of those wonderful lady riders for me.

Lucy Loren will be floating around there as well talking to different businesses. Lucy is our new Toronto sales rep!

Have a great day!
And Please....Ride like no one can see you, because they can't or don't!

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


There is a group of kids in Moncton New Brunswick called the Bike Klub.

I have been a sponsor of what they do for a number of years. When I first heard about them, they were building bicycles. Their dream was to build motorcycles and through their attendance of the Canadian Championship of Bike Building in Wembley AB in 2006 they made some huge connections, were donated a frame by Mid-USA Canada and bits and pieces from Canadian Builders like Trickfactory, Cycle Boyz, Goldammer Cycle Works, HawgZotic and more.

Today they are true motorcycle builders. Today they are CHAMPIONS!

The Donnie Smith Invitational is a very prestigious show, not only did they win the Technical Merit award and Best Overall! They also placed 3rd in the Rigid Class - being pitted against 8 pro builders!

No small feat - their achievement is a feather not only in their own individual caps, but that of the teacher who never, ever gave up. Marc Mazerolle kept them first and foremost in all of his efforts and found the ways and means to ensure these kids could live their dream. His dedication needs to be hailed and held up as an example to teachers everywhere.

I myself was an honored and humbled human being when the Bike Klub named their first build after me. Now that "Betty" is an international championship ride....well, what's a girl supposed to say...I am so very proud of these kids and so proud to say I know them, support them and love them...I always have felt those things - they are special kids who are guided and mentored by a special teacher.


They have done their sponsors, their teacher and their country PROUD!

If ever you felt moved to support our future - the Bernice MacNaughton High School Bike Klub is a group more than worthy of your support. Visit their web site at:
And please, donate generously - they have a championship to defend!

They have done Canada proud and have reduced this crusty, out spoken old broad to tears of joy and pride.

CONGRATULATIONS Bike Klub - you earned every accolade coming your way!

Stay safe, and ride like they are out to get you, because they are!

Belt Drive Betty

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big dreams....coming true!

We are now offering you GPS Coordinates for most of our BDB Partners in our on line phone book!

Very soon we will be turning those coordinates into down loadable apps for Iphones, Garmin Motorcycle GPS units and hopefully Tom Tom as well.

One day, one sale, one step at a time - we are getting this thing to where I envisioned it would be.

I am finally caught up on all of the back logged paper work that was generated between two computer crashes and a set of books from the accountant that would not merge with my copy!

The year end is done and back from the accountant, taxes filed!
I am finally - really and truly in a position to promote our community to achieve better service in hotels and motels, dealerships and other businesses we use, to create better communication tools for our community to use.

So, off I go, three to four days in the Mighty Peace selling motorcycle tourism and riders as consumers to businesses - the more businesses we have working with our community, the better off we are - not just the paper and it's other ventures, but we as riders.

We look forward to having more riders participate in what we do, tell us what you want, what you need. Tell us what you like and don't like. As a rider myself, I am growing this thing based on what I know I would like to see. Your feed back and input is so valuable not just to the paper etc but to your fellow rider. If you want our web site, the newspaper and the phone book to be valuable to you - tell us! We are not mind readers!

Get involved, talk to me, let's grow this thing so that one day - every rider can be hooked up with all of the information and tools they need. It is only through the sharing of information that we will all have the riding season we deserve. Good service, great events and wonderful rides - sharing, communicating, it's how a community becomes strong.

Till next time, stay safe out there - ride like they are out to get you, because they are - I want you around to argue with, laugh with and most importantly to ride with!

Belt Drive Betty