Saturday, June 20, 2009

Noise Crackdowns...

If you are planning to attend Atlanticade in Moncton - BEWARE - if you are running pipes that produce excessive noise the powers that be are thinking of testing and ticketing! And this is becoming a common theme amongst those who do not like motorcycle noise.

I ask repeatedly for people to ride with respect with that throttle hand but as we all know - those who feel the need to show off and attention seek really don't care what you or I or any one else for that matter really thinks. For those who just love the sound of their pipes and are not putting them on their machines for any other reason than the sound they like - they do tend to be respectful.

When you are visiting another city, another are an ambassador for the rest of us. Please don't be asses. Please use your head and think beyond your own personal gratification...

I know this diatribe is probably falling on deaf ears and that for others who read this that I am preaching to the choir - those who already get it.

I wished there was an effective way to get people to lighten & brighten up and quit making heat scores for the rest of us to have to muddle through. You annoy me highly when I get pulled over to be tested just because I ride a bike. Mine is completely stock - there is NO reason for my bike to have to go through decibel testing - NONE. The only reason it happens is because of the cowboys....

Please ride safe today, ride like everyone around you is blind and can't see you, stay hydrated and PLEASE - use that muscle between your ears and be respectful with your throttle hand....

Belt Drive Betty

Friday, June 19, 2009

V-Twin Family Diner

I left Grande Prairie yesterday and headed to Drayton Valley to check out the V-Twin Family Diner - this is another really awesome rider owned business! I had one of their burgers - if you decide to check it out you'd best bring your appetite - their burger is enormous!
They are new partners in the BDB Club!

While windy, the ride down was pleasant and I arrived in Leduc at "BoB's" place - (Sandra) our Leduc Rep's place. I had the chance to meet some of the local riders over a coffee at Timmy's - that was very pleasant and a great way to end a very good day.

The multiple award winning "Betty Bobber" built by the Bernice MacNaughton High School Bike Klub is up for sale. The kids are hoping to sell the bobber in order to fund their next build! They want to defend their championship!

If you are interested in buying this fabulous machine contact Marc Mazerolle:

Please ride like everyone around you is blind, stay hydrated and use respect with that throttle hand....

Belt Drive Betty

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Your prayers are working!

Our friend and humor columnist, Layton Park is back on the right track! I am sure that between all of the wonderful medical care he is getting and all of your prayers that he will be fine sooner than later. If you want to follow his progress, visit his blog:

Back Road Scholar
Layton's wife Myrna is doing a fabulous job of keeping us all posted on his condition.

Hubby has been having a tough time but Monday sees him go for his MRI and hopefully by the end of next week we will have a few more answers.

I myself am packing up to head for New Norway and the Steel Horse Bar & Grill's Support our Troops event. My hubby knows I need to work this weekend but his question to me was - even on your birthday? Yes tomorrow I turn 49 (I feel 29 though) and I will be riding and writing, something I love - the only black cloud is that hubby isn't well enough to ride with me as he is, without a doubt, my favorite riding partner.

I have faith that he will be able to ride again before the end of our short season.
It's hard to see the longing in his eyes when I get on my bike - makes me feel almost guilty...

If you are looking for somewhere to ride this weekend, check out our extensive events calendars over on - membership is required but it is also FREE!

Please ride safe, like everyone around you is blind and can't see you, stay hydrated and please use respect with that throttle hand!

Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Our friend and columnist, Layton Park is back on the ventilator, it appears he has pneumonia and he is now heavily sedated. The down turn happened a couple of days ago and I missed reading that post from Myrna. Layton has strong support and this turn seems to be very typical of the types of injuries he has but none the less I am asking for everyone to say a prayer for him and all the people he loves.

Hubby is going through his emotional roller coaster with the steroids but he is starting to be able to feel his toes again so that's a good sign.
When we are given challenges like these in our lives we need to hold on to possibility, gratitude and love. Laughter is the best medicine - laughing feels good.
Hubby and I have been watching comedies and staying strong because of the great friends and family network we have.

On the motorcycle news front I read about a young man who died on his 750 Suzuki when he plowed in to the back end of an SUV in Prince George. The family is starting a bursary in his memory and are lobbying the government for mandatory motorcycle training.

The daily news feeds from the main stream media's are many riders being killed and injured and many of the accidents are ones that are preventable.

I hope and pray that all of you who ride see the value in training.

Please, ride safe out there, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you - stay hydrated and PLEASE, be respectful with your throttle hand.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the news...

Today's news feeds for motorcycling in Canada are very busy.
The main stream medias and our own motorcycle groups and businesses have lots to report.

Did you know we carry the news feeds nationally and PROVINCIALLY? Well we do!

Here is the link to our daily feeds - NEWS

The URL will change once Ali is ready for us to go live on the new server but I thought you might find some of your more local news handy.

We have, somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 - 20K pages of information, videos, events, stories etc for you to look through!

One of the press releases that caught my interest today, involves a very intriguing motorcycle security add on - GPS Tracking with the ability to contact 9-11 in the event of an accident. Read about it here: Health & Technology

I got my Ride like a Pro DVD and have finally had a chance to watch it - OMG - is that ever a fabulous DVD - I can't wait to get started practicing the techniques...

Layton is doing much better - our humor columnist is apparently supplying laughter as his own best medicine! Catch up on his condition here: Back Roads Scholar

Hubby is on massive doses of steroids - 26 pills a day right now, he starts cutting that number down today, and will be on a reducing dosage for about 2 weeks. For those unfamiliar with steroid treatments like Prednisone - they produce some pretty emotional highs and lows and it is really rough to deal with for everyone around the person on them but we are getting by. Like Layton, we are using laughter whenever we can...

I hope your day is successful and happy.

Please ride like everyone around you is blind, stay hydrated and please use respect with your throttle hand - more communities than ever are cracking down on excessive noise!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Another busy week ahead...

Well, with hubby loaded up on steroids and starting to feel a wee bit better, I am going to be hitting the road again. This week, instead of attending the St Victor Boogie as originally planned, Keith from the Flatland Riders in Estevan and Ani from Black Jack Classic & Vintage Hawgs will be there in my stead.

I will be heading to the New Norway/Camrose - Steel Horse Bar & Grill Soldiers Event.
I want to try and stay within an easy day's ride of home, just be be safe.

This week's paper is off to the printer and will hit your email addresses on Thursday as usual.

Our web site move should be completed this week if everything else goes ok. Moving the calendars over proved to be a real challenge due to the company who developed them closing their doors, so no support was available. Ali came through for us though! We will be looking into new calendars for 2010 along with a couple of other new tools we want installed.

I have a ton of follow up calls and other jobs to attend to today and will speak at you all tomorrow...

Belt Drive Betty