Saturday, December 19, 2009

A thanks to the Hells Angels of Saskatoon might be in order...

I read with much interest today about the ruling in Saskatchewan with regards to the banning of Motorcycle Club Patches (Gang Patches) in bars and on public property. The reason that I have such interest in this case is there was a similar law that was passed in Grande Prairie when I started hosting motorcycle shows here.

Now please - don't go thinking I am somehow supporting or a supporter of the Hells Angels or any other outlaw motorcycle club.  I am not, I am pretty neutral on the whole MC thing, being a female, all of that testosterone and posturing just isn't anything that holds interest for me. I am however a supporter of the freedoms the Charter of this country allows us.
I am also for reducing the absolute power of the RCMP and having better checks and balances in place for that organized group of men an women.

The trial judge who declared the law unconstitutional made the exact observation I made when a similar law was enacted here: The law was created to help police deal with gangs, drug trafficking, prostitution and child exploitation, but Brayford argued its wording is so broad it could persecute striking workers wearing union logos on their clothes.

So, in a way, many of us owe the Hells Angels a thank you for spending the money on lawyers and getting this law deemed as unconstitutional. And we owe a HUGE thank you to Judge Brayford for having the courage to follow the charter. Perhaps now, here in Grande Prairie the by-law will get axed and then I will be allowed into some of the bars here with my CAV patch on. (Mind you if they weren't around - the Red & White that is - we probably wouldn't have had this dumbassed law enacted in the first place.)

One of the fundamental problems of this whole banning the "Gang" colours thing has been the lack of education as to what patch/es is "Gang" related and what patch isn't. How in the heck is some bar maid or some bar owner gonna know which is which? The RCMP and other police services refuse to provide any education to bar owners and staff. So in effect anyone wearing anything other that manufacturer clothes/patches were being barred/banned as owners feared the reprisal of the RCMP. And in Calgary there are bars that even ban motorcycle manufacture clothing - H-D in particular.

It will be interesting to see if Calgary bars that banned the wearing of Harley-Davidson clothing in their establishments will now have to lighten up on their stupidity or not.
I wonder how many other provinces will follow suit? Manitoba also has a colours law.

I find the whole banning clothing thing to be totally stupid, senseless and an absolute waste of money - ban the clothes because of the "Power of the Patch" and its use for intimidation purposes... but the person who wears the clothing is OK to be present...
Another small victory for common sense which as Mr. Delhon my grade 9 social studies teacher used to say "Common sense is not too common"

In other news:
The Prince George Renegades had a member arrested for drugs etc along with three other prince George citizens - the Renegades are reportedly a puppet club of the Red & White.

And in Hamilton two more associates of the Red & White were scooped in as part of Tuesday busts in Hamilton, Waterloo and Nanticoke.

In Regina some Bikers received an honor from the police for their bravery in stopping a machete wielding crazy man and another knife wielding man who were attempting to rob a gas station attendant.

Harley-Davidson may not be named the official motorcycle of Wisconsin...

Bar Hodgson of Toronto Super Show Fame has a documentary airing about his exploits in Bonneville - David Hatch is the producer of this documentary - if you miss it on  TV it will be aired at the Toronto Super Show in January.

For all of my friends with mobility issues who would love to ride again but are in a might be pleased to hear this, there is a wheelchair accessible motorcycle on the market now! The Martin Conquest 

I have a video about the motorcycle linked here - she's pretty sweet looking!

Oh and don't forget to take our Hotel/Motel Customer survey - this is your opportunity to help us as a community impact customer service in the hospitality industry as it relates to motorcyclists and people in general! Click here to take the Survey.

If you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you...

If you are like me and living where there is snow, cold weather and riding feels like a distant dream -then get on the computer and find the BEST pictures of your ride because on January 1st, 2010 we begin the 3rd annual Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine - we have tons of fabulous prizes up for grabs!

And we are not done adding to the prize list!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Friday, December 18, 2009

Customer Service - educating the rider as well as the staff in hotels, motels etc...

One of our readers: Ed "GearJammer" Howe sent in an appropriate and timely article on the conduct of riders and how they can negatively impact their own customer service experiences in hotels, motels etc.

My wife and I have been traveling on our bikes for several years now.  My wife rides a HD Heritage Softtail and I ride an HD Road Glide.  We have ridden extensively in  British Columbia, Alberta and have visited Washington and Idaho.   We have stayed at  many motels, hotels and campsites and eaten at many restaurants over the years. In all that time, we have never had a negative experience that could be traced to our mode of travel.  Usually when we register, the desk clerk suggests that we may park our bikes right in front of the lobby so that the staff can keep an eye on them for us. So, when I read an article that promotes the need for "rider friendly education for establishments"  I am left wondering, why?  Have we been incredibly fortunate in our experiences?  I doubt it.
 Perhaps it is a perceived issue that really is based upon a few incidents that may or may not have been the fault of the establishments.  Let's face it, some riders/bikers seem to think it is necessary to promote the movie version of bikers, exuding an attitude of the "outlaw" biker, wearing leather or denim jackets  and helmets festooned in patches, crests, etc.  They pull up on excessively loud bikes, are verbally abusive, and demanding. Of course that is going to set a negative tone. I have seen this  happen and noticed the way the clerk's attitude changed in moments. Can you blame the clerk? 
Maybe what is really needed is to educate those few that seem to think good manners are for somebody else. Gear Jammer

Well Ed, being a female rider I have unfortunately experienced negative customer service because I rode a bike. I was turned away at a motel in Rocky Mountain House - used to be called the Carriage House - it's been sold and has new owners now but in 2004 when I went to the Alberta Ladies Rally  I was told my kind wasn't wanted at the motel. I rode a Suzuki Volusia that was whisper quiet and I was frozen - cold. No attitude being coped then I can assure you. I have had other, not so good experiences - that one was just the most painful one....

Since then I have heard horrid stories of women being treated like they are lesbians because they ride together and have heard other rotten, nasty comments and stories of terrible treatment. I have heard of awful stories where people were turned away with no where to sleep at night...riding at night is NOT my favorite thing to do.

But what you say has much validity as well Ed; GENERALLY - if you come in with the right attitude, if you are polite and respectful your experience will probably go well.

For the most part, educating the staff on what the needs of riders are and why those needs exist, reminding them that we are like any other customer - these are refresher courses in customer service and refresher courses are something most employees can benefit from. 

For businesses that want to be designated as rider friendly, helping them to identify areas of improvement to their facility, explaining why secured parking and ground floor rooms are so welcome - what makes riders turn in to an establishment, these things are important and if a business wants to attract more riders they need to know how to do that.

You and your wife have been very fortunate. Is it the way you conduct yourself? 
YES, that probably accounts for 90% of your good fortune along with the changing views on riders, however there are many places you could experience or travel to that would shock you as to how bad the treatment can be. 

Reaffirming good customer service techniques and knowledge is never a bad thing and training people on how to be helpful to the growing number of consumers who ride isn't a bad thing. Redundant? Not really - we still have lines of discrimination to deal with and erase, what are commonly referred to as travel and toruism barriers.

Customer service in Canada at least from my experience has been pretty sad no matter where you go,  no matter what industry you discuss. For those business owners who are willing to refresh their staff's minds on what good customer service experiences should look like - I think that's just shrewd business and that they want to work with motorcyclists - well I think that's just awesome for our community.

In the news today:
JD Power has done a Customer Satisfaction survey - their 12th, regarding motorcycle dealers and the sales experience and guess what, in the hungry American market - CUSTOMER Service is IMPROVING...

Anti NOISE - The Wisconsin Legislature has the "Noisy Dozen" award for a resolution declaring Harley as the state's official motorcycle. Noise Free America is upset.
Legislators say they have no remorse about nominating Harley-Davidson as the state's official motorcycle, putting it in the same league as the state song, ballad, dance, beverage, tree, flower, bird, insect and animal.

Harley is one of Wisconsin's largest private employers, and its activities bring thousands of tourists here.

"When I hear loud motorcycle pipes, I think of people having fun and I think of jobs," said State Sen. Jeff Plale (D-South Milwaukee), a resolution sponsor. Noise Free America's complaints are "ridiculous in the extreme," according to Plale. "I am proud to accept their Dirty Dozen award, and I look forward to hanging it on my wall," he said.

Well, that's it for me today, year end books and invoicing to do along with two hard, hard weeks updating the 2010 event calendars is what's on the agenda for me...

If you are one of those lucky people who lives where you can ride that motorcycle of yours...PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Thursday, December 17, 2009

This, that and the other...

Well, I did not expect the reaction I got to my blog yesterday. While all of the little business people chose to IM me or email me directly the feed back was astonishing!

I guess they are right, I do tend to say things that other people think, or so I am being told.

Apparently collections is the LEAST favorite job the average little business person has. Why? because we are invested emotionally in every sale we make.
When someone fails to pay for their goods/services or products, well we tend to take it very personally.

I found out I am far from alone in disliking that chore and it also helped to open the door for some 'mentoring' and 'sharing'.

I would love more interaction and feed back with other small business people - the more we talk and share ideas, trials and challenges, the more innovative our thinking becomes!
I sure appreciate those who took the time to write or call and hope that it continues, the connection to others outside of this office is very welcomed.

I am going to resurrect some surveys that I had created a while back on customer service and see if we can't also get some ideas smoking for this new training course I am being asked to design. I hope you will send me in your feed back on what makes a good customer service experience, motels, campgrounds, restaurants and pubs.

In the news today...
While it's another fairly quiet day on the news front, the Hells Angels have gotten themselves embroiled again... 128 charges were laid in another bust!

In Kitimat BC the Mayor is being thanked for her efforts in trying to get motorcycle size/engine restrictions put in place for young riders in BC.

New BOD elected for the A.I.M.Can Peace Country Chapter in Grande Prairie.
We welcome Dave Campbell as our 2010 President.

If you are a lucky dog who lives where it is warm, dry and you can ride - got a spare room?
Please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A New Year's Resolution

How many of you who read my blog are not only lovers of the motorcycle but small business people? I would venture to say that since most motorcyclists tend to be A type personalities - there are a fair number of small business owners around here...

I would like to know what your LEAST favorite hat to wear as a small business owner is.Personally, I don't mind washing the toilet, making coffee, doing the books (not my favorite task by a long shot), laying out the paper, working on the event calendars and everything else that comes with what I have learned to do here, I quite thrive on it. 

But there is one job, one hat, that no matter how hard I try, no matter how bad things get - I just can't seem to master the art of - and that's being the bill collector. 
I HATE THAT JOB and I really suck at it too.

I hate being lied to by the people I do business with. I take all of that stuff way too personally. I detest how when they can't pay their bill they will tell you something, anything to get off the phone with you. I resent those that you KNOW are dodging you. They insult and demean a person. When I can't meet an obligation, I simply say so. there is no point hiding it. There is no point trying to run away from the facts. Leading someone to think they have money coming in to pay the gas bill when they really don't...not fair or right.
I have made a New Year's resolution.
I am NOT going to be the bill collector anymore.
From now on I make the first couple of calls, after that - Priority Credit or some such collection company can earn the 30% commission they charge for collecting, they can listen to the lies, the abuse, the threats - I don't want to hear it anymore. 

I want to love my job/business again. 
I want to go to bed without worrying, without playing over and over in my head the insults that have been hurled at me. I hate having to take anyone to collections, as a little business person I feel for those who are in the same boat as I am. 

The people who are honest with me, who say, I'll pay what I can when I can, but until others pay me I can't pay you - those people I will work with, bend over backwards to help...they have integrity. The rest, the collections agencies can sort out. I am not a bill collector, nor do I aspire to be; my heart, my nerves and my emotions can't take it.

So, fellow small business person, what is your LEAST favorite hat to wear?

I'd love to hear your tales - I learn a lot when I share challenges, thoughts and ideas with others...working alone; with blinders on and no one to bounce stuff off of is not the ideal situation to be in, so... It's class time - I am ready, willing and able to hear, learn and absorb...I would welcome you sharing your least favorite task with me, how you handle it, over come procrastination over do you deal with your least favorite job in your business?

In the news today: 

7 members of the Hell's Angels were scooped up in an Ontario drug raid dubbed operation Manchester.

David Booth from the Globe and Mail shares his list of the best motorcycles in 2010.

The NHTSA in the US has released it's recall list. Harley-Davidson's big recall on 111K motorcycles tops the list, but there are notices from BMW, Kawasaki and Buell. 
Jagermeister is the first liquor company to ever sponsor a super-cross event.

If you are fortunate enough, smart enough, to live or be going somewhere warm where you can ride - PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a difference a day makes...

Ali has been and will be for the next bit, working on streamlining our web site. She is working at making the information easier to access and making it easier for you to participate. If you notice on our What's Hot page (the home page) you will see we now have the news feeds being displayed in a more meaningful way.  Now it doesn't really matter what section of the site the story is posted to, you can have a quick over view of everything right there on the home page! Sports, News and Jokes are all there with their own feed displays - sure makes my job of writing every day easier! And it is only going to get better. When you have over 20K pages of information figuring out how to deliver it can be challenging!

I want to encourage everyone to give me some feed back on the Rider Friendly definition for Hotels, Motels, Gas Stations, Restaurants and Pubs....Camprgounds are a whole other issues that we need to address as well.

I was quite surprised yesterday as to how quiet the news feeds were, they sure made up for it today!
In the news today - well Royal Enfield and Norton debuted their new machines in Toronto.
DMX did a feature on the Toronto Motorcycle Show.
If you like motorcycles and museums the article on the German Museum is a must read for you.

Victory/Polaris is helping with the aftermath if Ft Hood and Siemens and OCC are asking for your help in choosing which charity should get the Siemens Chopper.

There's a ton of sports news as well, check out the new feed displays on our home page:

Once again I am asking for you to express what makes a good rider friendly customer service experience at hotels, motels, restaurants and pubs...

Your feedback is wanted because Inquiring minds need to know!

If you are one of the smart/fortunate people who live where is is warm and you can ride your motorcycle, PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Monday, December 14, 2009

Some great comments and excellent points made...

My blog post of two days ago where in I asked you for your feed back and input, your ideas of what makes a hotel or motel rider friendly generated some wicked comments in my Face Book group, some posted their comments and some emailed them to me, here are some of the posted ones....

1 and 4 are one in the same for me. I'm not a high maintenance traveler when on the bike. I want a clean roof over my head that's under a hundred bucks. I'm there to sleep and have a shower, that's pretty much it.
I prefer main floor so I don't have to haul gear up stairs and can have the bike close by. We've actually found 1-2 places that have ...given us access to cleaning rags and hoses if needed as well!

We've found some amazingly friendly and customer focused motels across Alberta and BC the last few years and thankfully only had one Biker UN-friendly experience. Avoid the Travelodge in Salmon Arm.

We go to the Best Western in Salmon Arm - they've even let us park the bike in the lobby! We prefer camping when riding - have come across a couple places that won't let you take the bike into the campground because of noise and then you can't sleep because of everyone else's music, generators, etc. (?). So far I think we've been very lucky, have heard horror stories but haven't lived one (knock on wood!)...

I agree with Don, not looking for more than a friendly place at a reasonable price with secure parking for my ride. I never let my ride out of sight. Close to a decent eatery is great. Laundry facilities are also appreciated.

I agree with Don and Ric, bike security is prime.
Best place we've stayed was Three Valley Gag just west of Revelstoke B.C. We pulled in and one of the first questions was "Would you like to park your bike inside a locked building over night?". 2 thumbs up to them and their staff, very friendly also.

While I want more comments and feed back on motels, hotels...

I'd like to move the discussion to restaurants and pubs...

What is the one thing you want the most from a restaurant or pub?

And what is the one thing the will pee you off and give you a headache the most...

Your feed back, you taking a few minutes to respond is HUGE - it will help us shape this training course we are working on so please...participate!

I am asking everyone to be a wee bit patient with the web site over the next few days - we are working on streamlining the layout and the direct submission process - we have over 20K pages of information and it it going to take a bit of reorganizing to make it less intimidating and easier to participate....

In the news today - the news feeds are strangely, eerily quiet today.
I had expected to see reviews on the Toronto Motorcycle Show, but either everyone is too tired or there really wasn't anything special to see. I guess we shall know by the end of the week what the manufacturers think the response to their offerings in 2010 will be.

Motorcycle Shows around the world have had a tough time selling out their floor space, they have had mixed reviews from spectators...I am very curious to see the responses here in Canada.

Husqvarna has announced their Canadian Motocross/Enduro Race Team for 2010.

It's either too early in the day for reports or that is really all the motorcycle news in Canada that's fit to print today. As always, if anything really interesting or very important comes up, we'll let you know.

If you are fortunate/smart enough to live where you can ride today - PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can