Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Edmonton Motorcycle Show

Well, the 2010 Edmonton motorcycle show has kicked off and it is a much different feeling show that Calgary.

Perhaps it is because parking is cheaper in Edmonton...perhaps its because northern riders are fed up with winter - whatever it is there is a distinct difference in the feeling - the energy in the air.

The Indian booth is busy with lots of interest and so is the Royal Enfield booth. It would appear that perhaps northern riders have a larger appreciation for the little work horses.

The show is smaller - there is no doubt but there are some very cool products to see. Really the only thing that has changed is the lack of custom bikes and while they are cool - in this economy it appears that the blinged out barges and exotic looks of the custom are back to being reserved for the truly wealthy. The average person wants a machine that they can ride and afford. The average builder isn't at the show because no one has been buying their wares for a while. I have the utmost respect for the talent many of these builders have, through them and their creativity many inventions and adaptations have been made to motorcycles that are pretty important. The sad truth is - their machines are too expensive for the average pocket book, there is no warranty to protect the purchaser and no recourse when things don't go right.

As I said earlier the energy of the show, the feeling in the air here in Edmonton far different than Calgary was. If you are looking for a cure albeit a temporary one for your PMS come and join us. My hug meter is going to need a serious work out today if Edmonton is going to beat Calgary in the hugging department.

In the news today: The two Norwegians who are riding around the world on their 1937 Nimbus bikes are in the news again.

Motorcycle prices in Europe are going up, and up and up....

In the US, the department of Defense has enlisted the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to find ways to reduce the number of accidents experienced by military personnel.

ThermaHelm, the Brain Cooling Motorcycle Helmet is coming onto the market place in May with the basic model and later in July with an advanced model that has GPS, video and bluetooth...

Well folks, gotta get ready for a day of hugs, friends and motorcycles.

If you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

For the rest of you, please join us at the Edmonton Motorcycle Show or visit the Chrome Divas Booth at the Toronto International Supershow - if you aren't fortunate enough to have a show to attend, our Beat the PMS Blues on line show 'n' shine might help assauge that empty, missing the hiway feeling...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Friday, January 15, 2010

Somedays...I wished that I could

As eloquent as I can be at writing - as effective as I can be at getting the message out no matter what that message may be, there are times I wished that I could re visit things or have a proof reader to ensure the message I think I am conveying has a better chance of being taken in the right context.

The written word is so powerful but it is so easy to misunderstand too. There is no inflection in one's voice, you can't see the tears, smiles, teasing looks. Words are so very powerful and every now and then we need to be humbled I guess in order that we truly think as we write. I blog daily - or pretty darn close to it and sometimes it will take me 2 and three hours to write those articles as I read and re read what I have put to paper.

My article yesterday was one of those wherein yes I reread it, but not from the many perspectives of those I wish to talk to and engage, the way I normally write.

When I said I resent our government spending millions and billions of our tax payers dollars on helping out in other countries - I did not express my personal feelings terribly well, after all I knew what I meant...
I know - take the blinders off Betty....

My facebook group that reads these editorials gave me a variety and depth of feedback that I was only semi prepared for.

When I said that charity begins at home, I meant that. We need to work towards solutions for our homeless, our hungry, our inuit and native populations and the disgrace of the system we designed for them and when I say we I mean my ancestors, the white guys with the tunnel vision view of the world from way back when.

The announcement yesterday that the Canadian Government is sending matching financial contributions to that of the major charities up to $50 million dollars - that is what upset me and got me off on that tangent and here's why...

When money goes to charitable organizations - too often, only 5 cents maybe 10 cents and up to 25 cents of what is donated actually gets to the people it was intended for. The rest is eaten up in administration, marketing and wages. All necessary expenses - but is that where our taxpayers dollars should go? I feel not.

When we as a country send things like D.A.R.T., helicopters, dog teams, medical supplies etc, we as a country have control of how and where the resources are used. They don't get spent on advertising and wages as important as those may be and they don't get misappropriated (spent on bribes etc) as often as cash can.

We have all heard of the horror stories of governmental and bandit raiding of supplies, we have all heard of kickbacks and bribes having to be paid. I think sending resources that are tangible and visible and often protected or run by a Canadian soldier just makes the most sense. If we are spending an additional 50 million - then let that be in wages to our men and women and for supplies from the ground here - the money at least ends up benefiting our economy and the help we give those who are devestated is true, real, concrete help!

I believe, with all my heart that if an indiviual wants to donate cash like I have - that's great - the charities need money to pay wages etc, I get that, but our governmental money should be spent on the resources where the impact will actually be felt - immediately.

Sending massive amounts of cash that will probably never make any significant impact...that does no one any good in my humble opinion. Send men, women, tools, equipment, water, medical supplies - just not cash if you are my government. I donate my time, my money and my resources to many, many charitable causes. I know we have to care and that we should pay our good fortune forward.

There's a ton of stuff in the news today:  
Leading a double life reporter Steve Jones was sacked by the BBC for  being Hells Angels spokesman

What down turn asks Husqvarna...

Female racer Paola Cazzola is the first female to enter the World Supersport on a full time basis.

As always our web site has a ton of new jokes, new stories and blog articles on it. I hope you'll spend some time snooping and getting to know it well. You can contribute to our site by simply signing up for a free membership..Have you seen the bikes in our on line show 'n' shine? Are you entered? Hope you'll join us in Beating the PMS Blues (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) - we are giving away over $5K in prizes and if you can't use the prize you won you are able to give it to a friend or family member who can!

Hope you'll help us improve customer service in Hotels and Motels by taking our Survey
It's only 10 questions - and its all about the things that they already provide - identifying those they don't so that we can help them to serve our community better.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Vancouver Island - under siege

It appears that the Hells Angels may have actually served a purpose that perhaps the police services over looked.  One of crime prevention - now that the Angels have been curtailed so to speak, Asian and other non "organized" gangs are moving in and dealing death, destruction etc...

"One organized crime expert says that the seizure of Nanaimo's Hells Angels clubhouse in 2007 has disrupted the bikers' criminal activities in the area and provided new groups with an opportunity to muscle in on the local drug trade. The RCMP won't reveal intelligence they've gathered about the changing dynamic of gangs in the city, but say that the ranks of the notorious motorcycle club haven't diminished." Dustin Walker, The Daily News

No matter how much people may want to help out those in Haiti - here's some advice you need to follow...
Personally I have my opinions on what the government of our country should and should not be doing with our money. I feel that until our homeless, our hungry are cared for here, our government should not be helping anywhere - the individual citizen should if they are so moved but our government - Not.

I would LOVE your opinions on this subject...How the government spends tax payers money...

I have a ton to do today so I am going to sign off.
If you are riding today - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
If you aren't riding, come day dream with the rest of us by looking at all of the wonderful bikes in the Beat the PMS Blues show 'n' shine

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

An interesting day in the news...

There are some mornings that I sift through the news from the mutlitude of sources that are out there and go wow, not much happening and what is, is boring. Then there are mornings like this one where the news is interesting and thought provoking.

Kingsway Financial is being investigated....

Gilby Clarke - the former bassist for Guns n Roses was injured in a motorcycle crash...
OCC has managed to stay in the spotlight with their new hybrid motorcycle, it appears that Paul Sr has partnered with Lawless Industries on this project.
Here in Alberta The Second Gear Club is having to postpone their race at Chestermere due to the warm weather.
In Ontario they are gearing up for the Toronto Super Show - Wished that I was going but alas...anyway the 31st annual MAX Awards are bing handed out - see who is getting an award...

So what is thought provoking in the news today?
For me it is the rapid advancements that are taking place with motorcycles and hybrid, bio diesel and electrics.

Two years ago these ideas were in the distant future - today they are becoming reality and that distant future is upon us!I would love to hear your thoughts on the advancements that are being made...even if it is Paul Sr that appears to be pushing a lot of stuff forward...

I am on the road today heading toward Edmonton. I will be dropping off our community directory to a number of our business partners along the way and ending up in Leduc at my girlfriend Sandra's place.

Tomorrow will be set up for the Edmonton Motorcycle Show.  Not sure how Edmontonians are going to stack up against |Calgarians in the hugs department but I am eager to find out.

Come visit our Beat The PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine - we have so many incredible prizes up for grabs. If your bike isn't entered -I have one question fo you and one only- WHY? It's free, it's easily done and if you do face challenges Ali and I can helo you so what are you waiting for????

If you are riding today good for you, but PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
If not, our show 'n' shine may help assauge that PMS...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Hell's Angels manages to steal the lime light today...

In Nova Scotia the Bacchus MC is celebrating and so, supposedly are the Hells Angels. According to the article in the Chronicle Herald the Halifax based East Coast RIders patched over to the Bacchus MC which is allegedly a Hells Angels puppet club. The patch over ceremony was held in Moncton NB. The cops staked the place out and took pictures and gathered "intelligence" on the comings and goings of everyone. They believe that the East Coast Riders and the Highlanders out of Antigonish have been the eyes and ears of the HAMC ever since they closed their clubhouse/chapter down in Halifax back in 2003.

The sightings and presence of members of the Outlaws and the Rock Machine are reportedly the catalyst to the East Coast Riders deciding to patch over.

"The Highlanders and Bacchus Nova Scotia will likely get along fine, Cpl. MacQueen said, but they will differ because the Bacchus club will be expected to protect territory.
He said the East Coast Riders formed in 2001 and likely started as a club for motorcycle enthusiasts. When the Hells Angels left the local scene, members of the East Coast Riders changed their patches to look more like a motorcycle club and were later seen in the company of Hells Angels members." Chronicle Herald

Typical - the cops just have to put that little jab in that we, the regular motorcyclist had to be involved in all of this - IMHO this officer is a JERK. But hey, that's just my opinion - how do YOU feel about his statement?

A Montreal judge must be trying to get his name in the Guiness Book of World Records. He has decided to try 100 Hells Angels in groups of 60 - 100... "All 100 are collectively accused of the deaths of 22 people during the so-called "biker war" of the 1990s. A police raid last spring effectively shut down the Hells Angels in Quebec." CTV 

In the regular news - A.I.M. Can has a new Chapter in Central Alberta! Thorsby is now the home to the Central Alberta Chapter of the Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists and we are looking forward to announcing very shortly - the new Southern Alberta Chapter!  As soon as the ink is dry on the chpater documents and we have all of the contact information readily available I will make sure you all know about it!

We are looking to create chapters right across the country folks - helping injured riders - become a member of the Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada - the next rider you could help, could be yourself or someone you know!

I hope you will come check out the 2010 edition of the Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine!
OMG is that a thing of beauty. Some of the rides - well - go take a look for yourself and then tell me what you think!

Well, that's about all that I saw in the newsfeeds so far today - Ali will be updating them later today as well so..until tomorrow - if you are lucky enough to live where you can ride please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mixed Feedback from the 2010 Calgary Motorcycle Show

While I enjoyed the Calgary Motorcycle Show this year - it was more because of the hugs I was getting than the actual show itself.

Like many, many of the spectators, I felt the show was flat and lacked the depth and breadth we are used to seeing. The show coordinators can not be faulted for how small the show was. Many, many businesses felt they could not justify the costs this year with the economy and the uncertainty surrounding it.

There was no true custom alley this year, there were no real entertainments other than Jason Britton and the Yamaha riding academy. It was a very quiet and uninspiring show.

Heck, there wasn't even any background music.
The most exciting NEW products at the show were the Ironhorse Caddy bag
& although not new - only new to Canada - ROK Straps

In the motorcycle department - Indian caused quite a bit of excitement but I think the
Royal Enfield booth did not generate the excitement the Indian booth did from the comments I heard.

Some spectators felt ripped off and really I can't blame them. The fee for a smaller show was the same as last year and when you add the parking fee the Stampede Centre charges - $12 to the $13 adult ticket and the cost of even a bottle of water $3 - you are spending $30 just to go walk around a much smaller show than last year. A family pass is $35 + parking and any beverages = $65 or $70 bill and in this economy a lot of people felt that was steep. Again though - you can't fault the people who put on the show. The Round Up Centre is not cheap - the costs of putting on the show don't go down just because the show is smaller.

From a vendors point of view - the show was OK. The numbers of visitors was way down. The people who did come were spending money but sales numbers were still off compared to last year.

With the costs of parking $48 for a four day pass, the cost of a booth - a retail booth where you can sell product is $12.95/sq ft, travel, meals and accomodations, staffing, closing down their business location, I heard a lot of vendors are really rethinking what they are doing for next year already. It's a shame what the economy is doing to everyone. It will get better - so I hope they don't not go next year just because this year was off....

The show coordinators busted their butts to provide a great show but when the businesses won't show up and the spectators can't afford to show up...well - what can they do? The MMIC who actually owns the show - they didn't even have a booth at their own show - so what does that tell you? (and if they did, I did not see it and apologize). There were booths that had ZIP to do with motorcycling like the Roughnecks and the Casino - you do what you can to fill the place up as much as you have to pay the show bills somehow.

Some of the noteables missing from the show:  Thug/Precision, Grizzly Leather, MMIC, COHV, Saxon...

I was pleased with the response we got, yet the smaller numbers made the days kinda drag by... The hockey game Friday night kicked the crap out of attendance.

Oh well, maybe next year the economy will have recovered sufficiently for the show to be a better experience - as I said, Laurie, Pam and the rest of the staff did everything they could - they had the economy and the weather against them. After -30 weather, it's hard to be indoors when it's only -2...

If you are riding, you live in a better climate than I do.
Stay safe out there and if you get a chance come check out the on line show 'n' shine over at:

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Final day of the 2010 Calgary Motorcycle Show

The 2010 Calgary Motorcycle Show will be nothing more than a distant memory by tonight.
The hightlights of the show in MHO were Jason Britton, Indian Motorcycles, Total Control Motorcycle Rider Training (Find out more at the Tech Sox Booth) and seeing Ivan from Med Hat Harley-Davidson,  Damon Nagy from High Prairie (an injured rider A.I.M.Can helped out) and Denise Dolls from Medicine Hat.

Cindy Nobiss and Cindy Robeleski from the newest WITW Chappter in Southern Alberta have been working in the booth with me. Cindy Nobiss is heading up the formation of a NEW AIM-Can Chapter and is our southern Alberta Reporter. We have had a great time promoting ladies riding, the 2010 Rider Friendly Phone Book. Belt Drive Betty dot Com, The Busted Knuckle,  MotoRescue - the new 24 hour road side assistance program for motorcycles, Mighty Peace & Grande Prairie Regional Tourism AND Daryl "Daddy" Makk's Planet Tour.

I have to mention one other highlight of the 2010 Calgary Motorcyels Show - Calgarians give GREAT HUGS and I am wondering how Edmonton is going to measure up...

Well, I need to get in to the shower and get ready for the day. I have about 40 cases of phone books to hand balm into the truck, work the booth and then pack up. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be all about putting the paper together, Wednesday will involve the trip to Edmonton and then Thrusday will be show set up and the weekend MORE HUGS!

The news feeds are super quiet today so I am going to sign off...PLEASE, if you are riding, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you - for the rest of you, I hope you will come and scope out the bikes in our on line show n shine - heck maybe you'll consider entering, we just added some more prizes to the list of items that are up for grabs!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can