Saturday, January 30, 2010

Myth breaking!

I have been reading voraciously in order to learn some level of professionalism and gain some control in my business.

One of the books I have read for the second time now is called The Myth of Multitasking - how doing it all gets nothing done by Dave Crenshaw.

WOW - what a powerful little book. It's not a long or a hard read but it is so very powerful.

The blunt and direct way this man explains that multi tasking is actually a lie and then he proves it to you and shows you what it really is - switch tasking - and then he tells you and shows you what the costs are that are associated with switch tasking.

Man, it's amazing to learn that one of the things I had prided myself on is actually hurting me and my business! The other book I am reading is called Work Less and Do More by Jan Yager.

I am learning - slowly, how to create plans for projects and how to take the ELEPHANT called work and eat it in tiny, manageable portions that allow me to stay on track and on time....I am determined to get good at this and to have a home and family life when I am through this part of the process!!!! I wished they would teach these kinds of life skills in school. They'd save so many people such heartache if they taught something this useful in school!

After everything I have been reading up to now, I am amazed at how much I get done in spite of it all - but I am looking forward to becoming so organized and so on top of things that maybe I won't need an admin assistant - what I will need is to find good contractors to take care of doing the books and invoicing and laying out the paper - the rest I'll be able to manage on my own until the RIGHT person comes along!

I feel so liberated at that thought.
I feel like there is hope and I am now so excited about the possibilities!

I hope every small business person can find a formula and the right people to work with them...we all deserve a break and a life! I welcome any reading suggestions from other business people who are, like me, trying to get some balance in their life and improve what they do and how they do it.

In the news today:

Protesters were thwarted yet again by Cpl Monty Robinson as yet again he does not appear in court.

Deeley Harley-Davidson of Canada backs some skiers for the Olympics and they have at least on one front moved away from the dark side to the pink side!

Neil from OneWheel Drive is really in to this CAUSE  and the January Recall Notices are out.

There are a ton of other note worthy items in the news, I trust you know where to find them if you are an old hand at but for those of you who aren't familiar with our web site, bottom left corner of the What's Hot Page....all of the latest news, in the middle the latest sports news and on the right the latest jokes that have been submitted.

When you are a member on there are a ton of ways that you can share your community news, your group or club events...if it's important to you and you are a rider  - share it with the rest of us because you know's probably important to others or at least it would be if they knew about it!

The Best thing is now that on each provincial news and travel page you are going to be able to see - again at the bottom of the pages, the provincial chapter information for the various riding clubs, groups and organizations, the events that are upcoming and the business partner profiles that have so far been done that pertain to that province!
Once you have submitted your article to the site - open it up again and then share it to your favourite social network - do it once - share it  - get benefit of your own network and ours!

We have a ton of information sent to us every day and Ali and I are getting really over worked and we'd like to ask for your help.

Please - if at all possible, instead of sending the stuff to us to add to the site, would you consider taking the time to add it yourself? It really only takes a couple of minutes once you get the hang of it and it would help she and I so much. The submit links are on the top right hand side of every page where you can submit stuff!! You must be logged in to see them.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding your motorcycle today - I hate to tell you this but you SUCK! LMAO I have PMS SOOOO BAD! Seriously if you are riding today - PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
(PARKED MOTORCYCLE SYNDROME - Usually followed by SOS Shiney Object Syndrome)

For the rest of us - there are two days left to get your entry in to the Beat the PMS Blues on line Show 'n' Shine for your shot at your share of the $5K + in prizes we are giving away!

Love ya all!

Have a fabulous day...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada

Friday, January 29, 2010

Politics and motorcycles - I shakes me head!

It appears that people are people are people and that there are some who just don't know how to play nice in the same sand box. Motorcycling is not immune to politics. As a matter of fact because so many "A" Type personalities live in the motorcycle community I think we have even more politics than some communities do.

Take for example the sporting segment of our community. Now some of the "strife" that appears to be taking place could be all a publicity stunt I suppose, but the bad blood seems pretty real and pretty intense. I am talking of course about the newest form of motorcycle racing - Electric Motorcycles....The Isle of Man has said enough to the TTXGP and is holding its own Zero Emissions race...

I have watched over the years as politics have destroyed some great ideas and great communities and community initiatives. I have seen ideas that should become HUGE in the marketplace or community end up staying small or mediocre. When people come to the table with different and or hidden agendas it can make for some NASTY, NASTY crap.

I am uncertain why we humans have to be so rigid - why we can never see value in someone else's ideas, why we make our lives so complicted but we do.

It appears that too often we end up with a divided efforts that serve very few people when a unified one would serve so many, but there you have it. That is human nature and I am not immune to it. I have a tendancy to want things done my way...why should anyone else be different? I know that I work at opening my mind up to different possibilities and to looking at the broader picture - and it is work as it is so against human nature. My attitude is shouldn't we be able to learn from history instead of repeating it?

There was an article sent in to the web site on a very similar vein. It was talking about history and it may not - on the surface - have a lot to do with motorcycles but it does deal with human nature....It's called a German view of Islam.

Personally I think the article is bang on the nail. The silent majority who go around thinking their lives aren't affected end up loosing everything due to their unwillingness or inability to see what's going on.  Human nature...someday we may learn that our views and our ways are not the only ways or the right ways - someday we may be able to live and let live....someday.

As always - I LOVE it when you weigh in on any of the topics that I write about. I love  learning to open my mind to other opinions, ideas and ways of looking at things. Sharing and communicating is what makes our community stronger, more unified....

In the news today:

The EU is clamping down even farther on CO2 emissions and motorcycle manufacturers will be amongst the next to be forced into labelling their machines. CO2 emissions limits will come later.

The battle is on, on Vancouver Island to keep off road trails open to ATV's and

H-D is going to begin assembling it's own trikes at the York assembly plant.

If you are a fortunate soul who lives in a warm riding climate...I am envious but I ask you to PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

For the rest of you - Sunday is the deadline for entering your motorcycle pictures into our Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine.

I hope you'll take a few moments to fill out our Hotel/Motel Survey and ask you to
keep in mind that we know that most of the things we ask you about are already supplied by these businesses - we want to know HOW IMPORTANT they are to you...

Have a great day...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The day ahead, how do you get everything done that you need to?

I have a question for small business owners, how do you get everything done in a day that you need to?

For me, I get up at 3 - 3:30 am and plow through as much as I can before the business day starts. How do you manage to juggle everything?

By the time supper rolls around, I eat and fall asleep - my husband is fed up with the fact that I am all business, no play - all I have to talk about is work, I have lost the balance in my life - I had identified that as an issue about a year ago but have not been able to make much headway in finding any balance - what so ever.

I am to the point where I need help, actually I have been there for a while, we are growing so fast - however, I can't afford to pay a decent wage to attract anyone with any skill...and I can not waste any more time trying to train people who have zero skills....

So - owner operators - what is your secret to managing growth?
Anyone got any suggestions for a gal who doesn't know which end is up?  Anything you can share I would be grateful for - I am reading voraciously, learning as I go but it would be a heck of a lot easier if I had some input from the outside - I am sure of that....

In the news today: another American Rally closes down due to economic constraints.

Harley-Davidson's new CVO Ultra is announced and so are their plans to open an assembly plant in India.

We have had a few poems submitted to the lifestyles section, Support our Troops and some interesting inspirational articles/poems added to the inspirational section...check out the What's Hot Page - down at the bottom for all of the latest....

Remember - you only have 3 days left to enter our show 'n' shine and we have over $5K inprizes we are giving away - if you win something you can't use - it is fully transferable to a friend or family member...

If you are a lucky dawg and riding your motorcycle today - please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you...

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An interesting day ahead!

I have about 10 pages of tomorrow's paper left to lay out and a ton of phone calls ahead of me today. I feel like I can get through any of it now that I have had a night's sleep in my own bed snuggled up to my man.

It is amazing how rejuvinating for one's soul it is, sleeping in your own bed and being surrounded by people you love.

The news feeds are pretty quiet this morning, although you might find the article on the best innovations in policing an interesting one.

I do want to draw your attention to a distracted drivers study that was organized in the GTA by Shaun de Jager - our very own Lonley Rider. He had the Toronto Police Services and the Young Drivers of Canada involved and the results are rather impressive.... It was covered by the CBC.

As the National VP of the Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada - I am so pleased to be seeing others in this country taking the initiative to educate their fellow driver and riders about the dangers and how to minamized them. GREAT JOB Shaun!

Justice for All Rally - Jan 29th 2010 -   Just a reminder to all that the next rally is set for this Friday January 29th 2010 at 9am at the Surrey BC Provincial Courthouse.
This is Monty Robinson's arraignment hearing and he has to attend in person.

Here is the Facebook Group Link:

VRide TV has been making headway with the BC Tourism Commission and has had a second video approved by them. If you can, I would appreciate you voting for it as the more we can get tourism departments working with riders to promote riding the better off we all are! 

As you can see from the Hug meters of the home page of Edmonton took top honors in the Hug department this year by just edging out Calgary. 
Red Deer did pretty well considering that I spent 8 hours sick as a dog after getting carbon monoxided on Saturday. I am hyper sensetive to carbon monoxide as I have in the past been gassed. It was NO fun missing out on the Red Deer motorcycle show's busiest day but there you have it. Although I enjoyed the entertainment of the Second Gear Club and the Ive's Brothers I would have enjoyed it far better had the exhaust fans in the Westerner's Agri Centre actually been working the way they were supposed to.

I need to run as I have a wickedly busy day ahead (don't get me wrong I am looking forward to it - ecspecially since I am in my own office surrounded by my things!)

If you are one of those fortunate souls who is riding their motorcycle today, please ride it like everyone around you is blind  distracted and can not see you. For the rest of you, you have 4 days left to get your entries in for the 2010 Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine!

Have a fabulus day,

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Monday, January 25, 2010

Some days you are the windshield...

I write a blog post/editorial just about every day. Some days I sit down at the computer and I wonder what I am going to write about. Generally I find inspiration from the news feeds unless I have been at an event that provides me with the ideas and fodder for an article.

I have been accused of being too negative - I have been told I should simply be the vehicle for discussion by others and I should not proffer an opinion...some days you are the windshield and some you are the bug...what am I today? You decide...because I am more than a wee bit pissed....

Another RCMP officer makes headlines for his misconduct and is most probably getting his job back due to job related stress..."Justice Michael Phelan has quashed a decision by beleagured RCMP brass to dismiss Constable Manuel Pizarro for attempting to make a fraudulent vehicle insurance claim, saying senior management chose to ignore evidence of a connection between the officer's illegal behaviour and stress created by his job." National Post

Hmmm...because the RCMP failed to recognize the man's behaviour was due to job related stress. I have been saying for a long time that the RCMP does not look after its own well. Finally someone whose opinion HAS to count is saying the same thing. What has me pissed is it takes tragedy before an organization like the RCMP is held accountable for it's staff.  It was the same with the Armed Forces. Too many soldiers were coming home, wreaking havoc, being charged with crimes and dishonorably discharged when what they needed was support and councelling.

These jobs are horrid jobs - I couldn't do them - killing, fearing being killed or beaten. Nope, that's not the life I would choose. But for those special men and women who choose those jobs, jobs of protection where in killing and violence are the norm - WHY THE HELL does it have to come to deplorable behaviour BEFORE anyone gets these people help?  The Brass of the RCMP in each detachment needs some major training in how to spot the warning signs of PTSD. The Brass needs to be held accountable for the mind games that get played on the one is more vicious than a righteous cop investigating a fellow cop that is suspected of being dirty like in the case above.  I have no answers - no solutions to the problem other than getting the commanding officers and their upper echelon staff in each detachment some training and making sure that officers get assistance before they become problem drinkers etc... Your thoughts and opinions on this topic are gratefully accepted folks...

The 2010 Red Deer Motorcycle Show is over for another year - many are speculating about the shows ability to go on as the number of vendors was so low this year. Again some people were pissed about the size of the show - some were pissed as was I over the new parking charge at the Westerner...

I hope the Red Deer motorcycle show continues on and grows. It is the ONLY show that treats vendors like they are a valued commodity. Continental breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings, hot lunch on Saturday and lunch again on Sunday. Goodie bags were given to all of us. Yes there were disappointments - yes there were things that need to be addressed for next year but over all Crystal and Beckie for total rookies - did an AMAZING job of making lemon  meringue pie out of the lemons they were given. Bad economy, high venue prices - new parking charges and wild weather...these two gals did an incredible job and despite it all the show was a good one..kudos ladies - you did a great job in my opinion for whatever that is worth.

In the news today: The MIC in the US is reporting the worst motorcycle sales in a decade.

PEI is announcing its first Red Island Rally 

And Trikes are set to be the next BIG thing in Motorcycles as more aging boomers trade in two wheels for three.

If you are a fortunate soul who is riding your motorcycle - please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

For the rest of you - there are 6 days left to get your motorcycle entered in to our Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine - on February First we will be opening up voting and at the beginning of March we will be giving away over $5K in prizes! So get your motorcycle added, then get your friends lined up to help you win by voting for you, may the best bike and the persons with the best network of friends WIN!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Treacherous weather isn't stopping central Alberta Riders from coming out...

The roads here in Central Alberta have been treacherous. Numerous accidents, vehicles upside down in the ditches, sideways across the roads and yet, the 2010 Red Deer Motorcycle Show experienced some terrific traffic. Although I myself spent a great portion of the afternoon laying down in the truck as I just wasn't feeling good, when I did poke my head in to the pavilion it was elbow to elbow.

My volunteers accepted hugs on my behalf and kept tally - Red Deer, I am sorry yesterday was a wipe out for me.

The young men in the Ball of Death: Kyle and Cody Ives, entertained the crap out of everyone. From everything I heard they were the hit of the show.  The other entertainment - the Second Gear Club - showing off their trials riding skills was the other HUGE crowd pleaser.

The "Custom" Bike show this year is more like a Show 'n' Shine. There is no big prize money from Lucas Oils and it appears that John Howler's bikes from Howler Customs in SK are the only true customs entered that I was able to see.

This is the one show where vendors are treated like they are special - we get fed a continental breakfast and a hot lunch both Saturday and Sunday - we got great little gift bags filled with all kinds of treats and essentials like chap stick from Gasoline Alley H-D - that came in handy!

Out of all of the shows I have a soft spot for the Red Deer Show - I will always come to it and I will always sponsor it. Why? The first year they held this show over at the Capri Center Grant asked me to help out and be their event coordinator. I did, I had a ball and I fell in love with Red Deer and the people.

If you are in this neck of the woods please come and say hi and give me a hug - I will be in the booth all day today even if they have to duct tape me to the chair!

In the news today:

Victory Motorcycles has a special promotion planned in the US - I haven't heard if anything like it will be available in Canada - hopefully...

Harley-Davidson is looking seriously of assembling bikes in India for the Indian market: “With the present duty structure, more companies would look at assembling their cars and motorcycles in India. For Harley-Davidson this would achieve a twin objective. They’d be able to keep their US plants active and reduce prices for Indian consumers,” said Dilip Chenoy, director general of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers."
Staying with Harley for a moment - they posted their first loss in 26 years!

Pirelli has announced that they will for the next three years sponsor the Red Bull Pro Nationals MX Series

Parts Canada Superbike Champion Jordan Szoke is named Motorcycle Racer of the Year!

If you are one of those very fortunate people who lives in a climate that allows you to ride - I am GREEN with envy and want to know if you have an extra room? Please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you, for the rest of us the Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine might be one way you can assuage that affliction called "Parked Motorcycle Syndrome".

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can