Friday, February 12, 2010

Protecting and helping your community ...the pros and the cons of involvement

Some time things happen and people do or say things that give you pause.
Yesterday was one of those days.

I got an email and then a call from some of my business partners, concerned about a "motorcycle" event that was planned for their town. I was asked what I knew about the event as things appeared to be "sketchy" (the partners words). After some calls to the promoter and a few others - I reported back on what I was able to find out and was told what the partners had found out...

It appears that the company doing the promotions is tied to a parent or sister company that promotes exotic dancers. The people in question were not charging vendors for booths. They were promoting a kids hour, a DJ with a foul mouth, a fashion show, art and jewelry and a few other things like dancers.

When I spoke to the promoter she couldn't give me a clear definition of what type of show it was going to be. A night time trade and entertainment show...hmmmm - that's all I really got out of it.

Between my research and what the partners found out, the executive decision was made that there was something "uncertain and unsettling" about the event and they would not support or promote it.

At the end of the day - the town they wanted to hold this event in had been bamboozled in the past by someone holding an event that turned out to be a rave that really shook up their community and saw some people get hurt. This small community is rather conservative and they decided they'd rather not have this kind of "uncertain" show there...It could be all legit but they'd rather err on the side of caution.

I have mixed feelings about this event getting kiboshed as in these economic times everyone can use the promotion and the motorcycle related businesses that were to be involved with this event felt that FREE publicity in return for a wee bit of sweat equity was worth it. Yet, if this promotion company isn't willing to be clear in what they have scheduled and are wanting to accomplish can you really blame the community for being gun shy?

The news feeds are still pretty quiet today so I will sign off by asking those of you who are lucky enough to be riding to PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you. For the rest of us who are praying for spring - voting is on going in the Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine....

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site

National VP A.I.M. Can

Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!
Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why in the heck would you???

Why in the heck would you buy a subscription to the paper and then not register to activate it???

It's a question I have been asking myself this morning as I go through all of the subscription forms from the Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer Bike shows.

If you laid down some money and were given the form on how to activate your subscription, why wouldn't you do that?

The reason our subscriptions are so affordable is that you do the paper work by signing up on line and we upgrade you from a free member (rider) to a subscriber member.

I find it so frustrating when I enter people's information in and the email they give us bounces or I can't read their it just makes sense to let you sign up on the site and then we activate you.

So for those of you who haven't been getting your paper - now you know why. Register on line and we'll get it activated or wait for me to do it and you'll start getting it as I get the time to get your paperwork done. Sorry folks - best this overworked gal can do.

I will go through these as time allows or on a morning like this when I can't sleep. It's 3:25am here in AB and I have already been working for 2 hours - why? BECAUSE I can't sleep knowing all that I need to do. I sure want to find a partner. Trying to find employees here in Grande Prairie just isn't working out too well.

Is there anyone out there who is interested in being a partner????

No news so far - at least nothing interesting has cross my computer screen yet. If it does I will add an update.

If you are a lucky sodder and you are riding your motorcycle today - PLEASE - ridelike everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!
Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When Technology Works AGAINST You...

I love my job, just not always the technology that goes with it.
When it works right it's fine, when it doesn't...and when the idiot using the technology makes a mistake look out!

Like yesterday. I finally got the decks cleared so I could get my invoicing done. Now I don't enjoy doing books and I enjoy it even less when every freaking email I sent out - people are emailing me back that they didn't get their invoice or the other documents I sent them. Why - because I was sending a letter to them that was formatted to make it easier to read - I sent it in Rich Text - not realizing my PDF's wouldn't go with them so now I have to resend ALL of my invoices and documents...Man I wished I could cut a break in the office.

Our new president for the Alliance (A.I.M. Can) here in the Peace Country works for a local radio station and he is learning a new traffic program at work and yah, he's having a hell of a, when it works life is good, when it doesn't or you don't know what you are doing (learning) oh boy...
I have been desperately trying to find an admin assistant as you all know - and I have stepped up the search only to be disappointed time after time. The oil and gas industry here has made it so small business people like me will never be able to afford to hire staff in Grande Prairie.

People here with any kind of computer skill or office organizational skills want $28 to $35 dollars an hour. So either I start charging $100 a year for use of the web site and your newspaper subscriptions OR get 400 advertisers with in the next 6 months OR it will be Octnever before I have any admin help. It's retarded to me that some one with ZERO skill, no knowledge and horrible work ethics and habits wants $15 an hour cash as a contractor and even more ridiculous that those with skills but no knowledge of my industry or business want $35 an hour.

These same people wonder why they have been cut down to two and three days a week at their regular job - even the oil and gas industry can't pay the big wages these people seem to feel they deserve or now need because they are used to getting it. 

Someone I have to sit with, train how to use a computer, train how to use the programs I use wants $15 an hour - I don't have the time to do that and besides - if I have to teach you how to do everything including turning on a damned computer or opening up a minimized screen you should be paying me for the training....what the hell????

Then there's these new grant programs - Stephen Harper - YOU SIR, DO NOT BELONG IN THE PM'S OFFICE....the new guidelines for application came out yesterday and guess what the geniuses in Ottawa did...if you are a green publication you don't qualify. They finally include newspaper but NOTHING GREEN.

The online program they say they are unveiling will be later this year, maybe October - I can't freaking believe it folks.

Anyway's - HELP!!!!

If you know anyone in the Grande Prairie area that has reasonable ability with a computer and wants under a bagillion dollars to work - get them to call me. I have to find a solution to this dilema - a partner with good office management skills would be ideal but...I have no idea where to start trying to find such a person and even less time to try.

If anyone has any brainy ideas I'd be all about hearing them.

In the news today:

Not a lot yet but it is only 3:30 am.

There are some new weight rules in AMA Superbike ...

Motovan's National Amateur Nationals info is out...

With all of the bad drivers there are on the road I am a little shocked that some one would write a book on how to pass your car or motorcycle driver's test first time but they have....

And there is a write up from all About Bikes on the International Female Rider's Day.

5:00 AM Update:

Police in Winnipeg are concerned over Rock Machine/Hell's Angels potential for conflict

In Massachusetts bikers who were being over charged by insurance companies will be getting refunds - we were just discussing insurance the other day - weren't we? Hmmm - the article claims that insurance companies were over valuing bikes...

In Tennessee if you buy a lemon for a motorcycle you might actually get some support/help form a new law.

And in Kelowna a couple of off duty RCMP officers are in court soon after a brawl they reportedly picked with some Hells Angels and Throttle Rockers...

If you are one of those guys that I love to hate cause your riding your motorcycle instead of day dreaming about it...Please ride like everyone around you is blind and CAN NOT see you.

Our Show 'n' Shine has some wonderful motorcycles in it for those of you needing to daydream with me..

Have a fabulous day - I intend to!
Belt Drive Betty
National VP Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A National Ride to Bring Awareness to Many, Many Causes

On August 10th 2010 I will be heading out from Grande Prairie to Canada's Largest Motorcycle Rally - the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby Nova Scotia. My hubby is planning on joining me on the ride along with Mike Cole from the Winter Ride for Diabetes known as Radical Roads.

Along the way we are going to hook up with Daryl Makk and his Planet Tour in Regina on the 12th of August where he will be doing a Stand Up and time to be announced.

On the 13th we will be in Winnipeg where again Daddy Makk will be performing and on the 14th we are going to take a day and go to the beach. Daryl is filming everything he does for a reality TV show called the Planet Tour...

From there we will head to Thunder Bay, Sault St Marie and into Barrie and the GTA. In the GTA - if not sooner, we will be hooking up with Shaun de Jager from Road Awareness.
Then to Petawawa for a Red Friday event and Ottawa, Montreal, Grand Falls perhaps and in to Digby. Along the way the kids from the Bernice MacNaughton High School Bike Klub and their Championship Bobber - Betty, will meet up with us for the last leg into Digby.

We will have a web site and fund raising pages created shortly and those who choose to will be able to donate to one of the multitude of causes that we are raising awareness and funds for:

Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada - donate or get involved by becoming a member or starting a chapter...

The Planet Tour - Injured Rider/Comedian Daryl Makk and his new reality TV Show...

Radical Roads - Diabetes Research & Mike Cole's Winter ride January 2011 - donate to one or both...

Road Awareness - Support Shaun in his goal of creating better drivers and riders through awareness.

The Bernice MacNaughton High School Bike Klub - Help them get to the Donnie Smith Chopper Challenge in 2011...

Give the Kids the World Village - help us to send terminally ill kids and their families to Orlando Florida and the greatest place on earth for kids to heal...

And last but not least - take Belt Drive Betty up on her challenge to come ride the North.
If I can ride to Digby Nova Scotia and all over Canada - some of you need to come visit me here in the North and experience everything we have to offer here!

As we have more to tell you - we will! You can join us on Face Book:
Belt Drive Betty's Awareness Conga to the Wharf Rat Rally
Visit our Major Sponsors:

Go Travel Canada
Mighty Peace Tourism
Become a Sponsor: email me at:

Hope you can join us - for an hour, a day, the whole trip! As soon as the itinerary, comedy show schedules and other side events are firmed up, we'll let you know!

In the News Today:

An American Tour Company is humbled

The Canadian Army Veteran's Motorcycle Units are getting geared up for their Motorcycle Show in May.

The H-D Museum in Milwaukee is showcasing some famous motorcycles.

The Donnie Smith High School Chopper Challenge is coming up but the Champions won't be there...

If you are a fortunate dawg who is riding your motorcycle today - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

For the rest of you - me included, come visit the Beat the PMS Blues on line Show 'n' Shine and vote for your favorite machine in each class!

Have a FABULOUS Tuesday everyone!

Belt Drive Betty
National VP Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada

Monday, February 08, 2010

Celebration time!

The era of Over the Counter Choppers (OCC) reigning on TV as American Chopper is FINALLY over. HOORAY!

February 11th we get to say good bye to the smug bunch from OCC who think yelling, screaming and generally acting like a$$es was great for the motorcycle community.

I for one will be so grateful to see their back ends. Reality TV has so very little to do with reality and it amazes me how many people seem to eat that crap up. Were they good for the motorcycle industry? Well - on one or two levels yes - perhaps. They did make riding more acceptable on some levels and yet I think they did more than their fair share of damage too - many people think that the way they conducted themselves was the way riders are  - way to create more misconceptions and garbage for our community to have to clean up.

I for one am so glad to see the back side of them and I think most in the real riding community are too. Real riders it appears from everything I am reading were not their customers or their fans - wanna be's - that was their fan base...

If you are riding today -  you lucky human being you - then please, ride your motorcycle like everyone is blind and can not see you.

Have a great day people,

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can