Saturday, February 27, 2010

Every year - it is the why do we get so angry?

Every year the police services crack down on noise violators, illegal helmets, side mounted license plates and any other thing they can find wrong with you and your motorcycle.

So why is it we always allow ourselves to get so pissed off and frustrated? 
It is an annual ritual. It's like spring time - WE KNOW it's coming.

Is there something about following the law that rubs against the grain? 
Or are some of these laws worthy of change?

I understand that custom builders like to mount plates sideways so as not to detract from the line and visual appeal of the motorcycle. I get that - it's illegal in most places but I understand why they do it. 

Is there some way we can, instead of getting pissy about it, pouting and whining when tickets are handed out, perhaps lobby the government to affect a change? What about license plates for handicapped riders/trikers...there are so many things that frustrate the crap out of riders here in Alberta and in other Canadian locales - but here in Alberta there is NO ONE who goes to bat for us.

How about the helmet issue. 
There are many riders that want to either wear a beanie or wear no helmet. Should they as adults have the choice as to what risk factor they deem acceptable? 
Should those who choose to ride with no helmet or with a beanie perhaps be subjected to Medical Insurance Riders, Special Premiums or be forced to sign an Organ Donor Card?

Then there's the whole HOV lane thing - we in redneck Alberta are so far behind the times when it comes to commuters etc but there are many metropolitan areas in Canada with specific High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes... 

I had approached BCCOM about the potential of resurrecting ACOM here in Alberta - told them there were a group of people interested in fighting for the rights of enthusiasts here in Alberta- finally. Guess what - they are using the name ACOM again - I haven't talked to the gals at BCCOM yet to see if they are thinking of trying ACOM again.

If we here in Alberta actually wanted to start some kind of lobbying committee we would either have to join BCCOM/ACOM or figure out some other really unique name as the AMA - Alberta Motorcycle Association name is owned by a guy in Ontario. I for one have no time left in my schedule these days to start or run such a group. However - I would sure be willing to support, sponsor and promote any group that decided it was time we had a lobbying voice. The unfortunate thing about some of the various biker's rights type of organizations is that they are seen to be defenders of the criminal element as opposed to simply looking after all riders rights. Right, wrong or indifferent that appears to be the case right across Canada - perception is everything in politics. 

If we don't like the way we Canadian taxpaying riders are treated there are a few things we can do:

Number 1: Act responsibly when on our motorcycles

Number 2: Form or join an association to lobby the government

Number 3: Get involved on the local level - start talking to your Mayors, councillors, MLA's etc and business people who ride

Number 4: Act responsibly when on our motorcycles - I know I said that once already but It is the MOST important piece of this whole equation.

Number 5: Do something - when confronted with an idiot on a motorcycle. Either talk to them or report them but do something besides shaking your head. If calling the police to deal with a situation/an idiot goes against your grain - then find another way to voice your displeasure - perhaps, just perhaps if enough people tell a guy he's acting like an idiot and we are not amused - PERHAPS we can get him/her to change their way of conducting themselves - I know it's a tough pull but people - WE HAVE TO TRY.

If we want to be taken seriously, if we want laws that more accurately reflect our community and it's needs then we need to get off our asses and do something instead of whining and we need to act responsibly.

Freedom isn't free - Riding a motorcycle or driving a motor vehicle is NOT a right it is a PRIVILEGE.

I empathize with those who love loud pipes but I also empathize with moms who have sick babies and the elderly who live in an old folks home. I empathize with the shift worker who sleeps during the day and the person who is in the hospital. I empathize with the person who is trying to conduct business or the person having a glass of wine and conversation with a friend at an out door cafe/bistro or patio.  When you are riding your motorcycle don't be a selfish, self involved moron.

Remember that if you were sick, trying to sleep, if you were trying to have a conversation or conduct business and some jack ass in an import car with a mind numbing stereo went by how you would feel when the windows in your house/business rattled or your conversation got lost in the ensuing noise?

Inconsideration - sadly our community attracts a lot of people who think it is their God given right to be LOUD, OBNOXIOUS and RUDE.
Remember the Charter of Freedoms and Rights applies to EVERYONE.

Your rights stop where your exercising of those rights infringes upon the rights of the guy beside you.

It is too bad we as humans in our thousands of years of sharing this planet have never gotten that simple fundamental. Live and let live - it means a lot more than most realize.

Do I believe that loud pipes save lives? In urban riding situations - I SURE DO. 
Do I believe that we should have the privilege/right to own them? I SURE DO - but remember with every right/privilege comes responsibility and if you abuse it, you deserve to pay the price. 

There is a right time and a wrong time to use those loud pipes. 
Using them at the wrong time for the wrong reason penalizes a whole community, tars us all with the brush of inconsiderate boob and makes the whole community a target for that police officer who either does not like motorcycles or has an ego bigger than his body and a point to prove. 

The average police officer is not going to target a rider unless they are doing something blatant and stupid, but the cop with something to prove or an attitude as bad as some of the cowboy's in our community - he's gonna target every rider he sees because of jerks that feel the need to show off or be noticed. The problem with this whole  topic is that the police have far too much power and discretion. If a police officer doesn't like bikes or feels he has something to prove - he/she can and will cost you time and money.
This riding season I do not want to hear any snivelling - it is time to pull up your big boy pants or your big girl panties and do the right thing. 

Either fight for your rights or LOOSE THEM. Either act responsibly or pay the price.

Either be considerate of your fellow man or shut the hell up and pay the fine that you earned.

If your ego is so freaking big and it needs to be fed so bad that you are willing to take away MY RIGHT to safety in urban riding by being a selfish, attention seeking moron be forewarned - if I SEE YOU - or more appropriately hear you - I WILL either have a serious chat with you, give you a forehead slap or call the freaking cops myself. (that goes for stunters too but that is a topic for a different day).

I AM A RESPONSIBLE MOTORCYCLIST AND I AM FED UP AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE! I want the freedom to have loud pipes on my bike to have the right to defend myself in urban riding situations by having those loud pipes when I need them the most. 

If you are riding today, please ride like everyone is out to get you, like everyone around you is blind and PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD for something besides a helmet rack - that right hand - use some respect with it PLEASE.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Here - NOISE crackdowns ARE PLANNED

It is official gang - the police services across this country are going to be doing MAJOR noise crackdowns this spring.

You can save yourself and everyone who rides a lot of grief and complaining/whining and snivelling by:
1 - Not having excessively loud pipes on you motorcycle.
2 - Using your head for something besides a hat rack - that right hand does not need to be used so hard in town - your motorcycle should not be a fashion statement.

Those two suggestions will save you and the entire motorcycle community grief and this one will save more...
# 3 would be - if you see or HEAR someone on a motorcycle acting like a cowboy - giving our community a bad name - tell them so - educate them - do something. To just shake your head is not going to help us out here people.

Our Cross Canada Awareness Conga is coming together beautifully - It is going to be amazing to see all of the bikes riding down the highway knowing that everyone is there to support and promote their individual causes and the Give the kids the Village in Orlando - we want to send some terminally ill Canadian kids and their families to Florida! I am so impressed with how many people have already committed to the ride! Join us on Face Book: Belt Drive Betty's Awareness Conga to the Wharf Rat Rally - Leaves Grande Prairie August 10th and gets in to Digby NS for August 31st!

Our route will be finalized soon - and I hope you can join us for an hour, a day or the whole journey!

In the news today:

Iphone apps and motorcycles

Ontario police are worried about the void the Hells Angels have left in the drug trade

Kelowna BC is having a Boot Camp for those wanting to get their motorcycle license...

Edmonton AB is planning a MAJOR Noise Crackdown

Adrian Blake's mic will be turned off as Ride goes off the air. Sad to see him leave the Blog Talk Network but as he stated getting paid for what one does is kind of important these days - having passion for the community is important but eating is just as important. I wish this very talented interviewer and writer all the best in his future endeavours - he will still be writing motorcycle colums for the SUN network of papers....

There is a lot of sports news today too so head on over to to get your fill!
We scour and sift through the news feeds to make sure yo only get MOTORCYCLE news - not mountain biking or any other kind of biking news - strictly motorcycles!!!

A few people have emailed me wondering why we extended the voting on the show 'n' shine by three days....well when we first launched it we had a few problems with the voting for the first three days sooo we added three to the back end to ensure that everyone got their opportunity to have all of the votes possible on their machines. I hope that's OK with all of you..

If you are riding your motorcycle PLEASE ride like every buggar in the country is out to get you and or can not see you please!!!!!

Have a fabulous Friday everyone...

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Thursday, February 25, 2010


To my community that we have going here on blogger, on and on my Facebook page - all I can say is THANK YOU!!!!!

You have helped me to come up with so many great ideas and names, the trade marking help and advice of lawyers who ride - OMG - I am so humbled. Some days I wonder whether what I do is of any value to you guys and dolls and days like the last few have yet again showed me that our web site, directory and newspaper do have value and are worth fighting for.

Working by one's self tends to make one wonder - but I wonder no more....

I also have some more hands to help me - potentially anyway.  A gal with newspaper back ground has stepped up to start laying out the newspaper for me so that all I have to do every week is send her the articles, my editorial and get on with what I do best. Promotions and marketing. YES!!!! We are going to give it a whirl, see how she feels about it and who knows...I may be in a position that all I need is to find a decent book keeper and we will be off to the races! Finally - OH LORD - THANK YOU!

We are in the process of developing a new motorcycle event calendar that we will print once a month - June, July and August to hand out at the rallies and rodeos, poker runs and other events that we attend this year.
As soon as we have the pricing details we will be looking for businesses that would like some short term, higher end advertising to cover the costs. We want to make the calendar free to the riders.
If it can't happen for this riding season, perhaps next, but it is in the works. In the mean time we will continue printing the events in the newspaper.

In the news today:

Enfield is getting a new power plant.

Honda has unveiled a new electric concept car/motorcycle

Ridley has been sold

Yamaha Reveals the 2010 XT1200Z Super Ténéré

The RCMP are blaming Mastercard and the owner of the stolen vehicle for the deaths of two Vancouver Island riders...

If you, my friend, are riding your motorcycle today, I hope and pray that you will do so in such a way that you stay safe. You are important to me and to others in your world - so PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

For everyone else there is still time to vote on the fabulous machines that are entered in our Beat the PMS Blues On Line Show 'n' Shine. If you have some time to kill and are looking for a way to kill it, please help out the whole riding community by taking one or all three of our surveys:



2010 Riders Survey

That's it for me today folks - have a fabulous Thursday - enjoy your newspaper & newsletter if you are a Busted Knuckle Subscriber.
Enjoy your newsletter if you are a BDB Club member and if you aren't a member on Belt Drive Betty dot com or a subscriber to the Busted Knuckle - we'd love to have you join us! Membership on our web site is free and the newspaper is only $15 plus GST per year!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From Drunken MLA's and sentencing of a former AMA exec to 7 new motorcycle models - its a busy day in the news!

B.C. Liberal MLA Jane Thornthwaite got caught in an RCMP check stop coming home after one of the Olympic "parties"

The Quebec government vows to clean up the construction industry - one claim is that "Bikers" - more specifically the Hells Angels have ties...

Triumph plans to add 7 new models to it's line up.

Iphone apps are all the rage and Bike Bandit is the newest motorcycle app...

The sport bike festival in the United Arab Emirates is set to start this weekend.

Former American Motorcyclist Association Board Chairman Dal Smilie has pleaded guilty for fraud.

Yes it's a busy day in the world of motorcycles.
Perhaps the article about Liberal MLA Jane Thornthwaite is not about motorycles - but I do feel it is important that we look at the humanness of such an action - NO ONE is perfect.
NO ONE is above the law. I wished that the NO ONE is above the law ideal applied to the RCMP - we are still all wondering why Monty Robinson wasn't charged with leaving the scene of an accident...

I am in talks with the lawyers for Best Western over their trade marking of the words Rider-Friendly.
I am waiting for guidance and advice about my application for trademarking our Rider Friendly Business Association - we shall see if we can get a coexistence agreement in place or not.

If not I am looking at a $750 filing fee to dispute their mark and then 2-4 years of legal wrangling with trade mark lawyers charging $475 per HOUR - it's no wonder that only big corporations can protect themselves - we little people can't afford that kind of idiotic - make me feel raped - kind of fees. If I do the fight myself I will NEVER get our of debt as I will never get to do ad sales....can you say rock and hard place????

Pre Paid Legal is sounding better and better all of the time and I hope Wayne Wald gets back to me really soon with a program for our association that will make legal help far more affordable.

In the meantime - I am looking for ideas for our association's name and new logo's etc so that if we can't come to an agreement and I decide that it's not worth fighting for then I need to be ready to change EVERYTHING.

It sucks but what else can a little person do?
Perhaps there is a biker lawyer out there willing to help...

The ideas so far are:
Biker Friendly Business Association
Motorcyclist Friendly Business Association
Motorcycle Friendly Business Association

Any ideas or feedback would be appreciated.

MotoRescue - have you gotten your membership yet???  If you are riding a motorcycle that is off of warrantly - you need to look into getting a motorescue membership and when you do you are helping me out!

I get a small referral fee for every one of you that buys membership in this 24 hr motorcycle specific rescue program. Tell them you came to them via Belt Drive Betty...OR click on any one of their banner ads on our site...PLEASE help a girl out by telling the businesses you work with that you found them through us!!!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An OH CRAP Day in my world

Well gang I have a HUGE challenge ahead of me and you guys and dolls are the ONLY ONES who can help me.

I went to file a trade mark for the Rider Friendly Business Association today and guess what...Best Western has Filed an application for Rider-Friendly

Now I have to either pay $750 and get someone to help me file a dispute because I have been using the name longer than they have OR I have to rename our business association, the phone book and re do ALL of my marketing materials.

So what I need is this:
IDEAS for a new name OR
Money to hire a trade mark agent - spending upwards of two - four years in court
Their mark in Canada could be registered around the 20th of March unless I file really soon to dispute it. I own the domain name and have been using the term Rider Friendly for a long, long time but if they get their mark it means that NO ONE is going to be able to use that term in ANY kind of advertising or marketing. I didn't even realize you could trade mark a term like that.

I have a call in to their agent and I cross my fingers that my negotiations/talks with their agent here in Canada go well. Not much else I can do at this point...

We little business people who are under funded just can't cut a break.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Murder supsect caught...after police shut down the Malahat

I call him a murder suspect - to me that is what he is.

Although he has only been charged with negligence causing death and dangerous driving causing death, to my way of thinking this 20 something is a murder suspect and the charge should have been vehicular murder.

Two people from Vancouver Island who were well loved have been taken from the people that loved them for no good reason. I have such a heavy heart for those who are now mourning.

I pray to the good lord that these people will find the support and love they need to get through this most devastating time.

They are going to need a lot of strength and support to get through the lengthy trial that is no doubt to come as well. The sad fact of the matter is that the - IMHO - PUNK, that took their lives is only being charged with dangerous driving causing death and negligence causing death.
He will probably do jail time - although probably not enough - his life will be lived - his family will be able to visit him...

Sometimes - to me , there truly are times when the death penalty should be applied.
To me, in my opinion, this is one of those times. This young man has a long criminal record if the news reports can be believed. Rehab in jail at over $50K a year to keep his sorry arse alive? Why - give me one good reason why this man should be kept alive at the tax payers expense?

I am sorry if my attitude comes across as vigilante - no actually I am not sorry - I feel like a vigilante.
The pain and suffering caused by this man....

In other news:

Axel Hallbauer and Mike Maiani will embark on an 18,000 km motorcycle ride for charity this spring, called Ride for Africa.

The Toronto Spring Show's Door Prize is a new Suzuki DR-Z125 motorcycle provided by Suzuki of Newmarket, to be drawn on stage, Sunday, April 11th

And some enthusiastic motocross fans got to meet their heroes.

If you are riding your motorcycle today - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you - in the American news feeds this morning I had counted 9 fatalities and 12 more accidents - PLEASE people I do not want to loose people from my family this way...

If you aren't yet riding, please come check out our Beat the PMS Blues on line show 'n' shine and vote for the bikes of your choice - the owners will sure appreciate it and it is a great way to ward of the PMS for a little while. And for those not familiar with the term PMS as it pertains to motorcycles - PARKED MOTORCYCLE SYNDROME - just cause I am female don't go assuming anything else!!!

Have a fabulous Monday and say a prayer for Ripper and his family on Vancouver Island - please.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Sad and Tragic Day

I was not going to blog this morning but as fate would have it there is something in the news today that is DEVASTATING and every rider needs to know about it.

The British Columbia - Vancouver Island riding community have lost two members in one tragic accident. The 2010 riding season's first fatalities occurred yesterday on the Malahat Highway.

Someone who stole a car in North Vancouver, took the ferry over to the island - pulled an illegal u-turn at the Arbutus rest stop...the person fled on foot and although an extensive search was done, police have not yet been able to apprehend this person.

According to the article in the Times Colonist:
Police are not releasing the names of the two who were killed until they can notify their next of kin.
The investigation is being led by the South Island Traffic Services criminal crash team.
Anyone with information who has yet to speak with police is asked to call Const. Brian Sampson at 250-416-0352.

If you know anything - PLEASE contact the police.

That sad and tragic article has me yet again thinking about this upcoming riding season folks. It is my fondest hope that none of you never need us - but please know - the Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists Canada is here to help you in your time of need.

Beginning April 1st we have a new National Toll Free Number for people to call when a rider has an accident and is in need of assistance - now we just need chapters in EVERY PROVINCE and CITY/TOWN that we can!

If you are interested in becoming an A.I.M.Can town - PLEASE get in touch with me as soon as possible.

The larger our network the better off all of we riders will be this season.
1-866-315-1013 - is the national number - it will be activated APRIL 1st 2010

If a rider in your area goes down and we do not have a network in their/your region we will do whatever we can to help and guide them but we won't be able to do near as much unless we have a chapter in the region.

For more information on A.I.M.Can and what we do, please visit our web site: or drop me a line and I will guide you in setting up a new chapter.

Riders helping riders and their family members at the worst time possible - after an accident  - if you can help PLEASE get on board - because you never know when your turn might be.

There's lots in the daily news over at so scoot on over and get updated with what's happening in our community - we scour the net and sift through the information out there so that you don't have to!

Have a good Sunday - say a prayer or two for the riders whose lives were lost yesterday and thank God for your family and friends...

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger