Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bankruptcy, New Models, New Gadgets and New Music - our community has a lot going on!

The news feeds today are filled with a variety of interesting topics.

Our good friend and talented singer/musician Carson Cole has released his latest album "Kick Start"

Garmin has come out with a new GPS unit for motorcyclists.

A Vancouver Island man has "created" a new adventure tourism business involving ice riding.

Auto Journal Group has filed for bankruptcy protection. "Motorcycle magazine Motomag has seen its last issue printed after losing money every issue for the past two years. Crépault says he tried to save the magazine with an editorial overhaul in May 2009, but major advertisers still wouldn’t buy space. He has worked out a deal with publisher LC Média for subscribers to receive a competing title, Moto Journal, instead. Crépault is also working on a new online version of Motomag which he feels will be successful" Masthead On Line

KTM will be unveiling its electric motorcycles in Tokyo.

Moncton New Brunswick is examining the potential of getting rid of the RCMP and going with its own municipal force - seems to be a popular topic for discussion in a lot of regions these days.

And last but not least - Harley-Davidson is in the news yet again as it's stock is taking a huge jump over rumors and speculation that a take over is imminent.
This is the second time in less than a month that tales - rumors and innuendo have been swirling and I wonder if this is publicity campaign is being done in an effort to generate capital to pay the new CEO his rather substantial wage...(Being written with tongue in cheek) Seriously - what is with all of the rumors...

The discussion on my Facebook page over the Helmet Laws in BC has been lively and interesting - join us! We'd love to have you wade in on that topic and any other that catches your fancy!

If you are riding today, PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you, everyone is out to get you and use respect with your right hand...

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll talk to you all on Monday unless there is something urgent in the news feeds that needs to get out there as I am taking Sundays off for the next while.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor- The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can - Watch for our new name coming soon!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Big Brother is Legislating the last "Biker" Frontier in Canada

Well folks, the day is here, it's taken a long time to get here, but here we are.

BC - the mecca, the last of the true "biker" frontiers is Canada is going DOT.

I know that many will be devastated by that news and many will say its a good thing but is it? The BC Coroner has released a report  filled with recommendations that effectively treat people like children. We know what is right for you is the mentality of the report.

Any time your right to choose is taken away from you I think that our Charter looses it's teeth - it's spirit and meaning.

I have said before that I think you should be allowed the right to choose what risk level is right for you and that you should be able to pay for a sticker that graces your plate saying you have paid a special fee to ride with a beanie or helmet less if that is your choice.  I also feel that being an organ donor should be a part of the fee for that choice.  You don't have the right to burden society by the choice you make - however buying the insurance or paying a special health care premium makes more sense than legislation in MHO.

I think that if any piece of legislation could be offered - the one that makes the most sense would be mandatory rider training.

No matter where you sit on this hot topic, I hope that if you live in BC, the last bastion of freedom for motorcyclists, you will consider getting off your arse and have your voice heard. I know - you are going to let some one else do it because you are too busy but I still had to ask...if you won't fight for your rights and freedoms, who will?

I heard that everyone and someone else are too busy as well - so now what? The legislators win with no fight?

In the news today:

Harley-Davidson donated a few truck loads of clothes to the Threads of Hope...

Ted Laturnus looks at the Import Manufacturers offerings...

And they are making sure the noise issue stays in the fore in Edmonton...

If you are lucky enough to be riding, bite me! I want to ride and mother nature said NO - I am going to snow on your parade. Please - in all seriousness - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and is out to get you. Use some respect with that right hand as well - PLEASE folks - a little consideration goes a long, long way...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor- The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can (Watch for our New Name - Coming Soon)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Motorcycle Insurance...

We got in a letter from an American friend who was boasting about his insurance being so much cheaper that ours here in Canada.

Comparing his policy to mine where in I have 1 million liability, Collision and comprehensive, replacement value of $22,800, $2,000 vacation coverage - my policy is $580 - I am not so sure his is such a great deal.

I am going to call my broker today and ask some questions but I would have to say by looking at our two policies that costs are similar. If he had 1 million liability and replacement value I wonder where he'd be?

When talking insurance you need to compare apples to apples - get quotes and ask lots of questions to make sure that what you have is what you think you have!
No matter where you live, who you insure through - ASK QUESTIONS until you understand your policy.

In the news today:

Motress is reminding ladies that International Female Rider Day is May 7th this year.

A group of Grandmothers is holding a Poker Run - see why...

Insurance is on the minds of a lot of riders...

How a cocky dude flunked his driver's exam...

And last but not least, a repairman finds a bag of cash stashed in a furnace and a member of the Nomads gets himself in a ton of hot water as a result.

It snowed here last night - what a rotten four letter word that is - and just when I am finally - time wise - able to sneak out for a few hours...oh well - it will give me time to perfect my pitch for the Dragon's Den auditions on Saturday.

If you are riding today you luck sod - PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind - they are all out to get you and use some respect with that throttle hand - PLEASE!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor- The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can (Watch for our new name coming soon!)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fire the RCMP? Now there's a novel concept

I know that many people think I am a wee bit of a radical. They call me passionate and then wink to each other - they think I don't see them but the truth is - I don't care.

I am going to step out on that limb again because this time, a blog was sent to me that chronicles the dirty deeds of the RCMP.

I have uncles who were members of the force. Back in the day they had a lot of pride in what they do. Not so much today. Back in the day they covered each others asses, but they at least chastised each other and sought help when a fellow office had a drinking problem or beat his wife. Today - not so much.

I see a lot of really nasty stuff that comes across the news feeds - some I share with you, some I just shake my head because like many - I get tired of the negativity and the garbage.

I get angry, outraged, I have signed petitions and I have educated others about stuff to get their signatures on petitions.

Read this mans blog - spend even ten minutes looking at the litany of crimes perpetrated by the RCMP and how their crimes are covered up, buried and ignored.

This man - who like most freedom fighters - obviously fears for his own safety (as he does not post his name) with very good cause as he has listed offense, after offense after offense. All of them substantiated in the main stream media too - nothing made up - he is not being an alarmist - he is simply shedding  the light on a very dirty area of our country - the closet of the RCMP

He is not so much against the RCMP as he is for a solution and he offers up a good one - a provincial police force.

Read his blog, do yourself and everyone you love, every Canadian citizen a favor - PLEASE, take ten minutes and read - I promise you - YOU WILL WANT TO VOMIT.
Then - if you live in BC sign the petition. We Canadians need to start getting good and freaking angry because ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY and we are paying these people to commit these viscous, heinous crimes - WE ARE PAYING what does that make us?

I shake me head....

In other news:

I guess the news that in this desperate economy where it seems that few have the money to buy the things in life they need never mind what they want, the report that the CEO of H-D earned over 6 million dollars in the first 8 months caused someone to leak a story - apparently/allegedly a false story, that H-D has another potentiality buyout offer...causing stocks to rise....hmmmm

Maybe the reason for the rumor is the article about H-D being sued over a defective throttle that killed a Texas gal's husband and seriously injured her?

BMW is posting really strong sales gain.

A very interesting calendar went on sale at the Moose Jaw Swap meet this past weekend.

In sports - if you like drag racing, Grand Bend has a deal for you!

Zero emission motorcycle racing just got potentially a whole lot more enticing...

That's it for me today - I put the finishing touches on tomorrows paper and work on my pitch for the Dragon's Den producers for Saturday!

If you are riding you lucky dawg - PLEASE ride like no one can see you and they are all out to get you and use respect with that right hand...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor- The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Monday, March 15, 2010

The internet - a wild and woolie frontier

There are many people on the Internet, some are honest hard working people who are trying to earn a living. Others are scammers and cons. Some are just looking for that giggle, others are looking for that perfect product to make their life or day easier.

There are those who are lonely and sit all day on their computers reaching out to connect and there are those who'd rather never turn the thing on.

Why do you use the internet? What is it about the net that fascinates and repels people?
 Did you know that most of the emails (jokes primarily) that get sent around are actually stolen from the originating web site?

Do you know proper Internet and email protocols? Do you care?

I am curious.... enquiring minds want to know...
I recently had posts from our site banned on another because as the site owner I was accused of theft when someone registered on our site shared a joke. I can not believe it - but there you have it - apparently sharing things that make you laugh is not cool UNLESS you tell people where it came from and even then if it doesn't have the link directly to the site it came from you are labelled a thief because you own the web site and should have known the joke was stolen...

I have been on the net for 7 years now and I still find it a confusing place to try and do business or research or anything else.... I wonder if there is an Internet rule house some where and I also wonder if there is a garbage can cause man there is a lot of garbage out there...

Not a ton in the news so far today...

If you live in the Durham ON region Bruno sent in a warning about increased police presence.

With Tax time here, Freda from the Paperwork Artist has some great advice.

The former club hose for the HA in St Catherines is set to be demolished.

Some riders in NS say thank you to a kind hearted truck driver...

India is becoming a huge consumer powerhouse.

If you are riding today, please - ride safely, ride like everyone is blind AND out to get you and please be a good citizen - use respect with that right hand...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor/Owner The Busted Knuckle Chronicles
National VP A.I.M. Can
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative
A MAX Award Winning Web Site

YOU, make it a great day!
Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baron's Life: Sunday Prayer

Baron's Life: Sunday Prayer

Baron - I needed that prayer today - more than you will ever know!

It's a quiet day in the news so far and since today is newspaper building day - that's a good thing for me.

Handsome Dave out of Camrose hit a deer last night - he and Tara are fine but I want to take this time to remind everyone that animals are as big a danger to us as inattentive cagers...

PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and that everyone around you is out to get you.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP - A.I.M.Can