Saturday, May 29, 2010

Events Cancelled due to unseasonal weather

So many events here in Alberta that were slated for today have been cancelled. Snow is still falling in Calgary cancelling the Alberta Iron Indian Pow Wow but the Grand Opening at the dealership in Calgary is still on.

No word yet on the Corporal Mike Starker Poker Run - I have an email in to Anthony and hope to be able to tell you if there is any indoor contingency plan or not.

Still no word on the Motorcycle Awareness Parade tomorrow in Calgary either.

For me, stranded in Hinton with snow in the direction I had planned on heading - I wanted to attend John Coutts Funeral in Claresholm today - that isn't happening - I wanted to head North Young Woman (Shut up - I can feel young) Can't do that either - snow in Edmonton...
CRAP - this is no fun - OH Well ROAD TRIP!

I will stay put and see if I can do some business here today and finish my invoicing etc. Nothing else I can do! Safe and being on this side of the grass is where I want to be.

In other news:

The SIR poker Run in Saskatchewan has been postponed due to weather.

The brother of New York Giants Kiwanuka  was in a motorcycle accident and is in critical condition.

In Ontario - the motorcyclists who killed the bicycle rider two weeks ago passed from his injuries.

Also in Ontario - Windsor Police need help solving a hit and run that injured a rider and Quinte Police attended another motorcycle accident.

In BC a rider was injured in an accident on hwy 97.

Our very own FLO and her Breast Cancer Conga made the news!
As did our very own Anne Campeau with her Breast Ride Ever.
And our very own Keith Irvine and his BAD Rodeo (Bikers against Diabetes!)

PLEASE if you can - join F.I.R.R.E. - the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education - and consider participating in our on line auctions on the F.I.R.R.E. Face Book Group - we need to raise some funds to help some riders and their families out - please visit the sites! Please donate or buy an auction item - remember people, there but for the grace of God go I....

If you are one of those lucky Bast*^ds that lives where you can ride - QUIT EMAILING ME TO RUB IT IN! Please - rides safe, be smart and have a fabulous weekend.

If there is any news on event cancellations or postponements we will do our best to inform you on and my Face Book Page - the personal one.

Belt Drive Betty

A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP F.I.R.R.E.
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mother Nature is CRUEL and COLD HEARTED!!!!

I get flack because sometimes my blog posts are viewed by people as being negative when in fact what I am trying to do is create dialogue.

I hear a lot of complaining about events or non profit groups that aren't being "run right".

So I am gonna warn you all - if you are not in the mood for an arse chewing - leave NOW.

Today it is about as negative as it gets - I am travelling by bike, it is cold, raining - trying to snow and there are heavy snowfall warnings all around me. I am pissed - and helpless as there is NOTHING I can do about what that evil creature is doing to our riding season and our charitable events. I need to stay put - because safe is good...alive is good. I know it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I love riding, I love my community but I HATE snow in May, June, July...., I dislike the noise bylaws that are springing up everywhere and I intensely dislike when people whine and snivel but never get involved to affect change.

If you don't like something and it is in your power to do something about it or you have knowledge that could make a volunteer organization, a forum, a group or an event better - get off your butt and do something and if you don't then have the good grace to acknowledge those who are at least trying because sincere appreciation will go a long way to getting better results from those who are trying. There is offering constructive criticism and then there is destructive.

Too often people start their own group - their own event - because they don't like what's happening in an existing one - but they never got involved with the existing one to see if they could offer any thing of value.

A divided effort really gets no one anywhere - had these people who started their new gig gotten involved with what is existing they may have been able to truly help grow what existed into something phenomenal but because they did not, no one will ever know how good things could have been.

People who get involved - who do stuff are gonna make mistakes, mis steps - the reason that is...THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING!

The people who never make mistakes, who set themselves up as perfect - they aren't doing anything except pointing fingers.

Here is a Poem that kind of fits the situation...

Do you just belong?

Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed,
Or are you just content that your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock,
Or do you meet in private and criticize and knock?

Do you take an active part to help the work along,
Or are you satisfied to be the kind who just belongs?
Do you work on committees - to this there is a trick
Or leave the work to just a few and talk about the clique?

So come to meetings often and help with hand and heart,
Don't be just a member but take an active part.

Think this over members, you know what's right from wrong.
Are you and active member of do you JUST belong?
Author Unknown

So folks, the next time you find yourself critisizing, condemning, complaining or bashing others and their efforts ask yourself this...have I done anything to affect change?

If not - you have three choices - complain and condemn - Get involved and if you can't - offer some praise to those who try.

In the news:
A volunteer and incredible man's life is being celebrated - John Coutts funeral is at 2:00 PM on Saturday May 29 at Leyden’s Funeral Home in Claresholm.  The luncheon is right after the service at the Prairie Winds Club House located at 4621 2nd St N in Claresholm. John was an active and contributing member of the motorcycle community and his loss will be felt for a long, long time to come.

Edmonton has a new noise bylaw! Get ready to pay big if you don't conform...

The helmet Law in BC has passed third reading.
In the US an insurance company survey exposed the fact that about 38 million Americans who are driving should not be behind the wheel!

There are a ton of events coming up all across the country - some are in the latest news feeds and a ton are in our events calendars - become a member on - it is free to belong and has a ton of perks!

If you are in Ontario or Quebec where you are sitting in a heat wave and riding - quit emailing me to rub it in! AND Please people, ride safe, ride like everyone is blind and can not see you - IS out to get you and remember to ride proud NOT loud.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP F.I.R.R.E.
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the road again....

Well folks, I am heading out on the road, this time on my motorcycle in spite of Mother Nature and her cranky arsed ways. Although there is rain in the forecast, at least snow doesn't appear to be part of it until Banff where there is a snowfall warning in effect so instead of going through the parks and down like I had planned I may very well scoot across to Edson and then down through Drayton and Red Deer - we shall see what Mother nature decides to do.

She can rain all she wants - cranky old thing - I AM RIDING - I have had enough of being caged up!

My bike is almost loaded and I can't wait to get out of here and yet...
Our house flooded last week in all the severe weather we had in GP and I feel a tad guilty leaving hubby to deal with the contractors etc. (not really - just had to say that) I am going to miss the crap out of my husband but ...
I am going to miss my kitten too - his name is Lost (he had been abandoned in WalMart in -58 weather and my daughter brought him home to me, even though I have discovered I am highly allergic to him, I still love the little critter. He is sooo funny, he makes me laugh and man is that laughter good for the soul.

Yes, there are many things I miss about being at home when I am on the road, my bed, my hubby, kitty, my daughter but...I also love the adventure, the events, the fellow riders - there is much to love about the going and much to love about the coming home.
I am planning on attending the Corporal Micheal Starker Poker Run in Calgary, the Alberta Indian Dealership Grand Opening (Both on Saturday) and the Motorcycle Awareness Parade on Sunday. I am also hoping to get in a couple of rides with the Calgary Meet Up group that I belong to and Don and Jane Mustard and I are hoping to scoot out. All the while I will be hanging with my bud Karen.

Then I head to central AB for a day and on to Leduc, Edmonton and Redwater! Our second print of phone books should be available at the Redwater Ride for Hunger...
Remember - the book is free - although we appreciate a donation to help with the shipping costs - and subscriptions to the paper are $15 for the year!

If you are at any of the events that I am attending please come and say hi, renew or get a subscription to the Busted Knuckle - I'd love a hug! And a ride....

Cindy - our SAB rep will be in Bellevue for the Ride for Sight with Miles Hesselgrave and the gang - stop in and say hi to her if you are attending that event. 

In the News Today:
A US Study shows that a lot of lives and billions of dollars in health care have been saved with road way safety measures.

Husqvarna has announced a new machine coming soon.

The CAV in BC have a Ride for the Fallen planned.

With Edmonton AB's new noise bylaw set to be voted on by city council, Regina SK's mayor is trying to decide what they should do. The MMIC applaudes Edmontons adopting of the new a roadside sound test standard for motorcycles known as SAE J 2825.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What a hard, hard start to the day....

Folks, I am so deeply sad and confused.

What is it going to take to get the message out to riders and drivers alike?

Riding is a pass time that puts you in a vulnerable position. You have no cage to protect you, that is part of the thrill and the enjoyment - not being closed in, feeling the elements, BUT folks - it is also what makes you vulnerable to injury and death and too often these days I am reading in the news about people taking STUPID, THOUGHTLESS chances with their own lives.  And in most cases, these people have someone who loves them, relies on them and needs them.

Old riders do not happen by accident, they "happen" because the old rider generally pays attention and values their own life - they tend to take SMART risks. Drinking and riding like the gal on Vancouver Island - not smart. The consequences of her actions will haunt and follow her for the rest of her life. Impaired charges, a smashed up bike, a promising future now down the tubes at least for a while...I guess truly the only good news in most cases of riders drinking and riding is that they generally only kill or maim themselves. At least they tend not to injure or involve other innocents - their families and loved ones however - they get to pay the price too...sad, very sad.

Then there is following too close. Two accidents of that nature reported in the last few days - one where the rider died and the passenger is fighting for her life and the other - two riders - one checks up and the other doesn't...

People, there are so many dangers out there, WHY beg for more? Drinking and riding is never smart and neither is following too close. In urban traffic that can be a challenge, especially if you are following someone in a town or city you don't know as other motorists don't like to give motorcycles their space - I know, but please, you have to be HYPER aware.

I am not perfect, I do not mean to appear like I am passing judgment on anyone in any way - I just truly love my community and want to see its members stay safe and live to ripe old ages to swap stories and enjoy their grand children etc...Sorry for sounding like a mom but it really breaks my mothers heart!

As always - your feed back and input is welcome - I can't get better at what I do unless you jump in and talk to me!

In other news:
There are so many accidents and reports on the deaths of riders folks that I am having a rough time this morning...

In Wallace NS a rider is dead. The Police do not know why, there appears to have been no collision but he was found in the middle of the roadway with a head trauma.

In Scarborough ON a rider is dead after a collision with an impaired driver in an SUV.

A rider who died in Langley on the 15th of May was riding a brand new bike that was bigger than he was used to and police feel that may have been partially the cause of the accident that took his life.

In Southern Alberta - Granam - a rider is dead and his passenger fighting for her life after his motorcycle veered into the path of an on coming semi.

There is happy news out there too surprisingly...

In Langley a sculptor is holding a showing of some her art including some motorcycle sculptures,  and Whitehorse Gear (Whitehorse Press) has released a new Motorcycle Camping Book.

In Milwaukee the H-D Museum is hosting an Evel Knievel Exhibit.

For all of the latest news go to we do our best to ensure you stay informed as to what's going on in the riding community in Canada and beyond.

PLEASE people, don't take unnecessary risks, there are enough other people willing to put you in harms way without you courting it. Ride like EVERYONE around you IS blind and can not see you and that they are ALL OUT TO GET YOU. Please ride PROUD not LOUD - save those pipes for when you REALLY need them, like when someone is coming into your lane.

Please consider joining F.I.R.R.E. - the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education - together we CAN make a difference.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Motorcyclists are forcing the world to pay attention

From the protest ride in France last month to operation Escargot in Quebec it seems that motorcyclists refuse to allow the authorities to treat them badly!

In Vancouver, BCCOM has been fighting for special parking rates and in several US communities the story is the same and yesterday in Greece - a world record for the largest number of motorcycles on a bridge was set. Motorcyclists it seems are starting to become NEWS.

Yes motorcyclists appear to be finding their voice no matter where they live or the cause or reason they are riding.

It is wonderful to see some momentum happening - that we riders are saying hey - we make a difference, we count and we deserve to be treated fairly.

This summer when I ride across Canada to light a F.I.R.R.E. my goal is to help educate the motorist and the general public as to the many faces of people who ride motorcycles.

We are writers and mothers, grand parents and accountants, preachers and artists, fitness instructors and dads. We are police officers and fire fighters, ambulance personnel and armed forces personnel. WE AR PEOPLE - and we ask you to pay attention when you are driving - to share the road with us.  I hope that you will join me somewhere on the road, be it for an hour, a day or the whole trip as I travel from Grande Prairie AB leaving August 14th and heading to Charlottetown PEI and then in to Digby NS for the Wharf Rat Rally September 1st to 6th.

I want riders from across the country to help me show people who they are when they aren't riding their motorcycles! While we create the awareness of what F.I.R.R.E. is (Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education) we will also be raising funds to send one Canadian family who has a terminally ill child to the Give the Kids the Village in Orlando Florida.

Help us to truly make a difference - to educate the driving masses and the general public that "Bikers, Riders, Motorcycle Enthusiasts" are people of all walks of life and that our lives are just as precious as those of the next person.

In the News Today:

In Edmonton AB there will be a fundraiser for Kent Pankow that includes a motorcycle poker run through the Elk Island region - Kent is battling brain cancer and needs specialized treatment not covered by Alberta Health Care.

In Quebec, Operation Escargot's protest ride yesterday was another success.

In Greece a new world record was set my motorcyclists.

and in Fredricton they are getting geared up for the third Motorcycle Ride for Dad.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding your motorcycle today, PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind AND out to get you and please ride proud not loud - save those pipes for when they are really needed like when some jerk goes to "drift" in to your lane...

Belt Drive Betty"
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Monday, May 24, 2010

A protest by Canadian Riders

In Quebec a protest - actually a series of rolling protests have been underway in an effort to get the attention of the Quebec Government regarding license and insurance fees for motorcycles.

These determined riders are making a difference as tomorrow they will be sitting down with transport minister Julie Boulet and the CEO of the Quebec auto insurance board, Nathalie Tremblay.

Operation Escargot has significant meaning as these riders protest by literally riding together in large packs at a snails pace.

 I wished there was an English translation their web site - or that my really rusty French was better - I think if more English speaking riders understood what was going on they'd be showing support for their Quebec brothers and sisters by holding similar protest rides across Canada. It really is time for the governments in this country - provincially and federally to figure out just how many people ride in Canada - maybe then we'd be taken more seriously.

In other News:
The West Kootenay Toy Run has an update for us

A female passenger in Ontario is dead after her husband failed to stop, rear ending a mini van

So far it is a pretty quiet Victoria Day Weekend - let's keep it that way folks!

If you are lucky enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone around you is BLIND and OUT TO GET YOU and please, ride PROUD not LOUD.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter