Saturday, June 05, 2010

Another good day!

Man am I on a roll!
Mother nature was even nice as I went riding around Leduc talking to businesses (we now have two more partners in Leduc - Deathe Wobble Rentals and Cherrie Red Tattoos) and then I was off to Spruce Grove to hook up with Barry from TJ and the Biker Wear - another new partner.

Barry took me around and introduced me to some business people and not only did we sign up some new business partners there but we gained a ton of auction items for our F.I.R.R.E. auctions on Facebook.

The bidding is going really well over there!

I had a really good time with the Harley-Davidson of Edmonton HOG Chapter - they are frustrated over the new noise bylaw as it is already affecting attendance at the Alberta Provincial HOG Rally of which they are hosts.  That's a rant for another day!

The news is really light today which is a good thing for me as I need to get ready to ride with the Two Guys Who Like to Ride Meet Up group - we are going on the Cyote Poker Run to Chipman!

I still have a ton of paperwork to do as well so wherever you are riding to today, PLEASE, ride like everyone around you IS blind and IS out to get you. Ride Proud - Not Loud!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Friday, June 04, 2010

Don't shoot the messenger....

Edmonton is set to be the first North America to have a really strict new noise bylaw.
Adopting the new SAE standards set out by the Society of Automotive Engineers.
Right now - ONLY Motorcycles are targets because the SAE have not completed their work on other vehicles noise emissions to develop the testing procedures.

Now - I get when people are not impressed with motorcycles and their noise - I truly do. Too many people - and I KNOW this statement will be met with disdain and anger but - too many people ABUSE their loud pipes. If the only time the were being used was in an urgent situation like some moron on a cell phone drifting in to your lane or the jerk who just moves over without swivelling his head -we wouldn't be in this boat!

Straight shooting here folks - we - complacent Canadians who ride motorcycles have allowed this crap to happen. We didn't police ourselves and so now look at us...

We have become a babysitting state - a police state if you will. Why? Because common sense isn't too darn common and the abuse of that right hand has landed us squarely where I have said it would 20 years ago.

The bylaw in Edmonton while strict is still in some ways generous if you look at what the manufacturers are supposed to build bike at for noise levels:

SCHEDULE V.1 (Section 5)

[SOR/97-141, s. 4; SOR/97-421, s. 15.]

Noise Emissions (Standard 1106)

3. Every motorcycle shall be so constructed that
(a) where tested in accordance with Annex 3 to ECE Regulation No. 41, Uniform Provisions concerning the Approval of Motor Cycles with regard to Noise, dated January 19, 1981, as amended September 14, 1984, excluding the requirements of paragraph 3.2 of that Annex, the exterior sound level does not exceed
(i) 77 dBA, in the case of a motorcycle with an engine displacement not exceeding 80 cm3,
(ii) 80 dBA, in the case of a motorcycle with an engine displacement exceeding 80 cm3 and not exceeding 175 cm3, and
(iii) 82 dBA, in the case of a motorcycle with an engine displacement exceeding 175 cm3;  or
(b) where tested in accordance with
(i) Appendix I-2 to subparts D and E, part 205, chapter I, title 40 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended by Vol. 45, No. 252 of the Federal Register of the United States published on December 31, 1980, at pages 86727 and 86728, the exterior sound level does not exceed 70 dBA, in the case of a motorcycle with an engine displacement not exceeding 50 cm3 and a maximum attainable speed of 48 km/h on a level paved surface, and
(ii) Appendix I-1 to subparts D and E, part 205, chapter I, title 40 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended by Vol. 45, No. 252 of the Federal Register of the United States published on December 31, 1980, at pages 86726 and 86727, the exterior sound level does not exceed 80 dBA, in any other case. 

The Edmonton Bylaw:
Under a bylaw amendment given tentative approval Thursday, bikers will face an initial $250 fine if they're caught blasting along the city streets at more than 92 decibels, about the level heard one metre away from a power lawn mower.

Now I do have ONE small issue with all of this stuff - the after market industry - is it going to become illegal to sell these pipes? Or will it be like radar detectors - illegal to use but OK to buy???

Anyway folks - anyone got any feedback? Any comments? Lets have some real dialogue and not the swearing, angry crap - let's figure this out - tourism won't be happy. What will happen to rallies etc?
I gotta tell yah folks - this is scary stuff in my books....

In other news - a man in Saskatchewan is rebuilding his life after an accident 4 years ago by building a special bike.

A man in Manitoba is in hospital after an accident

Reconnecting with Canada - the couple who rode Australia to do a documentary is riding Canada to do the same kind of documentary here.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today or this weekend please ride like everyone around you IS blind and out to GET YOU! And please - Ride PROUD - NOT LOUD.

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Thursday, June 03, 2010

We are on a ROLL!

Two days in a row for pretty much good news in the news!
It sure lifts the spirits a whole ton when there are not so many accidents top have to report on.

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of going to two of Edmonton's ride nights.
The Edmonton Realtor's Ride for Kids Night at Bo Diddley's in the West end and the one for Ride for Dad at Ceili's. Even though we got caught in torrential rain going from the west end to downtown I still enjoyed the heck out of the two events. It was nice to see that riders were out to support such great causes.

This weekend I am going on a poker run in Chipman with the Edmonton Motorcycle Meet Up Group and then to the ride for Hunger in Redwater. I had hoped to go cheer my friend Erika on in Athabasca at the Union Hotel for the big Karaoke sing off - but my schedule is a little too gruelling for that.

I hope the weather man is wrong about rain on Sunday - I really hope that! Please pray for us all that our charity events get to go off with sunshine gracing the events!

There is sooooo much in the news today - please visit and in the center of the What's Hot home page there is a module with all of the latest news - I have a ton of new partners to get paperwork done for and then to get packed up and head out for more sales calls on the bike and then in to Leduc!

Talk to you all tomorrow! Have a fabulous day and please remember: Ride like EVERYONE around you is blind, can not see you and IS out to get you! Ride Proud not Loud!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Such a HAPPY news day for a change!!!

Man it is so nice to update the news feeds and have so much Happy hews for a change!
It is also so rewarding to have a successful day doing sales.

In the past two days I have been able to sign up Harley-Davidson of Edmonton, the Sunnybrook Hotel and Pair A Dice Trikes! I have 11 more locations that are going to let me know for sure by Friday but they all sound very positive so our little card will be good at some 200 locations if they all come on board!

It is exciting and rewarding to see this network grow the way it is.
Yesterday I was at the Pointe West Honda ride night and got to visit with Panther and the boys from F.I.R.R.E. and the Canadian Lonewolves - it was fabulous!

As I said, the news is all happy and upbeat for a change and that makes my heart soar - same as the sunshine we are being blessed with!

The girls of the Bike Klub get a special invite - what an honour for them!

The Ride for Doug in BC is coming up.

The Indian Riders in Calgary are having a breakfast ride...

Niagara is getting geared up for their big shin dig!

The Edmonton Sun has a special Ride for Dad promotion happening.

If you are fortunate to be riding today - PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you - IS out to get you and remember to ride proud - not loud - save them pipes for when they are really needed!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A busy day ahead and a lot busier week!

Well, after all of the rain and event postponements it looks like finally Mother Nature is gonna cut us in the west a bit of a break. It means that this weekend is going to be a busy one. For me, I have 13 potentially new clients to see along with following up with about 10 - that's just today and tomorrow's agenda! On Wednesday I plan on attending the Realtor's Ride night at Bo Diddley's here in Edmonton, Thursday and Friday more sales calls, Saturday a run to Chipman and Sunday the Ride for Hunger in Redwater - then Monday sales calls on the way home... There never seems to be enough time to do everything I would love to do so I do what I can. I wished that I could clone myself but I don't think the world is ready for that!

In the news today:

Another rash of accidents - go to the Latest News section on
(about half way down the What's Hot Page - in the middle) to see what's gone on.

I know that some of these collisions are avoidable and some appear near impossible to avoid - if you have been riding for any length of time and you want to bring your skill level up - then please consider getting a hold of  a DVD from Flo at Ride Like a Pro Canada or Jerry "Motorman" Palladino in the US - I promise it will be the best $40 or so dollars you invest in yourself. Although I get very precious little time to work on my own skills - watching the DVD's have certainly helped me and the little bit of parking lot time I get also helps.

F.I.R.R.E. was started to help injured riders and their families and it was taken a step further to help educate motorists and riders alike as well as to begin lobbying to assist with riders rights - now although in its infancy, F.I.R.R.E. is already working on assisting two families - we really don't want to have to help anyone - we want everyone to arrive alive but the reality is, there are a lot of dangers out there and the better trained you are, the better prepared to avoid the obstacles and dangers you become. The reality is there is a time lapse between insurance paying out and the time your bills start coming in - we want to help so please visit our Facebook group or our web site and PLEASE get involved.We have some great items up for auction on our Facebook Page and truly hope you will take a gander....remember folks - there but for the grace of God go I.

In Nova Scotia an alleged member of the Hell's Angels has been arrested for a double murder in Montreal

Moto Guzzi has gotten less weird??

Italika in Mexico is celebrating a huge milestone...

Please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you, IS out to get you and remember to ride proud not loud!

Belt Drive Betty

A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP F.I.R.R.E.
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Not the weekend that was planned

Well, this most definitely was not the weekend that had been planned - not for me or many riders in the west. So many events were cancelled and postponed due to really bad weather. Not so in the east where record breaking temperatures have been the norm of late.

The Ride for Dad in Windsor saw record breaking numbers both of riders and they are pretty sure in the amount of cash that was raised too.

A ceremony to honour peace keepers in Truro NS was very welcome and saw 25 veterans arrive by motorcycle.

The Pictou County Cruisers Club held their first annual Show and Shine in the Thistle Bar parking lot in New Glasgow.

Yes - our brothers and sisters in the east enjoyed a sunshine, motorcycle filled weekend while we here in the west moaned, groaned and rolled over waiting for winter to finish with us.

I left Hinton hoping to head for St Albert since my plans for heading to Calgary had been completely squashed by snow. I left Hinton about noon on Saturday and got to the Medicine Lodge Rest Area about 60 KMs out and it began to snow. I got in to Edson and Ernie O's about 1:15pm where I thawed my poor frozen hands out over some French onion soup and hot coffee. (That soup was some tasty) Anyway - with no heated gear as mine is in being repaired, my hands were frozen, literally. Shirley from Ernie O's took me around the the motorcycle shops but again, no one had any heated gear - well let me correct that, they had gear just no wiring harnesses. So off to the hunting shop to buy some hot shots and body hot shots.

The hospitality and care the staff and Shirley afforded me was stellar, let me tell you!
I was off again at about 2:30pm, considerably warmer than when I arrived - I stopped in Entwistle for a coffee and to again thaw out - the service and coffee there sucked - hard.

By this time it was beginning to snow a bit more earnestly and by the time I got to the Husky at Acheson around 4 pm it was snowing fairly hard. The staff at the Husky were incredible. My rain gear was soaked right through, my gloves - well I am amazed there is any black dye in them - the amount that still stains my hands is stunning...anyway - everything got tossed into the dryer in the Truckers lounge, I had a hot bowl of cauliflower soup recommended to me by one of the guys from the Brotherhood (great recommendation by the way). Once my gear was dry, I dove in to the hot clothes, got back on my bike and headed in to St Albert in the snow which was much heavier now.

I got in and was welcomed by friends - finally where I could thaw out and actually stay that way.

As we watched the snow fall and begin to accumulate, the gratitude I felt to the good lord for keeping me safe on the road and for the good people like Alanna & Kent in Hinton, Shirley and the gent who served me in Edson (I feel like a heel that I can't remember his name) all of the staff that was on duty at the Husky House in Acheson and my friends Kat and Glen in St was and is huge. Thank you God for giving me such wonderful experiences on a less than stellar day.

In other News:
A rider in Ontario was killed in a fiery crash allegedly caused by a 21 year old impaired driver.

The Awareness Conga for F.I.R.R.E. is beginning to heat up and really take shape. Not only will my husband and I be joined by Cookie Chick from the OCC, and Shaun de Jager from Road Awareness dot org and in Ottawa we are celebrating with the Bikers Church but we will be hooking up with the 10th Anniversary Ride for Dad Cross Country Run in Kenora but now we will also be hooking up with the Mother Daughter Ride in Thunder Bay. In Moncton NB we are celebrating with the Bernice McNaughton High School Bike Klub and Kevin Bean're!

Between The Westmont Hospitality Group and Pacrim Hospitality
My husband and I are being taken really good care of for all of our room needs - as will any riders who decide to join us. There will be discounts offered and $5 from every room booked in a Pacrim owned hotel/motel will go to F.I.R.R.E. The Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education!

Awareness is what this ride is all about and we are starting to really create some!
Together we can change the perception about who we riders are.

Cancer, Progeria, Sharing the Road, God & Salvation, The Trades & Further Education - no matter the cause, it is people behind it and like the Poem/Video You Didn't See Me - I want people to hear our messages both individual and joint...

I am a volunteer, my causes are injured riders and MS, and you need to share the road with me when I am on my motorcycle...

I am a fitness instructor, my causes are progeria and fitness, and you need to share the road with me when I am on my motorcycle....

I am a pastor, my cause is salvation and love and you need to share the road with me when I am on my motorcycle...

I am a grandma and my cause is a safe world for my grand children...we all have a message -

Let's give the non motorcycle community a good look at the various "Faces" that make up the motorcycle community!

I am so please to be a part of the Mother Daughter Ride as a sponsor and in a small way as a rider - it is one more way we are connecting as riders to change the perception about who we are!

Speaking of F.I.R.R.E. we are hosting some on line auctions on our newly created Face Book page in an effort to support some riders and their families  - hope you will join us, hope you will either donate, bid in the auction or donate to it.  We are also wanting to start chapters right across Canada - so if you want to support your fellow rider, if you want a little extra "insurance" to protect yourself and your loved ones, join us at membership is only $20 for a single or $30 for a couple.

Well folks - sorry to have rambled on so long but that's what happens when I take a day off.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding - please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and are out to get you and please ride proud not loud.

Belt Drive Betty
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