Friday, September 24, 2010

A Plea from Terry Kunto's Family, An Apology, A Thank You and an Interesting study or two

Rick Kunto from Ontario emailed me yesterday to thank me for writing about the travesty of a sentence that was handed down to the woman who killed his brother Terry last year. Rick has expressed that the family needs help with the justice system as their pleas for assistance have fallen on deaf ears. Apparently the crown and defence have not provided them with any of the transcripts or documents and have not taken the families wishes into account at all. They are asking everyone possible to help them find some justice for their brother by sending letters to the Justice Minister and the Solicitor General. They want the judges decision appealed or over turned and criminal charges of driving with undo care and attention and or negligence sought.

Rick and his family will be writing about their situation and the dissatisfaction and frustration that they feel over this sad affair. When they do I will be sure to pass it on to you.  Here is the link to my blog post with the letter I send out and information on how to contact the Justice Minister & Solicitor General - it's about half way in the post:

The original article about the sentence handed to the woman who killed Terry is here:

Now then - it appears that an apology is in order to the Canadian Lonewolves - although I did not write the article or attend the event and in fact only ran the article through a word processor for spelling mistakes I still feel badly for Steve and the Canadian Lonewolves for the faux pas in the article - even though I am positive it was not done with any malice as I think the writer is a member of both the Canadian & the Alberta Lonewolves - even though they are two separate entities completely. I know personally how hard these guys and dolls work and how disappointing it must be to have another group get credit for all of their hard work. Sorry Steve....

Here is Steve aka Panther's letter to the paper...
I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed and upset when I read the newest edition of the Busted Knuckle Chronicles this week.
In there was a write up about the Rocking the Valley event in Drayton Valley, where based upon what I read, a "colors coat check" was done by the "Alberta lone wolve's" and along with them came the Sundance Canine rescue.

The part that bothers me the most I guess is the fact that I helped set up the tent for the "colors coat check" and we had some of our members work the tent for the afternoon to help the event be more "family" based and not once did I see a "Alberta Lone wolf". What was there and in a good showing of members was the CANADIAN LONEWOLVES. My wife Tracy runs the Sundance Canine Rescue and I am almost positive she came with me, and I am a CANADIAN LONEWOLVES members. It really sucks from my point of view to see the "Alberta lone wolve's" get credit for helping out and doing something good when they in fact did not. I do not mean to sound like a pissed off old man, but a whole lot of members have put a whole lot of effort into making a good name for the CANADIAN LONEWOLVES , it sucks to see their efforts get passed onto another group.

We, the CANADIAN LONEWOLVES have more members involved in F.I.R.R.E. than any other organization out there (that I know of). We built a bike during the winter and raised over $7000, split between two charities, we have adopted a section of highway to help protect the roads we ride on, we have been outriders at many events, so that others may enjoy themselves better. We are a community minded group that work hard, play hard and take pride in who we are. We are the CANADIAN LONEWOLVES.

Steve Penrod(Panther)

Again - my apologies go out to Steve and all of the Canadian Lonewolves - your hard work and efforts for the motorcycling community do not go unnoticed - contrary to what you may feel at the moment.

A huge thank you goes out to Liane Langlois of the Edmonton Motorcycle Club. After all of her hard work on the Edmonton Motorcycle Noise Bylaw, Liane was in touch with Saskatoon's powers that be and had successfully convinced them to revisit the bylaw they want to pass to include all vehicles - after I got that information I mentioned to Liane that Caledon ON could use some sage advice and guidance. Well - this human dynamo got involved - wrote some letters, provided them - the counsellors - with some solid info and they have all agreed to take what she supplied to their meeting on October 5th. Who says one person can't make a difference? Way to go Lianne! From every rider in Canada who despises discrimination - thank you!

Now - an interesting study came out of the US with regards to accidents and mortality rates. And guess what - according to the study - if you are black - you are more likely to die in a motorcycle accident even if you are wearing a helmet.  The study by Johns Hopkins researchers states that black people are 1.5 times more likely to die in an accident on their motorcycle - the study compared accidents of similar nature and injuries - similar safety equipment and have determined that although they do not yet understand why this might be that current injury prevention programs may not be sufficient to protect all riders equally.

Another study out of Manitoba has some eye brows being raised...
Red Light Cameras - depending on who you believe - the police services or the Manitoba Insurance Company - either reduce accidents or cause more...

The debate is heated and probably more so since it is an election year!

In other news:
In the US another survey says that 16,000 people have been killed by texting and driving since 2001.

In New Brunswick - a court case about a motorcycle that was out of control and killed a jogger sees the rider of the motorcycle cleared of wrong doing.

In the Windsor/Essex County region of ON there is going to be a party this weekend - The Ambassadors Motorcycle Ride and Street Party

And lastly - in Kitchener ON a courier who stabbed a motorcyclist has been found guilty of aggravated assault.

For all of your news updates across Canada - visit where we work hard to connect riders from coast to coast to coast.

I hope and pray that if you are riding today you will Ride defensively, ride your own ride - do NOT let peer pressure get the best of you...Ride like everyone around you is BLIND, has an UNSAFE load and IS out to get you and please - ride Proud not Loud - invest in a 140 DB Air horn instead! AND CHECK YOUR TIRES AGE - AND YOUR TIRE PRESSURES DAILY!!!!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Road Side Justice....Being Human - A Balancing Act of Epic Proportions

So remember yesterday when I asked where our judicial system thought it was a wise idea to give police services the freedom to meet out road side justice...I am asking that question yet again today.

You see - in Hamilton Ontario a police officer who was riding his MOTORCYCLE after work was charged with impaired driving and put on desk duty. You read right - he was riding his MOTORCYCLE after work and was charged with being over .08 - a police officer....Another police officer drunk and these people not see enough carnage?  Have the police not gotten the message that drinking and driving/riding is against the law?

Now don't get me wrong - I think being a cop has to be one of the hardest jobs out there and we do need them but folks we also need checks and balances and that is where I have issues with our justice system.

After the sentence the judge in Calgary meted out and then his off the wall comments regarding the death of motorcyclist and small business owner Terry Kunto, well I am loosing heart and faith rapidly. And I feel it is time we get off our duffers as taxpayers and riders and do something - I have started a letter writing  campaign to the Solicitor General and Justice Minister here in Alberta over this judge...please take a moment to copy the letter and either mail or email it to them....

To the Honourable Alison Redford, and the Honourable Frank Oberle,

I am a motorcycle enthusiast, an automobile driver, and a tax payer.

Today in the news I read with great dismay the comments of Judge Peter Barley who is quoted as saying: "There is no doubt the accused is extremely remorseful for what happened, and what she did was what happens on many occasions without any lasting result," provincial court Judge Peter Barley said before imposing the $1,000 fine on Rhea Martin, 34, plus a victim surcharge. "It's an indication why everybody should be careful at all times. This case, it wasn't even reckless or careless, just a driving mistake with tragic consequences." Calgary Herald

This woman killed a man on a motorcycle due to her inattention – which according to the law is negligence. For this judge to minimize the actions of this woman demeans the life of a man who has a family and people who love and miss him.

There but for the grace of God go I and I pray I never have a lapse that puts me in her position but is the loss of a life really worth so little that just because someone is sorry they only get a $1000 fine and a 60 day driving suspension when speeding cost a pair of riders in Quebec $1,850 each?

I am sorry, but I think this judge’s comments completely demean Terry Kunto’s life and the grief his family must feel at his loss. And to all Calgarian’s his message seems to be that making an illegal left hand turn is OK because it seldom results in tragedy.
That it is OK to say you didn’t see the motorcycle.
That is a really poor message to be sending. That is my humble opinion.

How to Contact Frank Oberle:
Legislature Office
#513 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Phone: (780) 427-1843 Fax: (780) 427-1835    

Constituency Office
Box 6299, 9907 - 101 Ave. Peace River, AB T8S 1S2
Phone: (780) 624-5400 Fax: (403) 624-5464

How to Contact Alison Redford:
Legislature Office  
403 Legislature Building 120800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6
Phone 780.427.2339 Fax 780.422.6621

Department of Justice  
Alberta Justice, 3rd Floor, Bowker Building 9833 - 109 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2E8
Information Line 780.427.2745 Email

Constituency Office  
6, 22 Richard Way SW Calgary Alberta T3E 7M9
Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone 403.252.0346 Fax 403.252.0520 Email

Now -Back to today's topic....

Remember Cpl. Monty Robinson - in my humble opinion I feel this particular officer ranks up there as one of the most dishonest and dishonourable people walking - not only was he involved in the tasering incident at Vancouver's airport that cost a man his life - this man used his knowledge of the justice system to avoid going to jail for - again - in my humble opinion - killing a man -  motorcycle rider Orion Hutchison.

Why are people like this man treated differently than you or I - why is he not held to the same standard as the rest of us? Perhaps it is time for us to consider a zero tolerance position on alcohol and drug offences when driving. PERHAPS - BUT ONLY if it applies to politicians, police officers and judges too. But again  the stance of zero tolerance would not have worked against a man like Cpl Robinson who - IN MY HUMBLE OPINION have lied about WHEN they drank...

I honestly do not know what the answers are folks but I am feeling so frustrated and disillusioned with our justice system that I feel we need to do something. But what - that is the question - what do we do???

As always - your ideas, thoughts and opinions are valued and appreciated - I can't provide a balanced view on anything without your help....

In the news today:
In Caledon ON the Motorcycle Noise Bylaw has been put over to the evening of October 5th.

In Regina SK a Cystic Fibrosis Fund raiser is being held.

In Yorkton SK their Toy Run goes this Sunday...

In Ontario - The Bad Zwischenahn Motorcycle Unit - Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit is hosting the 'Nathan Ride For Hope' this Saturday (September 25th)

For all of your news updates across Canada - visit where we work hard to connect riders from coast to coast to coast.

I hope and pray that if you are riding today you will Ride defensively, ride your own ride - do NOT let peer pressure get the best of you...Ride like everyone around you is BLIND, has an UNSAFE load and IS out to get you and please - ride Proud not Loud - invest in a 140 DB Air horn instead! AND CHECK YOUR TIRES AGE - AND YOUR TIRE PRESSURES DAILY!!!!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fines - why don't they ever match the crime?

If you read today's news you will see that a lady who killed a biker got an $1000 fine and a $150 victim surcharge - this for killing Terry Kunto - a well known Calgary bike shop owner - you will also see that two guys racing and or speeding in Quebec each got $1,848 fines.

In BC a glass of wine could net you a 3 day suspension plus a $200 fine if that glass puts you at .05 or more but under .08 - being .08 is an automatic 90 day suspension, $500 fine and the automatic requirement for an interlock device for your ignition.  Speeding will also net you 7 days with your vehicle in impound plus stiffer fines - ALL ROAD SIDE JUSTICE and partially implemented this way because BC's court system is short of judges unless I have misread something. (BC has been struggling with a shortage of judges for some time now)

Loud pipe fines in Alberta can net you a $275 fine depending on the jurisdiction and for repeat offences up to as much as $10K.

Ontario has some pretty tough laws too...

My question is this: Where is the common sense in any of these fines and laws? Where is there any balance or measured and thoughtful approach to penalties?

A thousand dollar fine and a 90 day suspension for killing a biker at night making a left hand turn because you didn't see the bike and you are remorseful -
"There is no doubt the accused is extremely remorseful for what happened, and what she did was what happens on many occasions without any lasting result," provincial court Judge Peter Barley said before imposing the $1,000 fine on Rhea Martin, 34, plus a victim surcharge. "It's an indication why everybody should be careful at all times. This case, it wasn't even reckless or careless, just a driving mistake with tragic consequences."
I am confused here - how in the world can a speeding fine be worth more that the one handed out for taking a life?  How can killing someone not be considered reckless or careless but be attributed to something that happens every day with no consequence? Where did they get this judge?

And in BC - how are the police even close to being qualified to hand out road side justice for impaired driving? Look at the track record of the RCMP in that province. I mean really folks this is so draconian and so WRONG.

If people in this country had any doubt about us becoming a police state - maybe they will quit doubting now and get off their duffers and go to the polls in their municipal elections and when the provincial elections come up - perhaps we voters will actually send some messages.

I get that we need to have laws to protect us from ourselves and the stupid people - I get that, but should there not be some common sense applied to these laws? And since when should the RCMP  have the power to meet out road side justice - especially in BC? Have they fought for these laws to protect their own? In the case of BC it would not surprise me.(Yes I am being a smart Alec and a tad facetious - but last year alone there were some 6 or 7 RCMP officers charged with impaired driving and now this department whose reputation is in tatters is going to hand out road side justice like this?)

On another note it appears that Melinda - one of the media people that made up part of Bean'res crew feels that I took a personal conversation and not only misquoted her but did not fully or properly quote her. She was however present when I told a reporter in Digby that after everything I had heard about our US Visitors and dignitaries and their treatment not only was I writing about it but I would be happy to oblige with an interview - however she now feels she should not have been included in my comments and that - in her opinion - my "overly negative" blog post hurt the people of Digby and the volunteers. She also said that the organizers made good on all of their promises to Beanr'es crew and that Bean'res crew was totally satisfied with their accommodations at the Annapolis Barracks and that when the organizers moved her into more private quarters that she was happy with them.
Be that as it may - I am still offended for them even if they are not. 
Why? Well you see people the fact that these people were housed where they were - to me - shows an utter lack of regard for the work and effort these people made on behalf of the rally in Digby. The fact that the organizer felt that the barracks were satisfactory accommodations to begin with is morally and ethically wrong in MY OPINION. It shows a complete lack of regard for the value of the media and publicity that these celebrities and the contest winner provided.
The fact of the matter is that what Bean're and his crew contributed to the Digby Rally was INVALUABLE from a marketing perspective.
As a Canadian - as an event coordinator, I am personally appalled at how they were treated. Visitors to OUR COUNTRY....
that these people who came from thousands of miles away to help promote an event could be treated in such a way is just wrong and I still feel that the town of Digby and the province of Nova Scotia need to implore upon the organizer that people who promote you and who come to your event from thousands of miles away should be treated far, far better that that. (The CTC would NEVER support an event like this financially if that was the kind of accommodations that the media were being provided - I know first hand about the quality and calibre of accommodations that are expected to be provided for these people by the Canadian Tourism Commission and other provincial tourism departments.)
The fact that the organizer (so I am told) now recognizes that the barracks were maybe not the best choice is a small consolation. They should NEVER have been considered adequate to begin with  - but hey - what do I know - I am just a reporter with a big mouth...who is trying to sensationalize things for my own gain. I won't tell you who told me that....
PLEASE NOTE - the people of Digby - the volunteers and the business people along with the thousands of riders and the 40 or so vendors are NOT who I am upset with. The above mentioned all did everything they could to make the event fun or to have fun. There were hundreds of wonderful moments and tons of great people there. The organizers treatment of the VIP'S and Media along with the treatment of certain sponsors and the increased costs to vendors have NOTHING to do with the town, the volunteers or the riders and vendors.

As it is every day - I appreciate your feedback and honest dialogue - I may not always agree and maybe you won'tagree with me but I love to listen to different opinions and ideas as they do help me to become better at what I do.

In the news today:

In BC - The Port Alberni Toy Run a HUGE success in spite of bad weather on one side of Vancouver Island as was the 100 Mile House Toy Run

In Newfoundland the RCMP speak out on allegations of harassment

In Alberta - a 16 year old Cochrane Racer is heading to the US
And in New Brunswick the police think speed and alcohol were involved in the death of a NB motorcyclist.  

In Sturgis a 20 year old who was texting killed a biker...

I hope and pray that if you are riding today you will Ride defensively, ride your own ride - do NOT let peer pressure get the best of you...Ride like everyone around you is BLIND, has an UNSAFE load and IS out to get you and please - ride Proud not Loud - invest in a 140 DB Air horn instead! AND CHECK YOUR TIRES AGE - AND YOUR TIRE PRESSURES DAILY!!!!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A successful bike run - what does it take and what does it look like?

Well - ask the folks in Cape Breton. A record breaking $90K was raised at the Ride for the Cure on the weekend! 800 riders came out to make a difference.

“A very sincere thanks to all of the unsung heroes who continue to help and support this event,” said Gord MacDonald, ride organizer and owner of Gord’s Sports Centre.

The article in the Cape Breton Post goes on to say: Since the event began in 2003, Ride 4 the Cure has raised over $354,435 for cancer research and the Cape Breton Cancer Centre. 

So how has Gord and his team been able to host such a successful ride? Well - if you read up on the event and you look at the thank you's and the treatment of the people who support the event - it's been through gratitude - Gord is a grateful human being and everything I have read about the man leads me to believe that. He is gracious and humble and very, very thankful and appreciative.

Successful events happen when the "leader" is supportive and grateful and the community is involved and engaged - looks to me like Cape Breton has all of the bases covered!

As always your comments and feedback are deeply appreciated - it is only through reflective and thoughtful dialogue that we learn and grow - help me to grow folks!

In the news today:
In the US a custom bike that was autographed by Obama is being auctioned off
In Pittsburgh the first ever Ronald McDonald Ride is set to take place.
In California The Love Ride is back!

In Alberta - STARS and the police are asking Riders to take extra caution when riding
In Ontario the Ride to B.E.A.T. Cancer is taking place on the 26th
Also in Ontario a young racer who was injured in Indianapolis is back in Canada in a London Hospital

Across Canada - the Toy Runs are in full swing and this year it appears that Mother Nature is doing her level best to make it feel like Christmas! Way to go Mother Nature - NOT!

I hope and pray that if you are riding today you will Ride defensively, ride your own ride - do NOT let peer pressure get the best of you...Ride like everyone around you is BLIND, has an UNSAFE load and IS out to get you and please - ride Proud not Loud - invest in a 140 DB Air horn instead!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter

Monday, September 20, 2010

I am back ....and a F.I.R.R.E. WAS LIT!

Well folks, after a very successful 34 day trip that allowed me to promote F.I.R.R.E. I am back and raring to go to work again. I was supposed to be off until Thursday but the work that is on my desk is not going to do itself and since I work alone I have no one to delegate it to so I am back to work 4 days early.

The trip was gruelling and satisfying all at the same time. My husband - (whose vacation this trip was) and I crossed most of Canada - 8 provinces - round trip in the same time it took the Motorcycle Ride of Dad 10th Anniversary Tour to cross Canada one way. We visited about the same number of cities as they did too. It was challenging as we had to travel on average 500 KM per day plus meet people, and for me - meeting with the press and blogging about the trip.
The next time I do something of this magnitude I at least understand more about the time requirements and  sponsorship needs to make this happen the way I would like it to.

The trip itself was impressive and amazing - seeing our country by motorcycle has been rewarding. I have been across by car and train but this was my first time across the country on a motorcycle.
If you want to see what we got up to visit my Travel Blogs - the links to them are located on the home page of on the right hand side of the page. Or right here on my blog on the right hand side of this page - about half way down.

It was so rewarding meeting so many that until now I have only known by email or letters. It was equally rewarding to have interest for starting new chapters of F.I.R.R.E. - it looks like we will have new chapters in Saskatchewan before long - the paper work has just gone out to Terry Hartshorn and Dave Adrian (Preacher) of the Saskatchewan Lone Wolves. If you are interested in joining F.I.R.R.E. or finding out more about who we are and what we are doing please visit:

If you would like to start a chapter you can contact our National Chairman - Scott Paulin at: or our Vice Chairman Don Mustard at:

There will be a SPECIAL F.I.R.R.E Annual General Meeting for October 3, 2010 at the Carstairs Community Hall - 1100 Lackner Way in Carstairs Alberta. The meeting will begin at 2 pm - come find out what is on the go!

We are growing and for a group that is only 5 months old we are doing really well at helping our fellow riders and are working hard to get our three committees up to speed. Those committees are: Rider Down - for rider and family assistance and support, Riders Rights, lobbying and support and Education for both the rider and the general public....F.I.R.R.E. stands for the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education.

We are in the process of looking hard at how we can work with the Downed Rider Society in Nova Scotia - after a great discussion in Nova Scotia there appears to be great interest in the two groups working together to serve riders and their families...

I hope to see a ton of you get on board because if you read the news feeds at all on you will see that we need to start working together as a family, a community again. We have to start working on the issues that affect all of us motorcyclists from safety to discriminatory bylaws...if we don't those who are working together - the anti motorcyclists will mow us over and there will be little left of our way of life.

United we ride, divided we ride stock or bicycles...

As always I welcome your feed back and input - the only way we as people grow and expand our points of view is through sharing our ideas and opinions...please share yours with me - help me to grow!

In the news today:
Caledon Ontario - the newest home of motorcycle discrimination is proposing to pass a new noise bylaw that makes Edmonton's look like child's play - the contest is now on to see which city, town of jurisdiction can put the screws to the motorcycle community.

One gal who thought she hated motorcycles discovers their "Beautiful Noise"

Leo Motors thinks they have what it takes to expand the range of electric vehicles...

In British Columbia the toughest drinking and driving laws in Canada and maybe north America come into effect.

In Montreal Quebec a rider is dead and his passenger injured after a collision with a car.

In Ontario a rider's death is being investigated.

An faith in humanity is restored to a degree after a Japanese rider whose bike is stolen is given a gift of a new motorcycle and gear...

We sift through the news so that you don't have to...visit for all of your news, event and community information and don't forget - if you are a member at your membership card is good for special services and discounts at over 250 Canadian locations and growing!

I hope and pray that if you are riding today you will Ride defensively, ride your own ride - do NOT let peer pressure get the best of you...Ride like everyone around you is BLIND, has an UNSAFE load and IS out to get you and please - ride Proud not Loud - invest in a 140 DB Air horn instead!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award winning web site!
National VP of Marketing
Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitter