Friday, October 22, 2010

Chaps, pants...what is your choice? Why?

Yesterday I asked you about Jackets. I wanted to know what you wear and why you chose the jacket you did. The day before was helmets and our Face Book and Forum discussions gave some great answers - there is now one helmet I am on a mission to find out more about as I look to replace my aging gear!

The answers on Jackets yesterday were sure many and VARIED!

The advancements in riding gear have been many and like so many  people, I need a bit of help trying to decide what to buy. I am skeptical of asking the retailers or manufacturers because we all know that they feel the gear they make or sell is the best. I would rather ask you riders - the people who wear the gear why you have chosen what you have.

So help me. Please.

I have been wearing chaps all of my life. However, I have been rethinking that choice after seeing what happened to a friend's arse when he had to let his bike go in a freak hail storm. You should have seen his butt cheeks and his wallet! WOW were they chewed up. Like me he wore chaps and jeans.

I have read much about pig skin leather pants, I have seen leather overhauls with suspenders, body suits, Cordura pants, Kevlar Jeans...I have seen so many different ideas but am not sure which way I am going to lean towards.

Why have you chosen to wear what you do?

I look forward to having you get involved in the discussion either here, on Face Book or in our forums on

Remember, if you post anonymously I will not post your comment unless you email me to tell me who you are.

In Other News:
In Ontario the police are "shining' a light on a group called Luminati

Also in Ontario a woman has been charged in an accident that killed a rider

An Ontario of road rider is in serious condition after a crash

BRO had a successful fund raiser

In Quebec, taxpayers are going to be shelling out somewhere near 11 million dollars for a trial

In PEI, motorcycle stats are on the mind of many

In BC - police officers are facing charges for a brawl with a local "gang"

Do you suffer from road rage and other aggressive behaviors? Your cat might be responsible!

In the USA - Hell for Leather calls Harley-Davidson out on it's third quarter numbers

On the gear side of things - a small write up on air bags a rider can wear.

If you are among the fortunate and are riding today - PLEASE, ride like everyone is out to get you and is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Ride & Editor

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Riding Jackets - what do you wear?

When I was younger, I took a lot of chances. I think like anyone who grew up in the 60's and 70's we were influenced by our parents and the times.

Riding on a motorcycle with just a tee shirt and vest, jeans, boots and a beanie, that's the way most of us rolled back then. Over time, with a few friends involved with meeting the pavement and burying others you grow up and grab a brain and realize - HMMM - I am NOT invincible - this too could hurt me.

I would never have ventured on to a motorcycle with shorts and sandals or flip flops on - I am not comfortable with that degree of exposure and I never have been.

I have had stories submitted to our community newspaper (The Busted Knuckle Chronicles) on how someone's motorcycle gear saved their life - their hide...I have seen first hand the ravages of road rash - the horrible swelling and scabbing. The scars...

Good Gear is important - at a certain age you come to realize that. For some us the realization takes longer because we weren't weaned on motocross.

Yesterday I asked about helmets and what you wear and why you wear it.
Today I want to ask you for your thoughts on jackets. As riders we go through all kinds of elelments. You can, in certain parts of the country see all 4 seasons in one day - so what jacket do you wear? What brand, why did you choose it?

Do you wear leather like I do (really, really heavy leather) or do you wear a fashion leather - light weight.

Do you wear cordura? Armour? Denim?

What do you wear and why do you wear it?

Please join the discussion here,  on Face Book or over in the forums on - I would LOVE to hear from you on this topic.
Please remember, if you post by using anonymous - unless you email me to tell me who you are - I will NOT post your comments.

In other news:
Veteran's who ride converged on Royal Canadian Legion Br. 71 to celebrate the life of John Shannon, a Vietnam War veteran from the U.S - it was a first...

BMW has announced two recalls

Honda has some bikes it is considering for the Canadian market.

Check out the new radar in Holland - it's good for a giggle if nothing else!

In Clinton Ontario 130 riders took part in a toy run

If you are among the fortunate and are riding today - PLEASE, ride like everyone is out to get you and is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Ride & Editor

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To wear one or not - Helmets....

The news feeds are pretty quiet these days - most of our Canadian events are done for the year save the odd ride night that is still running and the upcoming Halloween and Christmas dances. Sports and new motorcycle reviews seem to be what is predominantly in the feeds.

This is the time of year when many people will begin thinking about that paint job, engine upgrade, maintenance or the various bolt on parts that might make their machine more comfortable.

I want to start some discussion on gear. With the January motorcycle shows just around the corner - there will be a ton of gear providers trying to hawk their wears.
What is the best jacket, boots, gloves - helmets, goggles, glasses etc...

Preventing road rash and protecting you from the worst of the damage that can be inflicted by a crash or collision is the goal.

So let's discuss the pros and cons of gear - Let's start at the top - Helmets.

Many claim that a helmet is the MOST Valuable piece of gear a rider can possess and use - others feel that they are restrictive and resent wearing them. Many gals think they are ugly. In the US there are a number of states where helmets are optional. In BC, the right to wear a beanie was taken away from riders in favor of the DOT, SNELL rated helmets.

So - how much do YOU know about helmets?
What is your stance on helmets - to wear or not to wear them?

I am one of those who thinks that it should be the rider's right to choose as long as I as a tax payer am not funding a lengthy hospital or extended care stay. In other words - if you have adequate insurance and my health care dollars are not paying for your right to choose - knock yourself out...pardon the pun. I have ridden without a helmet and while I enjoyed the sense of freedom I also felt vulnerable, naked and after some time opted to wear my half helmet. I hung my beanie up years ago after a friend's crash -what seemed to be a pretty harmless one but none the less, she hit her head wearing a beanie - just the right way and died as a result.

I have never been able to bring myself to wear a full face because I am so very claustrophobic and although I have tried getting used to one - I just can't seem to be able to catch my breath in one. I also can not take the weight on my neck (I have 4 compressed discs thanks to a car accident)

So let's start with some basic knowledge on helmets and the testing or lack there of that they go under...

DOT as opposed to SNELL as opposed to SHARP (The UK Standard) and the EN - European Standard - which of the them is a more credible sticker to have on your helmet? DOT has no manditory testing attached to from everything I have read about its certification. SNELL however is all about testing as is the UK's SHARP Standard - I have not been able to find out much about the EN standard.

Depending on what you read and where you sit on the fence when it comes to the use of helmets there is no shortage of stats and information to support arguments on either side of the issue.

The SHARP web site is rather interesting:

SNELL has some interesting comparison articles n the major world standards for helmet testing:

So - talk to me - tell me what you know about helmets, their fit, their function, their ability to protect the melon.

I also want to know your thoughts on mandatory helmet laws and in all of the discussion I want you to think about the people who love you and how your decision to wear or not wear a helmet may affect them.

So - let's have some discussions - here on this blog or on Face Book, Twitter or you can also join us in the forum on

I am looking forward to hearing your opinions and views.

Belt Drive Betty
Ride & Editor

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles

Monday, October 18, 2010

A tell tale kind of day...

There is a lot of nervous energy going around the political circles as the candidates wait for your decision on their fates.

Remember that as you vote today - YOU hold the politicians future in YOUR hand and once they are elected YOU have the right to hold them accountable. That is the democratic process and how it works. We pay them to work for US.

We, the taxpayer keep forgetting that we have the power.

By exercising our right to vote we keep our power. Please remember that there are men and women who have laid their lives on the line that we here in this country might live in relative freedom and peace - we OWE it to them to be patriotic and to exercise the freedoms and the rights that they have fought for. What good are they if we don't use them?

Our soldiers are the protectors, the defenders of the rights and freedoms of this country and we are the people they are protecting them for - we need to honor their sacrifices, their lives by using the tools that they have protected for us.

The OBLIGATION to vote is something each Canadian needs to feel.  We will never attract quality people to office until we change our views on their role in office.

We - the people - MUST DEMAND the best out of whom we are presented with.

We are not obligated to the politician - we are obligated to our children, our families, ourselves and our SOLDIERS.

Please don't let their lives be in vain, take that hour out of your busy life and take charge, take control of your FREEDOM. If you don't - who will? It is complacency that is our biggest enemy.

I leave you with a few quotes on Voting:
Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote. William E Simon
(The same is true in Ottawa or city hall)

The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.”  Lyndon B Johnson

One sad note out of the Fraser Valley of BC.

Ma Hawkins - one of the most tireless volunteers the motorcycle community and underprivileged children of the lower mainland had was in a car accident Saturday night before the Fraser Valley Toy Run and has passed from her injuries. My heart goes out to the people whose lives Ma touched...her family and her extended family.

Belt Drive Betty
Ride & Editor

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How are you voting? What is motivating you?

Municipal Elections are upon us.

Like everyone, you need to vote based on the things in your town and city that are taking place, but if you ride a motorcycle I am asking you to consider a few things...

If you read the news about Motorcycle ONLY noise bylaws that are being introduced everywhere - I ask you to truly consider the consequences of not voting and of whom you might be voting for.

If you allow a discriminatory piece of legislation to pass because you did not vote, how are you going to feel when you get a ticket? Make no mistake, if the test - the J2825 is not administered properly - you WILL get a ticket. An unfair ticket that you will have to go to court and fight or face loosing hundreds of dollars out of your pocket - because this Bylaw comes with a repeat offender clause that can see fines escalate up to $10,000 dollars - that's right - TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. (Caledon Ontario's bylaw allows for $5,000 for repeat offenders)

People - the reasons noise bylaws have become an issue are:

1: the motorcycle manufacturers thought it would be a good idea to pay for and set a standard for motorcycle noise so that tickets issued by police officers would not be subjective - however, the test is flawed because it can not be PROPERLY done on the road side - too many other ambient noises can affect the results. It is the MMIC going around the country showing the various communities how the test works...for those of you who don't know who the MMIC is - Motorcycle & Moped Industry Council

2: the inconsiderate of our community are making noise an issue for those who are sick, elderly or trying to sleep - that DOES NOT mean the rest of us who are law abiding should be subjected to unfair laws.

Do you realize that the automotive manufacturers are NEVER going to commission and pay for noise standards to be set?  Do you realize that stereo manufacturers are NEVER going to commission and pay for noise standards to be set? Why? Because they work under the assumption that 95% of people are going to use and enjoy their products responsibly and that is not up to them to police their consumer.

You do realize that the guy with the boom box in his car - you know the one - the guy/gal that drives by your house nice and slow so that the windows rattle out of your house with the base so low that you can hear/feel him coming for two blocks...HE/SHE is probably NEVER going to get a ticket for excessive noise...neither is the guy/gal with the chipped up diesel pick up running straight pipes....or and other noise offender - why? They are not easy to single out the way a motorcycle is. It truly is that simple folks.

If we - as tax payers, as voters continually fail to hold our elected officials responsible for their actions we are going to be legislated to death - the trend - in case you haven't noticed is to treat tax payers and voters as if we have ZERO ability to think for ourselves.

If you watched the Fifth Estate on the 16th of October you will see the dangerous, dangerous way of thinking that has pervaded the RCMP in this country for over 30 years - if you haven't, if you think I am so full of BS that my eyes MUST be dark brown, that I am a fear monger the way I have been accused of being in the past - think again...
I URGE you to watch this TV Episode originally aired on October 16th 2010 - and to remember this is CANADA this happened in..

Our police services call the shots in this country or so it appears - the politicians in this documentary - the people supposedly running this country had NO IDEA what the police services - the RCMP in particular were up to. The documentary made my blood run it and tell me how you feel.

What is next for our community here in North America?

Let's look around this big old world of ours and look at the trends - trends that only we as a community can do anything about...BY VOTING - being active...

Look at Europe and what is happening over there.
Because of the explosive growth in motorcycling, there has been an increase in motorcycle fatalities. It's a trend that has happened right around the world.

Now in Belgium and potentially later in the EU they are looking to restrict when you can have a motorcycle license from 21 to 24 years of age. At 18 you can drive a car but you won't be allowed a street bike license until 24? HMMM

Read the article from Virginia...
Look at the new helmet law in BC...
Look at Saskatoon SK, Caledon ON  and Edmonton AB and Bragg Creek AB

Look at the Motorcycle ONLY Check stops that have been set up...the NHSTA in the US is being urged to stop  funding them, BC had two that we know of this year...

All around the US there are places you can NOT ride a motorcycle, there are restrictive noise bylaws being implemented - look what the Governor of California just signed...

If you can not see that our community is being singled out as a hot topic for politicians - then our community - our way of life is doomed to be legislated against time after time  and why?

Because the politicians can be seen as doing something - as looking good to the constituents in their riding's who are vocal and displeased with us. Make no mind that once they get rid of us they will move on to another topic but once they are done with the motorcycle community we will be left in tatters enjoying only a few things about riding that we remember from days gone by. THE FACE OF MOTORCYCLING WILL CHANGE - are we going to have any say as to how?

It is only by voting and policing our own that that will happen...
So are you going to vote?

I supply you the links to all of the articles - one's I have NOT Written - that I have had NO Hand in - PLEASE read - educate yourself. As a responsible motorcyclist I URGE you to get out and vote.

Remember if you DO NOT VOTE - you are giving your vote to the person who is against us and YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO WHINE when crap goes really sideways.

As always, I would love for your feed back on this topic - remember however - in order for your two bits worth to be noted you MUST be willing to put your name to it. Anonymous comments will only be accepted if you email me your real name.

There is A TON Of news again today - to get caught up with what is happening in the world of motorcycling visit where we scour the news feeds to bring you as much relevant information about motorcycles ads we can.

Belt Drive Betty
Ride & Editor
The Busted Knuckle Chronicles