Friday, March 25, 2011

Bikers Church - an experience

Last night I had the pleasure of experiencing a Bikers Church meeting for my first time.

It was so far different from the "Church" I grew up with.  The people who attended Bikers Church were there to learn and share, no judgment, no disapproval or pushing - no shoving things down someone's throat. 

Pastor Dave, the pastor of the Kawartha Bikers Church in Peterborough is a big man in stature and heart. A former member of an outlaw bike club, he has seen and experienced many things. If you have ever made mis-steps in your life or found yourself on a self destructive path and want to find something different, a different meaning or purpose for your life, he is someone who can relate to you on a very real and down to earth level - there is no judgment at Bikers Church, none of the airs or pretense like what I grew up with.

The topic for the evening came from Pastor Rob Dale of the Capitol City Bikers Church in Ottawa via video - Living a Life of Purpose. If you have read the Busted Knuckle Chronicles, our weekly newspaper, you might be familiar with the series. If not, it is a series that whether you believe in God or not - you might find very enlightening. 

Many of us find ourselves doing jobs we dislike, in relationships that are unfulfilling and on self destructive paths - wondering what is the purpose,the point to all of it. 
The series is all about helping you to discover what drives you, what makes you - YOU, and how to bring out your strengths and find the meaning to your life that makes you want to jump out of bed feeling thankful to be on the right side of the grass.

Spirituality and a faith in a higher power, no matter what you believe that power to be, no matter the name you give your higher power is something I think many share. I am not a religious person. I do not attend a structured or organized church but I do believe that there is a higher power.

I was very moved by Pastor Rob and his take on living a life of purpose. I liked the down to earth, real day approach to the topic of living a life of value and purpose. Yes the bible is discussed, but unlike so many churches I have attended in the past -  it was discussed in a way I could relate to. It was treated like a self help book - and I for one found that VERY refreshing.

I found the whole experience to be one of utter acceptance - no one cared who you were, where you came from or why you were there - they only cared that you were there. Oh the one and only thing they did care about - what bike you rode...again - I found that really refreshing.

It was an enjoyable experience to say the least. If you ever find yourself wanting to explore faith and spirituality - you may find some of what you are searching for at Bikers Church.

Like every day - I welcome your take on the topic of the day...

Voting in our three calendar contests has begun and I can not wait to see who you all choose to be Mr & Ms February or which Biker Kid is going to be the January Calendar Kid...Hope you will check them out and cast your vote for the photo you like the best in each competition!

There is a good amount of news again this morning - check out the headlines over at where we sift through the news so you don't have to!

I am getting ready to head in to Toronto to get our booth set up.
I hope you have a wonderful day and look forward to seeing many of the riders in the GTA tomorrow and Sunday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hellloooo Ontario

Well - after a full day of driving and flying I arrived at the Toronto Airport an hour and a half late but in one piece - kind of.

I fly Air Canada because West Jet is too expensive for my current budget and that means being squished into the plane like sardines in a can. Talk about uncomfortable. 

The staff were friendly and my seat mates were really nice people and that made the rather uncomfortable seating bearable at least.

When we finally deplaned I was met by Pastor Dave Neals from the Peterborough Biker's Church and his friend Pastor Harvey. We had a pleasant and uneventful trip to Pastor Dave & Karen's home just outside of Peterborough. By the time we got in it was 1:30 am and I am a beat puppy this morning but I am also excited because this weekend I get to see a ton of friends and business colleagues that I haven't seen since the last time I was in TO for a bike show 2 years ago.

Today I spend some time getting caught up on a full day of emails and paperwork and then tomorrow we head back to TO from Peterborough to go and get our booths set up - Can't wait for Saturday morning and the opening of the National Motorcycle Show!!!

There is a ton of interesting news today - everything from Bikies in Australia being raided - house by house after a shooting - apparently the ploice are worried about a turf war heating up.

In Winnipeg Manitoba the hunt is on for a suspect in a police involved shooting - apparently a domestic situation triggered the shooting and the person sought is thought to be a member of the Rock Machine.

In New Zealand they are tackling motorcycle safety in a grassroots sort of way that I really like...

In Europe - motorcycle manufacturers are very concerned over proposed new safety measures that they say will slow down the evolution and development of green technologies in the industry.

There is a ton of other news for your reading "pleasure" over at
Voting for our February Mens and Ladies calendar pages and the January Kidz page starts today at 9 AM MST!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Coming FULL Circle

I appreciated the feed back from yesterday's blog post.
One person commented that they thought I already knew my way of thinking was right - I have to tell you straight, I was fairly certain that my point of view would resonate with 25% of the people who read my blog.

There are some of you who read this blog who know my background, there are many here who do not. For those who do, I will apologize now, if I sound like a broken record.

I am a 50 year old woman who is a sexual and physical abuse survivor. 
In both cases the initial abuse suffered happened right at home.

I grew up with a terrible persecution mentality. I was always wrong, always in trouble for something (at least in my parent's eyes), my brothers and sister thought I got preferential treatment and my parent's were always telling me to keep my gob shut - what happened in the house, stayed in the house.  I thought everyone was out to get me, that NO ONE understood me. In my late teens and early 20's, my experiences with men and women alike, were not much better than what I experienced at home.

I started questioning my own conduct and viewpoints about the time I hit 22. A job I had put me around some beautiful people with their heads screwed on pretty straight. I started to go through counseling. Over the years, I have had many councilors, many mentors and many "friends". 

I look at where I started this journey and where I am today and sometimes I can't believe that one person could have all of the experiences I have, but there it is - tons of people, experiences, mistakes and triumphs.

Last year I became aware of the Little Warriors. A foundation for the prevention and education for child abuse. Joey Carrothers/Csapo asked if I would sponsor a run she was coordinating for the Newcastle Pub to raise funds. I said yes and I attended the run. I was amazed by what I learned from the people gathered there. It floored me just how many people, men and women both have similar stories to mine. It truly is amazing what happens when like minded people get together.

I had known about Leslie "Cricket" Lee and her good works for a while. When you read the news feeds every day, like I do - you are always on the hunt for the information on great leaders - and she was one of the greats. Cricket was recently murdered in her own home.
That I know of, the killer hasn't yet been caught. Cricket worked for the prevention for child abuse amongst other worthwhile causes. The cause that grabbed the hearts of many a biker? The Katelynn Stinnett Memorial Run.

When I had a car accident about 12 years ago that had altered my course and path - I was an angry, angry lady. I didn't understand why I was being put on a different path. 
Today I can see one really strong reason.

Whenever you are affected by something be it positive or negative - action is needed, when positive things happen to you you just need to figure out what positive actions got you the success and keep doing more of that. When it is negative that affects you, taking a different kind of action is required. You need to turn the negative into a positive.

So, here I am, 41 years later, finally finding the positive in the negative
Yes, I know, I am a slow learner.

Our Biker Kidz calendar competition is going to serve two fabulous charities and raise funds and awareness for them.
Little Warriors and the Katelynn Stinnett Memorial Run. I hope you will join us because it really shouldn't hurt to be a kid - children are our future, our best hope.

We are running three calendar contests simultaneously, One to empower women to grab the handlebars and supporting the International WWRR Conga for Breast Cancer and the Chrome Cowgirls

You can Only get these calendars through pre order and you can choose which cause you want to support at the time of purchase. See the links on each separate contest page.

Have a great Tuesday everyone... See some of you in Toronto at the National Motorcycle Show I hope....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Is my thinking backwards or something?

I was recently involved in a discussion with a veteran from Canada, an American man and an American gal from a state that allows her to ride without a helmet.

The conversation went like this: Canadian vet makes depreciating comment about female rider being helmet less in picture and not a good message to send to one's kids or insurance company.

Female rider responds that she lives in a state that allows her the freedom to do so and that her child wears a helmet. She also states that she has been in a crash with her bike and understands fully the risk she takes.

The American man jumps in and says he wished his stated allowed for choice and also makes a depreciating comment about the Canadian Vet and imagined support by Canadian Veteran of the noise bylaws.

The Canadian Vet jumps back in and say I am pro choice in 99% of all isn't one of them. 25 years in the military drilled that into me. - then he tells American Man that he resents his comment and that he fought for the freedom of American male thank you very much. (And named the conflicts he served in.)

American man says - no Canadian Vet didn't fight for his rights because American Man wasn't involved in any of that. He criticizes Canadian Vet for being holier than thou.

And then I read what was going on and jumped in - Here's what I had to say:

Hold on here boys - let's play nice now. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. American Man, if the man is a vet then he has fought for your right to your views - as long as you live in a "free" country. Canadian Vet - American Female IS entitled to her choice - the State she lives in allows for that. Remember Canadian Veteran - the hardest job a vet has is to remember WHY he fought - and then living with the consequences of that, like it or not.

You may not agree with each other - because emotionally, mentally you come from different experiences and realities - it does not mean that any position is right or wrong - remember what our country's stand for - DEMOCRACY - let the majority decide...and freedom of belief and expression, association etc. 
The only right and wrong in this whole equation is what values YOU hold, so while the choice to go helmet less is not one YOU would make Canadian Veteran - it IS her choice to choose to be helmet less. If it is not right for you that is OK, but there is truly no reason to hold someone else to your standards and values or do I mis understand the basics of the constitutions of our country's and the reason people like you Canadian Veteran are Veteran's? End Quote
So my question for the day is this...Am I off base in my way of thinking?
I think that just because you are a veteran - your OPINION doesn't hold any more sway or value than someone who hasn't served. Your fought for the rights and freedoms of citizens - ALL CITIZENS.
Just because military experience taught you to value what you view as safety, doesn't mean you have the right to force your opinion/view of what safety is on anyone, nor does it give you the right to be rather abrasive in your expression of your opinion.

I think that to assume that because a veteran is from Canada he hasn't fought for your rights because you are American, Italian, French, Spanish, German etc, is thinking that needs to be corrected.  Many of our Canadian vets fight with and alongside coalition forces - they are all there with one goal - freedom from oppression.
I really do not think that too many citizens of either country understand that we do, theoretically live in democratic states. Democracy means - let the majority have it's way. As such, we have a certain amount of say and power with regards to the laws etc. If more people exercised their rights  to vote, get involved - protected their rights here at home by joining forces to vote on things - maybe so many of our freedoms wouldn't be being eroded.
Maybe when we have lost ALL of our freedoms and rights -  our freedoms and rights would finally mean more to us than they appear to mean to many currently. Voter turn out has been abysmal in many "free" countries.
We have the right to attempt to sway people to our way of thinking - but they will only sway if you give them solid information, deliver it in a thoughtful and respectful way and if their core values are similar to yours.
I believe that Debate - real honest dialogue is about willingness - a willingness to speak thoughtfully and respectfully but to also be willing to listen and validate the other person's ideologies or values through the art of listening.  You do not have to agree with someone to validate their experiences.

I struggle at times with the art of an honest discussion - like many, my values and feelings on some topics run really deep, on others that I am not well informed on, not so much.
I am willing to learn and absorb other people's information and ideas, digest them for myself and form my own opinions based on my values and my experiences. I am willing, most of the time to understand the concerns or ideas of both sides in an equation.

How about you, how do you feel about the topic of the day? I do REALLY want to know.

The motorcycle news feeds are fairly quiet this morning, there are some good stories like the one on the fellow in Japan who dug his Harley Sportster out of the rubble - his story is at the very bottom of the article - I thought it was touching and that many would identify with this man. (All of the article is moving and filled with incredible bits of extraordinary stories - but to a biker, well - I hope you know what I mean)

I hope you will visit where we sift through the news so you don't have to. Take a check on our Three Calendar Contests and their entries!

Have a great Monday everyone - now that my email has been unblocked by Telus and Shaw I can get the rest of my invoicing done and finish packing to head to the Toronto National Motorcycle Show.I may or may not blog tomorrow - depends on if I have the paper finished in time...I drive to Edmonton tomorrow to catch my flight on Wednesday.