Thursday, March 31, 2011

From Handle Bar Petitions to Hard Tail Bans & Insurance Rebates

In Ontario, riders are working on a petition to have two Handle Bar Laws in Ontario deemed Deemed of no Force or Effect.

The petition explains that the measurement start and end points is vague and that the laws do not allow for handle bar adjustment to compliment a person's arm length or body type.

Ontario Regulations 596
10 (1)  No person shall operate upon a highway a motorcycle or motor assisted bicycle equipped with handlebars that are more than 380 millimeters in height above the upper most portion of the seat provided for the operator when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator
Ontario Regulations 611
4. (3)(e)  No part of the handlebar shall exceed a height of 380 millimetres above the uppermost portion of the operator's seat when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator.

1.Ontario Regulations 596s.10(1) and 611 s.4(3)(e) do not properly ascertain what is permissible or non- permissible as they do not state the specific point at which the measurement is to end. A vague law is contrary to the principles of Fundamental Justice and that there can be no crime or punishment unless it is in accordance with law that is certain, unambiguous and not retroactive.

2.Ontario Regulations 596s.10(1) and 611 s.4(3)(e) do not provide clear and explicit standards for the measurement of the handlebar height by Law Enforcement. It is essential in a free and democratic society that citizens are able, as far as is possible, to foresee the consequences of their conduct in order that persons be given a fair notice of what to avoid, and that the discretion of those entrusted with law enforcement is limited by clear and explicit legislative standards.

3.Ontario Regulations 596s.10(1) and 611 s.4(3)(e) do not allow for the adjustment of a Rider’s handlebars to reflect his/her height and arm length, this in turns prevents the Rider from sitting in a comfortable position while operating his motorcycle, denying him/her of proper enjoyment of his/her Motorcycle. In the absence of an objective of sufficient importance to justify overriding the defendant’s right of enjoyment of property the law cannot be upheld.

4.Ontario Regulations 596s.10(1) and 611 s.4(3)(e) were constructed in an era where radically constructed ‘ Choppers” were the norm, this is no longer the case.  A law that is Anachronistic or that lacks any ostensible purpose cannot override an individual’s fundamental rights.

You will find a copy of the petition in this week's Busted Knuckle Chronicles - if you live in Ontario - PLEASE, print it off and gather signatures. 

In Manitoba - over $250 Million has to go back to vehicle owners and lobbyists there are highly critical of the government for not holding hearings on proposed changes.

And in New Brunswick Hard Tails are no longer able to be ridden on the roads - they are deemed unsafe and so if you have an antique bike - it will be nothing more than a museum piece! One New Brunswick Biker is extremely upset by this sudden turn of events.

I hope that you as a rider in Ontario are going to get on the band wagon and fight for the right to be able to modify your bike so that it fits your body and provides the utmost handling and safety for you because it DOES fit your body. I hope that if you live in Manitoba - you are going to work towards holding your government accountable and in New Brunswick - well, I hope and pray you are going to get together to challenge the notion that hard tails are unsafe.

Remember, we - the people, we DO have power when we work together for the common good and repressive and restrictive laws like the ones mentioned above - or the over charging of insurance fees causing undo hardship on many - we have the power if only we would unite and raise our voices as one...think about that when you vote in the upcoming Federal Election...

YOU ARE going to vote - right? Right.

As always - I welcome your comments, feed back and ideas!

Have a fabulous day - I am on a plane back to Edmonton today - home in my own bed by Saturday if all goes well!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How can you make laws without the right people at the table?

France has a new minister of transportation and this man, Claude Gueant has blundered hugely.

He held a meeting on motorcycle safety without inviting the motorcycle association - FFMC.

The new minister is proposing new fines, more radar and more motorcycle check stops and the FFMC is vowing that although this minister does not want to talk to them, he WILL hear them as French bikers are set to start more protest rides. If you recall the FFMC has held some of the best attended motorcycle protests in the world tying up traffic on the freeways for miles.

As more news becomes available on what the FFMC is planning we will keep you informed.

In California, lane splitting has again made the news. California is the only state that allows lane splitiing or the sharing of lanes and many, many California drivers get angry - not realizing it is LEGAL. The danger to the rider comes in the form of distracted drivers and angry drivers.

If you have ever ridden or driven in California - you will understand the huge congestion on the freeways - cagers are more and more distracted and they present the biggest danger to the rider. If you decide to split lanes - take extra care and remember - cagers are so frustrated being caught in grid lock that they resent the rider creeping by them - be respectful and mindful of those emotions and you will get through the traffic just fine...

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thank you ONTARIO!!!!!

What an incredible weekend.

The Central Ontario Chrome Divas were there in full force, their table was one of the favorite places to be as Diva Carol brought all kinds of baked treats - can you say Bake Sale? The delectable treats were a fund raiser for Prostate Cancer Canada. The girls won the trophy for best booth - that in my humble opinion was, a no brainer and I can't wait to show you the pictures in the paper on Thursday!

I got meet with Jon from Classy Chassis - what a great human being, I can see why the shop is one of the most popular in Ontario!

I saw Elaina from On the Fringe Leather - she does a lot of work for Port Dover's Friday the 13th - you could say she is a staple in the community.

I met Lenny from Biker Injury Group and attended an OCC Meeting where I re connected with Sue Whalen, a para legal - I had known Sue over the internet for years but after MSN shut down, we lost contact.

I saw Shaun deJager from - again, I have known Shaun for years via the internet and finally got to meet him. I got great hugs from Shaun and Lou of the Perfect Pigs! Lou is known for his cross Canada trips for Diabetes and as the host for his club for the Hero's Highway Ride - one of the fastest growing rides in Ontario! Heck, my BC sales rep Quentin was even at the show for a few hours as he is currently working in Ontario for his full time job!
Trapper Cane and his lady Pam were at the show - Trapper is the head of the CAV and Pam owns a Tee Shirt Company.

I saw Glenn from Mojo, Steve Schueller - builder extraordinaire, Nancy Mayer and Crystal great lady rider friends of mine, I made new friends and discovered new products.

I spent time with so many incredible, vibrant people that I feel as though I have found a new depth to the passion I feel for my community - I truly did not know it was possible to care this much or feel this much pride - but man is it ever energizing!

I was able to reconnect with one branch, the Ontario branch - of my sisters & my brothers of this great big family I call the family WIND. It was amazing. 

There were a few challenges like the Kawartha's Biker Church booth where all my stuff was stored got flooded and so I had no hand outs - it was disappointing for them as well as a number of their bibles and posters were ruined, but in the end - it didn't really matter - what mattered was the opportunity to talk to people, to hug them, to share and man, we did a ton of that this weekend.

The Ontario riding community is one of the largest in Canada. 
It is diverse, it is caring and compassionate and has so many  wonderful, powerful and energetic people in it. It has a long and rich history and it has pride.

The OCC - the Ontario Confederation of Clubs is a diverse representation of the people of the Motorcycle Community here. 33 clubs, military supporters, 1 per centers, independents, sport bike clubs, business people - all of this incredible diversity and divergent ideas all in one room. 

Riders all, there to share, empower and unite for fair treatment and equity with other motorists. To keep each other informed of the laws and the changes - to support each others events and share ideas or experiences both good and not.

I have NEVER been is a room filled with more brother and sisterhood - it was AMAZING.

Every province should have this kind of group - this kind of support, this level of respect - do all of the groups have the same values? NO. Do they all truly enjoy being around each other - not necessarily - but they are there for the common good. Every club has it's own code of conduct and their own ambitions - but they ALL share the same constraints as other motorcyclists. Loud pipes, handle bar laws, poor road ways, HOV Lane use , insurance - all of these things are barriers or obstacles or issues that our community lives with. By uniting, sharing and educating each other to what is happening in their areas, riders are able to ensure that they know when a law changes or when a bylaw is introduced and how the change affects them. I was impressed with the professional and respectful way the issues presented were discussed.

I left that meeting feeling so hopeful for our community.

Yes - the Ontario riding community is diverse and rich and an enjoyable community to be a part of and I feel honoured to be a part of a community that embraces each others differences, defends each others rights and works together for the common cause and the common good of the entire community at large.

You could say it was a spiritual experience. One I am truly grateful to have had for it truly showed me what is possible. It reminded me of what is possible when people work TOGETHER.

Like always - I welcome your opinions on the topic of the day.

Have a fantastic rest of your Monday!