Friday, April 22, 2011

Rumour, innuendo and supposition and the destruction they wreak.

There is a tragic trait that we human beings have - one that causes so much destruction.
That trait is gossip - rumour mongering, innuendo, mud slinging and supposition.

I have heard of bike shops being slandered, their reputations torn apart because of an unhappy service experience or some unhappy customer service experience - I have even caught people naming shops and running them down. I remember one case where I asked the person involved in a quiet email to them if they had talked to the owner first before posting it on Facebook - they hadn't. So I recommended that they contact the owner, and voila, the situation was resolved  - the person who had had the unhappy experience not only shared the happier outcome on Facebook but through the discussion with the shop owner helped the owner identify and employee that needed some coaching.
An owner of a shop can not fix what he/she does not know is broken.

The damage that taking a customer service complaint to Facebook or any other social network or spreading the unhappy incident throughout your friends BEFORE giving the shop owner a chance to defend or investigate the situation is HUGE.  We don't - as human beings - always get things right.
We aren't always on our game when at work, we might be having a rough day or being besieged with situations of poor supply, faulty parts or employees who have a lack of education - as customers we need only look at our own job performance to realize that the person who gave you bad service is human and therefore fallible.

Before you go around spreading the sad tale of your rotten experience, I ask and encourage you to please - talk to the person who can take action - the business owner and then, and only then - if you have given them the opportunity to fix the situation and it is still not resolved - only then, if you really feel it is neccessary to, talk about the experience to prevent friends from having the same experience or simply recommend a different business without slamming the other.

Remember - the business you are dealing with is run by humans and they will not always get it right - bad mouthing someone's business can cause a loss of income that puts people out of work or causes some other form of ruination.

Case in point - Many of you will remember that back in February, I told you about an email I received - one that was sent to me by a person who thought I deserved to know what was being said about me - behind my back.

Well, I have tried everything short of going to the Canada Revenue Agency and the courts to resolve the issue, to get an apology and clear my name - all to no avail.

So, the time has come to reveal who has been attempting to destroy my reputation by spreading untrue rumours, innuendo and groundless accusations.

Since I know this person, and know that he does not have a means to compensate me for the damage done to my reputation or business, there seems to me, to be no point in going to court - I would simply be throwing good money after bad - at least that is what my lawyer tells me.

Because of the charities and non profits involved I have held off going to the CRA much to my lawyers chagrin. I do not wish to cause untold hardship on anyone, I have never been about causing pain to anyone, on the contrary I go out of my way to help whenever I can, much to my husband's chagrin.   

So why have I, after months of silence on this subject decided to share with you what went on?

Yesterday, I was banned from a Facebook group over this situation and told I was not welcome to participate because I am supposed to have said nasty things about people in this group, I asked for a chance at dialogue and was promptly banned. So, I have decided to bring this situation to the fore in a public way that will allow you - the reader to make your own decisions on who I am and what kind of person I am dealing with - by presenting the FACTS as I know them to be - in this persons own words - with exact copies of the emails I am in possession of.

I received a copy of this email on February 19th 2011 that had been sent out on the 18th of February to over 1,000 people - many of whom now believe what this man said about me:

Subject: Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society

Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society

…a little history…

In the very early part of 2010, the Canadian Lonewolves took a serious interest in joining and supporting a motorcycle organization known as AIM-CAN, (Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists – CANADA). However, due to contractual constraints from the founding charter in BC, it didn’t get off the ground.

So, another “foundation” was formed known as FIRRE, (Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education).  Initially it struggled with the formation during the onset of riding season, but through it, we managed to form a committee to organize and execute a rally in Thorsby, to commemorate all fallen riders. The Canadian Lonewolves involved can be proud of their participation. Funds raised from this rally were directed towards a new gymnasium floor at the Thorsby Elementary School. Some of the remaining funds are still holding in an account.

Unfortunately, control wasn’t clear with the elected executive, misappropriation of funds by Belt Drive Betty and serious threats again by her, resulted in a unanimous vote to remove her as a director and member. The executive buckled and FIRRE went down in a ball of flames.
In November 2010, members of the Central Alberta area gathered in a meeting and decided to carry forward the initial desire to form a group to create events, thereby assisting local charities, but overall, to have fun.

The Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society was voted in, bylaws were adopted, funds from FIRRE were transferred to the bank account and the most recent meeting has been held in Nisku this past Sunday.

In that meeting, it was agreed upon to continue with the Thorsby Memorial Rally in August, and supporting two other events will allow the Society to generate funds for the August Rally; the May Show and Shine held in Thorsby and providing grilled food for the riders during a scheduled stop in Thorsby on the Ride for Dad in June.

In addition, a CAMRS logo was adopted and some committees were formed for the grilled food fundraiser.

This society is open to ALL riders, not just Lonewolves, however, Lonewolves show their support in a majority.  Getting involved in this group is a good thing for the local charities that we vote on to support.

I encourage you all to come to the next meeting March 13 in Nisku. Bring a friend, and again, it is open to all, no matter what you ride,who you ride with or what you do.

I have just enough breath to mention a couple more items.

The Canadian Lonewolves have been recognized as a credible,trustworthy group by two organizations that are in negotiations to work with us on assisting and possibly taking over one of the following events.

The Military Family Fund Ride held in New Norway the last three years is moving to Camrose, to a larger more extensive venue, The Camrose Regional Exhibition (CRE) grounds. Gord McLean has asked for our assistance in perpetuating this very fun day of motorcycling for a great cause.

The owner of Black Jacks and Airway Motor Inn in Nisku is in the initial stages of setting up the RIDE FOR MOM, a ride similar in design to RFD, but being the only motorcycling event for Breast Cancer Awareness.

So, what I am suggesting, is that we take a look at these three events and if we can assemble teams for each of them. Helping out for a very worthy cause shouldn’t cut into the riding season with a huge impact. Help out as a volunteer in one group, enjoy every other event this season as a participant, knowing you’re doing your part.

Poet has already expressed interest in heading up the CRE event, as he lives in Camrose.

If this concept seems feasible to you, please let me know.If more information is needed, let’s talk.     We can make this an amazing year for each of us individually, and can shine as a group with The Canadian Lonewolves.

So - I sent an email back to this person on February 20th:
Dear Steve "Panther" Penrod of the Canadian Lonewolves and the Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society,

I received a copy of a mass email sent by you on February 18th, 2011 where in you state:
" Unfortunately control wasn't clear with the elected executive, misappropriation of funds by Belt Drive Betty and serious threats again by her, resulted in a unanimous vote to remove her as a director and member, The executive buckled and FIRRE went down in a ball of flames." End quote.
  • Can you please explain to me what you mean by misappropriation of funds?
  • Can you explain which elected executive you are referring to - the National body or the chapters?
  • I would also appreciate knowing who I am supposed to have threatened, what with and how.
There are also allegations that funds raised for the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education were transferred to the Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society instead of to the only existing FIRRE Chapter - the Southern Alberta FIRRE.  "The Central Alberta Memorial Ride Society was voted in,bylaws were adopted, funds from FIRRE were transferred to the bank account andthe most recent meeting has been held in Nisku this past Sunday." End Quote.
  • If that is in fact what has transpired, then who from the Former National Board of Governors authorized that transfer?
  • Were these funds that were transferred National FIRRE funds, Central Alberta Chapter funds?
  • Did the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights and Education ever file it's taxes or it's year end report?
  • Have any of the chapters filed their taxes or their year end reports?
  • Where are the funds from FIRRE National?
  • Were the sponsors of the silent auction items that were donated to the rally in Central Alberta or the Silent Auctions that were held on Facebook ever notified of the intent to transfer funds to an alternate cause? The funds from the rally would have been deemed chapter funds and the funds that were raised by the on line auctions were National's funds from my understanding.
Whether you choose to respond to me or not, please be advised that I am turning over the email that was sent to me (copied below), along with all of my paper and electronic files to my lawyer so that he can advise me of the appropriate steps to take to have a forensic audit of FIRRE's books done and what actions to take with regards to what I believe to be serious allegations regarding the conduct of myself and that of the Board of Governors of FIRRE, The Central Alberta Chapter and the committee heads, that I feel I am reading here.

I look forward to your response.

Here is his idea of a retraction: 
In a previous email blast, I allowed myself to get a bit side tracked from what I was wanting to get out there.

I made a few statements that I now wish to retract.

I made the statement that Belt Drive Betty had misappropriated funds from FIRRE and that she had also threatened some of the executive of FIRRE. I HAVE NO PROOF of this. It was wrong of me to make this statement using this email blast as a tool to express an opinion that I have.

 It was, in NO way, meant to come across as the general concensus of the Canadian Lonewolves.
 The focus of the email blast was to be the rallies and rides that have asked for help.
 If my previous email offended anyone. The intention of this email is to clear this up.
 Thank you

So - this man accuses me of threatening people and stealing money -  and sends out a "retraction" that states it is his opinion that I have stolen and threatened people but that he has no proof. I have no idea if everyone who got the original email got this supposed retraction, nor do I know what else has been said or done that affects my reputation.

I was in a non voting position as the VP of MARKETING with FIRRE and could not fathom why I was being accused of such horrible things.

So after more digging, it turns out that a member of the Canadian Lonewolves named Alpine who knows that in Digby I was accepting donations for FIRRE asked how much I raised. Panther went to Bruce Ollson of Kountry Kitchen Bakery in Thorsby - and who happens to be the National treasurer for FIRRE to see if I had sent in the donations. Bruce said he had gotten nothing and hence the allegations. Did anyone come to me and ask me? NO.

Once I had the heads up as to what I was supposed to have stolen - I was able to clear up a problem I had with my books that were not balancing. I had sent a donation cheque for $244 and change to FIRRE and it had never been cashed - because of the allegations and the fact that the cheque was now stale dated, I took the money and donated it to Liane Langlois to get transcripts from the Stuart Young trial to create a defence booklet for riders fighting their tickets. Riders Rights were after all one of the mandates of FIRRE, so at least the funds went to an appropriate cause.

I sent the copy of the un cashed cheque - because I photo copy everything I do, to Bruce along with a letter stating my intentions and asking, as a sponsor and member, to find out where the funds for FIRRE went - to this date no one will return my calls or acknowledge my letter.

So, folks, there you have my sad tale - I have no more heart to fight, I feel so abused.
This is not the way I am accustomed to having "Bikers" deal with things.

I have not, until now told anyone who accused me. I have decided instead to share the emails - the concrete proof of what was done to me and by whom - behind my back.
Had it not been for someone who felt I deserved a fair shake, I might never have known what was going on.

I resent being bad mouthed to thousands before being given an opportunity to prove that I had never taken anything that did not belong to me.
I still to this day do not know WHO I am supposed to have threatened - no one will tell me the truth.

I have lost advertisers, sponsors and my reputation has been damaged - but how do you take some one to court and throw good money after bad when you have ZERO chance of being compensated?

This man is part of two non profits, both that do good work, Sundance Canine Rescue and the Central Alberta Memorial Society. He is part of a riding club, The Canadian Lonewolves. I did not feel it appropriate to hurt this man's wife who works hard to save animals, nor did I wish to have FIRRE further hurt or the Canadian Lonewolves. The SA FIRRE chapter is alive and well and doing good work. There are people within the Canadian Lonewolves that I had considered friends - but now I am banned from participating in that group or supporting their good works because of one man's Accusations and OPINION that is groundless and that he admits is groundless.

Yes, this is a sad tale and it proves yet again, what kind of damage can be done to a person, their business and their reputation when false, groundless accusations are spread.

The next time YOU have a bad experience, be it with a shop, business or person - perhaps a chat with the owner or person could resolve the misunderstanding, bad experience or misinformation and save a whole lot people grief. THINK before you speak - understand the ramifications of your words.

The true reason that I share this tale in such a public way is so that my good name and reputation can be restored in some small manner - it is also the reason why I will not fundraise for any organization ever again. I will promote and sponsor - but NEVER will I fund raise and take donations for anything unless it is through the sales of my own products and is 1000% transparent.

I believe that this kind of back biting and disturbing behaviour is why so many refuse to volunteer. It is too easy to be destroyed for your efforts.

Belt Drive Betty - former volunteer

Rider Safety, another rider dies...

Again in the news feeds today is the word that another rider has died, this time in Parksville on Vancouver Island.

Folks, I can not stress enough how important each rider is to me and to many others.
You are the very essence and fabric of this community and too many have died or been injured already this year in a season that truly is just getting underway.

Please, take some extra time, remember to use your head as a swivel - be constantly scanning, looking for danger, and keep your speeds down. There is so much grit, sand and gravel on the road - frost heaves, cracks and pot holes.

Danger is everywhere and I for one would like to see you live to ride another day.

On a personal note, I need your prayers and so does my husband.
His MS has flared again and the medications his neurologist has prescribed are going to cost $16,000 a year - his work insurance does not cover them. We are exploring to see if there are any options out there for us.

I love my husband deeply, he is my best friend and while I hate seeing what he is going through, while I feel helpless as I can't take his pain away - I know we are strong and will get through this attack and the ones to come in the future. Your love and prayers will help us when we feel weak and falter.

Have a Happy Easter everyone....
I love you all and am deeply grateful for your friendship.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Some justice for Orion Hutchinson?

Finally we get the news out of BC that Cpl Monte Robinson will stand trial for obstruction of justice. This RCMP officer has done more to destroy the reputation of the RCMP than any other officer in my humble opinion.

After a party, Robinson, who had his children in his jeep with him, hit motorcyclist Orion Hutchison. The officer never offered aid to Hutchinson, instead, he took his children to his mothers home, claims to have had a couple of shots to calm his nerves and then returned to the scene. He claimed the collision was too gruesome for his kids to have to witness. His blood alcohol tests came back as .12 and .10 - the legal limit at the time was .08

Two years after the crash that took his life, the autopsy apparently revealed that Hutchinson had also been drinking and speeding. TWO YEARS after the fact they let this evidence surface - in my humble opinion - something smells fishy there.

Now, I am not one for conspiracy theories as a general rule but this officer has abused his knowledge of the system, not once, but at least twice that we know of. (He was the lead officer in the Robert Dziekanski tasering.) And it appears that either he OR the force have friends in the coroners office and in the crown prosecutors office- that's what it appears to be, to me anyway.

I have many questions I would like to ask this officer - the first one is HOW could you drink and drive with your kids in your vehicle? 
The second is - how could you flee the scene without offering aide to the person you just crashed in to? 
The third is - do you really think anyone with half a brain can't see through your bogus story? Even your own fellow officers wanted you charged with impaired driving and impaired driving causing death.

The problem with the RCMP is their ability to cover stuff up, to sweep it under the carpet - AND the slap on the wrist they get - many officers have been caught drinking and driving - especially in the Delta Surrey region of BC. One female officer was acquitted of drunk driving and six months later charged again with impaired. In another news article from 2008 4 RCMP officers were charged with drunk driving - one of them was Robinson. Two were involved in crashes - both fled the scene.

None of these officers have paid any kind of real price for their actions.

There is an abuse of authority, and abuse of the system and a total disregard for their uniform or the public they are supposed to serve and protect. If you think I exaggerate - go Google - RCMP drinking and driving - read the sentences and fines these "upstanding" people get.

Is it any wonder that people have begun to mistrust the justice system, to fear it?
For those interested in just how bad things are with the RCMP in this country visit   It will make your stomach turn.

No, not all officers are bad - yes I even know a few I like, BUT, when you look at the way our community is profiled by them, perhaps it is time WE profile them. Maybe we should be calling all officers drunks...I know that isn't the right thing to do but - maybe we need to put the shoe on the other foot and see how they like it. 
Sorry - that's just me needing to lash out at the horrible injustice of it all.

It is my fondest hopes that the judge trying Robinson throws the full power of the law at this gross offender. 

Not just because he killed Orion and is not facing vehicular manslaughter charges, not because he got away with having his kids in the vehicle while drinking and driving, not just because he didn't give aid to Orion and not just because he and his fellow officers got away with killing Mr. Dziekanski with a taser in what I personally viewed as excessive force, but because of all of the above. Cpl Robinson is much more that a disgrace to his uniform - he is a disgrace to the human race in my humble opinion.

Our justice system appears to very ill - our tax dollars get spent on allowing these officers who abuse their positions to be put on administrative duty or leave with pay. WHY? None of us gets that kind of break when we do something dumb assed.

I hope that Orion's family finally gets some small measure of justice as skewed as it will be, it's time.

It is also my fondest hope that we here in Canada will be successful in our bid to have profiling of motorcyclists cease. It is time that some of this absolute authority the RCMP feel they have is stripped from them and that the rules of the road, of this land apply to them as well as to the rest of us.

How that can be accomplished is beyond me, but I know this much - where there is a will there is a way - the question is, do we have the will?

As always, I welcome your feedback and input.

In other news:
Sturgis North has come to an agreement with the Neskonlith Band to have reserve land be the main stage for their concerts, vendors etc and camping!

In Alberta, a crash in Sherwood Park may have been a result of speed.

In the US - Score one for the good guys in Mississippi - The Westboro "Church" was stymied by a group of citizens who wanted the funeral for a fallen hero to be dignified - read what this community and its county did to thwart these people!

Also in the US - a man whose motorcycle was stolen - ends up chasing his bike and having it returned!

Have a fabulous Thursday - have a fantastic Easter Weekend and PLEASE - Ride like everyone around you IS out to get you - IS blind and CAN NOT see you and please don't drink and ride - it's just not worth the consequences folks...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Indian Motorcycle Company Changes Hands, will it finally become great again or is it jinxed?

It is official - Polaris Industries, maker of the Victory Motorcycle has purchased Indian Motorcycles. Will Polaris be successful in taking this once great brand to new heights?
Or is this brand jinxed? Let's look at it's history...(Many sources were used to find it's history including Wikipedia, Indian Motorcycle dot Com)

In 1901 the Hendee Manufacturing Company started building what would in 1928 become known as the Indian Motorcycle Company. In 1945, under the control of Ralph B. Roger, the Scout was discontinued, and Indian began to manufacture lightweight motorcycles such as the 149 Arrow, the Super Scout 249, both introduced in 1949, and the 250 Warrior, introduced in 1950.These bikes suffered from poor quality and a lack of development. Production of traditional Indians was extremely limited in 1949. In 1953 the company went bankrupt.

Brockhouse Engineering acquired the rights to the Indian name after it went under in 1953. They imported Royal Enfield motorcycles from England, mildly customized them in the US depending on the model and sold them as Indians from 1955 to 1960

In 1960, the Indian name was bought by AMC of England. Royal Enfield being their competition, they abruptly stopped all Enfield-based Indian models except the 700 cc Chief. Their plan was to sell Matchless and AJS motorcycles badged as Indians. However, the venture ended when AMC itself went into liquidation in 1962.

From the 1960s, entrepreneur Floyd Clymer began using the Indian name, apparently without purchasing it from the last known legitimate trademark holder, they sold minicycles made by ItalJet.

After Clymer's death in 1970 his widow sold the alleged Indian trademark to Los Angeles attorney Alan Newman, who continued to import minicycles made by ItalJet. The right to the brand name passed through a succession of owners and became a subject of competing claims in the 1980s, finally decided in December 1998 by a Federal bankruptcy court in Denver, Colorado. 

The Indian Motorcycle Company of America was formed from the merger of nine companies, including manufacturer California Motorcycle Company (CMC) and IMCOA Licensing America Inc., which was awarded the Indian trademark by the Federal District Court of Colorado in 1998.The new company began manufacturing motorcycles in 1999 at the former CMC's facilities in Gilroy, California. The Indian Motorcycle Corporation went into bankruptcy and ceased all production operations in Gilroy on September 19, 2003.

On July 20, 2006, the newly-formed Indian Motorcycle Company, owned largely by Stellican Limited, a London-based private equity firm, announced its new home in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. And the newest page in the history of the troubled but much loved Indian Motorcycle is being written now.

Will Polaris succeed where everyone else who has tried to resurrect the brand has failed?
Will Polaris have the magic formula for removing the jinx that history apparently reveals?
Time will tell.

I have spoken to a few Indian owners who are very unsure of this move but hoping that Polaris will return this brand to it's iconic status.

In other news:

In Bathurst NB loud motorcycles are being banned

In southern AB, the Hot Rods & Harley's event has been recognized for it's fund raising efforts

In ON, the rider killed in a Sarnia crash has been identidfied.

In Los Angeles and NY City you are going to be able to hail a motorcycle cab!

Have a happy hump day and if you are fortunate enough to be riding today, PLEASE - ride like everyone around you is blind, can not see you and IS out to get you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Motorcyclist Profiling is now illegal in Washington State...

Motorcyclists in Washington have much reason to celebrate. Actually, riders around the globe do, thanks to the efforts of the bikers of the state of Washington.

At last, a government has recognized and identified that our community is being profiled by police services. No longer will officers be able to write down license plates of riders at events, no more can they ask about your tattoos or your riding club. 
Now they have to have a compelling reason to stop you.

It is my hope, that riders here in Canada, where the police services are also profiling our community, will unite and fight for the freedom of expression, association and the right to peacefully assembly of all of us.

When you read what has happened in Washington State, once you see the videos - you will understand that there is hope for us here in Canada and riders around the globe to stop this practise. Are American laws different - yes without a doubt, but - there is enough similarity to be able to lobby to get laws like this enacted here in Canada.

I have witnessed these types of stops, here in Canada, personally. The bike show I held in Olds is a really good example of profiling by the police, the Falkland Stampede and many other events that bikers attend have seen long line ups of bikes where police officers check over the bike and the rider for no other reason than they are on bikes. I personally have witnessed police officers photographing the license plates of riders at events, seen them hide in unmarked cars at events taking pictures or as they call it gathering intelligence...(Just go to the Edmonton Swap Meet or almost any event in Ontario if you think I exaggerate) this discrimination is not unique to the US by any means.
This law is the first true admission by any government that our community IS being targeted by law enforcement. The law is written using the 2002 Racial Profiling Law implemented in Washington state as it's foundation.  This is also the first law to recognize bikers as a visible minority.

I spoke with Kathie Durbin of The Colombian Newspaper, the lady who broke the story, after our discussion, which was very informative, I was given the ways and means by which to contact the riders who lobbied for this bill and the senators involved in authoring and passing the bill. I am grateful to Kathie for the time she spent talking to me, because of her, I was able to find the You Tube videos, and gain first hand knowledge of the history of this bill.
I have spoken with Jeff "Twitch" Burns and David Gavereau, two of the key players in this lobbying effort and they assure me that they will assist any confederation of clubs that wants to see this practice of profiling stop. They feel they have the tools and resources that can be applied to Canadian law - And YES - that means they will help us here in Canada. These men are thoughtful, well educated and well spoken - no hot heads here.

I spoke with a young man named Adam in Senator Pflug's office - what a helpful and pleasant young man and he assured me that he would have the Senator or one of the Senators call me back so I could ask about the law and the legal implications. When those discussions take place, I will pass on what I learn.

If you wear a patch - ANY PATCH, HOG, CAV, Canadian Veterans, Defenders, UN NATO, CMA - ANY PATCH - and those with no patch,  you need to watch the videos.....All of them if you can find the time. If not - watch the 5th, 6th and 7th videos - they show what went on in the Washington Senate and you will hear first hand the arguments that were presented.
I think you will find that there is A LOT to be learned here.

Here is a prime example of motorcyclist profiling:

And yet another example of profiling of motorcyclists:

Prejudice and the Badge: 

Here is the first video regarding the Motorcyclist Profiling Bill:

Here is the passionate and thoughtful explanation of David Devereaux of who represents the riding community of the state of Washington:

The third speaker in this monumental law, ABATE Representative, Donnie Landsman:

And the historical moment when this bill becomes law:

This is what happens when a community stands shoulder to shoulder and stands for their rights - they win - it can be done folks...

So - who wear the patches of ANY Riding Club or MC - are you ready to take a stand and put a stop to the harassment? 

If you are, it is time that you join your local rights organization  - BCCOM  in British Columbia and the OCC  in Ontario are the two major groups in Canada. If we can get this law implemented in Ontario and BC, just imagine what can happen in the rest of the country. For those of us in provinces with no rights organization - it's time to form one - to talk to and join with the two big groups in this country. 

It is NOT a crime to ride a motorcycle. It is not a crime to attend events where all manner of rider and club may be represented. We ARE a visible minority and we do have the power and now the support to change the laws of this country so that they afford us the protection under the charter that we, as tax paying, hard working, law abiding citizens deserve.

The RCMP and other police services in our country are powerful but as was proven in the state of Washington - united we ride - divided - we  get harrassed...(PS - I know that this does not happen in ALL Jurisdictions, but the fact that it happens at all is reason enough to lobby for change)

As always, I welcome your thoughts and opinions...

In Other News:

In BC - Cpl Monte Robinson's hearing to determine if he will be tried for obstruction in the death of Orion Hutchison is on today - BCCOM and Justice for ALL are asking all lower mainland riders to attend today if at all possible.

A Canadian built electric motorcycle is being called bad ass with a range of 185 MILES on a charge and has a top speed of 200 KPH or 124 Miles.

In the UK - London bikers loose their fight over parking fees but vow it's not over

In LA and New York - motorcycle taxis are going to be moving people through the congestion of these two big cities.

Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone. Jere in GRande Prairie we have snow, yet again...but if you are lucky enough to be riding today - PLEASE, ride like everyone is blind, can not see you and IS out to get you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Animals, loving them, respecting them and eating them - What is right? What is wrong?

The topic I am writing on today is a tender one. One that will draw much passion on both sides of the equation. I hesitated to write about it, but the more I thought about it, the more moved I became.
I was involved in a discussion on Facebook about the slaughtering of dogs for meat. The people in this discussion were angry and horrified by the practise. Comments like "never here in Canada, that's disgusting" etc...abounded. WARNING - there are some graphic images that I have gathered for this article - if you have a squeamish stomach, this is not going to make you feel very good.

We here in north America are very quick to condemn and criticize cultures that we do not understand. We become outraged by pictures of hundreds of dog pelts laid out to dry after the dogs were slaughtered for food. Or the photos of dogs in wooden cages crammed in so tight they can barley move and yet...

How many of you have ever been to a "modern and humane" slaughter house?
How many of you know how a cow, chicken, pig or horse come to be on your dinner plate?

 Above, Hogs on a rail in a slaughter house, below that, dogs on a rail in a market and below that, monkeys on a rail after the kill...all being used for food.

I am a farm girl, we were taught that dogs were our working companions as were the horses, we were taught not to get attached to the steers because we'd be eating them come fall, we were taught never to invest ourselves emotionally in the ducks and chickens we raised as they too would end up in the freezer. The same held true for the pigs.

I was taught that cats had a job, to kill mice, they were not a pet, they were an employee.
Our milk cow was one of the only domestic farm animals save for the horses and dogs that it was OK to get close to.

I used to be an avid hunter, I have shot and gutted deer, moose and elk. I have prepared fish out of a stream and served it for dinner and prepared duck and geese shot from the sky for the oven...

The native North American Indian killed buffalo and other game, the Inuit - seals.
Dead seals - killed during a traditional hunt, the
dinner table and clothing is where they are destined.

Fishermen kill whales and dolphins, fish and shell fish of all kinds, the destination? Supermarkets everywhere.

And yet, we rail because other cultures eat dogs and cats. How - why is this so offensive to us?

When I studied the Native North American Indian in high school, I learned that the meat eating tribes used every bit of the buffalo or bear they killed to feed, clothe and house their families and that they never took a life with out thanking the creature for providing - they always thanked the great spirit for providing and not just with words but as I said, by utilizing every ounce of meat, hide, sinew and bone. NOTHING was wasted.

For as long as man has been on this planet we have eaten animals of all shapes and sizes - used their pelts for shelter, clothing, tools, weapons, implements and footwear.

Cruelty to any creature is one thing, beating an animal is just plain wrong in my humble opinion.

As I have written this article, I have examined my upbringing and my values I can honestly say that some of the teachings I was raised with were wrong.

I was told chickens are dumb - they are not. I worked on a chicken farm harvesting eggs and there was this one rooster who used to always attack me. Well one day, this same rooster was being beaten by three others, he was on his back and doomed to die. I shooed the other roosters away and put this guy back up on his feet and from that day forward, every time I went into his barn, he followed me and made sure no other rooster attacked me.

I was told cats are not a pet, but an employee and yet now that I have a cat, I can't imagine why my parents would cheat me out of a love like that.

I was told that cows are stupid creatures and yet I can attest to their mother's love - watching a cow and her sickly calf , the love and concern the mother feels is evident in her face and her mannerisms. 
I have had cows snuggle me and show pure joy at seeing me. And I can tell you with out a doubt that horses and dogs have an unconditional love that is amazing. Sheep and goats can be hilarious or serious, they all have personalities - every living creature I have ever come across has a personality.

I have had wild deer as pets, and yet I viewed coyotes as the greatest pest a farmer can deal with next to the gopher and badger.

We are hypocrites people - every person who wears leather goods, eats beef, pork, chicken and seafood or any other manner of creature is a hypocrite if we express our outrage at what other cultures eat. We have no idea beyond images shown to us of what their culture believes or what their land offers up for food be it creature or legume. Unless of course we choose to educate ourselves.

We look at the Asian cultures and react to the images of dogs strung up, not unlike pigs on a slaughter house rail and we react with violent - indigent anger.

What is the difference - I mean really and honestly - what is the difference?

Is it because we view dogs and cats as pets - companions and friends?

Is it because of our religious views?

In other countries they revere cattle as sacred and untouchable and will starve sooner that kill a cow and yet here in North America as in many countries, cattle are slaughtered daily to feed us.

I am at an age in my life where I am learning to look at all sides of an issue and this whole issue has made me examine my own core values - and I have a question for you...after reading this, after seeing the pictures, the similarities in how we treat cattle, hogs and chickens - how is what they do in these other countries really any different from what we do?

Does a cow feel less terror going into the slaughter house than a dog does?
Does a horse fear more or less than a cat? What about a veal calf?
What about sheep and goats? How about that cute looking seal?
What about the gigantic whale or the smallest fish?
I wonder at the terror they feel and how it differs from the terror of any other creature?

What makes us human beings on the north American continent think our way is the only way or the right way? Do other cultures react as violently to our practises as we do to theirs?

We are talking the killing of animals for food, clothing and in some cases still today, shelter - beating an animal, neglecting an animal that is totally wrong no matter what in my books - but the killing of a creature to feed us - what is right and what is wrong? The bible tells us which "beasts" are OK to eat and which are not. 
I wonder what other religious books say on the topic...some day when I have the time to read, I think I will examine other religious books to see what is considered as right and wrong.

I think that I might just become a vegan, this situation has really caused me to look at the feelings of the creatures that grace our dinner tables and our bodies- all of these creatures I believe feel- but that is just me.

All I can picture right now is Bessie the cow with her big nose at the window of a Wendy's or a McDonald's and those big sad cow eyes dripping with tears as we eat her son.

Many of us don't even give thanks before we eat, we are that tactless and thoughtless, it is as if we somehow view ourselves as superior to the creature whose life was sacrificed so we could have sustenance.

People will continue to eat beef, pig, goat, lamb, horse, monkey, seal, moose, deer, elk, elephant, cariboo, alligator, rhinoceros, armadillo, possum, snake, question is this...

How do these creatures feel when we kill them? And what is right and wrong with regards to this topic. I am in no way being disrespectful to those who feel outrage at dogs and cats being used for food, I am truly in a place of self examination and wondering how you view the topic and whether or not you have ever considered what an animal thinks or feels...

Something tells me this is a discussion that will go on until the end of time.

As always, I appreciate your feed back and input...

The news feeds are pretty quiet so far today but sadly there have been more deaths in our community.

Have a fabulous Monday and if you are riding today - PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and a reminder - respect with that right hand is doubly important right now as we defend our community against discriminatory motorcycle only noise bylaws.