Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You either get the whole picture or you don't

I feel like a broken record but folks I am going to pound on this issue until every rider out there gets it.
Every day I search the web for a quote of the day the expresses what is going on in my head and heart and I share it on Face Book and in our forums on

Today's quote is from Art Turock: There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. 

This Motorcycle Noise Bylaw stuff has me steaming and I ride a stock motorcycle. Why am I steaming, because - it's about so much more than noise.  When you sit in my chair sifting through the news feeds to bring riders the news of what is happening  that can affect their recreation and life well the bigger picture comes into plain view - so plain that it hurts.
In the National Post today is an article on Johnny Sombrero - the only remaining founding member of the Black Diamond Riders - a 76 year old man with no criminal record whose home was invaded by police over his collection of fire arms, all of which were stored in gun cases under lock. The 76 year old was slammed to the floor in his own home, had ribs broken as a result and is facing charges of improper storage. You see, after 5 hours of ripping his home apart, apparently all the police could come up with was some locks and cases that they felt were inadequate.

The article asks the question about stigmatizing lawful gun owners - I ask the question - is it because this lawful gun owner is a biker?

The police LIED to get into his house by telling him in a phone call that his car was being broken into, once he opened the door he found himself face first on the floor.

Then let's look at the article from the Nanaimo Daily regarding the Hells Angels "Zeke" Ride or lack thereof. Apparently the police are puzzled as to why the run did not happen this year. Zeke went missing in 1993.  The police are frustrated because they didn't get to do intelligence gathering or get their HUGE over time pay because all that happened this year to their knowledge was a BBQ.

John Rattan, the Mayor of Nanaimo is concerned over the boycott and the negative impact it will have on his city. The RCMP claim the year long campaign against riders is about safety and yet the comments from Cpl Smith say otherwise: Begin Quote:  "Noise is just one part of the whole issue for motorcycles," said Cpl. Norm Smith. "I've been in the downtown core and you can't see the motorcycle but you can hear it."End Quote

So much for the police's claim that loud pipes are ineffective because motorcycle exhaust noise is projected to the rear! In my humble opinion, NOISE is just an excuse to stop us, jack us up and profile us. Again I refer to the article on Johnny Sombrero - the ONLY reason police invaded his home and lied to do so, again, in my humble opinion is not because he owned guns, but he is a biker who owns guns.

I am disgusted that a 76 year old man - with NO CRIMINAL record can be slammed to the floor, have ribs broken and no just cause be shown.

Folks, if you haven't figured out the whole picture - let me express it as clearly as I possibly can - WE, Motorcyclists are a VISIBLE MINORITY, hence an easy target.

The schedule to Division 7 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations sets out noise levels from vehicles:
  • Light Duty 83 dB
  • Heavy Duty Gasoline 88 dB
  • Motorcycles 91 dB
  • Heavy Duty Diesel 93 dB
These levels are to be tested with a decibel meter in a test facility and are not valid measurements for the roadside. Instead paragraph 27 says that "The opinion of an inspector as to whether the engine and exhaust noise is greater than that made by other vehicles in good condition of comparable size, horsepower, piston displacement or compression ratio shall determine whether exhaust gases are expelled with excessive noise."
Many owners of noisy motorcycles seem to hold the opinion that they must make lots of noise so that other drivers can hear them. This brings the motorcycle to the attention of other drivers and reduces the chance of collision. It's interesting that anti-social behaviour is a justification for road safety! End Quote.

The police services are insidious - they have become experts on twisting the truth and putting up smoke screens to hide behind and the motorcycle noise issue is their smoke screen - the issue is profiling.
The main stream media are their dupes. Any untruth or half truth will do when it comes to selling newspapers or getting better ratings for their news broadcasts. Again, these are my opinions - formed from 9 years of sifting through the news feeds on a daily basis.
And the writer of the Nanaimo Daily article on the "Noise Issue" Darrell Bellaart - well he joined the Boycott Nanaimo Face Book group and thinks he has done our community some kind of service with his column, but has he? NO - he missed the point entirely - if this issue is really about noise why are ALL vehicles not being pulled over - en mass to have their noise emissions checked?

Yesterday I posted a quote that says exactly who I think the police services have become: Cops and robbers resemble each other, so there's not a lot to learn in terms of learning the logistics of committing the crime or investigating the crime. Andre Braugher

The police lie in order to do their "duty" - they beat old people because of who they are rather than what they have actually done. They stop riders under the guise of Safety & Noise, when in fact they simply are doing intelligence work. They attend runs, and covertly take photos of license plates and people simply to gather intelligence and they harass people who are doing good works in their communities, they attend runs so that they can hand out tickets for license plates or pipes, or helmets - our runs are like us being a barrel of fish - ready and ripe for the picking - and often the tickets they hand out are fought in court and thrown out - why? Because the police are heavy handed and often times they violate the person's charter rights when they are doing so. I know people who have been arrested because they refuse to take their helmets off and hand them over to an officer. I know people who have been arrested because they refused to open their saddle bags - their chattel. These situations are illegal and  make no mistake -they are profiling us and they often abuse their authority to do so.

I can not stress it enough people - if you are stopped - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
GATHER EVIDENCE of what transpired - take photos, video, write everything down you can and for heaven's sake people - PLEASE - join a group that can take this situation all the way to the Supreme Court - WE NEED and DESERVE protection under the law - we are a visible minority that has made us an easy target.

If the Motorcycle Stops are truly about safety then why is noise being touted as the issue? And if it really is about noise, then why are semi's that use jacob's brakes in city limits not being pulled over en mass, why are noise cars, noisy pick ups not being stopped en mass? WHY? Because it is NOT about any of those things - those are just smoke screens meant to garner the favour of an uneducated and mislead general public who believe the crap being fed to them by the main stream media and the police services.

And that folks is my humble opinion - as I said, it is one formed over 9 years of reading the news daily, right across the country and around the world. One formed by my personal experiences as a show master for custom motorcycle shows and one formed over 30+ years of being a par t of a community that has been profiled to death.

I wished that those with the really loud pipes who ride in an obnoxious, oh look at me way would grow up and quite giving the cops the excuse to stop everyone on two wheels - if the inconsiderate were eliminated from this equation, the rest of us might see some respite from some of the profiling, but then the police would just find some other excuse, some other way to profile us. Use your pipes for the right reason - safety not showing off!

What say you? I would love to hear your opinions on this topic!

And remember - Untied we ride, divided our rights are taken away from us, our freedoms are restricted and our voices are muffled.

There is a ton of other news that is worth reading on

I hope you will take a few moments to see what else is going on that will restrict your rights, affect your day and your life as a motorcyclist.

Please, ride safely, ride like everyone is blind and CAN NOT SEE YOU.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The RCMP and the main stream media - a match made in hell

I am the editor of the Canadian Motorcycle Community Newspaper, the Busted Knuckle Chronicles  and have sure learned a lot since 2003 when I started.

In all of the time I have been learning how to be a reporter I have learned that being a reporter is NOT what I want to be. I want to be a person who leads people to the truth of each situation - wherever possible.

I have had many experiences dealing with the RCMP and the main stream media and I have to say - NOT MANY OF THEM HAVE BEEN GOOD.

When I started hosting motorcycle shows here in Grande Prairie, I had to go see the RCMP to get approvals for my security and evacuation plans, and I needed their approvals to have a liquor license even though a local hotel was running the beer gardens. So like a good citizen, I brought my plans to the meeting. Did the RCMP staff sergeant that I dealt with look at my plans? NOPE. The ONLY thing he cared about was whether or not the Hells Angels would be there.

I have been labelled as a supporter of the 1%'ers and all because I simply stated "It's a motorcycle event, they may show up - but they have not been given a specific invite"  The Staff Sergeant then asked my if I was willing to tell them they were not welcome to wear their patches at the event. My response was "I am a tourism operator, not the fashion police - it's not the clothes you wear but your conduct that makes you a "criminal" - well that statement which I made over the three years that I hosted internationally acclaimed shows earned me the reputation by the RCMP as a supporter - and I guess in a way I am.

I am a supporter of the Charter of Freedoms and Rights but in the eyes of the RCMP that has made me a bad person.  Why should an event coordinator be forced to tell their patrons to take off their vests/patches - why should an event coordinator have to violate the Charter by using the Petty Trespass Act? But the RCMP will put whatever spin they want on ANY topic in an effort to make themselves look reasonable.

In 2007, the last year I hosted a bike show which was moved to Olds AB, I had an officer threaten to arrest me because I had asked him to come back after 9pm - I was attempting to clear the venue in order to have our custom bikes placed for the competition the next morning. This officer was ready to throw me in his car and charge me for not allowing him free access to ogle the motorcycles. That's right - he simply wanted free access to see the bikes and was willing to abuse his authority to do so.

That same weekend I had as many as 12 patrol cars - 4 at each entrance to the venue making Joe Q citizen with 2.5 kids take one look and leave - I lost my ass for taking a stand to defend our communities charter rights - the right to peaceful assembly, and the right to freedom of association.
And I paid the RCMP a pretty fee to do that - it's called an enhanced policing fee.

Be warned - those of you who are working to protect our rights as they pertain to us not being profiled - if you are not thoughtful, if you appear in any way to be confrontational - you too will be labelled.

The RCMP are as well trained in how to spin something as any lawyer who walks and they will use bullying tactics, they will use the terminology - "If you have done nothing wrong, if you are following the law then what's the problem?"  The main stream media is the ally of the RCMP and the politician - not yours. There are very few in the main stream news that will identify the truth and actually print it or give it air time.

If you think I exaggerate - watch this video and then ask Mike Horner of the CMC what he thinks of this supposed news clip:

If you are pulled over for a spot check - please gather all of the evidence you can. If you can get video, photos - please do. Make sure you write down the time, weather, the cause/reason for the stop, the officers name and badge number and his conduct. 

Many officers are polite and courteous - others are not. If you are riding with a modified exhaust - in contravention of the Federal Law - you will get a ticket - we need to reiterate to all in the RCMP, the main stream media and the law makers that we have no issues with the noise bylaw except that it is ONLY targeting motorcyclists and not all offenders.

Know your rights - that is your best defence. Join a group like BCCOM (BC) - CMMG (MB) and the OCC (ON) or CAPM (QC) depending on your province - joining hands to work for the protection of our charter rights and freedoms is the ONLY way to turn the flow.

I have some more research to do on this topic of knowing your rights - I will be loading some PDF documents that I have found on protests and your rights as a motorist during a stop as soon as I can - but in the meantime - call or email your local rights group and or a good lawyer to ask those questions - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS PEOPLE

As I always I welcome your feedback.

Until later...

Please, ride safely, ride like everyone is blind and CAN NOT SEE YOU.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Unless we start working together - the change we seek will be very slow in coming

I have been following the Motorcycle Noise Bylaws as they spring up right across this country and I have some grave concerns about what I see. We have no national organized effort happening - what we have are individual cells that are unorganized, and not cohesive in their approaches.

In Nanaimo, where the bylaw was introduced, largely without fan fare until the MLA ride, riders on Vancouver Island are now talking of a boycott of that city. They have a letter writing campaign going on and are sending out letters to the mayor of Nanaimo and their MLA's and while that is a step in the right direction, in my opinion everything needs to be taken one step farther - every rider in BC knows or needs to know that BCCOM works for the protection of the rights of people who ride. Joining BCCOM, working as a collective will not only see the Noise Bylaw in Nanaimo be identified for what it is - Profiling, but it will also see legislation be effected that will stop the ability for other cities and regions to implement the same type of tactics.

While I find it admirable that people want to do something there is a right way and a wrong way to go about affecting change. In this case, no matter where the bylaw is being introduced, the most effective way to stem the flow is to work together towards the common good.

If you join a group like BCCOM that already has a seat at the table with the decision makers you have just cut out 70% of the red tape involved and the process will be much speedier than it is by working as a loosely knit group of individuals.

The problem with individuals doing their own thing instead of joining a collective is the fact that our lives get busy, the passion and fire for the 'fight' burns out quickly when one has to make the choice between work and paying the bills and standing up for our rights. Very few individuals have the passion, dedication, fire and determination of Liane Langlois in Edmonton.

Over and over again I see it happen in our community - a small group gets together, they have great desire and ambition and it fizzles out as quickly as it started when faced with the demands of life.

Working with an organization like BCCOM takes that danger out of the equation.  How you ask?

Well, firstly, these are paid people - it is their job to defend your rights - one they are passionate about.
Two, they are lobbyists, they know the ropes, they know who to talk to and they understand the processes and due diligence that needs to take place. Are they successful every time? NO - but they are successful in getting the message out and in bringing the issues forth to those who have the power and the ability to change things. And they are successful far more often than they are not!

Getting legislation in place that will protect our community - a visible minority that truly does far more good than it does harm, can not be done without a collective effort. It takes money, time and resolve.

Your membership dues go towards paying the BCCOM lobbyists who work every day towards the end run goal - they do it diligently, with a focus and determination that just can not be accomplished by small - rogue efforts.

Roaring through a city making as much noise as you can is not going to get the job done, and boycotts are only as effective as the people who boycott - and by that I mean - if you go into to Nanaimo for any reason, doctors appointments, grocery shopping - well you are defeating the purpose and just because you go in your car does not change the fact that you are still giving this community your money - as I said earlier - life dictates what you need to do to survive.

The only way - the most effective way to see legislation enacted to protect our community is to join a group that knows how to get the job done, when to file paperwork, how petitions should be written, how to conduct themselves at hearings and how to talk to those in positions of power.

We, the people may be angry and want to see change but we don't just need that change to be in Nanaimo - we need to see it sweep right across this country. We do that by starting with Nanaimo with the end run goal of seeing the change happen through out one entire province. Once the legislation is in place in ONE province, well just like the bylaws that have sprung up like a cancer, we can turn the flow of the stream in our favour and other provinces will follow suit. They will have to.

If we only deal with these issues in our own communities then the battle will never end - but if we deal with them in such a way that our vision is on the bigger picture well then folks, we fight the battle once in one province and once successul - which we can be as we have a strong defence and case, then the next fight takes place in the supreme court of Canada and we fight the battle there to enact anti profiling legislation.

Make no mistake - these Motorcycle Only Noise Bylaws are more about profiling our community and being a cash grab that they are about noise. It's the old smoke and mirrors trick and if you only focus on the noise aspect then in my humble opinion, you are missing 90% of the whole picture. If you only stand up for your rights in your city then you are missing 90% of the whole picture.

In Edmonton we have one determined woman named Liane Langlois who is virtually alone in the taking the Edmonton cause to court - it is Liane going to dealerships and bike shops to get donation jars out to fund a lawyer - it is Liane who has been writing petitions, doing research and she folks, well, she needs a team but Albertan's are notorious for being too single minded to work together. 

In BC you have BCCOM working for riders rights. There is no organized group working for riders rights in Alberta. There is no group working for those in Saskatchewan, in Manitoba there is the Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups - CMMG, in Ontario there is the OCC, in Quebec there is CAPM

In Bathurst New Brunswick we have a small group of people attempting to lobby for the repeal of the bylaw there but truly folks, the best way to get this job done is to work with the two best organized and most effective groups out there - BCCOM and the OCC - if we can get the anti profiling laws implemented in just one province , like they did in Washington State - the rest will come and far easier than with the divided effort we see going on now.

In the rest of the country there is no solid group working for the protection of motorcyclists and their charter rights as citizens.  

The MCC - the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada - is driven and paid for by the manufacturers (the MMIC) and while they claim to be the VOICE of Motorcyclists they are no where to be seen on this issue and are not an effective national lobbying group to protect our rights in my humble opinion. 

And consider this - the MMIC - the Moped Motorcycle Industry Council is the group that paid for the J2825 standard to be put in place. In their own misguided way they thought that having measurable bylaws in place would improve the image of motorcyclists - no strategists they are not.

It is their man, Luc Fournier who introduced the testing method in Edmonton, Caledon and other jurisdictions. Quote from Luc Fournier, director of policy and government relations for the motorcycle industry lobby group, told the meeting he has given presentations to town and city councils across the country, promoting the concept that they adopt a motorcycle sound testing method, with standards based on a Society of Automotive Engineers test known as SAE J2825, as their noise control bylaw. End Quote

The MMIC has shot themselves in the foot because it is the manufacturers own dealers who are installing for off road use only pipes and pipes that exceed the noise standards that their own manufacturers have implemented and are touting to be a standard by paying for the J2825.

The consumer - YOU - needs to get that. The dealers who are selling these pipes are the ones who should be being held accountable - them and the MMIC. If this was truly about noise, the governments would make these types of exhaust systems illegal to sell and install and the dealers and the MMIC would be the ones paying the fines.

The fact of the matter is the dealers will do whatever you - the consumer, wants because for them it is about keeping the doors open and the lights on. And yet - their own governing body is the one pushing for us to be discriminated against by having paid for the J2825 and taking the testing method to councils across the country.

Join one of the rights groups - put your money to work for YOU - Yes write your letters, fight your tickets and gather all of the evidence you can every time you are stopped, but join one of the lobbying groups that can get the job done. 

Unless you are independently wealthy, don't have the demands of kids, spouses and employers - the most effective use of your time, effort and money is to join a group that has paid people to do the job for you and to follow their requests. If they ask you to send out a copy of a letter - do it. If they ask you to attend a peaceful demonstration, do it. If they ask you to gather specific evidence - do it.

If we do this with a single mind and a single voice we can affect change - if we keep up the way we are with more Chiefs than Indians, with more hot heads and vigilantes than thoughtful, educated and persistent people, we will continue to be discriminated against.

Divided our wallets are empty, our bikes are parked and our voices are muffled the same as our bikes.
I am begging you to get involved.

Like always, I welcome your feedback and input and ask you to please wade in on this topic - let's start a fire that won't burn out anytime soon.

In other News:

A CMAer from Nova Scotia was killed in a crash on Friday

In Edmonton AB, former ETS bus driver and safety council rider trainer Tom Bregg is fighting for WCB Benefits - letters supporting this man in his fight would be appropriate - the WCB needs to be held to task over their treatment of this man

In Truro NS the Blessing of the Bikes saw 700 motorcycles and 2000 people turn out.

Have a fantastic Monday everyone and please - consider my words and their value with respect to joining an organized lobbying group - I truly believe that if we worked together 500,000 voices can and will be heard!

Please, ride safely, ride like everyone is blind and CAN NOT SEE YOU.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to the women who have given me a Mom's Love

I have an alcoholic for a mother who was never been there and to this day is not there for me.

I was, however, fortunate to have two grand mothers and two mother's in law that taught me much about life and love.

To my Grandmother Anita and my Grandmother Avis - thank you for giving me the love that my mother was and is incapable of. You taught me how to be a mom, and I am so grateful to have had your love in my life. I miss you both. RIP.

To the two mothers in law that I have had - Dorothy, RIP - you were a wonderful mother figure in my life and the love you showed me lives on in my heart and Bertha - thank you for loving me like I am your daughter. Your acceptance of me in your heart means more than words can express.

I came across a poem that expresses the way I feel and for those of you out there who, like me had a mother who was less than a mom - I hope that like me - you were blessed with something more - a woman in your life that filled that void and made you feel valued and loved.

I never had a mom - Unknown

I never had a real mom, but
I've had a mom that's real
In all the things that moms should do,
And all the things moms feel.

I never had a mother, but
I've had a mother's love.
I've had the kisses and the hugs
That therapists speak of.

I guess I should be crazy with
The things that I've been through.
But I've had all a kid could need
Because I have had you.

To those who are mom's and give to their children the love they need and deserve - have a wonderful day.

Belt Drive Betty