Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cop goes to trial in February

Monty Robinson is one man that I and many other riders have come to detest - this RCMP corporal is still being paid in spite of the fact that he killed a rider, has gotten off impaired charges because of his - I believe -  deceitful and treacherous ways. This man has done more harm to the RCMP uniform and the feeling that motorcyclists have about the RCMP than even the targeting of motorcycles in Nanaimo.
What further angers me about this man is that he is still being paid. Yes I know - I am repeating myself but it warrants being repeated - the man is still getting paid - I am so disappointed in our National Police force - what a black eye officers like Mr Robinson and others give them and then to have their upper management pay them when they have broken the law - man if that was your or me we'd have the book thrown at us and we'd be eating Kraft dinner for a long time and using food banks probably too.

Now look at the case of the family in Surrey that lied to cover up for their son who killed a motorcyclist - when the parents found out what their son had done, they called in their van as stolen - they are both facing charges for lying and their son is facing vehicular manslaughter charges - my question - did they think that if an RCMP officer could get off their son could too?

The problem as I see it, is that when an officer lies as blatantly as Monty Robinson has - again, that is my humble opinion - then others feel it is OK to conduct themselves the same way the RCMP do. I am sure that most people have more common sense and brains than that - but there are those who will try.

I am heading out to the Hero's Highway ride in Oshawa next week - I am honoured to be an honorary ride captain - Thank goodness for AIR MILES! Lou has organized a place for me to stay and a motorcycle to ride and my friend Cookie is going to take me to the airport after the ride!YEEE HAWWW.

I am as excited as I can be to be part of such a fabulous celebration honouring our military!

I hope to see a ton of riders at the Rock n Ride being hosted by Kreater Motorcycles here in Kelowna on Saturday.Should be a great time!

Well folks, I have a busy day ahead of me here in the rainy Okanagan - I need to get my butt in gear - there is a ton of other news today - crashes, fundraisers and all kinds of last minute event info so check it out at

Have a fantastic Thursday everyone.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riding and it's Freedoms & Responsibilities

We all know that riding gives us a sense of freedom but as with any freedom there are also huge responsibilities.

As I read through the posts on various Facebook groups that are up in arms over the loud pipes debate I can't help but wonder what I am doing wrong in attempting to get people to understand that the debates going on right now are NOT about loud pipes but about treating all road users the same.

It amazes me that people think they can be as loud as they want to be, whenever they want to be and not face some sort of angst or anger by the non riding public.

Loud Pipes do save lives in Urban riding settings when one is caught in A DRIVER'S BLIND SPOT - when you twist the throttle and open her up a bit - it does make the drive who does not shoulder check but just comes into your lane wake up and pay attention - however, the constant showing off by so many who ride - that need they have to be seen because they feel they are special is what has made so many non riders pissed right off.

I have been staying in Kelowna with a friend who lives on the 15th floor of a beautiful apartment building. You can hear people talking up here - they aren't even being loud but I can hear every word they are saying from their ground floor apartments. The other night, I was on the deck enjoying the moonlight and stars and what to my great dismay did I hear? Some insensitive, self absorbed human being on their motorcycle rat bagging on it. Not just a wee bit like you would when you are rapping the throttle to get a driver to pay attention, no - this went on for at least a city block - probably 45 seconds - not impressive and it was at 11pm.

This behaviour is what gets all of us tarred with the brush of being inconsiderate and selfish and truly - the vast majority of our community is very respectful and courteous - but as with any community, it is the behaviour of the few that tar the rest of us.

The next time you are out and about think about the damage you are doing to our community reputation when you satisfy your need to show off. The non riding public does not believe that loud pipes can and do save lives - what they feel is that our loud pipes destroy their right to a peaceful nights sleep or a conversation on their patio or deck. 

Most riders love the sound of a good set of pipes - I get that, but let's remember folks we need to share the world with others - so please, consider the damage you do to the whole community when you use your pipes for your attention needs that don't involve your safety.

I have had the great displeasure of already having to defend my trade marks - I am so glad that I have taken the time and money to protect and register my marks - a young gal I met last year has decided that she can use elements of my two marks together to create a business that is highly misleading - many people are asking me if this web site of her's is part of my network - I am grateful to all those who have brought this site to my attention. 
I asked her to consider changing her web site name so that I do not have to bring in the lawyers but - yah, like anyone doing things in an unethical manner she refuses to. The fact that she is doing this to me is one thing but the other things I uncovered about this gal and her conduct are what make me really glad that I have the law on my side.

I have my legal beagles from Pre Paid Legal dealing with her and I am glad I am a member - it is nice having a lawyer on retainer without the big fees! The link I provided here also includes their Identity Theft program information - which is another service that I use - if you are a small business owner - you might want to consider investigating how these people can help you - they have already helped me a ton!

In Other News:

In New Hampshire, a photographer who has had some brushes with the law finds himself embroiled in another situation - this time he is not the one to have broken the law though, he claims it is the police.

In Quebec - the Pat Burn's Ride is getting ready to gear up for June 18th.

In Ontario - the ride for a fallen officer in Toronto is set for this weekend.

In Saskatchewan - the MRFD is hosting a number of side events leading up to the big day

As always - there are more articles of interest over at

Have a fabulous hump day folks and please ride safely - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wishing the news was better today

Well, the first long weekend of the season is behind us but the tragedies and aftermath of the weekend are just coming to the surface.

A Grande Prairie rider was killed this weekend when he crossed the center line coming around a corner and ran into a group of 3 oncoming motorcycles.

In Montreal 2 riders are dead.

I attended Slack Alice's Show 'n' Shine this past weekend and while the numbers were down significantly, the event was very enjoyable. I think the fact that it was a long weekend with many competing events, and is typically a family weekend with people taking their kids camping contributed to the lower than normal numbers.

It is the first time this event was held on a long weekend - organizers have been attempting to find a weekend when Mother Nature will be a wee bit more cooperative - the event started out on the Easter weekend, moved to Mother's Day and now to the long weekend - I am hoping to get word from Karla to see what they may do for next year.

This coming weekend has lots of events right across the country gearing up. I will be heading home from the Okanagan on Thursday/Friday and getting ready to head to Toronto and the Hero's Highway Ride - I am so honored to have been invited to be one of the honorary road captains.

I have so needed the miles under my belt and riding through the Okanagan has been nothing short of fantastic.

In other news - the helmet law is back on the table for debate in Pennsylvania

In BC - RCMP are saying the HA gatherings in that province were very quiet.

In Ontario the big HA Trial is over and the verdict of not guilty of being a criminal organization was the result - however the individual members were convicted of various offences.

In PEI a man was charged with drunk driving after a crash with a motorcycle.

In the US - a Patriot Guard rider who was on a national run to promote veteran's issues was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle in New Mexico.

There are many more news worthy articles to read today - so visit to get informed!

Ride safely today people...ride like EVERYONE around you is blind and can't see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider