Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Riders Killed by Unsecured load but no charges laid...

I read with much dismay this morning about 2 riders from Quebec who were killed when a load of guardrails slid off of a truck into the oncoming lane of traffic - the riders had been at Americade.

According to the article: The Warren County Sheriff's Office says 47-year-old Mark Leigh of Norwich was driving a flat-bed truck Wednesday morning when he swerved left to avoid colliding with a motorcycle turning into a rafting area in the town of Lake Luzerne, about 70 kilometres north of Albany.

And yet NO CHARGES were laid - how can that be? What am I missing here? Firstly, if the driver had to swerve to avoid a rider turning does that not probably mean he was too close? Secondly - does an unsecured load not warrant a charge? I must be missing something here.  My heart goes out to the families of the two riders...

And more sad news - a 22 year old event has had to cancel for this year after a struggle with the ALR - the Stomp in Silver Creek BC will return next year but for this year - there is just not enough time to get a land deal for the event - the ALR gave Sturgis North the same kind of bum steer - this organization should be forced to answer some tough questions in my humble opinion.

It's a strange twist that let's this property be sold before the courts are done with it.

There's a cool older gal in Richmond Hill that has some tongues a wagging in a good way!

There is a bizarre hybrid between a hovercraft and a motorcycle that is being tested...not sure I would want one but it IS cool....

There are TONS of events in the calendars for this weekend - here in Grande Prairie we have our Salute to Dad Stamp Run, across the country the Ride for Sight, Ride for Dad, the Ride for Guide Dogs - there are no shortages of events to attend and charities to support - hope you will make the time to take in one this weekend.

Download our FREE MC Events App for your Android, Blackberry or IPhone

Wherever you travel - please - Ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you, use respect with that right hand and remember to send me the information if you get stopped by the police, videos and statements - we need them folks!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Profiling - what is it and have you ever experienced it?

What is profiling? Do you know?

pro·fil·ing (prōfīl′iŋ) From:
the practice or method of preparing a set of characteristics belonging to a certain class or group of people or things by which to identify individuals as belonging to such a class or group, as to detain for investigation of a possible crime
Have you ever been stopped by a police officer only to have that officer ask you a ton of questions like, what your patch represents, who you ride with, why are you in their area?
Have you ever been to an event where a member or members of 1% clubs are present and had your license plate photographed by a police officer? How about seeing the Anti Biker Units at a swap meet or other gathering?
Have you ever been to an event where there was a road block set up that only stopped people on motorcycles?
If you have experienced any of these things then you my friend have been the target of profiling. Every day across North America, there are police officers who stop people who ride motorcycles for no other reason that to gather "intelligence" about who you are.
Then there are the officers who have a great dislike for motorcycles and their riders who will use their badge to exert their authority over the civilian. When I was in Ontario last week, I heard all sorts of tales over coffee at Timmie's - none of them good, regarding police officers who appear to go over the top when stopping motorcycles and their riders.
I heard horrible things about riders having their helmets taken away and left stranded on the side of the road. DOT helmets not even beanies. I have heard of officers demanding your helmet and when you fail to give it up arresting you for obstructing a police officer.
I heard about officers who stop people and physically bully and intimidate people.
I was told about the BIU - Biker Intelligence Unit, and how they photograph everyone who attends events that 1%er's attend. 

That is profiling. Each and every case I was told about was profiling at it's finest.
If you were of Black, Hispanic, Asian or any other ethnic background it would be called racial profiling.

Under our Charter here in Canada, we are all supposed to be equal under the law. 
Sadly - we are not. Why?

Because our community is highly visible even though as road users we are a minority - we are easy to profile. A motorcycle is a motorcycle, so its not hard to single us out.

In our community, the police would lead you to believe that every person who wears certain types of patches on their backs are criminals.  But, that's ridiculously close to saying that all Italians are Mafia members or all Jamaicans are Jamaican Posse members or all Native American Indians are members of the Indian Posse.

You see - every community has people in it who do bad things- there are NO EXCEPTIONS to that statement. We are humans. 
But - there are great differences in how the communities themselves are perceived.

You see, police officers are generally looked upon as the good guys/gals who are there to keep order and make sure people stay safe. But this community has it's gross offenders - cops who get busted for theft, wife beating, drunk driving and more. Some kick people in the face when they are down and not resisting. (Remember the Kelowna incident a few months back?)  Some get so hopped up on adrenaline when they are in riot gear that they do unspeakable things - look at the G20 and you will understand that statement.
There are police officers who have used their badges to step on people's rights and freedoms just because they can. I myself have experienced that behaviour first hand.

Look at nursing - in that community, there are people who have intentionally hurt people - right here in the small city of Grande Prairie AB a nurse was charged for poisoning food.

How about another respected profession - Doctors. In this community there are those who have raped patients and done other unspeakable acts - the same with priests and yet as a whole, their communities are looked upon in a favorable way over all.

And then we have bikers - motorcyclists - people who ride on two and three wheels.
We have experienced varying degrees of discrimination for years. Because of the nature of our gear, because of the patches we wear on our backs or the machines we sit astride - because we ride -  we are an easy target.

In his book, "Hells Angels at War" author Yves Lavigne, a reporter who has delved into the world of the Angels and the Police, states on page 3:
"The police, contrary to the public image they present, have capitulated to the Big Red Machine.  They prance ahead of the pack and shrilly announce ther impending arrival, instead of creating a climate inhospitable to the biker's survival/ These excersises are crafted to scare the citizens and manipulate politicians into opening public coffers.

The Canadian public has been deceived into thinking that the police want to end the biker problem.  In reality, police want to manage the biker issue and build bureaucracies and careers on the public fear the police themselves fuel." End Quote
I hope you feel the truth of Mr. Lavigne's comments/observations.  If you have any doubt as to why our community is held to different standards as road users, if you ever had any doubt that profiling of riders/motorcyclists/bikers does exist because you yourself may not have experienced profiling - consider this man's words carefully and then remember - that there are people who HAVE experienced this type of treatment and I would be one of them!

I don't know about you - but I myself have experienced an officer abusing his authority - the abuse was directed at me - I know - first hand what it is like to have an officer intimidate you and threaten to arrest you. I have been there - my crime? Asking a police officer to come view custom motorcycles at a show I was hosting - LATER.  But NO - He wanted to see them NOW. If not for my husband, I would have probably been arrested that night.
I know first hand what it is like to present a security plan for review in order to get a liquor license for an event only to have the plan disregarded and be asked if the Hells Angels are attending the event.

You may think that profiling does not affect you but you would be so wrong...
If you have EVER attended a motorcycle event that required police approval to go ahead - you have probably been profiled without really knowing it.

Now please, don't get me wrong - there are many who wear a police officers uniform who do a great job. But sadly, there are enough with in their ranks who have, for whatever reason, a chip on their shoulder and a bad attitude towards our community that we deserve as a community to be protected from that behaviour.

We ARE a VISIBLE MINORITY - and we do have the RIGHT to expect equal treatment under the law and we are not getting it.  
We are being singled out as noise makers, we are harassed at certain events and many of our events are targeted for special unfair or unethical treatment - so folks, it is time for us to exercise our rights and ask for protection under the Charter. If we fail to protect them - by using our Rights - the Rights and Freedoms our Charter affords - the Rights and Freedoms that are fought for by every soldier who has ever served - then we will forfeit those rights and every soldier's service will have meant nothing.

I am asking every rider in Canada who experiences what they believe to be profiling, to send me your photos, videos and statements as to what you experienced.  We are going to have all of the material we gather gone over by a civil rights lawyer.

I look forward to your comments, ideas and opinions...

Check out the latest news over at, get involved in our forums, submit your jokes, stories and events - come become part of the discussion and sharing - we'd love to have you! Join me on Face Book or Twitter...or on

Ride safely today and for those in the Grande Prairie AB region - remember our $500 Stamp Run Takes Place on Saturday morning at Stojans....check out our calendar or the poster in the Busted Knuckle for all of the details!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Do You??? Will you???

Do you attend the various rides, rallies and rodeos this community hosts?
Do you ride in Canada? If so - will you consider joining me???

This summer I am on a quest to create motorcycle awareness PSA's - "Share the Road - Share the Ride."

Shock and Awe commercials are of limited value as most people get to squeamish to watch them but the commercials that share who we are as people - they tend to bring awareness to a whole new high.  Look at the construction commercials - they are very successful.

Since I have been being stonewalled by the local office of our transportation department I have decided to use my Drift HD170 Cameras and film my own awareness commericals.
I will be attending as many events, riding with as many clubs and individuals as I can all with one purpose in mind - creating PSA's that will help save the lives of my family members.

The concept is this:
One person on their motorcycle, as they describe who they are (I am a wife, a mother, an auntie, a grand daughter, a friend a book keeper, a volunteer), the important people in their life will stand behind the rider on their motorcycle - once there are a good number of people behind the rider the rider will state - "My name is Sheila - I am a motorcyclist and the people you see behind me would like you to share the road with me."

And at the end everyone will say:
"Share the Road - Share the Ride. 
Keep our loved ones ALIVE - Think and Drive"

I will be looking for help to edit the videos we create and then we will distribute them to various TV stations and web sites across the country. We will fund the video editing by selling ads at the end of the commercials - those can be local, regional ads or national ads.

The whole goal is to show the non rider that the rider has many lives - a personal one, a professional one, a community one and a recreational one. Many lives wrapped into one life. We are a strong and vibrant community made up of eclectic and gregarious people. We have many talents and much to offer - keeping us safe out there, creating awareness of the people behind the machines - spreading the words of who we really are as a community - that is my goal, that is my mission - I hope you will help me because as a community - a family, we can do anything we put our minds to!

Below is my Itinerary - I will be looking in our events calendars to see what other events I might be able to attend but for sure I will be attending Sturgis North in Salmon Arm BC, The Great Canadian Bike Rally in Merritt BC and my destination and Major National Sponsor is the Cape Breton Bike Fest!  I am looking forward to this Cape Breton Event, meeting the local riding clubs and riding the Cabot Trail.

It is my hopes to have regional PSA's filmed for every region I ride through so come on out and join me for an hour, a day, a week - together WE the riding community - the Family Wind - CAN create our own powerful and productive Motorcycle Awareness Commercials and prevent the carnage in our community created by distracted drivers and those who do not appear to know the rules of the road - let's work together to create a safer and more enjoyable riding experience for all - Share the Road, Share the Ride...

If you would like to be involved drop me a line at bdbetty @ - remove the space...

There are many sad articles regarding riders that have gone down, some interesting speculation about Suzuki's 2012 line up, news about the helmet law in Michigan and some great sports articles so come check out all of the news of the day at where we sift through the news so you don't have to.

Have a fabulous Hump Day everyone and please if you are riding today - ride with respect, ride as though everyone around you is blind and can not see you and remember who loves you baby...

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Government Bureaucracy can and WILL drive you crazy

Bureaucracy - our governments thrive on creating confusion and disconnect of that I am convinced!

I have been working with a gentleman out of New Brunswick who is having huge frustrations with the New Brunswick Government regarding rigid motorcycles. The New Brunswick Government seems to be one of the governments in this country that feels that rigid motorcycles are unsafe or at least their inspectors do. It has taken about 6 weeks to get a phone appointment with the Deputy Minister of Public Safety to discuss this issue - today is the day I finally get to talk to Mr Comeau - it was supposed to be yesterday - but as many of you may know, West Jet decided to hold me up in Edmonton over night - and then on top of that, our flight from Edmonton to Grande Prairie had 2 delays and instead of being home for 2 pm - I never got in until almost 4pm.  It will be interesting to find out why a motorcycle that was registered for a number of years has had it's registration put on hold - meaning that the man can't ride his motorcycle until an engineer has inspected it.

I have some grave concerns about the bureaucracy in our governments and the hiring of independents or the contracting to independent companies for the handling of certain issues like registries. In the Edmonton Journal today there is an article about a gent who is experiencing the same kind of disconnect as Mr Cronkhite in New Brunswick - in Edmonton, the man asked the important questions regarding out of province inspections for a 1965 motorcycle that has never been registered in Canada. It would appear that an independent contractor gave this man the wrong advice. According to the letter in the Journal, he asked the question as to whether or not he needed an inspection, was told - NO - only to find out - yes he did. Now some may think that it is only common sense that you need an inspection, but if you are unsure or have never gone through the process before and you call a contractor to the government - like an Alberta Registries Office -  to educate yourself and you are given misinformation - there appears to be absolutely zero recourse for you.

The same appears to be true in New Brunswick. The situation for Mr Cronkhite is similar - he calls in to find out about restoring a 1942 Harley and about getting it registered for the highway, he is directed to speak with an engineer - a contractor to the Government. Reportedly, the engineer expresses that he feels rigids are unsafe and he would not approve it for the road - Mr Cronkhite expresses that he has been riding a rigid, legally registered in New Brunswick for three years and has had no issues with the bike's safety. The discussion between the two gents concludes, and a few days later Mr Cronkhite gets a letter in the mail telling him his motorcycle's registration has been put on hold until he has it inspected.  Why - that is the question I hope to get the answer on - I actually have many questions about this situation.

I am looking forward to understanding more about the NB Rigid frame law and will pass the knowledge I glean on to you all.

In the mean time - Liane Langlois is raising money for the June 30th appeal of the Stuart Young - Noisy Motorcycle Ticket.  You see, here again the bureaucracy can and will drive you into the deep end and then around the bend.

If we do not support Liane & Stuart in thier efforts to have ALL ROAD USERS treated the same with regards to the excessive noise issue - then police will continue to have the ability to pull over anyone riding to check their pipes and then profile you farther. No other road use is treated like this. When I speak of road users I mean cars, pick up trucks, mini vans, SUV's and motorcycles - transport trucks fall under different laws with regards to maintenance etc.

I like Calgary's approach to noise - set one decibel for certain speeds and it will apply to all vehicles - then use the Noise Snare and be able to catch ALL NOISE OFFENDERS.

Discrimination towards motorcycles happens for many reasons but I suspect primarily and simply because the noise that some riders generate on their bikes is abrasive and NEW - what I mean by that is that over time, people can and do obliterate from their consciousness the other noises around them - the constant ones. It can take many months for that to happen but over time it can and does.

For example, I have a friend who lives with a railway track behind her house - like 100 yards away - and she never hears the train as it goes by - she has become accustomed to the noise - but when I visit, it drives me nuts.  She said it took her about a year to "get over it".

Because motorcycles are seldom heard in the winter, when they do come out in the spring, some inconsiderate or thoughtless riders drive people crazy. The noise they generate becomes a new noise amidst a noisy world and that makes it stand out - and all of the discussion about them then causes people to start listening for them.  The problem is, that people who drive noisy cars, pick ups, SUV's, mini vans etc - and those who have loud stereos in said vehicles are often tuned out by people because they are far more common place and therefore are not targeted as gross offenders because there are not as many complaints.

When targeting drink drivers - ALL vehicles are subjected to a pull over not just police cars - and YES - I AM Picking on the police simply because there are some officers who have been charged for drinking and driving and some while on duty to highlight the fact that there are many people who ride totally stock machines and some who have a modified exhaust who ride with respect and are not excessive in their noise production and yet will fail a noise test for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are included in trial transcripts that have been provided to Lianne & Stuart - improper testing procedures being the largest contributing factor so far.

During a check stop for drinking and driving they don't just pull over red cars - they pull over ALL VEHICLES. WHY are only motorcycles being targeted for noise testing? Because the MIC & the MMIC (American & Canadian Manufacturers) felt that getting a standard set would eliminate discrimination against riders but in fact their setting of a standard and a testing methodology has in fact contributed to a greater and more harmful discrimination towards the riding community.

Do we have inconsiderate people in our community? ABSOLUTELY - are their inconsiderate people in the SUV community of road users? ABSOLUTELY and how about the import car community or the mini van driving community - we all know the answer and it is YES.

So why are only motorcycles being discussed and targeted as gross or excessive noise offenders? Why is our community being held to a different standard than others are?  WHY are we not getting more up in arms about the blatant targeting and holding to a different standard of our community - I mean folks - under the Charter of Freedoms & Rights we have the right to expect the same treatment under the law:

Equality Rights

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
Affirmative action programs
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.(84)

It is time people - to get behind Lianne & Stuart as they fight for our rights as a community. PLEASE....

This was posted in our Forums on by Liane - PLEASE donate to the defense fund - she is working for every rider not just Stuart Young. 

For anyone interested, the police are doing free noise testing at the NAIT south campus again this year. Their first session was this past Saturday and their next on June 11. Just wanted to note that the reports are in and basically no one showed this past Saturday. Fairly certain even less will show next weekend.

I on the other hand spend my Saturday running around picking up donations for the appeal on June 30. I would like to remind everyone that these legal fees that we are about to incur are for ALL OF YOU. If you ride and enjoy the freedom of riding, you need to donate. I certainly can't afford to fight this fight for all of you on my own and without the money, we will be forced to submit documents that won't be as tight as if the lawyer we found dealt with them. That could result in the City winning and then we are just a tad screwed in court as our entire defense we have been winning with will be quashed. I for one have put to much time into this to see it happen.

I am not asking for much...just for everyone to thrown in what they can.

For RBC you will need the following information:
Liane Langlois
Transit – 01599
Account – 5307046

Or stop by one of the following:
Hi-Per Cycle - 14340 - 115 Avenue
Time Machine - 9912 72 Avenue
Welch's Motorcycle Repair - 6739 76 Avenue
Bad Ass Customs - #412, 8170-50th Street
Echo Cycle - 15311 118 Avenue Northwest

Now for some pleasant news -  Revzilla's monthly contest for June is on! This is your chance to win a AGV AX-8 DS Helmet ($400 value); two 2nd prize winners will again receive $50 gift cards. The following is a link to this month's contest page:

Here is a video that explains the features and benefits of the AVG AX-8 DS Helmet:

You can't win unless you enter and you enter simply by creating a rider profile!

So check it out at Revzilla's June Contest Page:

There have been a number of motorcycle crashes, there are some motorcycle recalls and a whole host of other news that may affect your life as a rider - I hope you will check it out at

As always - I appreciate and welcome your feedback - here in my blog, on my personal Face Book Page, Our Business Fan P

I will be making some important announcements over the next few days regarding my Share the Road, Share the Ride Conga, our new product line from Karma Inc along with other important news so stay tuned here in my blog, and in the Busted Knuckle Chronicles - our weekly community newspaper.

Until tomorrow - please - RIDE SAFE and with respect!

Monday, June 06, 2011

I love to hate WEST JET

I am sitting in Edmonton instead of being at home - why? 

Because West Jet held the plane for a passenger in Hamilton but did not hold the plane for three of us going on to Grande Prairie.

Yes they put me up in a hotel - no they did not feed me supper last night - yes I did get breakfast and I will get lunch - but all of the appointments I had booked for today - I have to re arrange - I never got to see my husband before he left for Montreal and his dad's funeral - I am frustrated - but what can you do?

When I called West Jet and said look, cancel the GP portion and let me rent a car to get home - nope - can't do that...I tried everything with them but - all doors and avenues were closed to me getting home last night.

I am hearing lots of complaints from others about West Jet and their service - in fact on the flight to Toronto they held my bags in Edmonton and I never got them until the day after I arrived - I am so sick of air travel and yet there are times you just have no choice. 
They charge you $2 - 10 to eat anything on the plane, and they only take credit cards on the plane and no debit. Unless of course you buy a voucher at the counter when you check in - IF you remember to do that... Yes air travel is becoming a right royal pain but - they have you by the short and curlies because as I said - sometimes you have no choice but to fly.

Oh well - the good news is I had a blast at the Heroes Highway Ride - like all the riders who attended I got DRENCHED - Riding with 2,400 other machines down the road and seeing all of the people who came out to cheer us on in spite of the weather - well it was nothing short of awe inspiring... but more on that when I can get home and go through my photos and videos - I will have a HUGE report on one of the BEST done events I have ever attended - I promise.

Have a Happy Monday - mine will be once I am home and can unpack and get everything sorted out and back on track! I am getting ready to finally get on a plane home so I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Please ride safely and remember to use respect with that throttle hand.
There are tons of interesting bits in the news today - check them out at

Love you all!