Friday, September 02, 2011

Distracted Driving Laws

Finally Alberta gets on the band wagon with distracted driving laws. It will prove interesting to see how well they work and how much enforcement happens. Alberta's law is reportedly tougher than the ones in other provinces.

Let's bring you up to speed so to speak:

From the Government of Alberta Web Site:
Distracted Driving Legislation (Bill 16)

What does the law restrict

What activities are not allowed while driving?

  • talking on a hand-held cell phone 
  • texting/e-mailing 
  • using electronic devices like laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players (e.g., mp3 players) 
  • manually entering information on GPS units 
  • reading printed material like a book or a magazine 
  • writing, printing or sketching 
  • personal grooming like combing your hair, applying makeup or brushing your teeth 
  • using a 2-way radio or what is commonly referred to as a CB (Citizen’s Band) radio (some exemptions apply) 
What activities are allowed? 
We are not talking about penalizing drivers for taking a sip of coffee, chatting with passengers or blowing their nose. We are talking about drivers who decide to put themselves and others at risk by watching movies, browsing for and downloading 'apps', applying makeup or shaving all while trying to navigate through traffic.

These activities are not specifically restricted under the law:
  • using a cell phone in hands-free mode - this means the device is not held in the driver's hand and is activated by voice or a single touch to the device 
  • using an earphone — if it is used in a hands-free or voice-activated manner 
  • drinking beverages, such as coffee, water or pop 
  • eating a snack 
  • smoking 
  • talking with passengers 
  • listening to a portable audio player – as long as it is set up before you begin driving 
  • using the following: 
  • a GPS navigation system – as long as the system is affixed to the vehicle and programmed before you begin driving or the system is voice activated. You cannot hold the unit or manually enter information while driving 
  • a collision avoidance system 
  • a gauge, instrument, device or system that provides information about the vehicle’s systems or the vehicle’s location 
  • a dispatch system for transporting passengers 
  • a logistical transportation tracking system that tracks vehicle location, driver status or the delivery of goods for commercial purposes 
  • calling emergency services, such as 911 with a hand-held cell phone 
  • using 2-way radios or hand-held radios, such as those commonly referred to as CB (Citizen’s Band) radios, when escorting oversized vehicles, to contact one's employer, or when participating in search, rescue and emergency management situations. 
Well folks? Does the law go far enough? I sure hope so.

According to the CAA/AMA Web Site:

80% of collisions include driver inattention as a contributing factor
(finding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the U.S.)

People using a cell phone while driving are 4 to 6 times more likely to be in a car crash
(references a number of existing studies, the most well known is Redelmeier, D. A. and Tibsharani, R. J. “Association Between Cellular Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions” in New England Journal of Medicine, 336; pp 453-458. 1997.)

People texting while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision or near collision
(refers to a study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Citation: Olson, R.L., Hanowski, R.J.; Hickman, J.S.; and Bocanegra, J. 2009. Driver distraction in commercial vehicle operations. Report No. FMCSA-RRR-09-242. Washington, DC: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.)

Driver distraction is associated with more than 100 deaths and 5,000 injuries from nearly 40,000 collisions each year (figures are Alberta specific and are inferred based on the existing body of knowledge relating to distractions and using the Alberta Traffic Collision Statistics for 2010.)

Here's to safer roads for all!!!!

As with everyday, I would love to have you wade in on the topic of the day...
What are your thoughts on Distracted Driving Laws - do they work? Do they go far enough?

For all of the news that could affect your day or weekend please visit

Have a safe weekend everyone, remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you, and please use respect with that right hand...

Until Monday... 

Belt Drive Betty 
Editor & Rider

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Too many Police? What a great article from McLean's magazine and some other HOT Topics...

Many of you who read this blog also subscribe to our weekly newspaper and or are members of our web site. I asked Ali to link my blog post from yesterday and the McLean's Magazine article "Too Many Cops?"  to the newsletter you all get this morning. I am really hoping that my blog post from yesterday and the McLean's article "Too Many Cops?" will start some serious discussion on police powers here in Canada.
It is my personal feeling that we here in this country need to be wary of our government/s and our police services. We, the people, need to ask ourselves some hard questions about what is really going on out there.

We need to remove our emotions and look at the facts that are presented to us and decide what WE think about what we read and hear.

It is only through asking ourselves the hard questions, by taking our heads out of the sand that we will discover the truth about our governments and police services and their motivations. Dialogue and the sharing of ideas, interpretations and opinions will allow us to get a broader perspective and hopefully arrive at some conclusion that is at least close the the truth.

In the US and around the world, Dick Cheney's new book - In My Time - has sparked controversy:

It has also re-sparked the debate over what actually happened on 9/11.

Bruce Arnold sent in an article on Dick Cheney and 9/11.
It is accompanied by 2 videos that make you ask some hard, hard questions.

So, what really happened on 9/11?

Did terrorists really attack the USA or did the US administration really perpetrate the worst kind of crime on the American people?

And will we ever know the truth?

If you watch the first video that is linked in Bruce's article, where in numerous engineers, chemists and geologists wade in on the topic of the destruction of the World Trade Centre and the Twin Towers, and if you believe in the answers of those engineers, chemists and geologists then the answer would have to be yes - the American Government of the day perpetuated the worst kind of atrocity on the American people and people around the world.

If you feel that all of these experts have hidden agendas, and that the answers they give are not complete or accurate, then no, terrorists really did the deed.

If the experts presented in the video are right, then what was the motivation of the government of the Untied States? Money, power, ego? All of those and more?

Well, the second video gives you a history if you will, of governments who have "lied" to and manipulated their people and the video is filled with TV reports, Newspaper clippings and Emails from and about September 11, 2001. It disavows many of the claims of the US administration of the day - that the government did not think that "terrorists" would attack the US through unconventional threats.

The engineers, geologists and chemists from around the world that have examined the evidence of the "collapse" of the Twin Towers and the World Trade centre have drawn very different conclusions from the NIST.

Ties to the Bush administration are uncovered between companies that did security and renovations for the World Trade Centre, security for Dulles Airport and United Airlines.

The documentary goes on to question the crash of the aircraft in Shanksville PA. It examines numerous plane crashes and compares the debris, the crash sites of several crashes to the one in Shanksville and raises even more questions about what really happened on September 11th, 2001. It disavows the evidence that the FBI produced at the trial of one of the suspects. It also questions the crash at the pentagon.

Geologists, chemists, engineers all put themselves on the line to say that they believe the attacks on the twin towers and the collapse of the World Trade Centre were controlled demolitions. The documentary has a lot of experts, lots of evidence, tons of video from various news agencies and documents from the government.

Conspiracy theory? Bunk? Truth or fiction - It is up to each person who watches the videos and the evidence that they produce to decide.

I decided to look at other YouTube videos on the topic and this one in particular caught my eye:  - this video footage that proves, without a doubt that the World Trade Centre was brought down by controlled demolition. Or does it - Is it doctored or authentic though? I am no expert and can not say.

And if it is un-doctored, then what does that say about the other evidence that the documentary video linked above uncovers?

If you go to YouTube via any of the links provided, you will see that there are tons of other videos on this topic. Watch them. It is worth a few hours of your time to watch and read - to discover the information that is available so that you can make an informed decision and draw your own conclusions.

I for one am exceedingly concerned about what I have watched, read and digested.
I would love to know the truth about that day as I am sure that every family member of a 9/11 victim would.
I feel that the evidence provided in the "Loose Change 911" documentary is closer to the truth than anything else we have been presented to date.

Scary huh...
How do we trust our governments? Blindly? How do we the people, really know what their agendas are?

Who do we believe, trust and can we learn anything from history?

Here are some quotes from the past on the conception of the US from some of the founding fathers and from Adolf Hitler, one of the world's best and most deadly propaganda spinners to serve as a reminder of what values and ideals the US Constitution was founded on and the undeniable proof that governments can and will lie to and manipulate their people.

"Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." Patrick Henry

"I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few." — Adolf Hitler

"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. " — Adolf Hitler (Hitler's Letters and Notes)

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." — Adolf Hitler

Rwanda, Bosnia, Sudan, Croatia...from the dawn of time actually, Genocide has been inflicted by reigning governments on their people.

What are the motivations? Money, power, religion, ego? All of those and more?

If we are to glean anything from what has been presented here in my article and in the articles and videos provided and quoted it would be this:

QUESTION your government. Do not take everything they say as the gospel truth.
Look for the motivations to discover the hidden agendas.
There are so many big businesses and governments - all with their different agendas and purposes.

My personal feelings on everything I have read, watched and heard is this...
I am so very conflicted. I do not WANT to believe that a government that was founded on the principals that the USA was, could be responsible for a genocide of this magnitude.

I do not WANT to believe that the US government has manipulated it's own people and those of the world the way it appears that it did. And yet, the documentary uncovers so much conflicting information, refutes so many governmental documents and statements that it is hard to believe anything else.

Let me conclude with this quote:

"We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln
That statement is true whether you live in the US of A or Canada

With all of the 9/11 rides that happen, with the strong show of love and compassion the riding community has shown for the families and victims of 9/11 I felt it important to share the information I have been provided and unearthed.  The motorcycle community is very invested in 9/11 and it's aftermath.  Finding out what really happened is, I think, very important. I hope you take the time to educate yourself and care enough to ask questions...politics is always a touchy topic, but it is also the one topic that affects everyone's life whether we choose to get involved or be indifferent.

I would love to hear your thoughts, your comments - I hope you will join in the discussion.

Enjoy your National Newspaper - the Busted Knuckle Chronicles, your provincial newsletter and your daily news feed updates - Belt Drive Betty Media and it's Rider Powered Network is working hard to keep YOU informed...join our network to share the news from your community!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hells Angels cause a stir and a Veterans MC is under scrutiny despite reports to the contrary

The Hells Angels had a booth at a festival in New Westminster and that has brought the 12th Street Music Fest and all festivals under scrutiny in that city. It appears that the city of New Westminster now wants a report that is to outline a family-oriented and public safety policy for street festivals and parades that must include the appropriateness of the vendors allowed to sell their wares and what activities will be acceptable and how they will govern the festivals and parades.

In Ladysmith BC, the Veterans Canada MC has come under scrutiny by the police services on Vancouver Island. Why? Because they wear a three piece patch that identifies the club as an Outlaw MC.

For those of you who do not know or understand the differences in patches and what they mean - here is the link to a great article that clearly expresses the difference in patches and their meanings:

I find myself wondering why it is that the police services are not better educated as to the difference in patches and why they feel the need to scrutinize every patch worn my motorcyclists. You would think that with all of the information that is out there and available to everyone that they would know better - but, they do not seem to be willing to educate themselves. Or perhaps they really do know and instead of sharing the knowledge, would rather stir fear whenever they can.

There are so many misconceptions as to who is who in the motorcycle world that could be cleared up very simply - through education.

I, like many other riders, feel that the scrutiny of our motorcycle community events by the Anti Biker and Outlaw Motorcycle Gang units is disgusting. Even the names of these police services is outlandish. ANTI Biker - I am a biker - why are you against me? Outlaw Motorcycle GANG? An outlaw motorcycle CLUB is not generally a GANG.

There are Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and 1% Motorcycle Clubs - the two are not necessarily involved with each other. Educate yourself!

For those of you who think that starting an Outlaw MC is cool - remember this, you will be scrutinized by the 1% ers and the police. WHY?

The 1% ers want to know if you are claiming a territory, what your motivation is behind starting a 3 piece patch club and the police - well, they for some reason automatically assume that anyone wearing a three piece patch has to be bad news and some how connected to 1% ers.

The reasons many outlaw clubs sporting 3 piece patch spring up are simple to understand.
Many start because the people who start them think the 3 piece patch is cool - no other reason - they have not educated themselves as to the ramifications or the true requirements of being an Outlaw MC.

Then there are those who start up because they carry the outlaw mentality - They want a prospecting period for new members - you can't just buy a patch, you have to earn it, to commit to riding with the club and being active and involved. If you aren't committed to the cause and ethics of the club, the members can and will vote you out. They have few rules but the ones they have ARE written in stone - no exceptions allowed.

Belonging to an Outlaw MC generally has nothing to do with being a criminal or having ties to those who are criminals and I wished that the police would get it right and do some research before they spout off.

Profiling - it is a "tool" of the police services. What is profiling you ask?

Noun 1. profiling - recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to predict or assess their ability in a certain sphere or to identify a particular group of people

The police services use profiling to decide whether or not a group of people is likely to commit a crime. They have been disallowed the use of profiling in general terms when it comes to the Black community, the Italian Community, the Hispanic Community, the Asian Community etc...why? Because that is discrimination. Just because you are Black, Hispanic, Asian or Italian does not mean you have any affiliation to criminals just because there are criminals who are Black, Hispanic, Asian or Italian.

So why is it OK to profile our community? Why is it that the police services are allowed to target motorcyclists who wear a patch - ANY PATCH - for special attention?

Because we, the motorcycle community have not banded together to stop it.

We have two choices in our community - we either allow this sad and disgusting practise to go on without a whimper, or we can fight to have our community protected under our Charter of Freedoms and Rights.

In the article on the Veterans MC the evidence of the profiling of our community is clear.
And I quote: 
"Police were not taking any chances, with specialists from the outlaw motorcycle gang unit keeping an eye on the Veterans poker run and anniversary party on Saturday, which saw 40 bikers hit several pubs on a round-trip ride to Shawnighan Lake. Police have photographed club members more than once, and the neighbouring school principal has come down to meet them."

Later in the article: "RCMP say they have had calls from concerned citizens and take an interest in any group with a three-piece patch. A new rise in clubs linked to the aging bikers have sprung up across B.C., including the Campbell River-based Devil's Army.

"We don't view them as an outlaw club," said Pat Wilkinson of the outlaw motorcycle gang unit. "Right now, they're a bunch of military guys that like to ride bikes." End Quote

Really? The Veterans MC IS an Outlaw Motorcycle Club and has been in Ladysmith for over a year from my knowledge. 
Why is it, that they have been repeatedly photographed? 
Why is it that even a year later, they are still being scrutinized? 
This is a traditional Outlaw MC comprised of active and former military personnel - why do the police feel the need to muddy the waters by using the terminology of our community in a wrong manner? 

Pat Wilkinson says that: "RIGHT NOW, they are just a bunch of military guys who like to ride bikes." 
What does that mean? That because they sport a 3 piece patch they will remain under scrutiny? 
That they might become a 1% er MC soon?  

I for one am sick of the spin and innuendo. I happen to know many of the members of the Veterans Canada MC and they have all either served or still serve this country. They just want to ride with others who experience the same challenges caused by their service to our country (PTSD amongst other issues that are common to those who have defended our country) and are committed to serving veterans affairs - thier mandate is clear and simple...

This is from their web site:

Membership into the Verterans MC Canada is by invitation only however we encourage interested and prospective people that meet the criteria below to contact us.

Strength, honour, and pride of service; Past, present, and future is our motto and we intend to deliver our services and support one another as fellow Veterans, active service men and women with integrity and pride.

Our membership is comprised of Veterans of the various theaters of conflict, active service personnel, and members of the reserve forces.

* A minimum of three years of service in either the regular or reserve forces of the Armed Forces.

* Coming on Strength records and release dates are required for full membership and insurance of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

There are three generally recognized forms of motorcycle associations:

* General Associations - Allow anyone to pay a membership fee regardless of their desire to ride a motorcycle but further the cause of motorcycling.

* Riding Clubs - Have no expectation of their membership with regard to meetings and runs; these are considered to be social clubs.

* Motorcycle Clubs - Hold their members to a strict code of ethics and have an exceptionally high requirement to their membership when it comes to attending meetings and runs.

We have chosen to be a motorcycle club as we hold our membership to a strict code of ethics and demand attendance at meetings and runs associated with our club. It is our desire as a club to have our members participating in all of our functions. The only exceptions are for our actively serving military members when they get called to serve a tour of duty.

To become a full patched member of the Veterans MC Canada a potential member must complete a minimum of two years of recruiting phase which is comprised of two stages :

Prospective members are invited to begin riding with our club by a full-patched member of our club and are expected to help out at fundraisers and take part in our club rides. During this stage of membership the recruit must :

* Exhibit strong morals and principles.
* Show a strong desire to help Veterans, Veteran societies and organizations, and active military members and their families.

This stage can last as little as a year but, may take longer depending on attendance, heart, and their ability to fit in with the club. The fit must work for both the recruit and the club.

After completing the recruitment stage the recruit becomes a member with full voting privileges but, is not allowed to hold officer positions until the end of their second year.

In order to be considered for membership in the Veterans MC Canada, the potential member must receive 100% acceptance from the full members of the club.


We are a non territorial club!

Like I said, some simple education could alleviate 90% of the BS and misconceptions about our community.
The police services have all of this knowledge and technology but still manage to twist things to keep the fear up amongst the general public so that they can dip into the tax payers pockets - at least that is this riders take on things....

What say you?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

There is a TON of news in the news feeds today, please take a few moments to check them out at to see if there is somethig there that might affect your day or your plans!

Ride safe today, remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and to use respect with that right hand. Using your pipes for anything other than emergency purposes is just giving our community a black eye and will cost us this life saving tool through Motorcycle Only noise by laws...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I love my computer, I love my computer...

I have spent the last two days battling computer issues. It appears that certain files became corrupted onmy PC causing my movie maker program to not work properly, my PDF maker for invoicing too quit working - ah MICROSOFT how I love to hate you!  I am researching purchasing a couple of MAC's - I simply can not handle the lost days of productivity. It's maddening and discouraging.

I have done everything I know how to do, uninstalled, reinstalled, cleaned, defragged, tested and still I am having challenges. Technology is wonderful and yet...I am glad that I got in some wind therapy before this happened as I have been able to remain relatively calm compared to normal, but what a challenge and at the worst time of year. I have reports, proposals and a ton of other work to do and am in a holding many of you out there have been in the same boat?

Microsoft needs to provide better tutorials and help than they do.

I would love to hear about your most infuriating time with a computer - I am tired of feeling alone here so please share your stories - misery loves company and I am in misery!

In other news:

It appears that I am not alone in my plea for bicycle riders to have to follow the rules of the road!
There are two articles in the Toronto Star that express similar sentiments to mine. It is time to license and register bicycles and to require them to carry PL/PD Insurance.  The reason their is no enforcement of bicycles is that there is not much the police can do to them now...

A dumb ass on Facebook found out that bragging in a public forum about being an idiot will get you arrested!
To those who air their dirty laundry and brag about their stupidity, remember the COPS ARE ON FACEBOOK!

Leaking trucks, kite string across an intersection - these are dangers that are out of the norm that caused injuries for riders yesterday. It's bad enough that we have distracted drivers, pot holes the size of large animals and frost heaves and road debris to contend with...

In Kamloops BC, the RCMP report that the HOG Rally and another large event ended up being non events for them.

In Digby, Glen Dunn is making some big claims about the Wharf Rat Rally, he thinks it might be the biggest in Canada - Sturgis North had over 50,000 riders over the 5 days (Unofficial numbers) and Bike Week Canada is coming up in Sanair QC and expecting HUGE crowds with their stellar line up of entertainment - it will prove interesting at the end of the season to look at the official numbers of all three events to see which comes out on top!

In Trenton ON there was a huge welcome home for some of our troops

In the US - the 9/11 ride stretched out over 17 miles and the upcoming ride to honour the flight 93 passengers begins in San Fransisco on Monday

In Russia, Vladimir Putin calls bikers his brothers...

As has become the norm of late, there are a ton of motorcycle crashes to report, visit the Rider Down section on to find out who has been hurt or killed.

There is a TON of news in the feeds today, visit to catch up on the news that can have an effect on your day and your riding plans.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today, PLEASE - ride safely - like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and remember to use respect with that right hand.

Belt Drive Betty,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Score a win for Quebec Riders

CTV Montreal has an interesting article today on the fact that the SAAQ - The Quebec Licence Bureau - will be slashing motorcycle registration fees.

Many of you might remember Operation Escargot, where in Quebec motorcyclists took to the streets slowing traffic to a snails pace to make their point - they were fed up with being raped.

Because of Operation Escargot, the SAAQ went to the round table with Eric Lessard of the Common Front of Motorcyclists and negotiated with the main motorcycle groups in the province.

Lessard went to the discussions armed with statistics that proved that crashes and claims had gone down 350% in spite of the number of motorcycles in that province doubling. While not everyone is happy with the reduction, saying it isn't enough - it sure is a move in the right direction!

You see what can happen people when we put our focus and effort on uniting behind one issue at a time?

This reduction would NEVER have happened if motorcyclists had not united behind this one cause with a common voice. I want to applaud the efforts of people like Lessard - we need more just like him in every province in this country!

New Brunswick is one province that really needs some serious reforms in the way they do things.
The department of Public Safety in New Brunswick is filled with all sorts of little quirks.

For example - if your neighbour does not like your motorcycle, he/she can sign a written complaint where in they feel your motorcycle has been modified. True or not, if they are willing to put their name to it, your motorcycle's registration will be stayed. In other words, when it comes for renewal you will have to produce an engineer's report at the cost of $1,000 on average in order to either prove it has not been modified or that the modifications are safe. Stunning huh!

And if you have a rigid framed motorcycle be warned. If Mr Hoar happens to be the engineer that you call from the list of qualified NB Engineers, you will PROBABLY NOT be successful in having your registration be renewed. This man reportedly hates rigids and believes they are unsafe, at least every article I have read regarding this topic that he has been mentioned in leans that way, so make sure you get an engineer who has no bias and only deals with the structural integrity.

Interestingly enough, New Brunswick is in the process of changing a whole ton about motorcycling. Some of it is very positive too. Last year a female lawyer who was jogging was struck and killed by an inexperienced motorcyclist riding his new to him motorcycle that had under inflated tires. That sparked demands from the deceased lawyer's family to see motorcycles have to be inspected for safety.

The coroner who investigated the death of Caroline Higgins had these recommendations to make:
* Introduce a motor vehicle inspection program for motorcycles
* Introduce a graduated driver's licence for new motorcycle drivers
* Include on-road testing for motorcycle licences
* Introduce mandatory driver education for motorcycle drivers

It is sad that someone had to die for these items to be discussed. It seems to be an epidemic in this country - we know that these things need to be addressed but we will wait for a high profile death or situation to happen before we will do anything - seems to be the mentality in our governments.

Sadly, the number of deaths of motorcyclists that are caused by left turning vehicles are not being addressed in any kind of real and meaningful manner. Neither is the fact that road repairs are being done in a manner so unsafe to motorcyclists as to be extremely scary and NO warning signs are placed.

This past weekend I went to Whitecourt AB for their 8th Annual Toy Run. On my way out, coming into Valleyview, there was a small construction zone. I geared down into first for the gravel section that was evident and was horrified by the drop from the pavement to the gravel - a good three inches - and ZERO warning that there was an uneven surface. Had I hit that section any harder than the 10KPH that I did, I might not have been able to manoeuvre through it.

I have put forth sign designs to our department of transportation representative here in Grande Prairie, Becky Oxton, however, she is no longer returning my emails or calls. She was supposed to investigate if the sign wording and colours were right and acceptable under the highway traffic act but as of this date, almost one full year later - NOTHING.

I guess this fall will see me going to the province because this is unacceptable in my humble opinion. The signs were to identify High Impact collision intersections - where left hand turns have been known to injure and kill riders of motorcycles and bicycles.  I will continue to push to see these signs go up in a pilot project - and hope that one day soon, signs like these will go up all over Canada in every city and community that has High Risk intersections for riders.

As riders, our insurance goes up because of the failure to observe the rules of the road - both on our part, but more often than not, on the part of the drivers of cars, pick-ups etc.  Perhaps we can get someone from the Insurance Institute of Canada to push this initiative.  I also want to start seeing far more signs in construction zones that inform riders of dangers like uneven roads, of pavement grooving and other construction zone dangers.

There is a TON of news from the weekend for you to catch up on...

In Japan, Yamaha is discontinuing the development of large cc motorcycles for it's domestic market.

In the US, Harley-Davidson is keeping a tight rein on motorcycle production.

Triumph is recalling some models from 2011 and 2012 for a potential stalling problem.

Also in the US, the man who killed 4 motorcyclists while reportedly hopped up on meth will be retried after a jury could not reach a decision.

In BC, a lawyer who used to work for the cops has been taken off of a case involving the Hells Angels.

In Ontario, the CMC's Cruise for Critters saw 55 riders sign up, which is more than there were last year when they raised $5,100.

In the Rider Down section of our site there are sadly a ton of crashes, injuries and deaths to report.

For all of the news that might affect your life as a rider, check out to get brought up to speed!

Have you gotten your photo in for our $25 RevZilla Gift Certificate? If not, you only have until Wednesday night to get in on this give away. For the details visit our Contest Page.

Well folks, I have to see if I can finish my video from the Whitecourt Toy Run today - I HATE WINDOWS and one day soon hope to be able to afford a MAC and good video editing software. I spent 15 hours trying to get my project to complete with no success so back to the drawing board with it today.

Please, if you are riding today, ride like everyone around you is blind, make sure your tires are properly inflated, and please, use respect with that right hand...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor of Canada's ONLY weekly Newspaper for the Riding Community -