Friday, September 16, 2011

What are your pet peeves?

There is an article in the news feeds today, a pet peeve from a reader of the Cornwall Seaway News, that is peed about cigarettes and garbage being thrown out of vehicle windows by drivers who don't seem to get what a hazard they cause.

Besides texting and garbage being thrown out of windows - what pet peeve do you have when it comes to the general motoring population?

Mine is those who don't observe or seem to know the rules of the road....

Then there is news out of Quebec today about corruption in the construction industry...hmm, bridges and other infrastructure crumbling and crashing and yet millions and millions spent every year... and the political parties are up to their necks in it apparently! SHOCKING, our governments conduct business that way, DO THEY? I wished you could hear my sarcasm...

My question in all of this - with the anti "gang" laws where in if three or more collude to commit a crime, will these politicians and bureaucrats get jail time or will this be another sponsorship scandal where no one really pays the price for the treason that is enacted?

Yah - I thought so...oh well I guess we can dream that one day politicians and bureaucrats will learn to treat our money - the taxes they collect as sacred and to be used wisely...

Like every day, I love it when you talk to me about the topics of the day!

In other news - our charity calendars are now available for sale!

To see and order the Real Lady's of Motorcycling Calendar click here
To see and order the Motorcycle Men of 2012 Calendar click here
And to see and order the Biker Kidz Calendar click here

In all we are supporting 6 charitable cause - 2 for each calendar and when you order you can choose which charity you want to support for each calendar!

There are a ton of Toy Runs slated for this weekend, make sure you check our Canadian Motorcycle Events Calendar to see what's on in your community.

Or download our Events app - works on 2200 different phones including Android and IPhone!

There is also a ton of news in the news feeds over at  check it out to see what nes might affect your day, week or life!

Until Monday....please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and to use respect with that right hand...the night shift worker you wake up and make crabby just might be an automotive line worker whose sleep deprivation may cause him/her to do something that generates a recall.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do you really trust our governments? REALLY?

I have a burning question.

How much do you trust your government?

Read the article from Open Media about the new internet spying laws they are trying to push through.

The videos below show what is at risk and folks - I know many of you won't take the time to watch these 30 second clips but you really should...

It is horrifying - the invasion of privacy, the sweeping powers the police are being given. It seems to be a global mentality of governments that they need to fear their people. 

Then read the article from Orangeville ON about a bar that is experiencing extreme difficulty with the Ontario Liquor Board and their inspectors.

I think people, it is time to lift our heads out of the sand and start asking some serious questions of our MLA's and MP's.  It is time that we start protecting our Charter Rights and Freedoms before the government takes them away for good and we become a dictatorship and an oppressed land...

Seriously folks - the very things our Armed Forces are fighting - OUR CHARTER RIGHTS and FREEDOMS -  to protect elsewhere are being taken away right under our noses...are you not angry yet?

Do you really think that we should not vigilantly protect the Charter? What the hell are we sending young men and women to die for those rights and freedoms if we ourselves do not care enough about them to protect them here?

Can you puzzle me that one?

Our Guy's and Ladies Calendars are now available for sale...remember we are only going to print what we get orders for - same with the Kid's Calendars - and please remember every calendar is supporting a Canadian based and an American based charity - you get to choose which charity you want to support!

I have a ton to accomplish today and since it is newspaper day, I thought I would leave you to read your provincial newsletters and your national community newspaper - the Busted Knuckle Chronicles.

Please take some time today to check out the news feeds on because there is a TON of news, some of which might affect your day or you life...

Until tomorrow, ride safe, like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and please use respect with that right hand, the person working night shift that you wake up could just be a mail sorter who knows your address...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Every day Hero's - what would you do?

Every now and then the news has a refreshing, heart warming story and today would be one of those days...

Imagine, a BMW pulls out of a parking lot right in front of a motorcycle, the motorcycle slams into the car and fuel from the motorcycle catches fire, the rider is trapped under the car which is now also on fire...that is the scene that played out in Logan Utah.

What would you do if you happened on this scene? Well, a number of people just pitched in and lifted the car off the rider and drug him out from under the burning car. The driver of the car who was in shock just stood there watching.  If you read the article on CNN and watch the video, you will see a whole bunch of good Samaritans in action. Heartwarming, faith reaffirming, stunning - there are so many labels you could put on this scene...and like the man's uncle - I applaud these every day heroes for their quick thinking and selfless actions.  It sure makes you feel better about humanity - doesn't it.

The driver of the car was reportedly driving on the wrong side of the road at Harrison Hot Springs when the crash happened.

One of the first responders was a local resident who also happens to be a's what he had to say about the crash and the driving situation in the lower mainland:

"Lloyd Blazs, who rides a motorcycle himself, says the behaviour of local motorists is frequently terrifying. "I moved out here four months ago and I'm regretting it," he told the Times. "In downtown Vancouver, with all the cars whizzing by, I feel safe. Out here, I'm scared s---less.
"They're speeding, tailgating, dangerous driving, passing on double-solid yellow lines," he added. "I'm a veteran rider and I'm scared here. "It seems to be a pile of undisciplined drivers who, when they get out on the road, it's 'Me, me, me, and the hell with everybody else.'" End quote.

Well Lloyd, you are not alone in your thoughts on this new breed of driver and their selfishness. Here in a small centre like Grande Prairie we are dealing with much the same scenario - rude and thoughtless, no scratch that - clueless is how I view many of the drivers I come across...

I am not sure what it is going to take to make drivers realize that the vehicle they are driving is a weapon if not used properly and I sure as heck don't know how to take these selfish and self absorbed people and get them to consider others and how their actions have a ripple effect...if any of you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

I want to take some time to thank those who visited a young rider in hospital in Calgary over the past week. Carmen Kirsh was involved in a horrid wreck, which saw the driver of the SUV back over top of her. She spent 10 days in Foothills Trauma Centre and the troops rallied to make sure her time there was passed with a bit of joy and friendship. The CMA, the WITW, the Northern Stars Galaxy of the I.S.R.A. - Sandy et al and Jeff LeGrand of the MRFD - thank you so much - Carmen told me that for the first time she feels like she is a part of a community!  She is out of hospital now, very sore, and with a long road ahead to a full recovery.

I also want to thank Jim R for the $100 donation towards helping this little gal - she is a contractor with no wages coming in as a result of the crash and will need some financial support. You can send donations to The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association
10908-102 ST Grande Prairie AB, T8V 2X3 tagged with Carmen Kirsh Injured Riders Fund.

We have about $900 raised for her so far but she is going to need at least $3000 to see her through until section B benefits start coming in - any and all support you can offer - even $20 is going to go a long way to making her recovery a bit easier to deal with.

Like every day I welcome your feedback on what's in the news.

There is a ton of news over on  where we sift through the news so you don't have to...

Please have a safe and enjoyable day out there and remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you...oh and don't forget to use respect with that right hand, the person working nights that you wake up could be a cop and all that will do is put him/her in a real ugly frame of mind...

Until tomorrow...
Belt Drive Betty
Rider & Editor

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Christian Clayton of Sucker Punch Sallys fame passed away in his sleep at the age of 40 on Friday.

Christian and his dad Geri became part of Sucker Punch Sallys in 2003. (The company was originally founded in Ohio by Jeff Cochran and Donnie Loos in 2002.) The stripped down bobbers that the company is famous for are very popular because of their lean look and their affordable price.

Clayton, a family man with a wife and 4 children will be deeply missed in the motorcycle industry, his "Can Do" attitude, his generosity and his smile will be remembered by many. RIP Christian.

And many who are not nearly as famous but none the less deeply loved will be missed, as yet again we have a rash of crashes in the news. 

Some of these people are injured and needing help, some are no longer with us. Our family "WIND" is loosing lot's of people to careless driving and sadly to careless riding...

How do we turn the tides? How do we stop the heartbreak?

So many of the crashes I have read about are caused by people who fail to stop at stop signs, pull u-turns, and are otherwise careless. I had gone this morning to get updated crash stats from Education for the Driving Masses, sadly, that blog is gone, but I came across this one - Families Fighting Careless Driving

The open letter to the politicians of this country is very moving and very direct and blunt.

I would love your thoughts on their proposed changes to the law

I have my opinion, but I want to hear yours first!

On that note, I am signing off today...

I hope you have a most fabulous day, remember to tell the people you love that you love them because you just never know when your turn to leave this world will be...and please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, September 12, 2011


September 11 2001 was an emotional day for many, world wide.

Yesterday as I worked on many projects that need to be accomplished I watched memorials on TV and bowed my head in prayer for all those who are hurting.

The emotion, the feelings that are still raw were very evident.

There are many conspiracy theories and hundreds of questions that need to be answered about that fateful day, but, one thing is certain, no matter what happened to cause the twin towers to come down, no matter what took place in PA and in DC - there are many who are grieving, who hurt and who will never forget their loved ones, colleagues and friends who perished that day.

Bruce Arnold sent me an article from Toronto that points out 34 things about 9/11 that people should be reading and then asking hard questions about.

I have watched many videos and documentaries on the happenings of the days leading up to 9/11 and the weeks after. Like many, I have questions about that day. I am sure there are many who lost loved ones and colleagues that would also like to know the truth about that fateful day.

No matter the questions, no one can dispute the number of lives lost and families who have been affected forever.

My heart goes out to all who lost someone important to them...we will never forget.

In other News:

In International/National News - Power metres in your home are telling tales on you and it is eerily like being wire tapped.

Harley is back in the news for their newest commercial

In Alberta, two riders were critically injured in Clarseholm

In BC, a Nanaimo man is dead following a crash.

In New Brunswick, a 33 year old woman is dead after  mis-navigating a corner

There is a ton of other news from the weekend that you may want to get caught up on. Visit to find out what might affect your day and life.

I am done putting the ladies calendar together and almost done with the men's calendar.
These are going to make great stocking stuffers and will offer great support to the charities that they support. We will have them available for sale shortly - everything is by PRE order only - I am not getting stuck with calendars being left over!

Like every day - I am a busy gal so I will sign off asking you to be please, ride like everyone is out to get you and is blind and please use respect with that right hand...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider