Thursday, September 22, 2011

A true biker's send off....

Trevor Nason was a teacher at Caledonia Regional High School in Hillsborough at the time of his death but had spent the previous two years at Harrison Trimble High School in Moncton.

He was well loved and  if the photo in the article on the CBC web site is any indication - he was respected in the riding community too.  So many people turned out to say a fond farewell and pay their respects that the gent who organized the motorcycle escort requested by Trevor's wife Claudia was shocked:

"It takes your breath away. Really, I mean, look how many people showed up in two days, three days notice booked all their days off work, they took a day off without pay,” Korotkov said. End quote

The teacher and rider got a send off that befitted his charm and character, it's just sad that this couldn't have been a retirement party.

For the rest of the news that might impact your day, please visit our web site because man, there's a lot of it today!

I am off to a meeting in five minutes so I had best hightail it out of here.

Please - if you are riding today, ride like everyone is out to get you and BLIND and use respect with that right hand...

Until tomorrow...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Texting on a motorcycle? Seriously?

There is an article this morning where in a motorcyclist was charged for texting on his motorcycle.

I find it disturbing that anyone who rides a motorcycle could even conceive of a way to text and ride...apparently the young man in question is a habitual offender and was on probation at the time.
I guess there are some that think the rules of the road do not apply to them and I suppose that the justice system will deal with him, but even if he gets the 2.5 - 5 years that could be coming his way, will he learn?
Will he be any different when he comes out. More appropriately - WHAT will he learn while in jail?

Then there is a letter to the editor that was sent in to the Comox Valley Newspaper...

The man was referring to the recent toy run: "This time the picture on the flag was a teddy bear, a cute and cuddly creature intended to deflect criticism of this mass show of force by the lawless."

He goes on to say: "I don't respect anti-social bullies who roar around with their friends for an hour as a public relations exercise so they can continue to get away with breaking the muffler laws for the rest of the year.
I do realize that the majority of motorcyclists are decent people who ride quietly. Unfortunately, these events bring out the other kind, and we have plenty of them in the Valley.
It's time to rethink whether "rides" are the best way to show caring for others." End quote.

I will reiterate what I have said many times in the past.
The reason that so many do not like our community and it's mode of transportation stems from the rude behaviour of some.  

If we do not start policing our own, telling others who exhibit anti social behaviours that their behaviour is not acceptable, then guess what - the vocal minority will win and WILL see our events, parades and other runs shut down.

The only way to preserve and protect our lifestyle is to show consideration for others.
Remember that while we love our motorcycles - not everyone else does or they too would be riding.

How do you stop or curb the anti social behaviours of those that ruin it for everyone else?

By shunning them. Turning your back on the stunter instead of applauding him/her.  

By telling that individual that they need to be respectful with their right hand while participating in a group event and if they are not, then perhaps the next time a group event comes up that that person wants to participate in, asking them to leave.

Telling them that "I am sorry to inform you that the rest of us feel you are a heat score, and we would really rather you not attend this charity ride because we want to support our charity and do this ride for a long time and your conduct puts our charity and event at risk of being shut down."  OR "Your $20 contribution is not worth the stopping of thousands and thousands of dollars that we raise, so please do all of us a favour and go ride somewhere else"...

I wonder if we tried some sincere honesty if we could affect some positive change?

What say you? How can we stop some the silliness and turn the tides of people seeing us as anti social?

Again, there is a ton of news out there. Please take a few moments and visit to see what's happened or is happening that might affect your day and life...

Until tomorrow, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and use respect with that right hand...the mother of a colicky baby will thank you even if she doesn't know that you were respectful...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rider Safety - an issue on a lot of fronts right now...

An article out of Denver today caught my eye. It is about a look twice sign to be placed at intersections that are particulariyl bad for auto-motorcycle crashes.

Here in Grande Prairie AB, our city manager has agreed to host a test project of a similar sign. (Once the information is all put together the project will go to council and we hope, get their blessings!)

It is very rewarding to see what is happening in the US with 25 cities getting involved with the pilot project. The difference in the US? Well there - the Insurance Industry has backed/endorsed the program, here in Canada I was told they would not back any product! Oh well - we will get the signs up here in Grande Prairie next year with or without the blessings of the Insurance Industry.

And another article - this one from Motorbiker - about a study in the Netherlands that says that Daytime Running Lights on all autos will increase the visibility of motorcycles...I am with Motorbiker there - HOW did they come up with that conclusion?

Out of Ontario comes the news that the Sikh community wants the helmet law as an election item...

What part of infringing on the rights of taxpayers don't these people get. Yes I understand the religious aspect of their "fight" but I also know that your charter rights stop when mine are infringed unless they are going to carry extra medical insurance so that when they have a crash with a head injury our taxes are not being used for their care then I say wear a helmet.

After a small hiccup with my blog yesterday it appears we are back on track...I hope you will check in to our web site: to get caught up on all of the news that could affect your day!

I am up to my arse in work as usual so I will sign off wishing you a wonderful day and ask you to PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and to please, use respect with that right hand to protect our lifestyle...

Until tomorrow...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, September 19, 2011

A weekend of mixed blessings

This past weekend I had a wedding to attend so I was unable to go to either Jasper 's Poker Run or Edson's Toy Run. It felt VERY strange not going and yet it was wonderful to spend time with my husband and our friends.

2 of the people who perished because a hatch did not close properly allowing the noxious fumes into the RV they were sleeping in, were a married couple with 8 month old twins.
Words escape me and my heart goes out to everyone involved.

Then there is the article on Alberta's "BIKER GANGS" are growing and flexing their muscle according to an article out of Edmonton..the pictures used by the Edmonton Sun are of one of the Warlocks.

I feel I have stood on this soap box long enough and really want to find a way to educate not only the police but the mainstream media to use correct terminology when they speak about our community but I am afraid...YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID! Especially stupid that is done on purpose and in many cases, the way the police services talk about our community IS done on purpose, to incite appears to be what they do best.

And then there is a heartwarming article from a Salvation Army in New Brunswick and it is proof positive that we bikers answer the call of duty and come through more often that not!  
In Chatham-Kent the Salvation Army has been hit really hard by the poor economy - the demands on the food bank has increased 130% . In fact, the demand was so great that here, in September they had already spent their $35,000 budget.  

According to the article in the Chatham Daily News:
"Eighty bikes and 110 riders from GWRRA, the Northern Cruisers and the CMC took part in the ride.
The participants collected enough non-perishable items from eight grocery stores through-out Chatham-Kent to fill a pick-up truck and nearly 10 skids on Saturday."

Congrats to all who rode and helped out, thank you to all who gave, every donation is a drop of water and see what happens when one can gets added to another - the spirit of giving, the absolute wonderment of prayers being does feel good - doesn't it! It does feel like Christmas in September....

In the business world, Harley is experiencing some major set backs to getting the Chinese to understand leisure riding.  
You see, the governments of some 100 Chinese cities have banned motorcycles. 

From Bloomeberg: About 100 cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai, have restrictions that include banning two-wheel vehicles from elevated highways and major thoroughfares to curb noise and thefts, according to the state-affiliated Society of Automotive Engineers of China

So - to all those here in Canada and the USA who think that it is their inalienable right to see how many people they can upset with excessive and unwarranted this article and see what happens when government decides they have had enough of people like you.

The rest of you - see what happens when we do not stand united to protect our rights and freedoms...YAH - it is real and while it might involve a country that has enormous population compared to ours, look at the restrictions and oppression our community faces in different pockets of this country...think it can't happen here?... YOU AR RIGHT - IT CAN'T - as long as we care enough to work together, to protect this magnificent, wonderful and giving community that is the true biker community...that means teaching consideration,  policing our own and working towards laws that protect those who ride responsibly...

Otherwise, cars, SUV's and pick ups will be what we drive in the future - 365....

Man - I feel like I have been on a roller coaster today and the day has hardly begun!

Our charity calendars are now available for sale!

To see and order the Real Lady's of Motorcycling Calendar click here
To see and order the Motorcycle Men of 2012 Calendar click here
And to see and order the Biker Kidz Calendar click here
In all we are supporting 6 charitable causes - 2 for each calendar and when you order you can choose which charity you want to support for each calendar! With your help the donations will be of a size to do some good - thank you for getting involved!

For those who need something to kick start their heart and get the blood pumping - check out this video in the Funny Stuff section of

I think it was put in Funny stuff because where else do you put it?  That is one WILD video.

I hope that all who are riding today will exercise some extra caution and vigilance - please, ride like everyone around is blind and can not see you! AND PLEASE, protect and preserve our lifestyle by using respect with that right hand...

Until tomorrow,

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider