Friday, March 02, 2012

Tip leads no where

Out of Amsterdam comes a story about the old Hells Angels Club House and a tip that there was a body buried on the property. The house had been torn down a month ago as the city expropriated the property and paid the Angels 400,000 Euros for it.

Police brought an excavator to the property but found nothing except dog and cat carcasses.

I wonder what happens in cases like this where a tip is not a tip? Does the person who gave the false tip have to pay for the costs of the investigation?

In the UK - the "Be a Better Biker" campaign is firing up for it's ninth year. Riders are invited out for a skills assessment and shown how they can improve their skill.

According to the article:
Since the courses began in 2004 there has been a significant drop in biker crashes. As part of the assessment day, riders are taken out on the roads where motorcycle casualties have previously occurred. The 'Be a Better Biker' campaign, has promoted the benefits of post-test training, to ensure that a biker's riding capabilities best match those of their machine. End Quote

I think that's a great idea and would love to see courses like that offered here in Canada.

If anyone knows of free skills assessment days here in Canada, I would love to know where they are located.

Sturgis North has announced that tickets for their second annual event are now available.

There are other articles of interest in the news feeds today, check them out at to see what might affect your day or life as a rider.

I leave you with a few funnies shared with me by friends on Facebook and though emails...

Happy Friday and have a great weekend...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, March 01, 2012

A Vow to jail 300 gang members in 2012

In Copenhagen, the police there are proud of their arrest record. Last year they vowed to jail 250 gang members and succeeded in having 356 with serving time or in custody for gang related crimes.

The claim to have picked of the "low lying" fruit first, the initiates and foot soldiers, now they are going after the middle and top ranking members.

The political will to stamp out gangs is strong in Denmark.

Begin Quote: “There’s evidence that bikers and gangs are parasites on society. They’re profoundly criminal, and there’s a greater need than ever to get rid of them,” the justice minister, Morten Bødskov (Socialdemokraterne), said on Tuesday. The government has committed 50 million kroner in 2012 to a special project aimed at intercepting and preventing gang recruitment in marginalised areas. End Quote

In Helsinki Finland, a member of parliament had himself a liquid night out with the Bandidos and is embroiled in an embarrassing situation. Apparently he left a night club and was invited to an after party, which is where things became embarrassing. He was offered paid for sex, gave a woman a $100 and then told her he didn't need the sex - he said he felt pity for her.

Begin Quote:  Hakkarainen says he regrets the incident, but does not believe it will affect his work or position as an MP. Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner, the Finns Party group leader in Parliament, heard of the whole affair only from HS, and had no wish to comment.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Pekka Ravi (National Coalition Party) was also unwilling to coment beyond saying: "Every Member of Parliament is himself or herself responsible for their behaviour and actions, and it is up to the voters to make judgements. An unfortunate business in any case." End Quote
In North Vancouver BC, the ODD Squad as they are called took10 North Shore high school students a firsthand look at the harsh reality of drug and alcohol addiction.

The Odd squad is comprised of 22 police and former police officers. 

Joe Calendino, a former Hells Angel who runs the Yo Bro Youth Initiative was on hand and talked to the kids about gangs and drugs. 

Begin Quote: "Of course you have regrets," Calendino said. "I can't focus on the negatives that I've had in my life. Every day now for me is a positive."

Calendino has since dedicated his life to educating youth about drugs and gangs. He has presented his message to more than 1,500 youth throughout British Columbia. End Quote

The kids involved in this 'field" trip will now go back to the North Shore and will be
creating a presentation of their own that will outline the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction. They will then go to schools across the North Shore and teach students in grades 7 and 8 about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.

What a great program, it's one I think there needs to be a lot more of in this country.

What are your thoughts?

There is a TON of other news in the feeds - visit to see what there is in them that might affect your day or life as a rider.

Our Show 'n' Shine ended last night - thanks to our sponsors and all of the competitors who helped me suffer from PMS just a little less than normal! We will announce the winners and their prizes tomorrow!

If you subscribe to the Busted Knuckle Chronicles, Canada's ONLY weekly newspaper for riders - then I hope you are enjoying today's edition - we have begun printing the events calendar lists - this week was western events, next week will be eastern events. Our events calendar is highly shareable, is in a mobile version and in an FREE APP - so EVENT COORDINATORS - what are you waiting for - make sure your 2012 events are listed!

I leave you with a few funnies, shared by friends on Facebook and by email to start your Thursday off the right way - with laughter...

Have a fantastic day...
Belt Drive betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rick Mercer for Prime Minister

I have been on a soap box for 10 years - 8 of them attempting to engage Canadian Riders to get involved, to take care of the freedoms that our soldiers fight and die to protect - to engage, do something - anything for some fair and equitable treatment of the riding community.

The job I do, the chair I sit in, allows me to see a broad variety of information daily.
I get it coming at me from all sorts of places and as much as I read, as informed as I work at being, well even I only have a small sliver of the truth or knowledge that is out there.

People, we need to look at the way the human life is valued by our justice system, the laws, the law makers, the enforcers and the judiciary and we need to change things - FAST.

Riders are dying because of drunk drivers, distracted drivers, drivers doing dangerous things like passing on a double solid in a curve.  Their families are devastated - as are their communities - and what response do we get from the justice departments? The riding community?

Let's put this into perspective:

The fine for loud pipes - well you know peace and quiet is worth more than a human life so how about $250, $500 all the way to $10,000 depending on if you repeat the offence or not..and depending on where you live...

Blow a stop sign and kill a rider - get a $175/ failing to stop or how about pass when illegal and unsafe to do so and kill a rider? $140.

I was told I should run for office but yah know what I am not the right person for the job and I know that in my heart.

I share a joke on Facebook it gets shared 10 ways to Sunday, share something of importance - that affects our community and - I might get 20-30 comments, no or little sharing, no meaningful outcomes. 

So I decided that since humour seems to be what people respond to the best, that I would offer up the one person I believe has the power, the ability to make people laugh and get involved...

My friend Medric in Nova Scotia actually sent me a question a few days back about whether I thought this man would be good for our country and my answer was a resounding Hell YEAH!

He has the audience, the intelligence and the personality.  Being a gay man, he also knows what persecution and ridicule are about. (Of that I have no doubt - read some of his articles and interviews some time). He knows what having one's rights trod on is all about too, of that I am pretty sure.

He has a common sense attitude and approach that people find refreshing and since he's already a celebrity, he knows how to deal with the press, people and does a damned good job of keeping it real.

Yes, Rick Mercer, the man is a genius and should be our Prime Minister because if anyone has half a chance at uniting the Canadian people, of setting us on a path of correction, I think he's the one.

Folks, isn't it time we started something meaningful towards the preservation of Canada as a Free country?

RICK MERCER FOR PRIME MINISTER - whose with me and Medric on this thought?

In the mean time, there is another disturbing article out of New Jersey.

A man who allegedly was texting while driving and injured two riders - both of whom lost a leg in the crash - will not face criminal charges.

After chatting with a bunch of the guys and dolls from BCCOM it was suggested that Adele Tompkins head up a National Rights organization here in Canada - I would be all for that and support that move 100% - now if they can only convince Adele that she is the right gal for the job!

Let's see if there is enough public will to change things in this community and start pushing  - get behind a riders rights organization where you live, write your MP, your MLA - let's inundate these people with letters until they start hearing us.

Today is the last day of voting in our Online Show 'n' Shine...once the numbers are gone over we will announce the winners for each category - look for that announcement next week!

We have the issue of articles not appearing fixed, if you come across anything else that does not appear to be working right - please let us know - this moving of our site will be completed once the contest is over - we could not complete the move without disturbing the voting process so - hooray - we move to a dedicated server this weekend which will speed up our site tremendously!   It will take 5 or so days to complete the move and I for one can not wait for that to happen!

I leave you with a few funnies, shared with me through emails and by friends on Facebook - hope they give you the giggle you need to start your day off the right way...

Have a fabulous Wednesday - Leap day...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two years less a day...

There is sad and tragic news out of BC. The Province reports that the 25 year old man, Dharamjit Singh Bains, who hit motorcyclist Alex Heibein and then ran, had his parents cover for him (they were given a six month conditional sentence for providing false statements) and didn't turn himself in for two years - got two years less a day.

Begin Quote:
On June 2, 2007 Heibein was riding his new Harley-Davidson motorcycle to work, heading west on Highway 10 shortly after midnight, when a Dodge Caravan driven by Bains turned in front of him.

Heibein tried to brake but crashed into the passenger side of the van and was dragged as the vehicle turned left on to 148th Street. He died at the scene.

Bains, of Surrey, and his two passengers bailed out of the van and ran away. End Quote

So what does that say for any possibility of any kind of justice for Orion Hutchinson's family?

Has the precedent has been set by this case as to the worth of a motorcyclist's life?

This young man, hit Alex, ran, lied, hid for two yeas but wait - that's not the best far from it - HE WAS ON PROHIBITION - he had 4 previous prohibitions and racked up TWO 24 hour suspensions AFTER the crash that killed Alex.

Begin Quote: Crown prosecutor Brad Kielmann said Bains was prohibited from driving at the time of the crash — his fifth prohibition. After the incident he racked up two more 24-hour suspensions plus other driving infractions. End Quote

AND "he had earlier pleaded guilty to charges of dangerous driving causing death and leaving the scene of an accident in connection with the death of 41-year-old Alex Heibein of Mission."

Seriously - we have these supposed new tough drinking and driving laws that make a person a criminal if they have a glass of wine with supper and then when someone does this - kills another human being - this is the sentence that is given? Are you kidding me?

Is it just me or is there something, gravely wrong with this system, beginning with the law makers, the laws, the enforcers and the courts?

So what  - he's going to be on probation and loose his license for 5 years - he was on prohibition at the time of the crash - what is this world coming to?

Am I the only one who is angry and offended here?

Does anyone care that the young man who was killed had a mom, dad, family?
 Would the sentence be different if it had been a politician's family member or that of the mayor or some other community leader?

Is this really just a motorcyclist issue? 

Or is it a justice system issue?

I would love to think - as horrible as it sounds that it is a justice system issue.

Are the judges in these cases hogtied by the law - is it too lenient? 

Is this discretion by the judge?

What is the issue...if anyone has an idea - I would dearly love to know.

There are some news feed items up - that are appearing and working well for everyone - and then there a bunch I had to shut off because we are having some sort of component interference on some categories of our news and the articles are not showing properly - bare with us as we resolve the issue. 

Come see what is up for viewing over at oh and remember - only two days left to vote in our online show n shine!

I leave you with some funnies, because I seriously need to giggle after a second day in a row of weird computer/web technology issues - I NEED A LAUGH!

Have a fabulous Tuesday everyone, I'm going for a nap and trying this over again....

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, February 27, 2012

Top Cops get hacked

It appears that the group Anonymous is not going to let up on anyone who supports Bill C30.

The Ontario Provincial Police web site was reportedly hacked by Anonymous who then posted the private email addresses and passwords of Administrators and Top Ontario cops.

In a tit for tat move meant to embarass Ontario Cops and to warn the public officials that support Bill C30 that they could be next - Anonymous also wants them to know how it feels to have your personal information exposed.

While turning the tables on them may feel good, Open Media is concerned that the tactics will overshadow the message...

I am still split on how I feel about Anonymous tactics - on one hand I do wonder how the cops and the government  feel having the tables turned on them and yet - I never much cared for bullies.

In this case, the government and the police services are who are being bullied.

With these tactics of theirs, Anonymous can make a point - but will it be the right one?

Open Media has been working for the freedom of the internet for quite some time now and has a fantastic web site filled with all of the news on Bill C30, Vic Toews and his bumblings among a host of other vital information on the Giant Telecoms, cell phone & internet fees and more.

Supporting them makes good sense for all Canadians in my humble opinion.

Anonymous? Well one thing can be said for sure - vigilantes are never appreciated by government or police services and Canadians appear split over how they feel about their tactics.

So my questions for the day:

How do YOU feel about the message that Anonymous has for the police and elected public officials who support Bill C30.

How do YOU feel about the tactics Anonymous is using?

In other news:

Cops in Manitoba have snared what they call the national president of a gang

In the US, Steve Ruis, the Hells Angel member suspected of killing a fellow member during the funeral for another member, surrendered to police

Also in the US, a retired stockbroker visits1,191 Iowa communities by motorcycle.

An article on riding from Bangalore India, proves yet again, riders are riders, no matter where you live...

There are many other items in the news that may be of interest to you, visit to check it out.

Only a few days left to vote for your favourite bike in the 2012 Beat the PMS Blues online Show 'n' Shine!

I leave you with a few funnies, shared with me by friends on Facebook and through emails...I hope they bring a giggle to your Monday Morning!

Have a Fabulous Monday..

Belt Drive Betty
Editor &am Ride