Friday, June 08, 2012

Political Correctness...

In the name of being politically correct, Swedish authorities have denied a man who has held the license plate number "666" since 2007, the right to renew the plate saying it MAY be offensive to some people.

Ok folks, I am going out on a limb here.

The number of Satan - the Beast, the 666 - I get that that is what the numbers represent, but is it really alright to tell someone that because it is potentially offensive to some; does that really mean he shouldn't get to renew his plate? Why was it OK in the beginning and now it's not?  If it's not OK now, when did legislation come in saying it wasn't and who decides this stuff?

Maybe I am being thick, but seriously?  I see far more disgusting and offensive things in the games kids play and the crap that is on TV.  I see worse in advertising and on clothing and in tattoos, piercings.

Let the man have his plate, then I know to stay away from him.

Let the 1% ers wear their patches - at least as a citizen, I can choose to take a wide birth if I want to.

What is this world coming to?  We are so scared of the most ridiculous of things but don't appear to look at the things out there that truly deserve our fear.

A new report is out that says more bikers are dying as a result of the ability to go helmet less.
Advocates for safety liken the helmet law to the seatbelt law and feel that there should be a helmet law in every state in the US, of course anti helmet groups say they deserve the right to choose.

Various reports I have read, talk about the cost of head traumas etc on the medical system and say bikers should pay higher insurance etc.

Well, again, I have to wonder here.

Which side is the right side to be on? Helmets or no helmets?

I wear a helmet - by choice. Yes I live in a province that makes me wear it, but even if I didn't I think I would. I am not as young or as carefree as I once was and it takes longer for me to heal.  The older I get the less I like pain, and the number of times that road debris has hit me in the helmet makes me glad I wear one.
Often times the road debris issue is why beanies are worn - simply to avoid the small hurts that can take your concentration off of your riding.

BUT, as a thinking human being I want to look at the other side of this conversation....for those who would rather go with out, they have their reasons. They like the feel of the wind in their hair or on their bald head. They like the fact that the extra noise produced by helmet straps is gone. They like feeling natural. In many cases where I see riders who choose to not wear a helmet, they often do not wear much for protective gear.  I remember being that person when I was in my 20's. Many, I think, would rather die in a crash than end up crippled or vegetative or dying of some disease that makes you linger and be a burden...

In so many ways and on so many topics, I am tired of the governments around the world being a nanny state.

I understand the laws regarding children and protecting them since there appears to a shortage of parents who can think for themselves - but I have to wonder how much the nanny state is responsible for that situation?

Everywhere you go, in everything we do, the abuser destroys the rights and freedoms of those who do tend to be rational, considerate and thoughtful. We pay through ridiculous laws, increased costs of licensing etc. We put up with discriminatory noise bylaws and on and on it goes.

I AM SO TIRED OF THE SELFISH - THE ATTENTION SEEKERS - ON BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN (The abuser & politician who make knee jerk reaction laws) - the ones who taint and poison everything good because they do not stop to think about the consequences of their conduct. They cut off their noses to spite their faces every time.

Perhaps if we hadn't allowed the governments to take away the rights of parents because a small minority of parents were idiots and shouldn't have been allowed to have kids - we would have far more caring, empathic people in the world.

Perhaps if we hadn't made it so teachers couldn't discipline kids in any meaningful way we'd have polite adults these days.

I remember a time not that long ago, where parents taught their kids, schools reinforced the teachings and we had a pretty decent society.  Now a days though we have a society of those who feel they are more privileged than anyone else, we have more people with no or a very confused moral compass.

Things started going to hell in a hand basket when all parents were penalized by the actions of a few.  When all teachers were penalized for the actions of a few. It is happening in the motorcycle community - we are loosing our rights because of the actions of a few.

When are we ever gonna get it that the individual should pay the price for their actions instead of the whole community?

Bad Pit Bull owners has equated to all Pit Bulls being restricted or banned - the good owners, the ones who shower their pet with love and affection and have good dogs as a result are forced to make their pets wear muzzles when out of doors. The many pay for the sins of the few.

Bad Parents have given us poor employees, poor customer service, but the parents who have invested themselves in their kids and have turned out good ones, did so in spite of the unbalanced and unequal laws on the books and I applaud them.

Bad asses on motorcycles have caused those who use their louder pipes as one of many tools in their urban jungle self defence toolbox to have that tool removed for them.  Discriminatory laws are penalizing all of us because of the few.

Why shouldn't the abuser, the offender be left to pay the price for their actions - why should entire segments of society be force to pay a price?  The laws that are there rely so much on discretion which is tainted by bias and personal experiences - likes and dislikes.

What are the answers to turning this stuff around?

I am not sure there are any. We as the human race seem hell bent on destroying everything that is wondrous from our plant - to our kids and the recreations and pets we share our lives with - all of the integrity, responsibility, the fun and beauty is being legislated out of life...

As my grade 9 social studies teacher, Mr. Delhon, used to say - Common sense is not too common.

We really are our own worse enemy...

I had a thought on the insurance side of this issue, perhaps with the extreme cost of obesiety on the health care system, there should be a health insurance tax put on certain foods like French Fries, pop that as me being a sarcastic old bag.

I would love your thoughts on these topics!  HELP a poor confused old broad figure this stuff out - will yah!

I leave you with a few funnies, shared with me by friends on Facebook and through emails!

Have a great weekend and please, whatever event you attend, where ever the road takes you - ride carefully - ride aware - I am a selfish bitch - I want my friends around for a while - K...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, June 07, 2012

When those who uphold the law manipulate situations....

There is a rather confusing article in The Province today. It involves Ian Toothill and a Vancouver Const. John Bercic and an unapproved sound measuring device.

Ian claims that he was railroaded by an overzealous cop and that the officer used his PERSONAL sound metre to had out over 100 noise violations.

You see it would appear that there are 2 different sections of law applying to "Motorcycle Noise"...

Begin Quote: 
“I was railroaded,” said Tootill.

Crown counsel Elizabeth Wolfram argues the ticket was correctly issued and upheld in Traffic Court in 2010.

“There is no way this was a miscarriage of justice,” she said.

Court heard that Bercic handed out 100 noise tickets in 2008, the most of any VPD officer.

Wolfram said Bercic handed out the most tickets because he had the “training and expertise, probably the most in the department.”

She said Bercic, who has ridden a Harley himself on the job for 20 years, heard the noise from Tootill’s bike to be “twice as loud” as permitted.

Court heard that Bercic used his personal testing equipment. Toothill introduced as evidence letters from the VPD and Attorney General Shirley Bond which said such equipment is not permitted.

But Wolfram said the use of personal testing devices was irrelevant because Tootill was convicted under a different section of the Motor Vehicle Act.

That section only requires an officer’s subjective view that the noise exceeds limits.

“The officer’s professional expertise gives him the ability to determine whether a motorcycle is unnecessarily loud,” she said. End Quote

WOW - so if the what the crown says is true - there is no need for all of this J2825 non sense and the expenses that have occurred as a result.  We were already at the mercy of the police! Imagine that!

Hmmm, so riddle me this: Why has the J2825 and all of these motorcycle ONLY noise bylaws come into effect if the police could just say - "I know it was too loud" to begin with?

I must be getting feeble, either that or something stinks - what say you?

I WOULD LOVE your opinions!

It is a busy day in the news feeds so please take some time to check them out at where our job is keeping YOU informed!

Have a fantastic Thursday - for those who subscribe to the Busted Knuckle Chronicles, Canada's only weekly newspaper for the Motorcycle Community...hope you enjoy all 80 some pages!

I leave you with a few funnies shared with me by my zany friends on Facebook and through emails.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Sad news out of Alberta - and being our own worst enemies

A rider from Calgary died last night after a crash near Bragg Creek.  My heart goes out to this rider's family and loved ones.

As many of you know I was away to take part in the R 2 R (Ride to Remember the Holocaust), the Never Again Pledge on Parliament Hill, the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial Commemoration and the Heroes Highway Ride.

These 4 amazing events have touched my heart in so many ways.


But and there is always a BUT it seems...
You know me, I am seldom one to blow sunshine up anyone's arse and as amazing as these events were, they were all marred in some small way by some who had different agendas than the intent of the events and their coordinators.

In the case of the R 2 R, the Never Again Pledge and the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial Commemoration, there was a faction of the Jewish community from the US that did not appear to get the significance of Jews and Christians working together to preserve Israel, to support Israel and to declare that Never Again should anyone experience a Holocaust OR Genocide.

In her radio broadcast on Monday, Joyce Kaufman spoke to the issue and let me tell you that lady does not mince her words.

She was very angry and disappointed over the conduct of the few Jewish Americans who behaved so badly. Joyce also spoke to the actions of a few Canadian motorcyclists that was rather disappointing.

Howard Galganov, the organizer of the 2012 R2R and the Never Again Pledge, is himself vocal about the agendas of the people in the Jewish community.

Begin Quote:
"Essentially – The event on Parliament Hill was an incredible success. And the event at CFB Trenton was an equally incredible success, even though Stein and Prager brought great shame upon the Jewish Community by reneging on their promises and commitment to CFB Trenton.
What will follow this editorial will be a series of stories written in several editorials describing the events, since they all deserve to be told in their entirety.

Never before what transpired with this R2R had I ever really understood how we, the Jewish people are our own worst enemies.

But I know now.

Very few people within the Jewish community would write what will be forthcoming, since we prefer to air our dirty laundry indoors. But, hiding the truth within our own cultural walls is how we have come to know so much misery in the past.

The next editorial will cover amongst other things how the Pledge of NEVER AGAIN on the HILL got started, to where SOME members of the JMA (USA) demanded that Christians be excluded from the R2R, even though the Christian Riders paid an enormous cost in distance, time and money to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jews in their commitment to NEVER AGAIN." End Quote 

Follow Howard's blog and let him tell you what took place. Here is a link to his archives so you can read the three editorials on the situation and the ones that will be forthcoming:

There are lessons in his posts that I believe we can ALL learn from.

Now for a strictly motorcycle community issue - there was a situation regarding the HHR. Certain people with what I believe to be a personal agenda did their best to hurt the ride.  I am not going to get into the details as I refuse to give these people any kind of forum, but suffice it to say that their best was not good enough as the ride and day was a resounding and glorious success.

Many of you might ask so which was it Betty, were these events really amazing or were they tainted?

I say to you that these events, in spite of the actions of a few, were utterly fabulous.

When you are doing things from a place in your heart that is sincere, filled with integrity and general goodness, things always turn out for the best.

The biggest lesson I got from being an observer of the situations that took place is that GOOD does TRIUMPH.

The next lesson I learned was that my grandmother was right when she counselled me as a little girl that: "There is a little bit of good in the worst of us and a little bit of bad in the best of us."

That statement for me has an even deeper meaning about community. You see while I know I am a mix of good and not so good, that I am a creature of personal evolution and growth who is working on my shortcomings...I also realize that our community - the motorcycle community, is filled with good people and some not so good and others who are deeply misguided and or misinformed, unenlightened.

Like Joyce and Howard, I see we motorcyclists as our worst enemy in the way that they see Jewish people as their own worst enemies. Now before you jump down my throat and say not all of us - I KNOW THAT... and so do they.

Jews have been discriminated against for decades, bikers have faced the challenges of discrimination for some 70 or so years. The Holocaust happened some 70 years ago.
Soldiers have died, their families have paid such high prices - millions of Jews died in the Holocaust and their families paid a huge price.

There are interesting parallels here.

For those who chose to further their personal agendas be they of the community of Jew, Motorcyclist or both...I wonder why they were unable to see the significance of what was taking place in all 4 events and why they would not want to be full participants.

I wonder why they could not look at the bigger picture and do what was right.

I wonder why it is that ego always get in the way. Kind of like the Loud Pipes Issue - those few who abuse them are costing the rest of us to be penalized taking away one of the tools in our self defence strategy in the Urban Jungle.

In ALL communities, in all of man kind, there are those who attempt to ruin all of the good things in life - as the old saying only takes one rotten apple to ruin the entire barrel...

I say to you, that good will always over come. It may take time, years, decades, centuries, but good will always win out. As long as good men and women share, speak and act, good will always prevail - but remember....

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Good did triumph that day on Parliament Hill because good people did something, they ignored the actions of the few and continued on with what they knew in their hearts was the right thing to do and they looked upon those who had different agendas and prayed for them that they would become enlightened and see the bigger picture.

It did at CFB Trenton and it did for the HHR when a Silver Cross Mother made an emotional and passionate statement about what the ride meant to her.

As I move through this life and work at improving myself as a human being I am reminded that all we need to do to change our world is to change our thoughts - the rest all follows and flows from there.

Today my thoughts turn back to the magnificence, the joyfulness and the true meaning of brother and sisterhood and away from the sadness, confusion and disillusionment.

I thank my creator for allowing me to be a part of the sincere and moving ceremonies that took place. I thank my creator for allowing me to meet and bond with some of the most inspiring and wonderful people. God is GOOD! No matter what name you call him by - God is VERY, VERY GOOD.

I wish you all an opportunity to feel as blessed and fortunate as I feel.
The lightness in my heart feels utterly fabulous!

Read about the Never Again Pledge in tomorrows Busted Knuckle Chronicles.
The coverage of the Heroes Highway Ride will happen the following Thursday!

Don't forget folks - if you are heading to Sturgis for the Black Hills Rally - we are giving away two tickets to see Eric Church at the Buffalo Chip - THESE ARE VIP TICKETS with tons of perks all courtesy of RUSS BROWN!!!!

All you have to do to win is submit a photo of your motorcycle when she is dirty - you know AFTER you have ridden her and BEFORE you bath her!

Check out for the news of the day and the contest information!

I leave you with a few funnies, shared with me by friends on Facebook and through Email...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor and Rider

Monday, June 04, 2012

Service and Sacrifice - the hallmark of the Heroes Highway Ride

This past week has been one of the busiest I have had in a long time. I flew in to the Toronto Pearson Airport last Sunday, was picked up by Lou DeVuono of the Heroes Highway Ride and whisked off to the BAN event. After watching with much dismay the way in which the testing was done, completely falling out of the J2825 protocol, Lou and I headed to Port Perry.
one of the tests being conducted at the BAN event
The next morning I got on the gorgeous motorcycle lent to me for the week by Classy Chassis in Lakefield. The 103 Screamin Eagle and I took about an hour to bond but bond we did.
You could not wipe the grin off my face - what a great machine to ride!
We met up with Graeme Hume and Howard Galganov and the 4 of us headed to the Poconos to meet up with riders from the M25 - a Christian Motorcycle Ministry and members of the Jewish Motorcycle Alliance. Our destination was to be Ottawa and the Never Again Ceremony on Parliament Hill.  I had the great honour and privilege of riding with Trapper Cane, the National President of the CAV (Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units).  Trapper took some time with me when we were on the Hill the night before the Never Again rally to talk to me about the buildings on Parliament Hill and what they housed and symbolized. I was in awe of this man's knowledge and love for our country.

Trapper Cane - a grizzled veteran who told
an amazing story of an Auschwitz Tattoo
The day of the Never Again Rally dawned bright and sunny and saw somewhere around 450 riders and about 500 non riders take the Pledge of Never Again - No more Holocausts, No more genocides - I urge you to read this coming Thursday's Busted Knuckle Chronicles for the full story!

After the moving ceremony on Parliament Hill 175 motorcycles made their way towards Trenton. 50 of them would stay on to take part in the Heroes Highway Ride.  As we headed towards CFB Trenton memories flashed in my mind's eye of being a little girl, my dad so handsome in his uniform, holding me in his arms on this very base. I was amazed how little has changed on the base but as we would find out at the dedication services for what will become the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial, many big changes will be happening at CFB Trenton.

After another moving ceremony, we riders were invited to take part in a BBQ at the Junior Officers Mess - it was wild having the members of the military serve us and thank us for being there and for supporting them.

Graeme Hume delivered an emotional speech of welcome
to all of the riders and what the
Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial means
Friday it rained all day and I and my room mate, Joyce Kaufman - an American Journalist, radio and TV show host took advantage of a down day. She did her writing and photo editing and I did the same and also got all of the articles that had come in for the paper edited and off to Darryl our layout artist. Finally done all my work at 8pm I was able to visit with a friend from Belleville and later took some time to visit with the various people who joined the meet 'n' greet in the Loyalist Room of the Holiday Inn.

Joyce Kaufman - a vocal freedom fighter
and journalist that I came to know, love and respect immensely
I finally had the opportunity to meet the world renowned author Don Norris - what an honour. The man is so talented and so warm.  I also had the distinct pleasure and honour of meeting Darlene Cushman. Darlene is a Silver Cross mother who lost her son in Afghanistan in 2007 and she and I spent a great deal of time talking and sharing. I can not express to you what a valiant and amazing woman she is and hope you will read the coverage of the Heroes' Highway Ride and Darlene's story about why this ride is so important to her in the June 14th Edition of the Busted Knuckle Chronicles.

L- R Lou, Darlene and Trapper Cane
While the number of bikes coming in from outlying areas for the event were down, hampered by the violent storms of Friday night, I was gratified to see three parking lots at the base be filled with riders - as I walked around, talking to people and taking photos - I was on the lookout for any police profiling activities.  I had been promised by the organizer of the HHR that inspite of the fact that this ride was going in to Toronto and would have a huge police presence that the police had agreed to allow any Canadian, any rider who came regardless of patch to attend and show their support of the troops and would for this one day leave their agenda as police officers behind.

I am happy to report that no one was hassled or profiled as was evidenced by some of the three piece and one percent clubs that were present. The concerns that many had over the safety of the event due to the riders being broken up into smaller groups to leave the base did not materialize and while the display of the bikes may not have been as impressive as a solid procession, the ride went off with only one hiccup.

That hiccup involved somewhere around 25-30 bikes who had jumped out ahead of the lead group of bikes - apparently they were waiting at one of the rest stops to get ahead of the ride. The OPP moved the group of riders to the centre lane in order for the main parade of bikes to go by and and as these riders slowed down - they caused - unfortunately a car and a truck to end up in a collision behind them, but from what I hear no one was hurt.  I was way back of the front of the group so I never saw what transpired and sooner than go on hearsay and speculation I am waiting to hear from the OPP as I have a call into them to find out exactly what happened and why.

When we arrived in to Toronto, the Toronto Metro police had the express lanes shut down on the Don Valley Parkway and all 2,500 - 3,000 bikes arrived safely.  We were greeted by a display of the military, fantastic vendors, wonderful music and an incredible show - with Lou receiving the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal for his work in recognizing the troops. (He was nominated by Wayne Johnston of the Wounded Warriors and Mike Blais of  the CVA.)  Several members of the CAV were also award the Diamond Jubilee medal for their work in supporting veterans.

Darlene Cushman gave an amazing and heartwarming speech about what the Heroes Highway Ride means to her as a Silver Cross Mother and there was not a dry eye in the place. Comments swirled around me about how people just wanted to hug her.  Her pain and loss was so palpable.

I do not want to dilute the coverage of the event in the Busted Knuckle so I will leave you to exploring on Facebook and in the many other social networking sites to see the photos and videos that other people have taken.

It was a proud day to be a biker, a Canadian and a human being.

I am editing videos and naming photos for the rest of the day after I take that pretty, pretty machine I have been riding for the last week back to Classy Chassis.

There are so many people that I need to thank including the guys and dolls of Classy Chassis, Mackie H-D for their amazing efforts to get one of the bikes from South Carolina that had broken down - repaired - they even lent that rider a bike so he could take part in the HHR - all of the vendors, the musicians, my brothers and sisters from the CAV, Howard Galganov, Joyce Kaufman - the list goes on and on - amazing people doing amazing things to help each other, and to support our troops - I want to thank Lou and his wife Anne, Graeme and his wife Ann, the members of the Canadian Forces at CFB Trenton - the work, love and dedication that was portrayed were nothing short of miraculous.

Congratulations to all who did their part - for one day you were all Heroes in my eyes - thank you for making the 4th HHR fabulous.

I have already heard some of the plans for the 5th Annual Ride - which will be again changed up this time leaving from a smaller community like Whitby and turning around to end up in Trenton - I do not wish to betray any confidences about the 2013 ride until Lou and Graeme are ready to have the information made public but rest assured that the HHR's 5th ride will be unparalleled in the experience it will offer the rider and the military personal that it will honour all.

The news feeds are quiet so far this morning and Ali will be checking up on them later today to ensure that as we find out about the things that can affect your day and your life as a rider are made avaialbe to you as soon as possible.

Visit where our job is keeping You informed.

I leave you with a few funnies shared with me by some of the zaniest people in the world - my Facebook and email friends!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider