Saturday, December 29, 2012

Great Canadian Bike Rally under siege

Mike and Paul Fairfield are two  of the most likeable people on the planet, but the father and son team are being sued not only by Community Futures but now by the City of Merritt.

For those of you attended the 2012 GCBR - you know just how bad the policing was there and you know that the organizers were sick about it.  They knew people were leaving town in droves and there was nothing they could do about it.

I have hosted motorcycle events and I am here to tell you that if a police officer - in particular the commanding officer of a regain decides they don't like motorcycles and or the event coordinator - LOOK OUT.

In 2007 I hosted a fatal bike show in Olds Alberta. The commanding officer of the Sylvan Lake region decided he didn't like my attitude of not banning "Illegal Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Colors" and the next thing I knew I had patrol cars parked at every event entrance, people were being jacked up left right and centre, people who didn't ride were terrified to come into the event and when the dust cleared I lost 100K dollars and it damned near killed my business. It really hurt my spirit for a long time too.

The pain and effort it took to get out from under 100K in loss I have no way to express.

My only saving grace is most of it was credit card debt, that was negotiated down, otherwise I could have been in the same boat as the Fairfield's.

No one helped me to over come that debt. I had to bear it and deal with it on my own and it took a huge toll on me. Although I had every right in the world to lay formal complaint against the conduct of the RCMP, I chose not to for fear of reprisal.

I am deeply disappointed in the City of Merritt and Community Futures in the Nicola Valley for the way this rally is being handled.  These two organizations should, in my humble opinion be working with Paul and Mike, towards a resolution where they support this event and it's financial benefit to the region.

Every rider that comes to a community to support an event spends an average of close to $300+ per day over and above rally registration fees. They may choose not to register for the rally itself but come to take in the free oration of the event to see what it's all about.

$100+ for rooms, $20-40 on fuel, $100+ on food, $100+ on souvenirs and sundry items.
If 2,000 riders come out to the event that's $600,000 that is brought into the region. 4,000 riders represent 1.2 million dollars and so on...

Even if all of those riders only came to town for a day ride, the economic benefit to the community would still be in excess of $300,000 for 2,000 visitors.

The math is pretty easy to do. So why is it that no one is fighting to keep the rally alive?
Why is the local Chamber not stepping up? Have they not been approached? I don't know.

Win, loose or draw - the lawyers fees alone will kill their dream. The anti rider sentiment the RCMP of the region appeared to exhibit will leave such a horrible taste in everyone's mouth that fewer riders will go out to support their event even if they should somehow find a way to pull it off again.

I am hard pressed to find the justice here - when you compare the two large events BC has attempted to host; Sturgis North and the GCBR - hands down the better of the two events was Merritt, and yet they are being black balled and an event like Sturgis North that has hurt so many people has found a way to continue - it does not seem right to me.

I want to help Mike and Paul - I know their heart is in the right place.
I believe Western Canada deserves a really good, BIG rally.
I highly doubt, given the circumstances and the seemingly anti biker sentiments that appear to exist in Merritt, that their rally will be able to live on.

These two riders are going to end up loosing everything they have worked their life for.

Anyone got any ideas on how we could help Mike and Paul? Does anyone care?

These are the questions on my mind this morning...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Friday, December 28, 2012

Omnibus Bill C-45 and why the Indigenous community is fighting for ALL Canadians

I don't know how many of you are following the "Idle No More" movement but I have been watching it grow with much interest. I know this is not motorcycle related but it is important to anyone who likes clean water to drink among other things...and I have been asked by some of my riding buddies on Facebook to talk about this subject.

Omnibus Bill C-45 is over 400 pages long and includes changes to the Navigable Waters Act, the Indian Act, the Fisheries Act and the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act among other things.

I spent some time on the Idle No More blog, reading and educating myself on Chief Spense's hunger strike, the entire movement and all of the bills that violate the Untied Nations Declaration on the RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES.

Their blog provides volumes of information and history and a measured and wise plan of action.

I am very surprised and pleasantly so by their re-awakening and I hope that translates into other re-awakenings .

I am copying an excerpt from a blog post on "Idle No More

Begin Quote: Again, this is a two-pronged attack on our democratic processes, as this bill seems designed toshort-circuit parliamentary discussion of major legislative changes that would significantly reduce opportunities for public consultation.

Bill C-45 would further undermine the protection of Canadian nature by making substantial changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA, proposed to be the Navigation Protection Act), the Fisheries Act and the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act — critical laws that were once used to steward a sustainable environment, clean water and healthy oceans for all Canadians.

Together, the changes proposed in the omnibus bill would further weaken Canada’s environmental laws, remove critical federal safeguards, and reduce opportunities for the public to have their say about projects that could threaten the air, water, soil and ecosystems on which all Canadians, and our economy, depend.

The proposed changes to the NWPA are disturbing on several levels. The result is that the vast majority of Canada’s lakes and rivers would no longer enjoy proactive federal navigation protection under the new act. Instead, concerned citizens would be forced to spend their time and money in the courts fighting to protect their rights to unobstructed waterways. For those water bodies that remain “protected,” the changes would also eliminate all automatic public participation from decision-making, allowing the minister of transport to fast-track specific projects without even notifying, let alone consulting, the public.

Changes to the Fisheries Act, also buried in the bill, would further dismantle this key environmental law by giving industry the option to request that their existing commitments to protect fish habitat be amended or cancelled, or that they be let off the hook for promised compensation for lost or damaged habitat.

The changes in Bill C-45 would also eliminate the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, an independent body charged with making science-based decisions to protect Canadians from toxic chemicals and hazardous materials in the workplace. This could result in less disclosure from companies about the chemical contents of their products. Canadians deserve accountability and transparency about the use and distribution of toxins, yet if the commission is eliminated no independent body will oversee industry requests to mask chemical contents of the products that industry uses or produces.

Bill C-45 further demonstrates a pattern of recklessness by the federal government that puts the long-term safety and health of Canadians in jeopardy. These are major changes that, if not stopped now, willripple out across communities everywhere in Canada -- putting our water, air, food and quality of life at risk. END QUOTE

This excerpt does not address the changes to the Indian Act...the changes to this act are deplorable.

If you read what's going on - and please read both sides of the equation from the main stream media's point of view and the Indigenous Community information that is available through Idle No More
you will see that this is one time where the Indigenous peoples of Canada - all of the tribes - are united and putting their concerns forth not just as Indigenous peoples but as Canadians.

Our health, our country's lakes and rivers, our environment is at risk with the passing of Bill C-45.

I applaude Chief Theresa Spence for her hunger strike and how she is drawing her people's together - I applaud the way the First Nations & Aboriginal peoples of our country are standing up to defend Canada, to defend OUR land from those who appear to want to sell our resources off to big business.
I applaude the re-awakening of their pride.

I am disturbed by the changes to the Indian Act - done with no consultations.  Where is it legal or moral for our Government to make changes to an act that was created sovereign nation to sovereign nation?

Like it or not our forefathers agreed to certain conditions to their "take over" of managing Canada.

The Indigenous people of our country have rights that NO ONE should be trampling on.

And yet, as angry as they are about those changes, and rightfully so - their primary focus is on protecting Mother Nature - the very thing that makes Canada - Canada - it's land, rivers and lakes. 

These people - the First Nations and Aboriginals - the NATIVE Canadian - Our indigenous People are not fighting for the protection of their rights alone - their vision is much broader than that. 

It is a shift - a huge shift. Like I said - their has been a re-awakening in their pride of culture and heritage that I hope will translate into other things.

I am not always supportive of some of the rights that the First Nations and Aboriginal communities have not because they aren't entitled to them but because of the way they do not appear to manage their money well and we taxpayers are always footing the bill for their lack of care to the homes that are built for them.  There are issues in my humble opinion where I feel the Indigenous community has taken the taxpayer for a rotten ride and yet...Our government over the generations has not honoured it's agreements with the Indigenous people's in a timely way either.  

When you make people grovel for what is theirs - rightfully - you create a depression in their spirit. When you are depressed of spirit - pride in one's self goes down the tubes. That can be evidenced on many reserves and communities across this country. 

And perhaps, just perhaps the re-awakening in their pride will lift this once proud nation out of it's collective depression and cause the Indigenous peoples to take better care of the property and possessions we taxpayers pay for when our Governments do finally do the right thing and settle treaty claims etc. 

When one feels good about themselves they tend to have more desire and energy and put more pride in what they possess and who they are. We the average "Joe" in Canada very seldom know all of the ins and outs of the various debasements our Indigenous people's have faced at the hands of our government.  

The abuse we taxpayers witness, whether real or perceived, does not give the Harper government the right to tamper with the Indian Act without proper consolation.  Remember that they were a sovereign nation when the treaties and act came to be. Just because it does not always appear that they use their money or resources well themselves does not give you the right to sell them or the Canadian people down the river. LITERALLY...

I for one am supporting the "Idle No More" movement because I resent my government writing away the protection of our lakes, rivers and land without consultation and I resent that all these years later I am still paying for the sins of my fore fathers because the governments of the day do not honour the word of our forefathers. And I am supporting "Idle No More" because I really like their approach to the issues that affect us all. 

My personal feeling on the subject is - Settle the treaty claims, honour the words that were written all of those years ago. Reverse Omnibus Bill C-45 - you had no right to push it through.

If our government would just do what is right and deal with all of the past baggage...we would see so much improvement in the circumstances and attitudes of our Indigenous peoples. But no - our government continues to make them grovel for what is rightfully theirs...and continues to write away - behind our backs -buried in 400 page bills -  the rights of the Indigenous peoples of our country and the rights of all Canadians to the protections for our environment.

Stephen Harper -I think you really need to sit down with Chief Spence and all of the leader of the Aboriginal community.  YOU NEED TO DO THAT - NOT YOUR MINISTER.

And then sir - you have a date with the Canadian voter and we are not amused. 

I hope and pray that before the next election, someone surfaces who could be seen as a Good Sense leader so that we can send a message loud and clear that we - the taxpayer of Canada are fed up and not going to take it anymore.

I'd love you to weigh in on this topic.

No funnies to day - I don't feel like laughing at the moment - I really just want our government to do the right thing, quit procrastinating and settle all of the treaty claims, honour the word of our fore fathers and once and for all put this issue to bed - JUST DO IT!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor and Ride

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

For most who read my blog today is Christmas eve - I want to wish everyone a wondrous holiday filled with love.

In the news today are some heartwarming stories that help to reaffirm one's faith in humanity.

The first story comes our of Idaho, members of BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) attended the funeral of 6 year old Emilie Parker. Their bikes were adorned with pink and green ribbons, and they attended her funeral to ensure that the family could say goodbye uninterrupted.

The second story comes from Philadelphia where over 100 riders with the aide of firefighters and police brought Christmas presents to the children of a 32 year old mom who had been killed in a car crash in November. According to the article - "The motorcycle clubs decided to donate presents to the family as a group instead of holding their annual gift exchange between each chapter, said Bryan Elwell, the coordinator of the event and the president of the Bucks County Knights of the Inferno Motorcycle Club."

And again out of the US - bikers are stepping up to answer the call of the NRA to protect schools and kids across the US.

In South Carolina, Christmas mass is being celebrated in an old biker bar. According to the article:
"“That's part of what we're trying to do here is just make people feel comfortable, who maybe haven't felt comfortable in a church before,” said Branyon.

“It’s actually very welcoming to say look it doesn't matter who you are and what you've done, come as you are, and I think a space like this allows for that. It allows you to bring all your baggage,” said Pastor Fallaw.

So if you're still not sold on the biker bar church, Pastor Fallaw has a very simple question.
“Jesus turned water into wine and why not come and worship at a biker bar?” asked Pastor Fallaw."

The diversity of these stories tell me something about our community - something that is wonderful and whether or not you believe in God or you believe in some other higher power, that message is the same - LOVE, KINDNESS, GENEROSITY and EMPATHY are alive and well.

Being of service to your fellow man, stepping up when called upon, is a part of the biker culture. It always has been and it is wonderful to see the old school values of our community being embraced and demonstrated in so many ways.

As you open presents and share laughter with family and friends I ask you to remember those who are alone, those who have been shut in in hospitals and extended care homes and those who have lost someone they love. Spend a few moments of sober pondering on how good you have it and a few moments thanking your higher power for the love and warmth that surrounds you.

For those who are Christian I have a song that I want to share with you.


When I was but a youngster
Christmas meant one thing,
that I'd be getting lots of toys that day
I learned a whole lot different 
when Mother sat me down 
and taught me to spell 'Christmas' this way:

C is for the Christ child, born upon this day
H for herald angels in the night
R means our Redeemer
I means Israel
S is for the star that shone so bright 
T is for three wise men, they who traveled far 
M is for the manger where He lay
A 's for all He stands for
S means Shepard's came

And that's why there's a Christmas day!
And that's why there's a Christmas day!

Music by Eddy Arnold
with lyrics by Jenny Lou Carson, 1949

Merry Christmas...let 2013 be the year of love, empathy and service to others...not just at Christmas, but all year long.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider