What about you - when you drive your vehicle?
Do you grab your phone? Do you text and drive?
And on your bike? Do you use your phone? Text? An article out of Orlando Florida this morning has me asking this question. A rider was texting while rounding a curve and crossed the center line hitting another motorist. The rider is dead.
I would love to know what your thoughts are on this topic - we are all addicted to our technology it seems. I have been making it a habit to shut my phone off when I drive - If I forget to and the phone does ring - I find a place to pull over and just ignore the alerts for texts and emails and then I shut the damned thing off.
I am human - I have slipped when in my car and answered the phone that I had forgotten to shut off - I get so angry with myself. How about you? Have you ever slipped?
What can we do to get the message across?
What do we humans need to do to eliminate our absolute addiction to our phones?
And what do we have to do to get riders to not text and ride?
I am saddened and scared by this story - our phones are going to be the death of us literally...
I would love your feedback on this topic...
There is a TON of news in the feeds at www.beltdrivebetty.com where our work is keeping You informed. I guess the holidays are really over because the feeds are FULL!!!
I leave you with a few funnies - after the article of the day - I need to laugh...thanks to my friends on Facebook and who send these to me by email!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider