Friday, March 01, 2013


Taking the things we love for granted.

I love my husband. But there are times when, like every other human being out there, I take him for granted and some days that shoe is on the other foot. And then you get a diagnose of Multiple Sclerosis and your world changes – you are challenged with the loss of many things – your spouse – your relationship, your security…
All of a sudden you are in gratitude mode and guilty mode all at the same time.  And then things improve, and life returns to a new version of normal and you slowly start taking time for granted, them for granted, until the next scare…we humans can be hard learners.

Our motorcycles are another love that sometimes we take for granted. 

It doesn’t mean we don’t love them to distraction; it’s just that we have become comfortable that they will always be there for us. Until someone threatens to take our love away…

The recent request for a rate increase by SGI has taught us all something, I hope.

We need to reconnect with the love of our machines and the utter feeling of freedom and empowerment they bring.

One person on the R.A.G.E. Facebook page expressed the love for his motorcycle as one of massive joy.

What a great way to describe riding.

This has gotten me to thinking about our community, the community of motorcyclists, I don’t care if it’s a 50cc dirt bike, and enduro, a sport bike a drag bike or a cruiser, a Honda, a Yamaha, a Kawi or a Harley etc. etc. etc.

There are things that most of us have experienced in our life as riders that connect us on some levels and if we could find the right things to connect on, we could erase our own prejudices in our community first.

Then we could work on the outside world seeing us differently.

So I came up with a short list of things that might connect us…

You might be a biker if…

You and your machine have encountered many kinds of riding conditions from torrential rain to snow and all things in between.

You and your machine feel like you are a part of each other. There is a bond.

You have encountered friend and foe by the very nature of the receptions you have gotten from those who don’t ride.

You and your machine have endured countless political debates over whether or not you are gang members or if that patch you choose to wear is legit or not.

You and your machine have had discriminatory bylaws put in place to muffle you, the only noisemaker in the vehicular world. (Said sarcastically.)

You and your motorcycle have ever been restricted as to where you can and cannot compete or ride – referring to the recreational land use issues being faced in Saskatchewan and Alberta.

You have ever had your charity fundraiser affected by laws, discrimination, and misconceptions.

You have ever had insurance premiums threaten to cost you your ride. You might be a biker…

Our brothers and sisters in Saskatchewan are facing a challenge that the rest of us need to feel – to own. 

Their freedom to choose a motorcycle, as a method of transportation, is being threatened.

We need to understand that we live in a political world – like it or not and those politics have the power to take our passion, our freedom, our life line to sanity, a part of our identity, our entire lifestyle away from us unless we unite and do something proactive - it will be taken away from us.

This is not in the distant future people and I am not being a fear monger.  The danger is real and it is imminent.

It is time that we began working together. That we began in earnest to share the issues each town, each region, each province and territory is experiencing and help each other to protect and preserve our lifestyle, our right to choose to ride.

Do you need any more examples before you realize that I am speaking the truth?

Our very way of life is being threatened and I don’t care HOW you love that motorcycle be you a trials rider or a drag racer, a motocross rider or a cruiser/touring rider, adventure rider or road racer.

Never more than now, has there been a time to educate our fellow rider about their actions and how they affect the greater good.

Never more than now has there been a reason to share, talk, communicate and UNDERSTAND that even if the fight is not your fight – IT IS YOUR FIGHT.

Every time one segment of our community looses it’s freedoms or is in someway unfairly restricted, it undermines our Charter Rights and takes us all one step closer to walking …

Everywhere you look, our rights are under siege, our freedoms are being restricted – we can’t take on all of the challenges, but we, the riding community could lead the way in showing other communities how to work together and how to protect our cherished way of life.

There is an old saying that you never truly appreciate what you have until it is gone.

Remember that with freedom comes obligation – the obligation to remember that our rights and freedoms stop when they infringe upon those of another.

We need to learn to share our world and that is becoming harder to do the bigger the population becomes.

Something I want you all to ponder and consider.  Is riding a motorcycle important to you?

Do you finally believe that it CAN happen to us – the bureaucrats really can take our lifestyle from us – and do you understand that we have to let them first! 

If you are with me, that we need to somehow get organized on a national basis – then email me at with the subject being Riders Rights.

In the mean time I invite you to help R.A.G.E. inSaskatchewan by buying one of our patches - $2 from every patch sold will go to help them get up an running financially – these guys and galls are shaking the Saskatchewan government hard and really need the boost that outside support from their family Wind members in other provinces can offer…

I leave you with a few funnies shared with me by friends on Facebook and via emails...

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and please do one thing for me...go look at your motorcycle, remember the sun, the rain, the wind, the scenery, the empowerment, the freedom and ask yourself one question - what would happen to me if I couldn't ride my motorcycle?

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, February 25, 2013

We "bikers" can rest easy

The Oxford Dictionary has changed it's definition of the word "biker"!

Begin Quote: 
The Oxford English Dictionary has revised its current definition of bikers as "hairy" and wearing "dirty denim" after motorcyclists complained that the description does not do them justice.
Citing new figures, they claim that bikers are now more likely to be short-haired, clean shaven and tattoo-free.

They hold up motorcycling fans like David Beckham and Princes William and Harry as an example of how bikers have changed, and are not now typically, as the OED states, "a member of a gang: a long-haired biker in dirty denims."

According to a recent survey, less than 9 percent of bikers now have long hair, while 42 percent do not have any tattoos, piercings, facial hair or gang markings.

Ceding to pressure, the OED has changed its definition of "biker" to "a motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang or group: a biker was involved in a collision with a car." End Quote

Isn't that refreshing!

Isn't that a clear and all encompassing description of bikers?

Doesn't that clear up all of the confusion and controversy?

I'd love your thoughts on this one...

The news feeds are relatively quiet this morning, however there is a great article under the Lifestyles/Music Category, it is complete with some of the tracks from a new album by Wayne Hancock called "Ride"

Also under the Lifestyles Category - Lifestyles/Motorcycle Events International, there is a great write up about that motorcycle riding Archbishop, Thomas Wenski, who lead a 90 mile motorcycle poker run from St. Richard Catholic Church in Palmetto Bay and organized by the Archdiocese of Miami.

I find it interesting that St. Richard Catholic Church would pick a poker run for their first ever event - I wonder if the poker run will become the new BINGO of riding Catholics? (Being said totally in fun...)

That's what's fit to print so far today. Check out our website: throughout the day as I have not listed all of the news articles from today or the weekend - only one's that caught my eye and we update the feeds 2-3 times per day!

I leave you with a few giggles to start the week off right...laughter - it's good for the soul.
Thanks to my friends on Facebook and who shared with me via email!

Have a fantastic Monday everyone.

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider