Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Will 2015 start with more of the same? The SAGA continues!

As many of you know, Ray Sasseville of Sturgis North now Sturgis Canada launched a shot gun lawsuit against 7 people back in December of 2013, just before Christmas.  I am one of those 7.

6 of those sued had been offered to settle and consent to dismiss orders were signed by all 6, BUT
4 of the orders never got filed. Why? Well, Ray's lawyer was suspended, then Ray decided to self represent and he took possession of the documents pertaining to his case.  He never filed those orders.

I sent in a counter offer to settle, he offered me tickets to Sturgis Canada to sell along with $1000 in cash if I would advertise his event. I declined and sent in another counter offer to settle, no movement.

Since July - Ray has pretty much has quit communicating with any of the legal people or defendants in the suit and has left everyone in limbo for several months now.

As a result of the lack of communication, I have been keeping a very close ear to the street in an effort to stay on top of any news or information about this man or his dealings.

I went to his BC Securities Commission hearing in October and it was a real eye-opener as to how Ray, his wife and their accountant have been doing business. It will be mid February before the commission makes its decision, and from what I heard, saw and read, I do not believe that their decision will be in Ray's favour, but I am no lawyer...

I went to that hearing hoping to confront Ray face to face, but instead ended up giving his security hearing lawyer, Gregg Alphonso, some documents to pass on to him as Ray did not testify at his own hearing.   Although he does not represent Ray in the lawsuit that Ray launched, the attorney agreed to speak to Ray about the matter.

Mr. Alphonso did at least speak to Ray about the documents - new consent dismiss orders that included me.

I know this because via email, this attorney asked me to guarantee that I would never write about Ray or his family again.

I told him that I would stay away from all topics outside of those that might affect the motorcycle community and since then the lawyer refuses to answer any correspondence and so has Ray.
I have not spoken of that hearing at all until now as I was hoping for a resolution to this situation.

It has become quite obvious to me that there will not be a resolution unless I agree to never write about Mr. Sasseville, link to any articles about him in the newsfeed on our web site....

I have sent several unanswered emails to the securities hearing attorney, Ray and Joan, Ray's partner in the suit.

Why would Mr. Sasseville refuse to sign off, refuse to communicate?
Is he planning another motorcycle event?

Will 2015 start with more of the same?
The SAGA continues!

It appears so!

An interesting little tidbit of information was dropped in my lap by way of an oilfield buddy who recently stopped in to see me. I began hunting to see what I could find out about what he told me.

It took me a few days, but....low and behold, look what I found:

Crude Fest (see document on the left)
New logo, web site domain name registered for crudefest.ca and then....

Interestingly enough, in my research I came across the fact that there is an event called "Crude Fest" in Midland Texas.  thecrudefest.com

Is this another case of Ray trying to copy the recipe for an event from the USA that is popular?

I called the people in Texas to find out if somehow, they are aligned with Ray. They are not. They knew nothing of the event in Canada or the man.

I am told that this new endeavour is to take place here in Alberta, however I have not as of yet, found out where.

If he has the funds to do a trademark application, complete with a logo design, then he should at least have the funds to file the 4 (already signed by the other 4 parties) Consent Dismiss Orders he has in his possession and do what is right, what he agreed to do.

I feel so bad for the Sicamous Chamber of Commerce, that little not for profit does not need this thing hanging in limbo like this, no one does. The communications that our attorney has does mean that the case is over for the four who signed the Consent Dismiss Orders however, because they were never filed, the case still exists as far as the courts are concerned.

Since Ray is self representing, he could at least have the decency to respond to legal communications, it's not like an email is costing him anything.

I have personally emailed Mr. Sasseville and offered him the opportunity, yet again to put his side of things forth and still ZERO communication.

I'd like to push for this case to be expunged. There is no way my reputation will ever be fully repaired, and I doubt I could ever recover my costs. Above and beyond the close to $10K the lawyer has cost, there are many, many other ways that this has impacted my business and my life.

SO, I will be looking at creative ways to raise the funds needed to just get this thing over and done with.  My attorney feels we have a good shot at getting this thing expunged for lack of prosecution, at the cost of another $3K - I hope he's right.

In the mean time, I am working at staying focused on all of the good that is going on in our little company like the newly formed coffee company, the great Beat the PMS Blues Online Show n Shine that is going to help ease the PMS and the new - PMS - How Bad is it Contest, where there will be a little money up for grabs to those willing to share their coping tips.

The Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Contest is shaping up to be fabulous with lots of great sponsors coming on board!

The website upgrade that has been killing both Ali and I should be done by the end of the first week of the new year...

Yes, in spite of this fly in my in the ointment called Ray Sasseville, things are progressing well!
I am a very blessed woman with so very much to be grateful for.

I am deeply, deeply thankful for the support this community has given me.

Have a fabulous day everyone...

Stay safe and warm.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. The Belt Drive Betty Blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site & will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

The PMS Blues - how to deal with it or support the one you love

Is your spouse or loved one a rider?

Are they surly? Short tempered? Not eating or sleeping well?

Have you been noticing that there are unexplained charges on your credit card and they all involve motorcycle parts and chrome bits?

Well, if you are noticing these symptoms in your loved one, then they are afflicted with PMS, Parked Motorcycle Syndrome.

This genetic Dis-Ease is responsible for so much grief and strife and sadly there is NO CURE.

Every person who loves motorcycles is born with what is known as the Motorcycle Gene.

That gene is responsible for both PMS and SSS.  

Shiny Shit Syndrome is the most debilitating of all of the symptoms of PMS.

Both PMS and SSS can only be treated with massive doses of motorcycle videos, photos, the riding of motorcycles - anything motorcycling related WILL have an impact in improving their disposition.

As PMS subsides, you should notice a diminishing of the SSS symptom of buying lots of parts and chrome bits, but that is not always the case.

For some PMS sufferers, their Shiny Shit Syndrome can kick in at any moment, especially at swap meets and dealerships, so ensure you have some free room on your credit card!
And Oh LORD - I almost forgot to mention the internet and online shopping - dangerous stuff when SSS kicks in!

For more information on what PMS is and how to conquer it, visit the
"Beat the PMS Blues Online Show n Shine" page over at www.beltdrivebetty.com
(Ali should have a good portion of it done today!)

That page is filled with information on PMS and includes information on the symptoms, the treatment and the supports that are available to help you and or your loved one when dealing with PMS and its sister SSS.

It's also where you will be able to enter the Show n Shine and see all of the bikes that are entered!

But there's one more thing there that you REALLY NEED to know about!

In an effort to help riders, passengers and the people who love them cope with PMS, we have started the all new "PMS Support Group". Watch for details of the group - they will be released soon!

The group is meant for all who are affected by PMS and SSS.

For riders and their passengers this is a place to share your stories about PMS, SSS and how they affect your life.

For Spouses and loved ones who don't ride you can share your stories about dealing with a sufferer of PMS and SSS.

Here you can share YOUR stories of suffering with others in a nurturing and non-judgemental environment!

Through sharing you might just learn of a coping mechanism that can help you and your family and friends!


Share your PMS Story for your chance to win some CASH!

You are going to need to have a very compelling story to win the

Here's how it will work:

The Shiny Shit Fund will be fed by the sales of 2 tee shirt campaigns that we started on TeeSpring:

I Suffer from PMS 


I "Heart" a PMS Sufferer

We will be sharing 15% of the revenue from each of these tee shirts with our winners!

10% for first place (along with a virtual plaque) and 5% for second place (along with a virtual plaque) in each of the two categories.

We will accept entries from January 1, 2015 until February 20th, 2015.

We will open the contest up to public voting on February 21st and that will run until March 131st.

Beginning January 1, 2015 you can submit one of two kinds of stories:

1 - If you are a rider or passenger, submit your story about PMS and SSS and how it has devastated your life and what coping mechanisms you use.

The Shiny Shit Fund for your contest is fed by the "I Suffer from PMS" tee shirt sales.

2 - If you are a person who loves someone with PMS & SSS, then you can enter your story on how their Dis-Ease has affected your life and what you do to cope.

The Shiny Shit Fund for your contest is fed by the "I "Heart" a PMS Sufferer" tee shirt sales.

Submission guidelines:

Send us 600 words with up to 4 photos and a video(no more that 3 minutes long please or just a video submission of up to 3 minutes long. (Send us the URL to your video on YouTube and we will add it to our play list and display it in the contest page for people to vote on.)

PLEASE NOTE - If no tee shirts sell, there will be no funds or other prizes issued beyond a virtual plaque so share share share....

Prizes directly correspond to how many of each teeshirt sell. 
You do not need to buy a Tee Shirt to win.

All photos and videos created must be of your own creation or have proper attribution given to the person who helped you.

The complete contest rules will be available by no later than December 31st, 2014 on the Show n Shine page!

You must be a registered member of www.beltdrivebetty.com
Membership is free and so is participation in the contest.

So, get your thinking caps on and get creative, you might win $5, you might win $500 or you might just get a plaque but at any rate, you will have helped someone else who suffers find a way to ease their PMS or how to deal with their loved one's PMS and at the end of the day, isn't that a great thing you'll have done?


The Beat the PMS Blues Online Show n Shine also starts January 1, 2015!
We have over $2,500 in prizes up for grabs thanks to our sponsors BigBlueInCanada.com
and Strip Club Choppers of Canada and again, you must be a registered member at www.beltdrivebetty.com to enter but membership is free and it's free to enter both of our contests!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, December 18, 2014

La Familia - parallels to ISIS - but tout being CHRISTIAN

The news is full of information on 4 members of a Mexican Drug Cartel who were arrested by the ALERT team in Edmonton.

As bad as the police claim that the Hells Angels and other 1% motorcycle clubs are, the Mexican Drug Cartels are heinous and dangerous beyond most Canadian people's comprehension, according to a police spokesman on Global TV.

So who are these people?

La Familia, is based out of Michoacán in Mexico.
Michoacán is located 555 KMs south and east of Puerto Vallarta.

According to the Wikipedia article on La Familia Michoacán and the subsequent reading I did on sites like the BBC, CBC, NBC along with various newspaper sites, this would be a pretty accurate timeline of La Familia Michoacán:

1) Formed in the early 80's as a vigilante group to combat kidnappings and other issues caused for the poor as a result of the drug trade.

2) In 10 short years, La Familia became aligned with the Gulf Cartel, using their paramilitary skills to protect the Gulf Cartel's interests. They were trained by Los Zetas, former Mexican commandos who had deserted their ranks to become the personal bodyguards of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, the head of the Gulf cartel and later to become the armed division of the Gulf Cartel to protect its assets. Many of these men were highly trained by the Israeli and American special forces. Guerrilla warfare, rapid deployment, marksmanship are just a few of their skills.

3) In 2006, La Familia broke away from the Gulf Cartel and began their own enterprise and became enemies with Los Zetas as a result. La Familia aligned itself with the enemy of the Gulf Cartel - the Sinaloa Cartel. They, La Familia, became the largest supplier of methamphetamine to the US.

4) In 2009, the US federal authorities concluded a 4 year investigation into La Familia, called Project Coranado, resulting in the arrests of over 300 people, the seizure of 62 Kilos of cocain, 3.4 million dollars and a whole lot more.

5) In 2010, Los Zetas broke away from the Gulf Cartel and formed its own enterprise.
Los Zetas is a highly unstable and yet exceedingly powerful drug cartel in their own right and they aligned themselves with the enemies of the Gulf Cartel. During the civil war that erupted over the split between the Gulf Cartel and their enforcers, Los Zetas was credited with kidnappings, murders, extortion and more. The Gulf cartel, fearful of Los Zetas, aligned themselves with their old enemies, the Sinaloa Cartel and consequently La Familia as well.
Los Zetas has committed such atrocities as the massacre of 27 Guatemalan farmers, grenade attacks, a massacre of 72 migrant workers and so much more.

6) In 2010 another major split occurred that further caused chaos. After the supposed death of one of their leaders  - Nazario Moreno González, (his body has never been found) La Familia fractured into to two rival groups - La Familia and Knights Templar—Guard of Michoacán, commonly referred to as the Knights templar Cartel. In true Mexican Drug Cartel fashion, the Knights Templar Cartel is violent and their motto is “fight and die” for “the cartel.”

7) In 2011, Project Delirium resulted in the arrest of a further 220+ cartel members and seizures of cash, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. Depending on which report your read, La Familia was all but decimated by the government projects and the split within their own ranks that created the Knights Templar Cartel.

La Familia cartel has been described as quasi-religious, as its leaders, Moreno González and Méndez Vargas, refer to the assassinations and beheadings done in the name of their cartel as "divine justice". (Read BBC Article)

La Familia's boss Nazario Moreno González, (a.k.a.: El Más Loco or The Craziest One) published his own 'bible'.  (Read the Telegraph Article).  According to the article -  Begin Quote "A copy of this bible seized by federal agents reveals an ideology that mixes evangelical-style self help with insurgent peasant slogans.

"It is better to die fighting head on than on your knees and humiliated; it is better to be a living dog than a dead lion," Moreno writes, mimicking the phrases of the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata.

Members of La Familia are made to abstain from drugs themselves and participate in charity work, its leaders claim. End Quote.

After the arrest in Edmonton, La Familia is obviously not dead, it appears that the Mexican and US authorities got that one wrong. La Familia is believed to also have connections in BC and Saskatchewan.  

Radical thinking and ideology threatens us all.

Because of the fundamental beliefs of ISIS, and the Taliban, every Muslim who practices Islam will one day be called upon to kill infidels or die themselves, when Islam rules the world. Everything this group does, it hides behind a false religious authority - Muhammed, the false prophet. The man who subrogated his own teachings in the Q'uran when they no longer served his purpose.

Because of the fundamental beliefs of La Familia, righteous violence is to be used against anyone who betrays or crosses the cartel. Moreno Gonzalez, the "deceased" spiritual leader of La Familia and 
Enrique Plancarte Solís, Servando Gómez Martínez, and Dionisio Loya Plancarte, the founders of the Knights Templar Cartel all fundamentally believe in the same religious concepts.  Remember, La Familia has its own "bible".

These two factions, ISIS/The Taliban and the Mexican Drug Cartels sound parallel to each other don't they? Yet one set of groups is Islamic and the other set of groups is Christian.

Radicals are radicals, it does not matter which religion/ideology it is.

Both have committed shocking beheadings (In 2006 La Familia announced its foothold in the drug trade by throwing the heads of 5 rival drug lords into the centre of a dance floor.) 

La Familia has committed several mass murders of migrant workers and other innocents.
ISIS has beheaded how many foreigners now? The Taliban just murdered how many women and children in Pakistan?

NONE of this is about religion. 
NONE of this is about spiritual belief. (That is just how they brainwash people, it's the lure.)

Power, money and attention - that is all any of this is about and all of the people discussed in this editorial are bullies.

Sadly we will always have bullies and fanatics.

Bullies like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and how many hundreds of others has history revealed?

Religious fanatics like Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple who persuaded over 900 people to commit suicide and men like Charles Manson who practised Scientology and took many of his ideologies from the Process Church (Satanism), the "Family" looked at him as a guru and they committed how many murders?

ISIS, the Taliban and the Mexican Drug Cartels take radicalization and fanaticism to the same extremes and worse than any of the bullies and religious fanatics mentioned above.

The thought that La Familia and that radical, over the top religious ideology has already moved here to Alberta is scary.  Who in their right mind would think to themselves; "Oh, I am joining a gang that beheads people and massacres them when they don't believe as I do."  NO ONE in their right mind does that.

The fact that although no where can I find reference to them being a motorcycle club, yet they are sporting a 3 piece cut - well - that's scary.

What all of these radical groups should be teaching us is that the last few generations of parenting and schooling and the government intervention in parenting and schooling has in fact done more harm to our society than good.

With no consequences for their actions, with a feeling of isolation and emotional pain, our young, the socially disadvantaged and the mentally challenged are all fertile territory for these radical groups.

All of the so called advancements in technology etc have disconnected us from human touch.
They have desensitized us through violent games, disconnected us from love and feelings of connectedness and humanity because everyone's nose is in their phone.

If these young people who are being radicalized felt connected, felt they belonged and were loved, valued and appreciated, they wouldn't be joining these organizations and committing the terrible acts that they do.

Parents, love your children, don't give them electronic babysitter at 1 and two years old.
Don't kill yourself working to give your children all of the toys they want.  

What they really need is YOU.

This Christmas I am wishing for all parents to put their children first, not in a material sense, in a physical sense.

Hug them, spend time with them, discipline them, praise them. TEACH THEM.
If they don't feel loved, valued and validated by you, they might turn to other places to find what they seek.

And that's how I see this horrid state of affairs.

What say you?

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

SOA - Fact, fiction or just good old story telling? NO spoiler here!

The final episode of Sons of Anarchy has come and gone and many of us who enjoy good story telling are feeling a tad bereft.  There is NO spoiler alert here as I will not do that to those who haven't seen the show. I made that mistake once in season three and had a "friend" so pissed at me she has barely said a word to me since!

As a friend of mine, Dave Clayton, stated so eloquently in a thread on my personal Facebook page, Kurt Sutter and his writing crew did an amazing job of telling a story where characters were well thought out, rounded out and their ends were fitting.

Shakespeare, Machiavelli - there was a lot of both in this series and Kurt Sutter is, in my humble opinion, a brilliant storyteller, and deserves to mentioned next to these two fabulous writers of days gone by.

While the show was a fiction, it touched on so many of life's issues, greed, jealousy, fear, love, loyalty, power, ego, acceptance.  This writer evoked emotions from you and that is what a great writer does - evoke emotion. The actors themselves did a damned good job of portraying the story.

For those who say the show perpetuated stereo types of women and bikers that put them in a bad light, I suggest that you didn't "really watch" the story line. That your focus became too - for the lack of a better word - narrow.

Before you go getting pissed at me, I ask you to really think about it.

You saw good cops, bad cops, bad cops who got a conscience, good cops who lost their conscience.

There were good moms and bad moms, moms who were torn between the love for their man and their children, and moms who would do anything to protect their children.

You saw hookers, call girls, porn stars, drug addicts, doctors, crown prosecutors, cops - all female.

There were men in suits, politicians, high powered business people that were as bad if not worse than the street thugs that did their dirty work, men who had respect in their community that did not deserve that respect because it was a respect created by a veil of smoke, generated by fear and you saw good people in suits who truly wanted to do good.

You saw a trans gendered female find love and acceptance, you saw racial tensions and racial acceptance.

You saw people who rode bikes that did horrible, horrible things and yet those same people were capable of deep love, honour and loyalty.

If that doesn't mirror real life then what does?

If that isn't the making of a good story, then I guess Shakespeare and Machiavelli should not be honoured as great writers, great storytellers.

Watch the news and every day you will hear of someone murdering or beating someone, and others performing amazing acts of kindness.

You'll watch good cops who do heroic things and bad cops who do brutal things.

Read books like the "Conspiracy of the Brothers" or "Hells Angels at War".

My husband grew up in Chomedey-Laval where the war between the Rock Machine and the Hells Angels was as bloody as any war could get. He remembers all too well what went on in that city.

Think back to the massacre in Ontario not that many years ago.

There are bikers - one percenters and NON one percenters that DO VIOLENT SHIT.

But there are also bikers who do great acts of compassion and generosity, kindness and love.

When are people ever going to learn that there is a little bit of good in the worst of us and a little bit of bad in the best of us?

Can people not see through the superficial Hollywood shit to the underlying story?

The one thing that people of all races, all creeds and all walks of life NEED to understand is that we are ALL HUMAN FIRST.

No matter what separates us, we are all humans and we all have the EXACT SAME basic needs:


We all have the same basic enemies:

While some of the Hollywood theatrics of the show got to me at times, while some of the window dressing was too over the top, the story that Kurt Sutter and his crew and cast told was the age old story of good versus evil told in a genre that bikers could relate to.

It is no different from the stories depicted in the Harry Potter books/movies, The Red Tent, Blood Diamond or thousands of other stories that storytellers have told since the beginning of mankind.

It is the age old story of the good and evil that lives inside all of us.
It is a battle we fight daily as we make the choices we do as we walk along this path called life.

Some took the show as gospel that this is the way ALL clubs conduct themselves and they wanted their inner badass to have some air so they started conducting themselves like an actor in a story - pretending to be something they wanted to be, but don't have what it takes to be.

Others refused to engage because they felt it depicted stereotypes or because, in their opinion all cops and politicians take this story as the gospel truth about bikers.

And in the middle are the rest of us who just saw a damned good story about life and the tough decisions that we all face at times, the war that goes on inside of all of us.

You ride this world alone no matter who is beside you, your choices and decisions are what form YOUR life.  No one MAKES you do anything but you.

You have to live with the consequences of YOUR CHOICES.

"This Life"
(written by: Curtis Stigers, Kurt Sutter, Bob Thiele, David Kushner)

Ridin' through this world
All alone
God takes your soul
You're on your own

The crow flies straight
A perfect line
On the devil's path
Until you die
This life is short
Baby that's a fact
Better live it right
You ain't comin' back

Gotta raise some hell
Before they take you down
Gotta live this life

Gotta look this world
In the eye
Gotta live this life
Till you die

You better have soul
Nothin' less
Cause when it's business time
It's life or death

The king is dead
But life goes on
Don't lose your head
When a deal goes down
Better keep your eye
On the road ahead
Gotta live this life

Gotta look this world
In the eye
Gotta live this life
Till you die

At the end of the day I gotta say #WTF Sutter!
My hats off to you sir, you are one hell of a writer, a story teller...

And that's how I saw it - what say you?

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

A new adventure, one I am very excited about!

It's been a long time since the Biker Coffee Company closed it's doors because of partnership disagreements. When they closed up shop, my private label coffee supply was cut off and the people who were enjoying our Fair Trade coffee blend were a tad pissed that they could no longer get their fix.

I wanted to remedy that, but I knew nothing about the coffee business except that I really love a good cup of coffee.

The Company Logo
For the last couple of years, I have been researching, building partnerships and getting my ducks in a row to once again be able to have my own private label coffee.

Along with two silent partners, we have formed Motor Sports Brewz, our trademark is almost ready to be filed and we partners are formalizing the last of the details.

We anticipate that we will be launching in early 2015.

Before we do, I wanted to share with you the concept behind the company and some of the artwork that has been done to date to get your feedback.
 The company, Motor Sports Brewz, is a beverage company that provides private label coffee, hot chocolate and over time, other beverages to the Motor Sports Industry.

We are starting with our first line - Biker Brewz

Various "Celebrities", businesses and charities within the Motor Sports world will be able to have their own private label blend at an affordable price that they can sell through their own networks, and their blend will also be available in our online store.

The roaster we are using is a 100 year old family run company. Our blends will be made from the finest beans available and will follow our own recipes!

We will have sample packages that people can buy to decide which blend they like the best and we will offer the larger 1 pound bags.

We have much done and ready, but there are many small details that still have to be ironed out.

We are starting small, but we have big dreams!

As I said, we are looking for feedback on the logo and labels, these do not have the Fair Trade logos or legal verbiage on them yet, these are just the samples.

So, tell me, what do you like about them? What don't you like about them?

Your comments and observations will help us make our labels and logo distinctive and appealing.

Our roaster will make the coffee as delicious as any out there and hopefully that combination will make the coffees and other beverages we offer a great way of fund raising, branding and awareness raising for businesses, people and charities.

On a personal note, we are leaving for Montreal and my mother in-law's funeral in the morning, so I'll be off the grid for a bit.

Have a great day, stay safe, warm and remember to tell the people you love, just how much you love them EVERY DAY!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

People - who can figure them out?

Today I am feeling very discouraged by humanity.

The situation in Ferguson Missouri shows to me how far from civilized we really are.

I understand fully that a lot of people think the white police officer shot and killed a young, unarmed black man because of race and not out of fear for his life.

I get that the police services in many regions of north America are becoming too powerful, lie and cover things up, I get that there is not much justice in our justice system, but I have a few questions for all involved in the mindless violence that is taking place as a result of the grand jury decision...

Link to her facebook Page:
WHERE is it OK to destroy the property of others because you are angry?
Where is it OK to "crap" where you eat, where you live?
Where is it OK to steal cars from other citizens, destroy their businesses, their livelihood? ARE THEY THE PEOPLE who run the grand jury? Are they the people you are really angry at?

This whole "BLACK LIVES MATTER" campaign disgusts me.
The campaign should be "ALL LIVES MATTER".

WHY are people destroying the property of innocents and hurting the quality of lives in their city?
You are NOT doing your case any good, in fact you are justifying the violence that the police can and often do perpetrate.

Hurting the innocent makes NO SENSE to me, whatsoever.
The increase in insurance premiums, the heartache and grief - WHY? Seriously - WHY?

I am tired of mindless violence and wars, tired of being lied to by the powers that be, tired of people hurting each other because they can't agree. I am tired of greed and subterfuge.

I look at the situation in the motorcycle community south of the border and the deep, deep hatred that runs in the MC circle and I have to wonder - WHY?

Why can't we just coexist? Why do we see such deep, long-lasting hatred?

Why do I, someone who has only ever tried to be a good person, pay my bills, my taxes and look after my family and better my community have to pay for the sins of those who came before me?

Why do we have to hold on to such deep hatreds?

When are we ever going to understand that all people bleed?

We all want to be loved, to have a roof over our head, food in our bellies and to live lives of meaning.

We are more similar than we are different...

I am tired of people thinking that life is somehow a competition.

We all end up the same way, dead.

Today I am mourning the loss of two beautiful people - my mother inlaw and that of a young lady named Lindsey whose family is dear to me, the Cousineau's of Eastern Passage NS.

It's a tough time of year for so many. Our troops who are fighting the extremists called ISIS, for those who suffer from depression and loneliness, for the elderly and the infirm.

Death and the sorrow it brings is one thing we all of have to deal with.

But death also brings with it, introspection - a questioning of the meaning of life, of one's purpose and when I see the mindless violence in places like Ferguson, the cruelty and brutality of groups like ISIS - when I think of the Ebola crisis, the situation with Russia, domestic violence and so many other horrible things that mankind is capable of, I wonder...

I know the good people are capable of, so why can't we bring that side of ourselves out more?

I pray for peace, for compassion, understanding and love.
My dream for this world is that one day,  people can be kind to one another.

That's all...

What say you?

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Spreading a little Christmas Cheer

Remembrance Day is over and we are full swing into the Christmas Season.

There are parties and events to attend and all sorts of hubbub, unless you are one of the 600 Canadian Soldiers posted in Iraq.

This year we sold enough of the Bikers United in Remembrance Patches that we are sending 4 boxes of goodies to our boys and girls overseas.

Each box serves 12 soldiers and can be no bigger than a 24 box.

The idea behind the items in the box, is to send TREATS - things they can't get in the commissary.

I load the boxes up with:
Licorice, All Sorts, Gummy Bears, Candy Canes, Smarties, Truffles, Hot chocolate, Cream Coffee (In Tubes) Beef Jerky, Hand Sanitizer, Baby Wipes, Gum, not paper, pens, Christmas cards to give their combat buddies...

Well you get the idea.

The better part of $300 is what I spent on the four boxes.

Canada Posts ships these boxes at no charge to the person sending them.

If you'd like to send a package too here's what you do:

You email Joan McMurray, the founder of the Chosen Soldier Program at:
joan_mcmurray @ sympatico.ca   FIX THE SPACES!

Joan will give you guidance on the kinds of items and the information on who to ship your packages to!

So thank you to all who bought a Bikers United in Remembrance Patch from me - because you are part of the reason I am sending 4 packages this year instead of the normal 1!

Thanks for caring and helping to make a difference!

By the way - if you are looking for the perfect gift for that biker in your life, consider the BigBlue Lift!  $25 from every lift sold goes to paying off my lawyers bill and you get FREE SHIPPING ANYWHERE IN CANADA when you tell Donald that I sent you his way!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Iron Order Motorcycle Club member cleared in shooting

I have followed the shooting case of the Black Piston member, Zachariah Tipton, with much interest as just before this shooting took place, I had interviewed members of the Iron Order Snow City Crew near Edmonton.

Over the past several months, members of the 1% world have blasted me for reporting on the Canadian chapters and members of the IO MC because in the US,  the Iron Order is hated by the 1% clubs.

The IO MC which is a three piece outlaw club with a prospecting phase and is seen as a cop club by the 1%ers because they allow officers of various law enforcement agencies to be members.  Reportedly the 1%ers say the IO MC in the US tends to instigate trouble in an attempt to allow law enforcement a way in to the various 1% clubs.

They are also hated because they wear Black & White which are the colours of the Outlaws (AOA) of which the Black Pistons are affiliated and they do so without having gone to the dominant for approval of their cuts as COC protocols would dictate.  They did not go to the dominant because the IO does allow law enforcement members and are therefore not welcome into the Confederation of Clubs (COC). 

The verdict regarding the shooting at Nippers Beach Grill in Jacksonville Beach, Florida that took place on June 26, 2014 is in.

The State Attorney's office is not filing charges against the Iron Order MC prospect, Kristopher Stone, who shot and killed Zach Tipton. Justifiable homicide & justifiable use of deadly force by a citizen is the ruling.

The report is 10 pages long and it outlines the investigation into the shooting and identifies many of the witnesses who were interviewed.  

I have saved the PDF into JPEG's for those who wish to read the State Attorney's findings, please watch the page numbers at the bottom of the images as Blogger makes it tough to get things in order.

There is also video to go with the report. 
The 2 videos that accompany the report have been edited for time (IE - when the Black Pistons park their bikes and then walk to the Iron Order members takes about 4 minutes - that has been edited)

The first video is the TV report/Press Conference presentation:

This second video is less edited:

I will sum the report up for you:

The Black Pistons - 7 of them ride by members of the Iron Order MC and go park their bikes.

A few minutes later, three members of the Black Pistons walk towards the IO MC members, two from the front and one from behind.

Kris Stone was hit in the back of the head by Zachariah Tipton, while he had been talking to one of the Black Piston members who met him face on.
A fight ensues that lasts about 10 seconds.

During this time, other members of the Black Pistons are approaching the fight.

Kris Stone pulls his weapon and fires, killing Zachariah Tipton. The other Two Black Piston members do not provide aid to their brother, in fact they flee the immediate area.  Some members reportedly return a few minutes later to remove Zachariah's cut.

According to police, Zachariah Tipton had three knives, ammunition and a gun holster on him but his gun was not found. He also had brass knuckles and a mouth guard and was still wearing his motorcycle helmet and riding gloves. During his autopsy it was noted that his hands had injuries consistent of someone who had been throwing punches.

Also according to the report, other members of the Black Pistons were also thought to be wearing mouth guards and were seen to be removing them and either rings or brass knuckles although authorities cannot be 100% sure what they were removing.      

From all indications this was a planned attack by the Black Pistons.

Also according to the report, Kristopher Stone, the shooter is a combat medic who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Mr. Stone had suffered blows and kicks to his head, his nose was broken and he had urinated himself during the attack. His hands showed no sign of having thrown punches.

In this case, the Iron Order Motorcycle Club is NOT the club who instigated the fight, it was clearly unprovoked and the Black Pistons were obviously the aggressors.

This is what it means to be a three piece patch wearing club member.

If you wear a three piece patch, although your club is reportedly a law abiding club, there will come a time when you will be called out and forced to defend your cut and your right to wear it.
Are you ready?

In this case, the aggressor dies.
As in all fights, the outcome could have been much different.

If you would like the PDF so you can read it, contact me and I'll be happy to send you a copy.

What say you?

Have a fantastic Saturday and if you are blessed to be living somewhere where snow does not cover the ground, I hope you are riding!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

An enormous thank you and a special offer!

As many of you know, the last year has been very challenging.  The lawsuit launched by the people of Sturgis North/Canada has been pressing to say the least. But...this community has supported me emotionally and financially, helping me to keep our community newspaper going and all of the rider support tools we offer up and running by ensuring the business didn't have to pay the lawyer too much.

This lawsuit has had so many twists and turns and it has been trying, tiring, time consuming and discouraging.

For the time being I have decided not to move forward with defending myself since the other side has not been communicating with my attorney and leaving the suit in limbo anyway.  I will resume the defense once the business is in the position to better pay a lawyer to do so, if I need to.

Since all communications had stopped, I took matters into my own hands and went to the BC Securities hearing for Mr. Sasseville this past week and I was finally able to meet with Mr. Sasseville's attorney face to face and have a chat.  I presented the attorney with the consent to dismiss orders for the other four parties who are also in a legal limbo and myself.

If all goes well and the other parties sign off, this case could be on its way to being over.

If not, at least the other parties know that I am not scared to meet them face to face and they know I will move forward at a later time of my choosing to force a resolution if needs be.

So, while not OVER, for now the pressure and grief are over, at least for a little while and there is hope that an end could really be in sight!

My final legal bill for this portion of the case was $3,490.00, right now I still owe about $2,200.  Thanks to Sam Henderson of Eyecandy Custom Cycles, I have another $800 to put against that bill!

Eyecandy Custom Cycles in Smithers BC had done customization on a bike for the people suing me and as a result, he had a set of custom rims and brakes to sell.  He did so through an online auction which raised $800.  So thank you Sam, I am so deeply appreciative of the support!

I am now blessed to announce that I have another small business stepping up to help me get this "final" bill off my plate!

Donald from BigBlue Lifts is putting $25 from every lift sold through the ad below into my defence fund!

So, not only do you get FREE SHIPPING anywhere in Canada, but my defence fund gets a $25 shot in the arm when you tell Donald that I sent you!

So, if you are in need for a motorcycle lift that has a small footprint with HUGE lifting capability, check out www.bigbluincanada.com and then call Donald and remember to say "BELT DRIVE BETTY" sent me, so you get free shipping and my defence fund gets a $25 shot in the arm!

I simply can't say thank you enough to everyone who is helping me get through this.
There are so many of you to thank.
There are no words that can express my gratitude.

Thank you community, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Two Soldiers, Two Deaths, Two Different Shows of Respect

Today our nation grieves with the Cirillo Family, the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the city of Hamilton.

As I write this I am watching the funeral procession to Christchurch Cathedral, watching as honours, normally bestowed to leaders of state and military are bestowed upon a young Corporal. A message of strength, unity, love and commitment being sent around the world.

The Cirillo family has allowed we Canadians to adopt him as our son. They have allowed us to grieve with them in a very overpowering way.

His funeral happened swiftly, only 6 days from giving his life for his country.
His family has allowed/welcomed so much sharing about Nathan on Facebook and in the media.

Patrice Vincent however, well, his family is grieving in a different way and has asked for privacy and so far, everyone has respected their wishes.

While I understand their very personal loss, I feel a tad cheated by their decision. I would like to feel that I knew Warrant Officer Vincent in the way I have come to know Nathan Cirillo, through his family, friends and colleagues, but sadly, I do not. No where can personal photos be found, very few stories about him shared and no Facebook page to share on.

Patrice Vincent died last Monday and will be buried on November 1st in Longueuil QC.
I can only imagine the pain of these two families.
Though they both grieve deeply, they do so in a different way, a way that must be respected.

I just hope, that when they are ready, the family of Patrice Vincent will allow us to show them how deeply we feel their loss and how appreciative of his service and sacrifice we truly are. 

There is not much else we can offer them and I hope they know we offer it, but we respect their wishes.

I also want to take a moment to remember the service of the unnamed soldier who was injured in the same attack as Patrice Vincent lost his life.  I hope that he too, will one day, allow we Canadians to embrace him, and let him know how thankful we are for all of the blessings we have as Canadians because of the service of the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces.

In about 25 minutes a funeral for a young man takes place, I hope you take 1 minute to pay him and all of our fallen a word of thanks and respect.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, October 27, 2014

Searching for the perfect saddlebags?

This info graphic from www.vikingbags.com will help make that selection easier by pointing out key things to look for and think about.

How to Choose Motorcycle Saddlebags

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Canada, changed forever

Yesterday my Canada changed forever, but it is far from the first time that Canada has changed due to homegrown terrorism.

During a discussion with friends over the shooting of an unarmed Canadian soldier, Cpl. Cirillo, at the tomb of the unknown soldier near Parliament Hill and the running down of a Canadian soldier in Quebec, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, we talked about the FLQ crisis and how that homegrown terrorism had changed Canada.

From 1963 to 1970, the Front de libération du Québec, the FLQ, terrorized English speaking Canadians in Quebec through a series of bombings, kidnappings and murder.

They were our first true homegrown terrorists and how the Liberal government of the day under Peirre Elliot Trudeau handled the FLQ crisis was to invoke the War Measures Act (today that act is called the Emergency Preparedness Act) at the request of then premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa and Mayor of Montreal Jean Drapeau.

From October 16th 1970 until January 5th 1971, much of the province of Quebec and the city of Ottawa were in lock down, virtually a war zone.

The removing of civil liberties that transpired during those days saw many people arrested wrongfully and police officials were heavily criticized for their abuse of authority and detaining people without cause.

The FLQ crisis is an important lesson in home grown terrorism, not just how it starts but how government deals with it.

There will always be people who want to FORCE their viewpoints, their religious or political ideals on others. There will always be people looking for the vulnerable, the angry; to convert and further their causes, to do their dirty work.

Radical Islam, while a huge problem around the world, is but an outlet that teaches us how broken our systems are world wide. The disenfranchised of our country and others, those looking for a place to belong are finding the outlet for their anger, frustration and hopelessness in radical groups like IS, the Islamic State.

It is the same scenario that plays out with street gangs and who and how they recruit.

Islam is, in my view, far more than a religion. It is a political, societal, economic, justice, crime and punishment system. In other words, a religious government.

Islam is very tribal with various sects, none of whom can agree on Islam's principles, history or ideology. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam)

Sunni - The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam, which makes up 75%–90% of all Muslims.[9] Sunni Muslims also go by the name Ahl as-Sunnah which means "people of the tradition [of Muhammad]" 

Shi'ite - Shia Islam has several branches, the largest of which is the Twelvers, followed by Zaidis and Ismailis

Sufis - Sufism (Tasawwuf) is a mystical-ascetic approach to Islam that seeks to find divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God. 

Salafi - Self-described Salafis believe they are Sunni Muslims, while traditionalist Sunni critics claim that Salafis are the same as Wahhabis 

Ahmadiyya is an Islamic reform movement (with Sunni roots) founded by Mirza Ghulam 

Ahmad[229] that began in India in 1889 and is practiced by over ten million[230] Muslims around the world. 

Non-denominational Muslims are Muslims who do not restrict their religious affiliation to any particular branch of Islam. 

The Ibadi is a sect that dates back to the early days of Islam and is a branch of kharijite. Unlike most Kharijite groups, Ibadism does not regard sinful Muslims as unbelievers. 

Mahdavia is an Islamic sect that believes in a 15th-century mahdi, Muhammad Jaunpuri 

The Quranists are Muslims who generally reject the Hadith. 

Yazdânism is seen as a blend of local Kurdish beliefs and Islamic Sufi doctrine introduced to
Kurdistan by Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir in the 12th century. 

There are also black Muslim movements such as the Nation of Islam (NOI), Five-Percent Nation and Moorish scientists.

The sad truth is that these people have been fighting and disagreeing, creating divisiveness and killing each other since the dawn of time. Peace is not something these people are familiar with, nor are they familiar with the concepts of acceptance, or tolerance.

The hatred, misunderstandings, differences in opinions and values in countries where Islam is part of the fabric are too great of a chasm to bridge. They have gone on too long and run too deep. Generation after generation of the peoples in these countries have only known hatred and fighting.

Like others who are disenfranchised, who are vulnerable to radical ideas, the two Canadians who reportedly converted to Islam and then carried out crimes against our country are no different in their weakness and illness than the young man who killed the mounties in Moncton or the young man who killed fellow students in Calgary.

They are no different than the young men who created the FLQ Crisis.

Sadly, there are people who are born in this country who feel marginalized, left out, forgotten and hopeless. Mental illness is one of the biggest challenges this country, this world faces.

We need to get far better at helping the mentally ill and the disconnected youth of this country.

These people are vulnerable to radical ideologies.

As a nation, we cannot falter in protecting our citizens and the rights and freedoms we hold dear as Canadians.

I believe it is time to get smart about terrorism, world wide and home grown.

If a Canadian goes to fight with IS or any other terror group, they should not be allowed to return to Canada to spread their hate. They should loose their Canadian Citizenship.

Our government should never allow Sharia Law in any form, no matter how watered down, to be adopted or accepted by any court in our country as it goes against everything we as a nation have evolved to. The treatment of women under Sharia Law in particular, should never be written into the fabric of our national laws or our constitution.

It is divisive and barbaric and it makes the advances of women and their rights as humans in this country null and void unless the protections for the rights of women are available to all women in this country. If one wants to follow Sharia Law, they should live in countries that accept that law.

If they want to live in Canada, they need to follow the laws that govern Canada and Canadian citizens.

My heart breaks for the families and friends of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent killed in Quebec and Cpl. Cirillo killed in Ottawa. My heart goes out to our military and their families.

O Canada!

Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

The changes Canada will experience this time because of the acts of two Canadians will hopefully make Canada a stronger and better country, at least that is my prayer.
That's how I feel today, what say you?

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Friday, October 17, 2014

Love em or hate em, I HAVE HUGE RESPECT for some 1%ers today! Updated

In spite of being at logger heads with some of the 1% clubs over the Iron Order MC and their right to exist, and the fact that the Canadian Members conduct themselves differently - apparently, from some of their US counterparts....

Ttoday, I can unequivocally state that I am proud of and filled with respect for some 1% members today.

There are two 1% Motorcycle Clubs who have members that have joined the fight against the Islamic State; one MC as fighters and the other as humanitarians.

Members of the Median Empire MC from Cologne Germany as humanitarians have gone to Syria to provide aid and members of No Surrender MC in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Breda in Holland have gone to Turkey to take up arms against ISIS according to two different news reports linked in the respective clubs named above.
As a female, the spread of radical Islam and the invocation of Sharia Law in many places and the brutality exhibited by ISIS, is nothing short of terrifying.

When I think that my rights as a female infidel to exist, much less speak my mind would not only be gone, but that I would be annihilated; I would be dead because of who I am and the fact that I reject radical Islam (followers of Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim AKA Muhammad).

Our governments in Canada, the US and Great Britain need to stop the spread of Sharia Law in our own countries. They need to take a stand for our rights and freedoms instead of selling our identities as countries, nations down the tubes.

They need to stand up for the rights of women of ALL religions, all political backgrounds and all nationalities, but sadly, Sharia Law is gaining toe holds in the legal and political systems of these countries.

To see men who are reviled because they wear the cut of a 1% club step up and be prepared to defend the rights of infidels around the world, even mine...makes my heart swell with hope, gratitude and respect.

I do not care what truly motivated the men of these 1% motorcycle clubs to take action and join the Kurds.  It could be ego, it could be the adrenaline rush, it could be their former military service (assuming there is any), it could be heritage and familial connections - it could be simply that they also want to stop the brutality of IS.

These men are intelligent enough to know the personal risk they take and yet, they took it.

I want to thank these men for helping the Kurds, for having the stones to risk it all.

Their motivations mean nothing - their actions mean everything.

At least that's how I see it from a female's point of view.

My grandmother, Barbara Avis McColeman used to say; "There is a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst of us."  It is an understanding that I have done my best to live by.

No matter what ill or good in life they may have perpetrated as individuals or as members of an MC, their actions as men in this situation, make them heroes to me.

I pray for a day when we can all learn to share this world, our countries, cities and towns with civility and respect. When oil, politics and religion don't divide us in harsh and tyrannical ways.

Until then, I am happy to support those who lay it on the line to support and defend the rights and freedoms of those who can't support and defend themselves.

To the men of the No Surrender MC - thank you for joining the military units of the Kurds.
Thank you for laying it on the line. You deserve the same respect our troops do.

Thank you to the Median Empire MC and their humanitarian efforts in the refugee camp called Camp Arabat. The Median Empire MC has been helping Kurdish refugees in a Syrian camp with much needed food and medical supplies.  I will send $5 from every patch I sell to help buy medical supplies.

That's how I see it - what say you?

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fort Saskatchewan AB Noise Lawsuit Update

I spoke with Mr. Richard Jones this morning regarding the lawsuit in Quebec that was referenced in his interview with Lindsay Morey of Sun Media last week. (http://www.fortsaskatchewanrecord.com/2014/10/09/city-sued-over-noise)

I asked him specifically about the lawsuit in Quebec he referenced in the interview above, with the quote below:

Begin Quote:
"Resident gave warning of lawsuit in February
In late February, the 99th Avenue resident stood in front of city council and said the noise situation in the Fort has become “grave” over the past 15 years.
Jones highlighted a precedent set in Quebec where the residents sued the government for $8 million over the same problem. END Quote

Since I could find no case in where a Quebec town had sued over motorcycle noise, which is what I thought Mr. Jones meant, I decided to contact him.

In fact, he was speaking of the ability of citizens to sue their city/region over noise issues when they fail to enforce the law.

The case he refers to transpired in Laurentides QC. The ruling in the lawsuit took place in 2004.
Here is a link to the decision in the lawsuit 2004 CanLII 45407 (QC/CS)   It is in French

From CBC: Ruling could hurt snowmobile tourism

Begin Quote: "In a decision that could cause ripples across Canada's winter tourism industry, a judge in Quebec has ruled that people living near a snowmobile trail in the Laurentians should be compensated because of noise levels.

Calling themselves the Coalition for the Protection of the Environment of the Petit Train du Nord Linear Park, about 600 residents took the province, Laurentians municipal government and snowmobile clubs to court when the trail was approved seven years ago.

They filed a class-action lawsuit, arguing the snowmobiles were a source of noise pollution that affected their health." End Quote

Begin Quote: On November 30, 2004, the day before the season opened, the Superior Court of Québec ordered the Laurentides regional county municipality to bar snowmobiles from using the P’tit Train du Nord linear park between Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré and Labelle.

This injunction is the result of a class action filed by the Coalition pour la protection de l’environnement du parc linéaire “Petit train du Nord” – the group’s representative – and two designated members, Gérard Emond and Aline Thibauld-Emond. The Coalition was also seeking damages for neighbourhood annoyances suffered by members of the group in the 1997-1998 winter season. The defendants include the Laurentides regional county municipality, the Club de motoneiges Diable et Rouge Inc., the Club de motoneige de Labelle Inc., three insurance companies and the Attorney General of Québec. End Quote

The judgement from the same report - Begin Quote: Damages
The Court awarded a $1,200 indemnity to each member living within 100 m or less of the trail between the 1997-1998 and 2003-2004 winter seasons. This first amount was to be paid by the regional county municipality. The Attorney General of Québec was then ordered to pay the same amount for the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 seasons. For their part, the snowmobile clubs were not ordered to pay any damages. End Quote
While Mr. Jones may feel the case in Quebec verifies that individuals have the right to sue government, I do believe that every case needs to move forward based on merit.

I am no lawyer, but when I look at what transpired in Quebec, and how the snowmobile trail came to be, I see no way to compare it to the case in Fort Saskatchewan, not even in regards to citizens having the right to sue a municipality. Other than noise being a bone of contention, I see no parallels here.

I am waiting for a response from the organization "One Square Inch" to see if it is true that they have offered to fund Mr. Jones lawsuit.

At the end of the day, our cities are getting noisier. The bigger our populations get, the worse it gets.

Our community, like all road user communities, has members within it's ranks that don't play well with others and those people are ruining it for everyone else. It happens within the tuner car community, the snowmobile community etc.

MOST Loud Pipes, when used respectfully, don't generally piss people off - I think we can all agree that this issue is not just about the pipes themselves but the person in charge of them and their use - the person controlling that right hand....

I truly believe that this whole issue would go away if we could just learn to share our communities better.

What say you?

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Riding Clubs & Associations - the DOWN SIDE to being identifiable

So you want to be in a riding club or motorcycle association....

Do you know the risks of being in an identifiable group like motorcycle riding club?


Does your riding club or association have insurance?
Can you afford a lawyer?  Will your insurance provide one?
Do you have a Defence Fund? Are you prepared for an increase in your insurance, assuming you have some.

We have well and truly become Americanized; where everyone sues everyone in order to force their point of view.

The Fort Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association has been named in a lawsuit along with the city of Fort Saskatchewan, a number of city officials, Justice Minister Jonathan Denis and the RCMP according to and article in the Fort Saskatchewan Record.

The courts will take two weeks to decide if this case will move ahead, however, whether it moves forward or not, there is a certain amount of damage already done to the FSMA over this and that is that their association's insurance premiums will most likely be increased and that will cause the group untold financial discomfort and could put their Toy Run and Cancer Run at jeopardy. In fact, this could reverberate down to every non profit and their insurance.

The dispute stems from the noise of motorcycles, and according to news articles, the man at the centre of the dispute, Richard Charles Jones who is 70 years of age, says he has been battling for 15 years over the noise generated by the FSMA's Toy Run. He's been a resident of Fort Saskatchewan Alberta for 17 years according to the referenced article. The FSMA has been around since the 1970's.

He claims: "“I’m a reasonably patient man but 15 years has just put me over the top, especially with that Toy Run parade, which is nothing but a hoax,” Jones said, adding he believes the Fort Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association misrepresents themselves and is a “clandestine” organization.

“This is a hoax for a bunch of bikers to get together and make a lot of noise. That’s all it’s ever been and it will never be anything else,” the plaintiff remarked." End Quote

I have attempted to find out which Quebec community won an 8 million dollar lawsuit that Mr. Jones references in his interview. I will be working very hard to find that come Monday as of the time of wiring I have had no success finding that information.

There is a partial solution to the motorcycle noise problem, one that would eliminate probably 70% or better of the noise issues and complaints and that is for motorcycle dealers to quit selling aftermarket pipes that are meant for off road use only and putting them on for highway use motorcycles.

If it were illegal to sell them and install them and dealers were fined - we'd resolve a lot of the issue.

Yes, there would still be the guys who would modify their exhaust on their own, but with the lack of knowledge most people have of computer controlled fuel systems etc., they would be fewer and farther between. Once their motorcycle started running like crap they'd be repairing their exhaust.

Another part of the solution, is for riders who are respectful, who don't want to be targeted or sued all the time to out those who are not considerate or respectful. That could be done a number of ways.  I'll leave it to your imagination as to how you could help keep the disrespectful in your community in line a little more.

Another thing that could be done is a signage program asking visitors and local riders to respect one's community by throttling down in residential, hospital, seniors home and school zones.  Reminders NEVER HURT.

Or we could all turn to electric motorcycles.
Then no one could bitch about us or our noise, because we wouldn't make much noise.

The bad assed image, the role playing so many who get on a motorcycle partake in; that's our problem!

The man in this lawsuit, Richard Jones, has had an offer of financial support for his court costs from the group One Square Inch of Silence, a Seattle noise-free advocate group for Washington’s Olympic National Park according to the article referenced above.  I will be making phone calls to find out if that is in fact true.

Alberta has become the centre of the fight against motorcycle noise pollution in Canada.
The eyes of noise pollution activists are going to be on this suit as it has been reported throughout the media all across North America.

This man, Richard Jones, has set a dangerous precedent and whether he is successful or not, others who follow will learn and change tactics and the try it again - have no doubt about that.

A non-profit motorcycle association, one that has been around since the 70's is facing a legal battle they cannot afford to fight and why? Because they are identifiable; visible.

The Fort Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association needs help. If for no other reason than the ensuing rise in their insurance premiums, but be aware, they won't be alone. Every riding club and  association's risk factor for being sued just went up and that will reflect in increased premiums most likely.

I want to make one thing abundantly clear to everyone who reads this - this issue of noise is NOT going to go away.

So folks, all of you who are in a social riding club, do you have insurance?
Are you prepared to fight a legal battle if need be?
Do you have a Legal Fund?

If not, you'd best get your affairs in order, because this IS going to become the norm.

I have been PREACHING for years that we needed to self police things, that we needed a riders rights organization, but as usual deaf ears heard none of those dire warnings.

Now everyone who rides with a motorcycle riding club, association etc. could find themselves being sued, even if they aren't the offenders. You are identifiable because you wear a patch, you are at risk while the person with no patch and rides in an obnoxious fashion is not so easily identified.

Well done complacent riders of motorcycles - well done. Its time to pull your heads out of the sand and quit thinking it won't affect you or that it doesn't affect you because it does.  It affects our events, our lifestyle and our freedoms.

Now we all get to pay the price for the inconsiderate few.

M.O.D.E.L. (Motorcyclists Opposed to Discriminatory Exhaust Legislation) has not gotten the support from riders it needs to get rid of the discrimination aspect of the Edmonton Motorcycle Only Noise Bylaw.

Now this situation in Fort Saskatchewan - I guess it is truly time to look at electric motorcycles and how they will allow us to stay riding and on the right side of our neighbours because yeah - we aren't smart enough collectively to do the right thing - PIPE DOWN IN URBAN AREAS and to out those who are destroying it for the rest of us.

This is going to be one expensive lawsuit to fight, and as a non profit they, the FSMA, do NOT have the funds to protect themselves not for the legal fees or the increase in insurance premiums they will undoubtably face.

Our newspaper and web site will be offering all of the support we can to them, but none of that is going to mean anything if people don't reach into their wallets.

Perhaps, just perhaps this lawsuit will be the impetus to a uniting of voices and people to form a Riders Rights Organization. One that can help defend and protect the riding community. I keep hoping, praying....

Your comments on how ridiculous or stupid this is, are not going to change the facts.
Your bitching and whining, is not going to change the facts.
Your spouting off that "Loud Pipes Save Lives" is not going to change the fact that Loud Pipes only saved lives by driving motorcycles right into the ditch: no riders, no death.

I hope that if you are riding today you will be respectful in urban areas and please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider