Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Power of the Patch

The Power of the Patch has landed the Hells Angels a place in Canadian infamy.

Manitoba's department of Justice has deemed the Manitoba Hells Angels as a Criminal Organization.
Manitoba is the first North American jurisdiction to do so.

Club members and associates can now be tried without the prosecution having to bring forth additional proof of the accused being a member of a criminal organization speeding up trial times and making it easier for the province to confiscate property under the Criminal Property Forfeiture Act.

Manitoba is pushing Ottawa to follow suit and declare the Hells Angels as a Criminal Organization on a National level to affect federal cases.

Among their arguments for a National designation of Criminal Organization, the Manitoba Justice department cites the fact that in numerous individual trials in Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, members were found to be part of a criminal organization.

As a rider I am concerned with this ruling as it is the same sort of ruling that has brought Australia's riding community untold grief.

We have a situation where you are guilty until proven innocent and innocents are going to become embroiled situations that will become costly in numerous ways.

We have already seen the Manitoba Justice department threaten to put family members in jail for 6 months if they associate with their son/brother/uncle/grandson.

If you have committed a crime you deserve to pay the price for your crime, where I become very concerned is the mentality of todays police officers.

Too many times, right here in Canada, we see cases of police officers lying to cover themselves - like in the Robert Dziekanski tasering where Monty Robinson and three other officers are reported to have met privately to get their "stories straight" according to new charges being brought against them.

Then there is the Orion Hutchison case where Monty Robinson allegedly fled the scene with his children and had a couple of shots to steady his nerves. It is suspected that he was already impaired when he struck and killed the rider, but because he claims to have had a couple of drinks at home to calm his nerves, he got off with only an obstruction of justice charge.

We see in the news where officers have beaten people they felt were disrespectful or belligerent or have abused their authority and used excessive force, like the case in Kelowna where officer Geoff Mantler kicked a man named Buddy Tavares ,who was kneeling, in the face.

So what do you think?

Do you think we here in Canada will be immune to the heavy handed tactics the justice system and police of Australia are using to stomp out Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs?

Do you think our police officers will stop group rides and hassle innocents like they have in Australia?

Are you prepared to live in a country where you have to phone the police station before you go out on a ride?

Unlike Australia, we have no national riders rights organization to fight for us, the everyday ordinary rider, and that National Organization in Australia has made some inroads in improving the treatment of the every day rider.

Do you think our Charter of Freedoms and Rights will protect you?

Are you prepared to be arrested because you were at an event where the Hells Angels or the Bandidos etc. were in attendance?  

Are you prepared to be searched?  

Are you prepared to have your life disrupted to prove your innocence?  

Are you prepared for the costs?  And I am not just talking financial.

Look at tattooists in Australia and the fact that they have to be fingerprinted to work in that country now.

Are you prepared to have your family and life turned upside down to prove your innocence?

Just Google what is happening in Australia with police and their abuse of authority, then Google the same thing in Canada and the US and tell me how well the riding community is going to fare.

Think about it and then tell me your thoughts.
I know where I stand on the subject - how about you....where do you stand?

Have a fabulous weekend and if you are lucky enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Friday, February 21, 2014

4 Canadian Riders have died

4 Canadian Riders have died in crashes in Florida in the last two days.

The first two riders were from Quebec and died when a spool of electrical wire came off of a truck and struck their motorcycle.

According to the article from the Orlando Sentinel: 
The motorcycle was southbound on State Road 415 near Sanford about 11:25 a.m. when the spool fell from the cargo area of a large northbound truck as it passed, troopers said.

Andre Grenier, 58, and Helene Bouchard, 54, of Quebec were ejected from the motorcycle, which caught fire. They died on the scene. End Quote

The newest crash took place when 2 riders from New Brunswick, on a trike struck a median attempting to enter the interstate.

According to the article from Bay News:
The driver, Gilles Michaud, and his passenger, Mona Dube, both of New Brunswick, Canada, were riding north on the frontage road on a 2009 Harley-Davidson three-wheel motorcycle when they tried to enter U.S. 19.

The motorcycle struck the raised median that separates the frontage road from U.S. 19.

Michaud and Dube were both taken to Bayfront Hospital St. Petersburg, where they were pronounced dead. End Quote

My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of these riders.

In Business & Industry News: Vietnam is planning to ban motorcycles from many urban centres in stages. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and other major centres would see the limiting of motorcycles to ease congestion and improve air quality.

The government is also looking to reduce the numbers of motorcycles a household can own.

The government wants to reduce the number of registered motorcycles in Vietnam from 37 million to 36 million in a bid to ease traffic congestion, improve air quality and reduce fatalities.

On average there are 26 traffic fatalities per day in Vietnam with the bulk of them coming from the motorcycling population.

Japanese Motorcycle Manufacturers are concerned that these restrictions will deal a heavy blow to the industry as they sell 80% of the 3 million new units that are purchased in Vietnam yearly.

Personally, I don't think I would want to challenge the traffic in Hanoi. It looks absolutely crazy.  What say you?

Have a good Friday everyone, and please, if you are lucky enough to be riding today, ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Go on Vacation & Improve Your Skills!

March, April and May are three of the hardest months in the year on a rider's psyche, especially if you are from most places in Canada.

In March, Mother Nature generally delivers some horrid snow falls and blizzards.  April starts bringing hope, but ice and mud prevent many from getting their bikes out of the garage.
May presents such a mixed bag that you can't really plan anything because of the potential for - you got it - MORE SNOW!

Going on a vacation where it is generally warm and you can ride is something a lot of riders from the northern climates do.

Have you ever considered going to California to ride the Pacific Coast Highway?

If you have, then you might want to consider taking your spring refresher course from
Superbike-Coach, Can Akkaya.

Super Bike Coach - Can Akkaya 
Can (pronounced Jon) is a former pro racer with many records and trophies under his belt.

When he retired Can worked as a test rider and a coach for track days all around Europe and found he had a passion for teaching and became the head instructor of Germany's first racing school.  In fact he has taught over 2,500 riders so far!

Can immigrated to the US in 2008 and has a book coming out soon called "Racers Story"

Superbike-CoachWhen he and his family moved to California, Can opened up his school, Superbike-Coach and developed courses for those who want to race, those who already race, stinters and regular everyday riders.

He has also put together an amazing guided tour of California that you can take.

So if you are frustrated by Mother Nature and PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) and you are considering an escape, why not check out the Superbike-Coach, take some training which starts at $89 US, take a tour and come home to Canada ready to conquer the roads with your brushed up skills.

According to the testimonials from former students, it's the best money and time you will ever spend on training.

I am not in a position to go down to California so I'll have to make do with watching the action in the 2014 Beat the PMS Blues Online Show 'n' Shine where our sponsors like Kimpex are giving away some great prizes!

Have a great Thursday everyone,
And please, ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you if you are lucky enough to be riding.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bikers Prevented from Attending Funeral

Members of the Hells Angels have a petition circulating to allow members of the club, associates and family members from out of country to attend the funeral of Cisco Elliot Valderrama.

According to the article attached to the petition - Begin Quote: "just days ago Homeland Security and the Obama Administration relaxed visa restrictions for those who have given refuge and assistance to terrorists who aided and abetted in the killing of U.S. Soldiers and innocent civilians worldwide! It is unjust, unreasonable, and a violation of human rights to intentionally bar bikers, clubs, friends, supporters of bikers, associates of bikers and family members of bikers from entering the United States." End Quote

To me, some things are sacred - funerals would be one of them and in spite of the ban on bikers entering the US, you can be guaranteed that the police will be swarming the funeral of Cisco.  
It appears to me that the Obama government and Homeland Security think that groups like the Hells Angels are worse than terrorists.   

What do you think?

Also in the US a lawmaker says that motorcycles and bicycles do not belong in Suffolk County New York.  According to Mr. Barraga, who was responding to a young man's request for a dedicated bike lane after his mother was hit by a car while riding her bicycle, signs have no impact on drivers.

Begin Quote: I have heard the suggestion of bicycle lanes and additional signage but unfortunately
this would do little to solve the problem. 

Suffolk County is a suburban automobile community drivers expect to see other drivers on the road not bicyclists and motorcyclists. Even in those areas outside of Suffolk County where a portion of the road is for bicyclists they still get hit by motorists. Signage has limited effects there are currently 135 signs between Montauk Highway and Sunrise Highway on Higbie Lane and Udall Road most of them are ignored by drivers.

Reality at time can be difficult for some to come to grips with but giving false hope would be inappropriate. END QUOTE

What do you think of this lawmakers opinions?

In Australia it took 570 cops to raid 60 properties in Victoria and arrest 18 members of the Comancheros Motorcycle Club. According to the intelligence the police received, the Comancheros were going to use explosives to destroy Hells Angels property.

Along with tasers, a large quantity of steroids, ammunition and cash fireworks were confiscated.
It is believed by the police that the fireworks were going to be used to make improvised bombs.

And there is sad news out of Orlando Florida. Two Quebecois riders were killed when a spool of electrical wire came off a truck and struck their bike which then caught fire.  The husband and wife, Andre Grenier, 58, and Helene Bouchard, 54 died on the scene.

My heart goes out to their family and loved ones.

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Have a Happy Hump Day,
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When bad things happen to good people

There is a man I know who is going through one of the most difficult of challenges that life can throw at you.

Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS, is one of the most cruel of all diseases known to man.
The motor neurone disease atrophies the muscles and over time the patient becomes incapable of movement and yet the mind stays clear and sharp.

According to the ALS Association, the majority of patients with Lou Gehrig's disease live for 3 years after diagnosis, one in 5 will live for 5 years and one in 10 will live 10 years or longer.

Financially, ALS is an expensive disease to live with as most patients end up needing a ventilator and full time care.

Professor Stephen Hawking who has lived with Lou Gehrig's for over 50 years is the most famous long term survivor of this debilitating disease.

Despite being confined to a wheel chair and only being able to lift a few of his fingers, and needing a voice synthesizer and special computer to communicate, the award winning physicist has written several books, expanded the way we view the universe and has a wife and three children.

When bad things happen to good people, there is no finer community to turn to for help than the riding community and I come to you hat in hand, not for me, but for a friend.

The man I speak of with this disease, Doug Jenson, is a good friend to many in the Edmonton Alberta region and the music industry. He is a man who has mentored and supported hundreds of budding musicians.  A man who has touched many lives.

In the 80's he and his sister Kennedy had a band called Jenson Interceptor with a top 40 hit called Tiny Thing.

Their band was very popular in the early 80's in Edmonton.
He later went on to form another band called Doug Jenson & The Feel Kings.

A long haired hippy with talent out the wazoo, Doug Jenson is a man I am proud to call friend.
Doug at the back
Doug is the long hair in the very back of this cover
Along with many others who admire & respect him, I want to do something for Doug, while he is alive, we want to celebrate his life and music.

We want to show this man the value he has and continues to bring to this world with his music.

We want to show our love and appreciation for him as a man, a friend, a mentor and a musician.

Doug is a proud man, and the best way any of us know to show him that we care is to have his music come to the forefront again, while he is alive.

At some point, if he allows us to, we'd like to hold a benefit jam session for him because he is eventually going to require full time care and that's expensive. Knowing Doug, he may squash that idea, but we are presenting it to him with the hope that he will allow us to show him how much we love and value him and his talent and that we are appreciative of him.

If we tried to do something as a surprise, he would never forgive us.

BUT, there is one thing we can do for him, that he will have no objection to...

We want to see sales of his albums on iTunes and other online stores soar again.
We want to see the plays of his videos rise, and his music climb the charts again.

We want a new generation exposed to his music.

Nothing would make Doug happier, than to hear his music being played on the radio again, to have his music be heard and loved by thousands of people again.

Request the music of Jenson Interceptor or Doug Jenson & The Feel Kings, in the Edmonton area you can contact:

K-97 -
The Bear -

On the World Wide Web:
Biker Radio -

Or go to iTunes: and purchase a song for 99 cents or share some of their old music from YouTube with your friends.

I myself have been given a lot of support from the riding community for my defense fund and have promised that I would pay that support forward into the community 10 fold.

This is one of those times, I want to pay forward the support and love I have been shown to a man who so richly deserves it. A man I am proud and honoured to call friend.

So, please, take 3 or 4 minutes out of your busy day and listen to one of the tunes this man was part of the creation of, if you have a looney to spare, buy a song off of one of his albums.

You will benefit from great memories and music and you will have made a man's day.

When bad things happen to good people the motorcycle community is one of the best communities I know of for helping.  I am counting on your support because Doug Jenson is one of the finest people I have ever known and he has given so much to so many.

So, turn up the volume and listen to one of my favourite tunes by Doug Jenson and the Feel Kings;

And SHARE like CRAZY - PLEASE!!!!!!

Have a fabulous day, enjoying some great music knowing you are making a great man's day.

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider