Friday, March 28, 2014

A Gag Order on ME & YOU, The Riding Community

Two days ago I received, along with the other 6 defendants in the Lawsuit launched by Sturgis North, Ray Sasseville & Joan Hansen, a letter from their attorney that in effect offers to drop the entire lawsuit against 6 of the defendants if they agree to waive costs. If they agree the only caveat is that they are not discuss the settlement.

I then got a special letter directed at me only, with an offer to settle that is much different from that of the other defendants.  The notice starts on the bottom of one page and spills over the another hence why it is here in two images:

If I understand their notice, they are saying that if I shut up and never utter another word about this group of people and the event, if I remove every instance of mention of the above group and event off of my website and out of my newspaper and blog, then they will drop their lawsuit.

BUT, if I publish ANYTHING about the event or the people - directly or indirectly, they want me to agree to pay them $250,000.  

So what that means is that we would not be allowed to print letters to the editor or link to any news articles about the event or people noted in the suit. 

This is effectively A Gag Order on ME & YOU, The Riding Community 

As the Editor of a newspaper how in the H E Double Hockey Sticks do they think I would agree to that?

If I fail to agree to their demands they are going to apply to the courts for a cease and desist order that will gag me AND YOU from speaking of them or the event until we go to court as I will not be allowed to publish letters to the editor that people send in if it refers to the above mentioned parties!
Now the other defendants in this suit would, in my humble opinion, be crazy not to take the offer given to them. After all why should they throw good money after bad?  There is no gag order on them other than not to discuss the settlement and although I am no lawyer, I really see no reason why they shouldn't accept. And they have.

Here is a screen shot of page one of the letter to me - because of the way the text flows on the page I am having to do this in 2 screen shots.

They claim that I wanted to be a part of a social network they were attempting to launch called Bitchin Bike. They claim that I turned on them before the 2012 event, and that I turned on them because they would not buy a ride map in our community phone book.

In January of 2012 at a meeting with Ray, Joan and a couple of others, held after the Vancouver Motorcycle Show we discussed ideas for improving and promoting Sturgis North.  I offered them a Ride Map in my phone book and showed them how they could cover the costs - it is the same proposal I deliver to many a tourism consortia.

Ray wanted me to bring my Rider Friendly business partners into his Bitchin Bike Social network to give them more exposure.  I was willing to look at it but at the time Ali and I were only a few weeks away from status walls and other tools being available on our own web site.  The deal Ray had offered at an earlier meeting in Calgary ended up being far different at the second meeting and I expressed that since people couldn't seem to remember what they said, I'd bring a tape recorder to the next meeting.

I received a Sturgis North Leather Jacket and an Alive Drive for Bitchin Bike at that Vancouver meeting, with Ray welcoming me to their team.  I told Ray that I needed to do my due diligence before I agreed to become part of anything.

I went home, looked at the Bitchin Bike Network and emailed Joan and told her I had no desire to be a part of it. That I would sponsor the event but I did not want my logo on the Bitchin Bike Network that came with my sponsorship package.

I was later told in an email that because they owed their printer money the best way for them to recover good faith with him was to allow him to sell ads in and print their new ride guide - fair enough. I already had enough partners for a regional ride map, so if they didn't want to be involved no problem. As a sales person, I face rejection and acceptance everyday - it's nothing new.

I have all of the emails that detail the discussions and they are on their way to my lawyer.

I also produced the Sturgis North Newsletter for them in the newspaper in 2012 - so I am unsure how my "barrage of lies and half truths started when they were unable to provide me with a social media partnership and the requested $8,500" in 2012 - BEFORE the event.

I have posted links here to the four posts about my attendance at the 2012 event, the first one talks about the police presence and how it destroyed the Great Canadian Bike Rally and was even more oppressive at Sturgis North 2012.

July 20th - 2012

The second article deals with my impressions of the events...

July 23rd - 2012

The third article involved my impressions of the 2012 event in Vernon and even in it I give the organizers the benefit of the doubt. I disseminated the event and identified everything that I saw as a challenge that would need to be addressed before a 2013 event could be contemplated.

July 25th - 2012

The fourth post deals with the stats from the RCMP and my discussions with 2 officers

August 2nd - 2012

It is not until August 17th 2012  after speaking with the BC Liquor Board that I started delving into the conduct of Ray Sasseville and why the Liquor Board and RCMP had placed such hard sanctions against the riding community.

Then on November 9th - 2012, I wrote about some of the things I was learning about event organizer Ray Sasseville:

I will be fighting Ray, Joan and Sturgis North in court as the only defendant.

I REFUSE to be gagged by these people. I refuse to allow them to attempt to gag the riding community either  - $250,000 if I print anything one of you says - get real...

Watch for a major fundraising auction on Facebook that will start very soon, because this IS going to be expensive and I intend to have the money to see it through and have my day in court.

I didn't pick this fight, but like John says - I intend to win it.

If you are blessed enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's a girl to do?

I received an email from a disgruntled reader today who said he unsubscribed from my blog because of the politics and unpleasant nature of the news that I am reporting on.

Here is what the gent had to say: I have, as of last evening, unsubscribed from your blog. I cannot honestly say that I disagree with your comments and feelings however at times it would be pleasant to read other than negative rants about the law, society in general etc. I know our system is far from perfect however having said that we do not have to look very far to see others far worse off than ourselves. The world although very unfair and at times unpleasant requires that control is in place to maintain a level of civility that we can reside in. The folks who are apparently behind your legal issues are a very good example just think where we would be if that kind of attitude was accepted and encouraged by which I mean their original actions not the recent lawsuits etc. I ride because I love to as do both my sons and as of two years ago my wife who has been a passenger for 40 yrs. I wish you the best of luck with your legal issues and as well say thank you for the watchful eye. End of note

I know a lot of what I write about is unpleasant for people, but it is the reality of what we are facing, and I feel our community needs to stay informed about the things that are going on.

Now is the time of year noise bylaws and other unpleasant things are being planned for our community by the bureaucrats.  I want to see people be pro-active instead of reactive.

Noise bylaws, helmet laws, insurance issues, road and infrastructure issues, discrimination issues, motorcycle rallies with bad track records - these things affect travel plans, daily riding routes and the choices you make as a rider.

Would I like to be writing motorcycle reviews? YES
Would I like to be writing gear reviews? YES
Would I like to be writing about a motorcycle event or a charity ride I attended - damned straight - but the politics and rhetoric happen at this time of year - not generally during riding season.

During Riding season, I often end up reporting on the people who have gone down in crashes, and let me tell you that isn't a great job to do either, but often times it is an important one - especially the calls to support a downed rider.

Do you want to know what's going on in the world of motorcycling beyond your back yard?
Do you want to know what laws/bylaws the governments are trying to enact?
When situations arise that could affect you like high insurance, do you want to know about it?
Do you want to know the places to avoid riding, where there are conflicts like in Australia, that see innocent people loosing their businesses and being harangued every time they ride?

I don't know about you but I took Australia off my bucket list for the foreseeable future and I know others have too. Who wants a vacation marred by being constantly stopped or harassed?

If we don't talk about the unpleasant crap and find constructive ways of dealing with it - we'll have nothing pleasant to share in the Busted Knuckle Chronicles...

For those of you who want the more pleasant side of the news - I encourage you to read the Busted Knuckle Chronicles. Our weekly, national motorcycle community newspaper is filled with event news, great travel features and product reviews, jokes and more - every week you can read tons of wonderful heartwarming articles and salivate over the events that are coming up...that's where I get to write my travel stories and do articles that celebrate this community.

This BLOG is predominantly meant to bring to light the articles that are in the mainstream news that could affect your day and or life as a rider.

So....What's a girl to do?  

Well, like always - I am going to turn to you guys....
What do you want from this blog and this writer?

Do you want the news, the good, the bad and the ugly or do you want me to blow sunshine up your arse and only give you the fluffy, warm hearted stories?

I do offer both - if my blog doesn't appeal perhaps the newspaper will?

What say you - what do you want to see me write about?

In other news:

In Australia - a lawyer is very concerned that accountants and lawyers who provide services to bikes will be the next group targeted by the Newman government.

Under Lifestyles is an article on Steve McQueen celebrating what would have been the actors 84th birthday.

Under Manufacturer news there are some great reviews on the new Motto Guzzi California 1400the Hyosung GV650 Aquila and the BMW S1000 R.

Visit where work job is keeping YOU informed.

If you are blessed enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone is blind and cannot see you!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Monday, March 24, 2014

Troubling things...

The troubling things in the news today are laws and bylaws that seem to be unfair to the many because of the few.

Designed to crackdown on the "Bikies', the new licensing fees and requirements for tattoo parlours is seen as labelling of an industry instead of an individual.

The new law requires shop owner to:
Pay a licensing fee of $1150
Each employee to pay a licensing fee of $35
Every person associated to the shop must undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks.

According to the article in the Bayside Bulletin:
Body Shaker Body Art has a blanket ban on tattooing or employing members of bikie gangs, but Trinity said innocent workers were being punished.

"I've got a clean slate, but I've been told that I'm guilty until proven innocent by a licence that has nothing to do with our capabilities of tattooing or running a business," she said.

"We don't feel it's our problem and we don't feel like we should be involved. We shouldn't be labelled the same as the rest of them." End Quote

Am I alone in thinking that these fees are just a way for the government to fund their war on the bikies?

Another troubling thing is the commentary over the motorcycle only noise bylaws in Saskatchewan.
Double standards and unfair tarring of an entire community because of the few...

According to Christina Cherneskey, news director at 620-CKRM in Regina, she feels that motorcyclists should move out to acreages and that mayors across the country should adopt tougher policies on noise. 

According to the article, she quotes a CAV member - Neil Nemeth: “You’re hearing sirens, you’re hearing fireworks, you’re hearing all kinds of other noises going on. What makes motorcycles more offensive?” asked Neil Nemeth of the unit.

“It’s a city,” Nemeth added. “You’re going to have noise. If you want complete silence, move to an acreage.”

At the end of her article she states the following:
While lower sound levels might be good for residents in general, some motorcycle enthusiasts are less than pleased.

Motorcyclists don’t like the law, and have moved a motorcycle charity run out of Edmonton and into towns without such noise bylaws.

All municipal councils owe it to their constituents to ensure their neighbourhoods are peaceful and quiet. As Regina’s council works to entice more people downtown, it needs tighter restrictions on retrofitted motorbikes.

And Saskatoon needs to continue its work.

Canadian mayors must then agree on a unified resolution to create a nationwide standard.

The abrupt revving of these vehicles simply demonstrates a lack of respect for those nearby who have no interest in hearing that racket.

Perhaps it’s the motorcyclists themselves who should move to the acreages. End Quote

This woman clearly does not see the double standard and sadly not many others seem to either.
I think that most people would rather see our community be targeted as the only noise offenders who are tested than be the ones in their cars and trucks being tested and inconvenienced.

NOISE IS NOISE - why are only bikes being tested and WHY did the MMIC feel the need to make this community a target in such a way - the road to hell I guess, really is paved with good intentions.

I'd love to hear your feedback on these two topics.

Do you feel that Australia is going about the war on bikes right by forcing compliance to finger printing, criminal background checks & extreme licensing fees on Tattoo Parlours?  

Do you think that noise testing and fines should be the same across the board for every offender or should motorcyclists pay more than others and be tested where others aren't?

That's it for me today, if you are blessed enough to be riding, please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider