Friday, April 18, 2014

Why I Resent International Female Ride Day

As a female rider who lives in Northern Alberta, I resent that International Female Ride Day happens the first week of May every year.
Why you ask?  Well let this picture tell the story for you...this is April 18th and we are forecasted to get snow for another 4-5 days...

Or how about this one?

I don't know Vicky Gray beyond her professional profile and that she owns the website Motoress and is the founder of the International Female Ride Day.

My real beef with International Female Ride Day and why I will be supporting the Canadian Women's Ride Day started by the gals at West Coast Roar, instead: This will be the 8th International Female Ride day and by the looks of our weather forecast, it will be the 7th one I cannot participate in. There was one year I was able to get out for about a half an hour, ALONE, but it was so cold, that even with heated gear on, it wasn't much fun.

Not to mention the fact that here in the North, riding is made extra treacherous by the gravel and sand that won't be swept from the streets for another month and a half.

Why any woman who wanted to promote an INTERNATIONAL day for ladies to ride would hold her event in the first week of May, when that woman comes from Canada, is beyond me.

I guess we northern gals are supposed to just sit on the sidelines and cheer on those who are in areas where the climate allows them to ride, but I have to tell you that it SUX - LARGE!

I am sure Ms. Gray had the best of intentions with her ride day, and it's nice to see it was moved from a weekday to Saturday so more women could ride, but as a female rider I am boycotting the International Female Ride Day because it doesn't allow for the celebration of the sisterhood by Northern women who ride.

For all you gals who do support the date of the International Female Ride Day - enjoy your day but please, think for one moment about we ladies who would love to ride that day and probably won't be able to again this year unless Mother Nature decides to do an about face.

The gals at West Coast Roar in Mill Bay BC, started their Canadian Women's Ride day for the very reason I resent the International Female Ride Day - because most of the time, there are too many Canadian women who can't ride and celebrate the sisterhood. And that's what a female ride day is supposed to be about, celebrating the sisterhood.

For me, and most of my sisters in Canada we will be celebrating our own unique sisterhood day - the Canadian Women's Ride Day, Sunday July 20th, 2014

If you are a Canadian woman who rides and wants to host your own Canadian Women's Ride Day anywhere in Canada - contact Joley or Greer at West Coast Roar to get all the information you need to set one up!  It's ALL about the sisterhood!

I will be riding with a bunch of ladies in the Sicamous BC region on that day I, as a Northern rider, I will finally get to share the sisterhood of a special day that does not leave us Northerners out of the action by being held the first week in May.

Sorry Ms. Gray, but as a female rider, I cannot support your event a long as it is held during a time of year that excludes so many fine women riders.

That's what's on my mind today - what's on yours?

Have a great Easter weekend everyone and remember to tell those who are close to you that you love and appreciate them!

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Monday, April 14, 2014

Does being socially conscious really mean muffling your pipes?

Does being socially conscious really mean muffling your pipes?

Well, apparently not!

Watch this video from Jekill and Hyde an exhaust manufacturer from the Netherlands that seems to have hit on a product that can make your motorcycle more socially acceptable.

Some on my Facebook Page where I shared this, this morning, have asked the question how does it affect the tuning, I have no answer to that question, however, I can tell you that according to the company's LinkedIn page, it took them 14 years to develop the product!

Many riders will tell you that noise can be controlled by the way you use your throttle alone, and that statement is true enough to a degree, but what about those nasty Motorcycle Only Noise Check Stops where they rev your bike up?  Are you going to pass?

Well, with pipes like these one could pass, easily.

It seems like a solution that could offer the rider the best of both worlds, the sound of a throaty pipe and quiet when leaving your driveway at 6 am, or putting through the neighbourhood on the way home late at night.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on socially acceptable pipes!

Have a great Monday everyone!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider