Friday, July 18, 2014

Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs & OMG's, attempting to get at the truth

I wrote an article on my time with the Iron Order MC in Edmonton recently and a lot of the people who decided to make some pointed remarks about the veracity of this Outlaw Motorcycle Club quoted articles written by the Aging Rebel in their argument that the Iron Order is a cop club and a bunch of posers who buy their patches.

The Iron Order MC has been on the receiving end of much wrath on the Aging Rebel blog.
The Internet is filled with information and mis-information and sometimes deciphering what is fact can be challenging. Often times there is just enough truth in something that is written as to make it appear credible.

Up until now I have largely ignored the Aging Rebel as the topics he generally covers are of no interest to we Canadians, or should I say this Canadian.  However, that has changed now that the Iron Order MC is here in Canada.

Around the time I wrote about my time with the Iron Order MC's Snow City Crew, there was a shooting that took place in Florida and a man died.

The two clubs involved are the Black Pistons MC and the Iron Order MC.
Reportedly a prospect of the Iron Order MC shot and killed a full patched member of the Black Pistons MC during a bloody fight.

There have been articles written by the Aging Rebel that make claims that this situation was somehow a murder.  According to various articles elsewhere, there have been contradictory statements and eye witness accounts offered up as "evidence" and the police in Jacksonville Florida released the "facts" that they are able to.

Watch the News Video here:

Because of one of his recent articles Feds Talk About The Iron Order,  where in the Aging Rebel claims that the Iron Order are now labelled an OMG by the ATF, I made a number of calls to the ATF and finally got through to a representative at the Public Affairs Office to have the referenced report verified.

The gentleman I spoke to spent several days looking into this report and the veracity of the information on the Aging Rebel Blog with regards to this report.

Here is what this spokesperson told me:
The report that the Aging Rebel refers to and quotes from is a 40 page unclassified report.

The spokesperson is not sure how the Aging Rebel came to be in possession of an emailed report that is meant for law enforcement personnel only. It is not meant for public consumption.

The spokesperson also told me that the snippet that appeared on the Aging Rebel Blog was taken out of context in terms of the greater report and that the writer of the report made a small mistake in how the 2 groups were designated in his description of an altercation between an OMG and the OMC.

He also expressed that the ATF does not designate who is an OMG and who is not, they simply deal with the violence that erupts as a result of the presence of any gang be they motorcycle related or street.

He verified with other agencies that the Iron Order MC is NOT deemed to be an OMG.

If you want to verify what I am writing here, you can do exactly as I did, call the Office of Public Affairs for the ATF  at (202) 648-8500.

Here is the quote from the Aging Rebel Blog:

Begin Quote: 

“In southern and central Maryland, the Iron Horsemen MC is furious that the Iron Order continues to don a three-piece patch. In the past 2 months, there have been several bloody confrontations between the two. On February 28, 2014, both were involved in a melee at a strip club in Baltimore. Iron Horsemen members were equipped with bats, knives, MagLite flashlights and hammers. Even though nobody was killed, both OMGs suffered major injuries. One week later, as three Iron Order members were idling at a red light in Prince George’s County, they were viciously attacked by several car loads of suspected Iron Horsemen members. Two of the three Iron Order members were severely beaten with bats, ax handles and crow bars. The assailants were not wearing colors or indicia that depicted they were Iron Horsemen members, supporters or associates.

“The Iron Order is one of the fastest growing motorcycle clubs in the United States. Members wear a traditional three-piece patch with a State bottom rocker. The fact that they wear the State bottom rocker has infuriated the HAMC, Outlaws, Iron Horsemen, Pagans and Bandidos. More importantly, many of their members are police and corrections officers, active-duty military and/or government employees and contractors.

“Over the past 4 years, the Iron Order has had several violent confrontations with each of the aforementioned OMGs. Per the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), in 2013, an Iron Order member was run off the road by a Bandidos member. In Clarksville, Kentucky, the Iron Order and Outlaws have been involved in several violent altercations. On May 14, 2011, HAMC South Carolina Nomads member William Sosebee stabbed an Iron Order member outside a bar in South Carolina. Despite the violence, they continue to move into territory controlled by one of the Dominant Seven.” End Quote

So why am I so interested in what is going on between clubs in Florida and the rest of the USA?

How could their "shit' down there possibly have anything to do with us in Canada?

  • Well, we have 5 chapters of the Iron Order MC in Canada, there are 8 or 9 chapters of the Outlaws MC in Canada.

  • Top that off with the announcement that the Outlaws have set up shop in Saskatoon where there is a chapter of the Hell's Angels.

  • Add in the tensions between the IO and the Black Pistons MC (a "puppet" or support club of the Outlaws MC AKA the AOA) after the shooting in Florida and the fact that there is an IO chapter in Edmonton.

There is a potential for rivalries and issues to flair.
We are after all discussing men and their territorial mind sets, these kinds of rivalries go all the way back in time to Cane and Abel....

I am not saying there will be trouble, but I am saying that we all need to be educated as to the politics and goings on in our community.


Well, these are after all Motorcycle Clubs and some of them may attend events that you attend.
If tensions get high, it could become unpleasant and potentially lethal, just look at what happened in Hollister a few weekends ago.

The MC world affects those of us who do not ride in that world in that they are the ones who generally get the headlines, aide in the creation of the visions others have of the rest of us who ride alone or with the various MRC's etc., and when they come to events, sometimes they bring the Gang Squads with them. When that happens we are all subject to being photographed and having our plates photographed by law enforcement.

Knowledge is power. 

It is far easier to stay out of any potentially bad situation when you know the players and the playing field. Being situationally and rivalry aware can help keep you out of harms way.

I am going to attempt to write a series of articles on the MC world and hopefully we will discuss the conflict between the Iron Order MC and the Black Pistons MC - the Outlaw MC (AOA)

I have interviewed a couple of members of the upper echelon of the Iron Order MC and have requested interviews with members of the upper echelons of the Florida chapters of the Outlaws MC.
I have not heard back yet from the Outlaws MC, but so far, 10 days later, no one has responded to me to discuss their position.

It is my hope that by creating some dialogue, that there can be an education of sorts in this community as to who is who and what is what.

If you want people to know about your club, who you are and what you represent - I want to hear from you:
bdbetty @ (remove the spaces).

The series of articles that I want to put forth is not meant to "push" or "condone" any one point of view but to educate those who want to be, on what the points of view, philosophies and values are of these clubs from their perspective.

How they resonate with you is up to you. What you take away from the articles is up to you.

My goal is to truly be a messenger of many, and educator so to speak, so that you can come away with a balanced and impartial perspective on the various factions, and decide on who you want to associate with or not.

Look for the first article soon...

In other news, Sturgis North AKA Sturgis Canada has, before they even got my counter offer to settle, offered me a second resolution - they would like to buy $1,000 worth of advertising and give me 30 - 4 day passes to their event to sell.  I have rejected that offer and my attorney has sent of my counter offer.  We shall see if there is a resolution there soon or not, in the meantime, I still have a $3,000 lawyer's bill I have to pay so we are holding an auction of SOA art which started yesterday with "Bobby" and will continue for another 8 days until all 9 Pieces are gone!

The Defense Fund Auction for Sons of Anarchy art  by Mark Mullen is on over at:

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The last season of Son's of Anarchy and a great Art Auction

As many of you know this upcoming season of Sons of Anarchy will be the last.
And, as many of you know, I am in a lawsuit and need to raise the funds to fight the "charges" against me.  For those of you who don't know what the lawsuit is about, please visit my Defense Fund Page.

The reason that the final season of SOA ties into me being sued, is that a talented young man named Mark Mullen has donated an entire set of his pastels of the original cast of the Sons of Anarchy to my defense fund.

Mark met Charlie Hunnam through a family friend who was working on the set of "Pacific Rim" and when Charlie saw the renderings of Young Jax, Mature Jax and Clay he wanted to support Mark in his bid to go to college and help pay his way.  Charlie challenged young Mark to create the entire original cast and he did.  Good to his word, Charlie took them to the set and 8 out of 9 of these amazing pieces were autographed. William Lucking had already left the show and so was not available to autograph the piece of "Piney".

These prints are all accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and photos of Charlie Hunnam and Mark together.

I helped facilitate the auction of the originals and Mark decided to donate set number 25 of 25 to my legal defense.

Once season 7 of SOA is over, these actors will never again autograph anything as their character.

Besides this set, there are 2 or 3 other sets left to sell.  Once they are gone, they are gone!

The auction starts on Thursday July 17th with one piece featured every day.

I need to raise the funds to pay a lawyer to defend me.
Right now, my goal is to raise $10K, 3 of that is needed ASAP to pay for this latest lawyer's bill.
The other $7 is to cover the appearance of my lawyer before the courts in Surrey. 

Because of this lawsuit and my crash, my business has suffered. I am just getting caught up on three months of invoicing, marketing materials that have to go out and getting ready to finally mail our phone books out. It's been draining, time consuming and frustrating.

As another way of growing the business and services we offer:

I am offering 25% commission to all riders and or riding clubs who bring new businesses to the Rider Friendly Business Association.

If you are interested in making some money for your club or yourself, give me a call. I need sales people and reporters in every province!

If you are interested in promoting your community, your businesses, your events - get in touch!  bdbetty @
Fix the spaces!

Have a great day everyone, and please ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

UPDATED - Saskatchewan's R.A.G.E. President REAR ENDED

Rhonda was lodged under the car, miraculously
she suffered minor injuries and is already home and resting
Photo: Neil Hein, VP R.A.G.E.
The woman who has been working tirelessly as the president of the Riders Against Government Exploitation had a guardian angel on her shoulder last night as she experienced one of the most horrifying things every rider faces - being rear ended.

From eyewitness accounts, Rhonda Cwynar and a friend were riding when this incident took place, not stationary!

Rhonda was impacted by the drivers side bumper, pushed almost up to her riding companion's position and then the SUV climbed over the bike. Rhonda was trapped underneath the SUV, still on her bike.
Allegedly the driver of the SUV was IMPAIRED AND TEXTING at the time.

Allegedly she never looked up and never hit the brakes.

Rhonda is lucky to be alive and as unscathed as she is.

Rhonda is one of many volunteers working hard to keep Saskatchewan's riders as safe as is possible and protecting their pocket books at the same time. R.A.G.E. is all about holding government accountable and "lobbying" for equitable treatment of riders.

Photo shared from Facebook

Their government insurance, SGI, needs to address bad drivers and the fines, demerits and penalties.

It is something the entire R.A.G.E. team and their strategist Don Fuller have been working hard at.

Rhonda Cwynar, she is a wonderful woman who is deeply passionate about working for fair treatment of the riding community.

There will be some sliver linings that come out of this crash - I always look to find the silver lining...
(You have to otherwise you'd go nuts.)

Because this crash happened to a person who sits on the Motorcycle Review Board at the SGI round tables, Rhonda is going to be able to chronicle everything that happens as you move throughout the system and call them on stuff that you or the rider down the road would never get to.

She is going to be able to lobby to change the bad driver laws in an even more powerful way than before. (Saskatchewan's fines for chronic bad drivers are a joke). Nothing like first hand experience to give you that"edge".

She is going to be able to lobby to really change the texting and driving laws and driver awareness and education.

Photo shared on Facebook

I am deeply thankful that this single mom is able to continue being a mom...
I am deeply thankful that this woman is still alive to be able to do this work.
She truly had a guardian angel on her shoulder.

And, if the riders from Saskatchewan get behind R.A.G.E and start lobbying for change in their own communities, start really lifting their voices together, you in Sasktechewan are the best hope for the rest of the country - to see massive change in DRIVER education and awareness happen.

In other news, Liane Langlois of M.O.D.E.L reports that the Edmonton Noise Bylaw is being challenged.  Join the Edmonton Motorcycle Club Facebook page to find out more on what to do if you have a ticket.

Please visit the M.O.D.E.L. blog for information on the bylaw and how to contact M.O.D.E.L.

Have a great day everyone,  I'll update you more on Rhonda's condition and the information on her crash as more info becomes available.

The 40-year-old woman allegedly driving the SUV, Tanja Hinks, is being charged with impaired driving causing bodily harm and driving while exceeding 0.08.

Update from Rhonda herself: I have a broken ankle, broken collar bone and tissue trauma but I am in one piece thanks to wearing good gear in part and a guardian angel who had other plans for me.

I want to thank all my well wishers, it means so much to see the support and comments. You have no idea how much.

I'll keep you up to date through our VP Neil Hein and Belt Drive Betty.  Thanks again folks, I am one grateful woman today, sore but grateful.

PLEASE ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you, and please consider wearing good gear.

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why Outlaw MC's and 1% clubs appear to have such a hatred for certain MC's

The motorcycle community is over 115 years old and with that age comes tradition, history and protocols that far too many in this community have ZERO idea or knowledge about.

The motorcycle is a wonderful conveyance that takes us to see fabulous sights, lets us revel in Mother Nature, both the good and the bad, and allows us to meet people we would otherwise never get to know.  Riding a motorcycle erases so many barriers to conversation, almost everyone who rides tends to feel some sort of connection to another person on a motorcycle.

UNLESS you wear a 3 piece patch and then watch the mixed reaction you get.

You'll see everything from fear to abject admiration and respect along with hostility and resentment.

I am not talking about the reactions of non riders here, but of those right in our own community.  

In a previous article that I did on Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, I covered much of the history of the Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and how they came to be. Predominantly a man's world, the three piece patch world is one of extremes.  Loyalty and hatred often run equally as deep in this world.

I want to talk about some of the reasons there is so much tension between the 3 piece patch clubs, especially in the US. (As our community here in Canada grows, and more people want to bring an established club from the US to Canada, you will start to see some of those tensions grow here.)

Three piece patches, more than any of the other patches in our community make it very easy to identify who is who, but only when proper protocols are addressed in putting the proper identifiers on your cut.

Sadly there are those who are truly muddying up the waters and making it tough on everyone and those clubs that do that are troublemakers, pure and simple either that or they are ignorant of the MC world and are about to get an education.

The 1% faction of the Outlaw Club world in particular has a problem with other clubs that do not identify who they really are.
  • If you are a 3 piece patch Motorcycle Ministry, then you are to put MM for Motorcycle Ministry on your cut.
  • If you are a Veteran's 3 piece patch club, the you should have VMC as your designation.
  • If you are a Law Enforcement club, then you should have LE MC as your designation. 
  • If you are a first responders 3 piece patch club then your designations should be PS MC (Public Service).  Often times fire and ambulance use the symbols of their profession and by doing so identify themselves accurately.
  • If you are just a group of guys who does not accept law enforcement in your club then your designation should be MC and you should be approaching the local dominant club about your cut and your bylaws , etc., so they know you are not there to be in their business.
And then there is no man's land — the clubs that allow both civilian and law enforcement - there is no official designation for those clubs, so they wear the MC and get called out as cop clubs among other things.

These clubs are the ones that are in purgatory.
They are open clubs in that they do not care what you do to earn your living, what bike you ride as far as brand goes, they care about your character.

These clubs party too hard to fit into the AMA world.

They are outlaw clubs with a hang around and prospecting phase, but because they allow Law Enforcement officers, retired and active, they don't fit into the CoC world either.

The two most hated types of MC's in the Outlaw world are those of Law Enforcement MC's who do not fly the LE designation on their cut and those Outlaw Clubs who allow Law Enforcement officers as part of their club.

The Law Enforcement Clubs who do not fly the LE designation on their cut are, in my mind, troublemakers and should not be trusted by anyone be you in an MC or just Jane Q rider.  

These men are looking for, or to cause trouble. Why else would they not run the LE on their cut?
It could be about infiltration of another club, getting intell for work or it could just be that they are bullies who like to fight.

In every case that I researched they all proudly declare on their web sites or Facebook pages that they are law enforcement clubs so they aren't doing a good job for intel or infiltrating other clubs, but they don't fly that designation in their colours. To me these guys are looking for fights and often times these law enforcement clubs do end up in big melee's.

They bring discredit to their badges and unneeded and unwanted grief in the Outlaw MC and consequently the riding world.

Those LE Clubs that refuse to put the LE designation on their cut, often times are the clubs that everyone has most reason to fear, as they will provoke fights with the other clubs, they seem to be rogues and revel in that.  These types of LE MC's leave a bad taste in the non MC rider's mouth too because they further that stereotypical fear/resentment of all things cops that is steamrolling through our society these days.

Here's a few articles to help you understand the grief they cause:

Police Biker Clubs Draw Scrutiny in Wake of Bar Brawl

Police Biker Clubs. Are They Hurting The Credibility Of Law Enforcement?

Lines Blur between cops and bikers across the country

Law Enforcement biker gangs: Damaging Officers Credibility?

They are being purposely evasive about stating who they are and what their intentions are when they are on their bikes and that causes fights - we are after all talking about men, their pride, their sense of territory and mostly their sense of honour.

In the 3 piece patch world, when you clearly identify that you are a Motorcycle Ministry, a Veteran's MC, an LE MC, the other MC clubs generally ignore you because they know and understand you aren't in their stuff, their business, or out to do harm in their territory.  Especially if you have the good sense to introduce yourself and your cut to the other clubs that are around if there are any in your area.

There is very seldom any kind of real animosity.  It's more an air of indifference. Live and let live.

BUT, when you purposely leave that LE off of your colours, your are perceived as being dishonest and devious and that goes against everything that the MC's stand for.  

In the Motorcycle Club world it is important to stand up for what you believe in and to be who you say you are and when you don't shoot straight in the way you represent yourself via your colours you have already proven yourself to be dishonourable, untrustworthy.

No one says you don't have the right to wear the cut of an Outlaw, but wearing the right designations on your cut is as important as the right designations on your uniform at work.  If you are a cop and you are only a corporal, try wearing the stripes of a sergeant and you will get your ass called out and fired most likely. Same shit here - say who you are, be forthcoming and honest or get the shit kicked out of you for being a liar, a poser.

RESPECT is something these particular LE MC's have no idea or clue about and I bet they are the officers on the job the rest of their fellow officers have questions about too.

In my opinion, the LE MC's that do not identify themselves as such on their cut are the biggest bunch of asses in the world. They put everyone around them at risk and don't give a shit, they are the epitome of what is wrong with our society.

For those like the Iron Order who accept all walks of life and for whom there is no real designation in our community, they too often get lumped into the "Cops" + "Posers" category and they tend to be the kinds of clubs who refuse to "ask permission" of the local dominants for their patches to be approved.

These clubs tend to end up in a lot of altercations having to defend their right to be who and what they are.

They are in no man's land, and the ride they take will be filled with land mines, and only the bravest will navigate them and still be standing, having fully earned their place in the MC world.  If there was a designation specifically for clubs that were outlaw but all inclusive with respect to brand and job, we could possibly save further angst and discord in the MC world.

Perhaps the No Man's land clubs should consider starting to use a designation like OC - Open Club or AI - All inclusive club or EO - Equal Opportunity then every other Outlaw Club in the world would know that these people are no threat, not in their business.

But then maybe it would also take away the "fun" of fist fights and bar brawls....and you would not have the great war stories to share if the other Outlaw MC's left you alone...

The bottom line is that...No one in the MC world gives a shit about and your club you unless you are misrepresenting yourself or your intentions. No on in the MC world care's about you unless you are in their business.

So if you want to stay out of harms way, then stay out of their claim bars, away from their clubhouses and parties and don't play tough guy by trying to start shit or it will end badly.
If you are looking for a fight, if you are trying to prove you are tough and bad assed, then have at it - the chaff will rise to the top to be blown off by the wind.

In one day of research I came up with over 90 LE MC's and 49 of them properly represent who they are while 42 of them do not fly the LE designation on their cut.

I came up with 4 no man's land clubs that aren't territorial, aren't in anyone's business and yet they are lumped in with the cop clubs who don't fly proper designation because they allow law enforcement members.  (They allow politicians and lawyers too but no one seems to take offence to these professions as far as membership - only cops)

One of the 4 non man's land clubs has no MC or LE designation and let's women in - so they shouldn't be flying an Outlaw Cut - period. (Iron Plainsmen)
Remember these are supposed to be MEN'S Clubs.

I haven't had a ton of time to research how many no man's land clubs there are, but if there are many, then setting up a designation for their cut would solve a lot of issues.  I truly don't think these clubs are purposefully trying to misrepresent themselves, but there is no designation as an identifier that they could use and so they are deemed untrustworthy and as trouble makers by the 1% and Outlaw MC's.

Here is a list of LE Clubs and how they designate themselves... the first 49 clubs seldom ever have any issues with the other Outlaw MC's, the second group, 43 of them are the ones you will most often hear of in altercations and brawls.  The other 4 have mixed reactions and are also often involved in altercations.

LE MC's Who wear the right Indicia to reflect who they are:

Armaduras LEMC LE Present
Americas Guardians PS MC PS - Publice Service Designation
Archangels MC One Piece Patch  - No LE Present
Blue Bloods LEMC LE Present
Blue Breed MC LE Present
Blue Iron LEMC LE Present
Blue Knights LE Present
Blue line Brotherhood LE Present
Blue Steel MC LE Present
Blue Thunder LEMC LE Present
Brotherhood of Valour MC One Piece Patch with 911 In Centre - No LE

Brothers of Justice                                              

Bullets MC

Copperheads MC
LE Present - Updated December 2016

Le Present Now - Updated May 2016
Defenders MC LE Present
Empire of Freedom LE/MC Puerto Rico Inc. LE Present
Enforcers MC LE Present
Exiled Saints LEMC LE Present
Expendable Souls MC PS  - Public Service Designation
Expendables MC LE Present
Forsaken Few LEMC LE Present
Forsaken Guns LEMC LE Present
Guardian Nomad LEMC-H Town Boys Chapter LE Present
Gunners LE MC LE Present
Iron Angels LEMC LE Present
Iron Circle LEMC LE Present
Iron Law LEMC LE Present
Iron Saints LEMC LE Present
Iron Shields LEMC LE Present
Knights Paladin LEMC LE Present
Knights of Valor MC No LE Present but a Blue Line they believe shows they are LE
Law Dogs LEMC LE Present
Lawful Sons LEMC LE Present
Legacy Knights MC LE Present
Loyal Warriors LEMC LE Present
Protectors LEMC LE Present
Public Guardians LEMC LE Present
Reguladores RED RIVER LA LE Present
Retribution LEMC LE Present
Rolling Badges LEMC LE Present
Sanctioned Few LEMC LE Present
Shields Of Honor LE/MC Old South Chapter LE Present
Sons of St.Michael LEMC LE Present
Souls of Justice LEMC LE Present
Southern Justice LEMC LE Present
Thin Blue Line LEMC LE Present
Tier Rats LEMC LE Present
Warriors of Justice LEMC LE Present
Watchmen MC LE Present
Wheelmen LEMC LE Present

                      Clubs that are misleading in their Indicia

Alpha Doggs LEMC NO LE In Indicia
American Kights MC NO LE In Indicia
American Lawmen MC NO LE In Indicia
Arresting Souls MC NO LE In Indicia
Blue Maniacs MC NO LE In Indicia
Blue Reapers MC NO LE In Indicia
Brothers of Justice MC NO LE In Indicia
Choir Boys LEMC NO LE In Indicia
City Heat MC NO LE In Indicia

Extorris MC LE/MC Inside a Diamond
Gunfighters MC NO LE In Indicia
Hard Headed LE MC No Cut photos to be found
Hired Guns MC NO LE In Indicia
Huntsmen LEMC No MC in Indicia
Iron Brotherhood NO LE In Indicia
Iron Guns MC Oakland NO LE In Indicia
Iron Spartans MC NO LE In Indicia
Justified MC NO LE In Indicia
Knights Cavalry M.C.  NO LE In Indicia
Lawmen Motorcycle Association NO LE In Indicia
Lex Talionis MC NO LE In Indicia
Loyal Few LEMC NO LE In Indicia
Nam Knights MC Merrimack Valley MA NO LE In Indicia
Punishers LEMC NO LE In Indicia
Redeemers LEMC NO LE or MC in Indicia
Renegade Pigs MC NO LE In Indicia
Roughnecks Motorcycle Club (RMC) NO LE In Indicia
Sacred Sons MC NO LE In Indicia
Sentinels Motorcycle Club NO LE In Indicia
Smokin Guns MC NO LE In Indicia
Sons of Armageddon MC NO LE In Indicia
Specialists MC NO LE In Indicia

Sworn Few LE No MC in Indicia
The Untouchables MC NO LE In Indicia
TrenchMen MC  NO LE In Indicia
Tribunal MC NO LE In Indicia
Usual Suspects MC NO LE In Indicia
Wild Pigs MC NO LE In Indicia

                                           No Man's Land Clubs

Shamrocks MC Started out LE but now is just MC Accepts police members
Necessary Evil MC Accepts Law Enforcement
Iron Order MC Accepts Law Enforcement
Iron Plainsman Accepts Women - No MC or LE Designation on Three Piece Patch accepts law enforcement, vets

Strength & Honor MC                                 Started out as LE but now accepts vets etc and public service employees        

For the rest of us, this has been a community service message that hopefully helps you keep your ass out of the middle of something that has nothing to do with you!

Have a great day,

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider