Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Spreading a little Christmas Cheer

Remembrance Day is over and we are full swing into the Christmas Season.

There are parties and events to attend and all sorts of hubbub, unless you are one of the 600 Canadian Soldiers posted in Iraq.

This year we sold enough of the Bikers United in Remembrance Patches that we are sending 4 boxes of goodies to our boys and girls overseas.

Each box serves 12 soldiers and can be no bigger than a 24 box.

The idea behind the items in the box, is to send TREATS - things they can't get in the commissary.

I load the boxes up with:
Licorice, All Sorts, Gummy Bears, Candy Canes, Smarties, Truffles, Hot chocolate, Cream Coffee (In Tubes) Beef Jerky, Hand Sanitizer, Baby Wipes, Gum, not paper, pens, Christmas cards to give their combat buddies...

Well you get the idea.

The better part of $300 is what I spent on the four boxes.

Canada Posts ships these boxes at no charge to the person sending them.

If you'd like to send a package too here's what you do:

You email Joan McMurray, the founder of the Chosen Soldier Program at:
joan_mcmurray @   FIX THE SPACES!

Joan will give you guidance on the kinds of items and the information on who to ship your packages to!

So thank you to all who bought a Bikers United in Remembrance Patch from me - because you are part of the reason I am sending 4 packages this year instead of the normal 1!

Thanks for caring and helping to make a difference!

By the way - if you are looking for the perfect gift for that biker in your life, consider the BigBlue Lift!  $25 from every lift sold goes to paying off my lawyers bill and you get FREE SHIPPING ANYWHERE IN CANADA when you tell Donald that I sent you his way!

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider