Thursday, March 31, 2016

5 artists, 4 Ural Motorcycles and Adventure

What do you get when you take 5 people in the 30 year old age range (29-32), all artists sharing a similar dream and vision?

You get an adventure that involves four, 650CC Ural motorcycles with sidecars from the 80's, a trek across some of the most challenging terrain in the world, all in the name of learning the truth about culture, language, hospitality, differences.

These young people all wanted to learn what it was really like in places like Kazakhstan  Mongolia, Eastern Russia, Georgia and more...they wanted unfiltered truth seen through their eyes, their perceptions not that of some media person.

These people are artists. They are not from a motorcycling background.

They became riders, mechanics and through their free spirited souls they became expanded beings who view problems and challenges in a different way than they did when they first left the safety and security of their studios.

Their journey so far has put them in situations where they had to go without food, chase a floating motorcycle down a river, express their needs to people they couldn't communicate with in any normal fashion, experience the foods and cultures first hand away from the tourism industry.

Their ingenuity, their resolve is enlightening, inspiring and uplifting.

Their journey is far from over. Two years, 25,000 KM's on very old Ural Motorcycles (1980's) with sidecars, is behind them, but the third and final phase is ahead of them...

Right now they are in Vancouver BC and getting ready for the most challenging and difficult portion of their journey.

These young people are planning to put pontoons on all of their motorcycles and float down the Kolyma river to reach Chersky.  Below is their prototype in action.

Crazy? Brilliant?  Would you do it?

These young people are looking for sponsorship and support.  They were late 20's when they started this thing, think about that.  They come from a generation with an entitlement attitude and yet, here they are, challenging themselves, learning, growing and through their writings, photography, video and sculptures, they have the opportunity to teach many about respect, self reliance, community, creativity, ingenuity - resilience and LIVING.

For information on sponsorship/partnering opportunities you can contact Efy directly at – or by telephone at  1 +49) 172 5726976  or visit the SUPPORT section of their website.

Please, if you can in any way help these young artists see this life altering journey through, I encourage you to reach out to them. Individual gift, business support - they could surely use it all.
At the very least, please follow their progress via their website and their Facebook page.

Have a blessed day and get out there and LIVE your passion, your dream...LIVE IT.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

When does Humour go too far?

Lately we have begun seeing a commercial from the Canadian Real Estate Association that depicts a bunch of "motorcycle club" members from the Satan's Undertakers who ride up to a house just purchased by a couple who didn't use a Realtor.

Here is the commercial:

While funny on the face of things, this commercial perpetuates the stereo type that "Bikers" are bad neighbours. 

Now the vests these guys are wearing all have a 1% diamond on them, and you and I who ride, know the difference between a 1% club, a traditional outlaw MC and a riding club  - RIGHT?

But does Joe Q Citizen know the difference? To be honest, I doubt it...most riders don't know the difference anymore.

And there in lies the problem. How many people who are already intimidated by motorcyclists thanks to the main stream media, the 1% clubs and the police services and the way the 1% clubs are portrayed and spoken about - how many are going to watch this and have their fears further entrenched?.

To me, commercials like these are ill advised. Though they may be funny on the surface, the underlying message is not so funny and it hurts all who ride as it perpetuates the outdated image of our community.

Commercials like this add to the social barriers and the stigma that can accompany riding a motorcycle.

I was doubly surprised by this commercial because of the fact that the Realtors host their own charity rides. Lots of Realtors ride.  Here is the link to but one of them: Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation Motorcycle Ride for Charity

So I reached out to the association, and had an email conversation if you can call it that, with a man named Pierre Leduc.

Here is my email to him:
Dear Pierre Leduc,

I am writing about your unfortunate parody commercial that shows a Bike Gang - see attached video.
For an organization that has a charity fundraising ride involving Realtors who ride, I am quite surprised that you would choose to use the Biking Community as an example of bad neighbours.  While on the face of it, it is funny, it is commercials like this that stereotype our community and enforce the social barriers we currently face.

Can you please tell me why you did this? Why would you hurt our community in this way?

Here is is answer to me:

Ms. Charbonneau,

Thank you for reaching out.

This particular advertisement fits in with an ongoing series of commercials, using humour to highlight some of the potential pitfalls of not using a REALTOR® when buying a property. Over the past few years, we’ve had new owners woken up in the middle of the night by a SWAT team, another couple having to stay in a seedy hotel due to closing date mix-up, while another couple discovered they had purchased a haunted house when a bus tour stops out front as they’re moving in.

Our ads have been recognized by the advertising industry, and have won a number of awards.

You may be surprised to discover that many REALTORS® and CREA staffers are also riders. For example, we use our website and blog to promote the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation Motorcycle Ride for Charity.

I am pleased that you do see the humour in the ad. Rest assured that we are not using the biking community as an example of bad neighbours. We were sure that by having the gang wear ‘colours’ with the gang name ‘Satan’s Undertakers’ that it was clear (at least to us) that this wasn’t your run-of-the-mill neighbor who likes to ride a Harley, but rather some organized criminal enterprise.

I hope you find this explanation addresses your concerns.

Warm regards,
Pierre Leduc

Pierre Leduc
Media Relations / Relations auprés des mé
The Canadian Real Estate Association / L'Association canadienne de l'immeuble
200 Catherine Street, 6th Floor / 200, rue Catherine, 6e étage    Ottawa, ON K2P 2K9
Tel/Tél: +1 (613) 237-7111    Fax/Téléc: +1 (613) 234-2567

I asked for further dialogue and was shut down completely.

I am disappointed with the interaction with the Canadian Real Estate Association.
I do not think that they truly understand how damaging to the riding community commercials like this can be. I think the commercial is short sighted and derogatory.

Is the commercial funny? Yeah, on some levels, is it the smartest or funniest commercial in their series? No.  Is this commercial ill advised? I think so.

And that's how I see it - what say you?

In other News, Two Hills Alberta and Moncton New Brunswick will be duking it out for the title of Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community, 2015 - final voting begins at 11:59:59 MST on April 1. is the place to cast your vote.

Have a blessed day and if you are fortunate enough to be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider