Monday, April 10, 2017

Edmonton's Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Community does amazing things!


There is an internet group called the Edmonton Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Community and this loosely connected group of men and women go above and beyond to help out in their community.

They have been working with and helping the Veterans UN-NATO club with fundraising efforts to support the Kipnes Centre for Veterans.

For those who don't know about it, here's a little background:

The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Centre for Veterans offers 120 long term care beds for male and female veterans.

They also offer  secure care for Dementia patients and a support program that helps caregivers to get some time off.  The Adult Day Support Program offers caregivers the opportunity to take a day off while their loved one spends time exercising, meals, snacks, social and recreational activities, and assistance with prescribed medicines.

Like all programs for veterans, the Kipnes Centre is always in need of support and it is such an amazing place filled with employees that care, deeply.

A packed house at Blackjack's Roadhouse, Nisku AB

Over the last two years they Edmonton Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Community and the Edmonton Chapter of UN Nato have shot a ladies calendar, in year one it raised just over $6,000 and this year the presentation that was made during the fashion show was for just over $9,000!

Harley-Davidson of  Edmonton booth
It is a wondrous thing when people come together to do something for others.  There is a satisfaction level that can't be obtained any other way but through giving.

The Edmonton Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Community on Facebook and the Veterans UN-NATO group are but two great examples of those who love to give back, pay it forward, and just generally helping out their communities at large.

The Fashion show was a resounding success.  As always, Blackjack's Roadhouse in Nisku was the venue for this terrific and momentous occasion.

Our area hasn't had a fashion show in ages and certainly not one where 5 dealers got together to provide clothing and models along with door prizes and booths!

Scona Cycle, Echo Cycle, Harley-Davidson of Edmonton, Heritage Harley-Davidson and Cycle Works all had booths and clothing in the fashion show and Honda Extreme Powerhouse and Riverside Motorsports took part as just donors for the silent auction.

The entirety of Blackjacks was shut down for this special occasion and it was packed to the rafters!

Silent Auction Table

Fort McMurray was the emcee for the evening and as usual he did a fantastic job!

The models were volunteers and in the case of the ladies, some of them were the same gals who posed for the calendars.

Heritage Harley-Davidson  Booth
Your $25 entry fee got you a glass of champagne, some hors d'oeuvres, music and the fashion show - all in all a great deal that supported a worthy cause.

If you missed this event, you missed a great time and personally I think you need to put this on your calendar for next year as the rumours are already swirling that this might become an annual event... as soon as we hear from Ray and the gang that this is for fact true, we will let you know!

And as soon as we find out the total from the event that will be going to Kipnes Centre for Veterans we will let you know that as well.

If you are blessed enough to be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Emcee, Fort McMurray

PS - the final round of voting in Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community contest begins on the 13th - who will win the title from the 2016 riding season?

Cape Breton or Port Alberni - your votes will decide!

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

UPDATE APRIL 11/17: The E.H.D.M.C. Executive would like to send a big thanks to everyone that supported our Motorcycle Fashion Show that was held on Saturday night at Blackjacks. We raised just under $8000.00 from this event in support of the Veterans. I am sure that the Kipnes Centre for Veterans will greatly appreciate the support. So with these additional funds the E.H.D.M.C. has raised $17,000.00 this year to support our Vets.
