Monday, February 05, 2018

A New Service Trying to Disrupt Motorcycle Rentals

I read recently about a service that is called Twisted Road.
Their idea is to disrupt the motorcycle rental business by having people like you and I be willing to rent our motorcycles out to others.

I decided I had to check them out and spent some time reading all of their rental FAQ's.

I am unsure of how you would feel about renting out your motorcycle to someone you don't know.
There are lots of people that I know that ride, very few that I will throw my keys to, and I am sure you are probably equally as protective.

There are a lot of things on and not on their website that concern me.

If you read their FAQ's, they constantly say "we intend to".

Begin Quote" If someone rents out my bike and drops it, will I be paid for the damages
Yes. Twisted Road intends to cover the damages up to the value of the motorcycle, or $15,000, whichever is lower. For example, if your bike’s value is $4,500, and the bike is totaled, we intend to pay you for the value of the bike, or $4,500." End Quote

Those words, intend to, mean that I would be out. Promises that are vague like this do not instil any confidence in me.

Let's look at some of the other challenges that this concept has from the owner's side:

#1 - Many people don't treat their own bikes with the care and concern I treat mine with. Do you really want someone with a different riding style from yours riding your motorcycle? That's an emotional decision only you can make, but remember, unlike a rental bike that never gets used to one rider (by that I mean the wearing patterns on the drive train that are caused by how you get on the throttle etc.) your motorcycle probably is conditioned to your riding style and an alternate riding style can affect the way your bike runs long term.

#2 - Yes you are gaining some money, but does the rental money you would gain actually cover the real costs of riding like wear and tear on tires, brakes etc. They have no limit on mileage and don't mention a mileage fee that I can see anywhere.

#3 - Breakdowns, what happens when a stator goes, or some other part while it's being rented? Who pays for the repairs and what guarantee about quality of parts is there?

#4 - Services. So your bike is rented for two weeks and buddy puts on 5K, is he responsible for the oil change, brakes if they need replacing etc?

#5 - You make 70% of the rental fee and don't get paid for a week AFTER the rider is done. I don't like that, do you?

#6 - I know when I rented a bike in Ireland, my insurance did not cover me on the rental bike when I crashed, so I'd have a real concern with this company relying so heavily on rider's individual insurance.

#7 - I doubt that if YOUR insurance company found out you were making money by renting out your bike, that your insurance wouldn't be cancelled. I will almost guarantee that it will be cancelled or you will be forced to get commercial insurance. No where on their website do they suggest that you talk to your insurance company before you join.

#8 - What if I decide to cancel the rental because I don't like the rider?
Will I be sued? That's not addressed on their site.

# 9 - What if they crash and sue me for providing a bike that is not up to par?
That's not addressed on their site.

# 10 - They allow you to take someone's motorcycle out of country (US - Canada) - REALLY? Have they checked with the border?  I doubt that would fly...

Let's look at some of the challenges from the renter's point of view:

#1 - How well maintained is the bike I am going to rent? Am I going to get stuck renting something that needs neck bearings or other repairs? Am I on the hook?

#2 - If the owner can cancel up to 24 hours before hand, who protects me and my vacation?

I am not a fan of this idea. There are just too many issues that can arise.

I like the idea of renting from companies like EagleRider Calgary.
They maintain their fleet. I only have to deal with their company, they can protect my vacation because if something happened to their ride, they have resources that Twisted Road would not have.

EagleRider Rentals are available world wide and I don't have to worry about insurance issues.

Those are my thoughts, what say you?

Have a fantastic day,
Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

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