Monday, January 28, 2019

Heritage & Tourism Mobile App Going Province Wide


There’s a buzz going on about the History Check Heritage & Tourism Mobile App.  We recently caught wind that this northern Alberta app is set to expand Alberta wide in the summer of 2019.

We caught up with Sheila Willis, the concept person behind the app to confirm.  Its been a busy year for her.  In addition to adding a 1000 sites and sourcing marketing partnerships, she
has been recognized for her work on this project. 

Sheila was one three recipients of the 2018 Outstanding Achievement Awards for Heritage Awareness by Alberta Historic Resources Foundation, and recently nominated for an Alberta Women’s Entrepreneur (AWE) award.

Here’s what we asked her.

Q - First, what is History Check and why is it different?
A - History Check covers a lot of ground - literally.  It is a map-based app that covers the entire northern half of Alberta.  It will include everything a traveller might need, or want, using site listings or Points of Interest.  The sites are placed by community, and a guide is created for each as we add content.

Q - When you say guide, can you define that more?
A - All site listings are assigned to a community or region in one of 5 categories.  When the user opens a community menu, they can choose one, or all, of these categories. 

The graphic icons for the sites are displayed and the user can see anything from boat launches, campgrounds, to gas stations and grocery stores – and of course learn more about the history.   It’s unlimited.

Q - So once the sites are on History Check how does the app user find them?
A - There are multiple options.  Communities can be found through the Home Map, which is an overall view, or Near Me which recognizes your location and sites around you.   We also have search functions that rely on keywords to connect the user to what they are searching for.

Q - Are the rumours true that you are going province wide with the history Check app?
A - They are.  The data entry for community locations has already begun and we have started the process of contacting municipalities and local governance for their participation, which includes financial contribution and content information for municipal run attractions and services.

Q - How will you market to the end user?
A- In addition to our own social media feeds, there is a lot of cross marketing going on.  The download link is already on a variety of websites, Kalyna Country has added it to their attractions map, and it’s also on Mackenzie County’s Historical signage.  We will start distributing hard copy marketing materials this summer and putting out overpass banners and hay bale wrappers.

Q - If industry operators would like to be listed how do they go about that?
A - We have an online form currently at or they can email me to ask questions or send in their information.

Q - What kind of information do you need?
A - A good written description of products and services, up to 3 images, and the GPS coordinates.  We like to take the consumer right to the gates or the door.  Also any links they’d like to include such as social media pages, or articles that have been written about them.  Online listings in regional DMO’s or ATIS are also welcome.  They all drive the user forward for more information and interaction.

Q - So how do people get a hold of you?
A - They can call or text 780-805-1390 or shoot me an email at  I’m on the road a lot so email is best.

Q - Any other comments?
A – I’d like to thank the groups and municipalities that have come on board.  The project is orientated around everyone working together and we appreciate those who got involved early on in the game.