Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Look Back at 2018 with Bully Enns in Cynthia AB Season 6 Episode 11 Segment 3

Season 6 Episode 11 Segment 3
Bullying Enns and Ubaka
Cynthia AB

Rick Billay of Cyn City Saloon and Mitch Lambert, the owner of Cynthia RV Park and Campground and also owner of the Cyn City Saloon we a part of the kids day by Bullying Enns.

Rick says his favorite part of the day is seeing the kids faces as they are riding on the back of a motorcycle.

Mitch says his favorite part is seeing everyone happy, smiling and having a good time.  He also states the event is incredibly well organized.

Cyn City Saloon has always been involved in programs for child advocacy.  When he became friends with Vinnie Wilcox of Ubaka and Steve Enns of Bullying Enns, he though we have a Saloon and a campground.  What better way to lend a hand and raise some money and awareness.  Sponsors are so very important to events like this.

Niveya & Callie were first time riders on a motorcycle that day.  Niveya says it felt great and Callie says it was amazing.  Watch out mamas!!

Mr. Mitchell of the Blue Knights Motorcycle Club said it was a privilege and an honor to take these young ladies on their first ride.

He says it is a great even and wonderful opportunities for the children is so glad he got to enjoy it with them.

Les Trepanier is a volunteer for Bullying Enns.  Les says his greatest satisfaction is when he sees a childs that has been bullied, and the look and smile on their face when they get off the back of a bike.  We all have a soft spot for the little ones.  It's about giving insight to these kids and letting them know that they have friends and support.

Everyone comes together for these events.

If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty

Editor & Rider

Monday, June 24, 2019

A Look Back at 2018 with Bully Enns in Cynthia AB Season 6 Episode 11 Segment 2

Season 6 Episode 11 Segment 2
Bullying Enns & Ubaka
Cynthia AB

Mark Smith, an MLA for Drayton Valley - Devon, was the dunk tank champion for the day.

Mark says, as an MLA, he is fortunate to be able to get involved in amazing events like this and help support raising funds and awareness for good causes.

Mark was a teacher for over 30 years and understands how important it is for our children to feel safe, appreciated, and loved just the way they are.  That's what this event was showing and building community.  Mark says as an MLA, it's all about building trust and community.

Murray Galavan of the Drayton Valley, Brazeau County Fire Department and the Red Knights Motorcycle club was asked by another rider if he could bring out the fire truck for the kids.  He was glad to do it and was there to show the kids exactly what a fireman is all about.

Riley was a young man all dressed up in the firemen gear.  He's not sure he wants to be a fireman but was sure having a great time!

The whole day was centered around the children.  It was a learning experience for all and even life changing for some.

If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty

Editor & Rider